Пример #1
    * Load a given period into the workspace
    * @param period :: The period number to load (starting from 1) 
    * @param entry :: The opened root entry node for accessing the monitor and data nodes
    * @param local_workspace :: The workspace to place the data in
    void LoadISISNexus2::loadPeriodData(int64_t period, NXEntry & entry, DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr local_workspace)
      int64_t hist_index = 0;
      int64_t period_index(period - 1);
      //int64_t first_monitor_spectrum = 0;

      for(auto block = m_spectraBlocks.cbegin(); block != m_spectraBlocks.cend(); ++block)
        if ( block->isMonitor )
          auto it = m_monitors.find( block->first );
          assert( it != m_monitors.end() );
          NXData monitor = entry.openNXData(it->second);
          NXInt mondata = monitor.openIntData();
          m_progress->report("Loading monitor");
          mondata.load(1,static_cast<int>(period-1)); // TODO this is just wrong
          std::cerr << "monitor " << monitor.name() << std::endl;
          MantidVec& Y = local_workspace->dataY(hist_index);
          Y.assign(mondata(),mondata() + m_numberOfChannels);
          MantidVec& E = local_workspace->dataE(hist_index);
          std::transform(Y.begin(), Y.end(), E.begin(), dblSqrt);
          local_workspace->getAxis(1)->spectraNo(hist_index) = static_cast<specid_t>(it->first);

          NXFloat timeBins = monitor.openNXFloat("time_of_flight");
          local_workspace->dataX(hist_index).assign(timeBins(),timeBins() + timeBins.dim0());
        else if( m_have_detector )
          NXData nxdata = entry.openNXData("detector_1");
          NXDataSetTyped<int> data = nxdata.openIntData();
          //Start with thelist members that are lower than the required spectrum
          const int * const spec_begin = m_spec.get();
          // When reading in blocks we need to be careful that the range is exactly divisible by the blocksize
          // and if not have an extra read of the left overs
          const int64_t blocksize = 8;
          const int64_t rangesize = block->last - block->first + 1;
          const int64_t fullblocks = rangesize / blocksize;
          int64_t spectra_no = block->first;

          // For this to work correctly, we assume that the spectrum list increases monotonically
          int64_t filestart = std::lower_bound(spec_begin,m_spec_end,spectra_no) - spec_begin;
          if( fullblocks > 0 )
            for(int64_t i = 0; i < fullblocks; ++i)
              loadBlock(data, blocksize, period_index, filestart, hist_index, spectra_no, local_workspace);
              filestart += blocksize;
          int64_t finalblock = rangesize - (fullblocks * blocksize);
          if( finalblock > 0 )
            loadBlock(data, finalblock, period_index, filestart, hist_index, spectra_no,  local_workspace);

        const std::string title = entry.getString("title");
        // write the title into the log file (run object)
        local_workspace->mutableRun().addProperty("run_title", title, true);
      catch (std::runtime_error &)
        g_log.debug() << "No title was found in the input file, " << getPropertyValue("Filename") << std::endl;