Пример #1
void NIFFile::parse()
    NIFStream nif (this, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(filename));

  // Check the header string
  std::string head = nif.getString(40);
  if(head.compare(0, 22, "NetImmerse File Format") != 0)
    fail("Invalid NIF header");

  // Get BCD version
  ver = nif.getInt();
  if(ver != VER_MW)
    fail("Unsupported NIF version");

  // Number of records
  size_t recNum = nif.getInt();

  /* The format for seems to be a bit different. After the
     header, it contains the number of records, r (int), just like, but following that it contains a short x, followed by x
     strings. Then again by r shorts, one for each record, giving
     which of the above strings to use to identify the record. After
     this follows two ints (zero?) and then the record data. However
     we do not support or plan to support other versions yet.

  for(size_t i = 0;i < recNum;i++)
      Record *r = NULL;

      std::string rec = nif.getString();
        fail("Record number " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i) + " out of " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(recNum) + " is blank.");

      RecordFactoryEntry const * entry = lookupRecordFactory (rec.c_str ());

      if (entry != NULL)
          r = entry->mCreate ();
          r->recType = entry->mType;
          fail("Unknown record type " + rec);

      assert(r != NULL);
      assert(r->recType != RC_MISSING);
      r->recName = rec;
      r->recIndex = i;
      records[i] = r;

      // Discard tranformations for the root node, otherwise some meshes
      // occasionally get wrong orientation. Only for NiNode-s for now, but
      // can be expanded if needed.
      // This should be rewritten when the method is cleaned up.
      if (0 == i && rec == "NiNode")
          static_cast<Nif::Node*>(r)->trafo = Nif::Transformation::getIdentity();

    size_t rootNum = nif.getUInt();

    for(size_t i = 0;i < rootNum;i++)
        intptr_t idx = nif.getInt();
        roots[i] = ((idx >= 0) ? records.at(idx) : NULL);

    // Once parsing is done, do post-processing.
    for(size_t i=0; i<recNum; i++)
Пример #2
void NIFFile::parse(Files::IStreamPtr stream)
    NIFStream nif (this, stream);

    // Check the header string
    std::string head = nif.getVersionString();
    if(head.compare(0, 22, "NetImmerse File Format") != 0)
        fail("Invalid NIF header:  " + head);

    // Get BCD version
    ver = nif.getUInt();
    if(ver != VER_MW)
        fail("Unsupported NIF version: " + printVersion(ver));
    // Number of records
    size_t recNum = nif.getInt();

    /* The format for seems to be a bit different. After the
     header, it contains the number of records, r (int), just like, but following that it contains a short x, followed by x
     strings. Then again by r shorts, one for each record, giving
     which of the above strings to use to identify the record. After
     this follows two ints (zero?) and then the record data. However
     we do not support or plan to support other versions yet.

    for(size_t i = 0;i < recNum;i++)
        Record *r = NULL;

        std::string rec = nif.getString();
            std::stringstream error;
            error << "Record number " << i << " out of " << recNum << " is blank.";

        std::map<std::string,RecordFactoryEntry>::const_iterator entry = factories.find(rec);

        if (entry != factories.end())
            r = entry->second.mCreate ();
            r->recType = entry->second.mType;
            fail("Unknown record type " + rec);

        assert(r != NULL);
        assert(r->recType != RC_MISSING);
        r->recName = rec;
        r->recIndex = i;
        records[i] = r;

    size_t rootNum = nif.getUInt();

    //Determine which records are roots
    for(size_t i = 0;i < rootNum;i++)
        int idx = nif.getInt();
        if (idx >= 0 && idx < int(records.size()))
            roots[i] = records[idx];
            roots[i] = NULL;
            warn("Null Root found");

    // Once parsing is done, do post-processing.
    for(size_t i=0; i<recNum; i++)