Пример #1
    * Load data about the sample
    *   @param local_workspace :: The workspace to load the logs to.
    *   @param entry :: The Nexus entry
    void LoadISISNexus2::loadSampleData(DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr local_workspace, NXEntry & entry)
      /// Sample geometry
      NXInt spb = entry.openNXInt("isis_vms_compat/SPB");
      // Just load the index we need, not the whole block. The flag is the third value in
      spb.load(1, 2);
      int geom_id = spb[0];

      NXFloat rspb = entry.openNXFloat("isis_vms_compat/RSPB");
      // Just load the indices we need, not the whole block. The values start from the 4th onward
      rspb.load(3, 3);
      double thick(rspb[0]), height(rspb[1]), width(rspb[2]);

      g_log.debug() << "Sample geometry -  ID: " << geom_id << ", thickness: " << thick << ", height: " << height << ", width: " << width << "\n";
Пример #2
/**Method takes input parameters which describe  monitor loading and analyze
*them against spectra/monitor block information in the file.
* The result is the option if monitors can  be loaded together with spectra or
*mast be treated separately
* and additional information on how to treat monitor spectra.
*@param entry                :: entry to the NeXus file, opened at root folder
*@param spectrum_index       :: array of spectra indexes of the data present in
*the file
*@param ndets                :: size of the spectrum index array
*@param n_vms_compat_spectra :: number of data entries containing common time
*bins (e.g. all spectra, or all spectra and monitors or some spectra (this is
*not fully supported)
*@param monitors             :: map connecting monitor spectra ID against
*monitor group name in the file.
*@param excludeMonitors      :: input property indicating if it is requested to
*exclude monitors from the target workspace
*@param separateMonitors     :: input property indicating if it is requested to
*load monitors separately (and exclude them from target data workspace this way)
*@param OvelapMonitors       :: output property containing the list of monitors
*ID for monitors, which are also included with spectra.
*@return excludeMonitors     :: indicator if monitors should or mast be excluded
*from the main data workspace if they can not be loaded with the data
*                               (contain different number of time channels)
bool LoadISISNexus2::findSpectraDetRangeInFile(
    NXEntry &entry, boost::shared_array<int> &spectrum_index, int64_t ndets,
    int64_t n_vms_compat_spectra, std::map<int64_t, std::string> &monitors,
    bool excludeMonitors, bool separateMonitors,
    std::map<int64_t, std::string> &OvelapMonitors) {
  size_t nmons = monitors.size();

  if (nmons > 0) {
    NXInt chans = entry.openNXInt(m_monitors.begin()->second + "/data");

    m_monBlockInfo = DataBlock(chans);
    m_monBlockInfo.numberOfSpectra = nmons; // each monitor is in separate group
                                            // so number of spectra is equal to
                                            // number of groups.

    // identify monitor ID range.
    for (auto it = monitors.begin(); it != monitors.end(); it++) {
      int64_t mon_id = static_cast<int64_t>(it->first);
      if (m_monBlockInfo.spectraID_min > mon_id)
        m_monBlockInfo.spectraID_min = mon_id;
      if (m_monBlockInfo.spectraID_max < mon_id)
        m_monBlockInfo.spectraID_max = mon_id;
    if (m_monBlockInfo.spectraID_max - m_monBlockInfo.spectraID_min + 1 !=
        static_cast<int64_t>(nmons)) {
      g_log.warning() << "When trying to find the range of monitor spectra: "
                         "non-consequent monitor ID-s in the monitor block. "
                         "Unexpected situation for the loader\n";
    // at this stage we assume that the only going to load monitors
    m_loadBlockInfo = m_monBlockInfo;

  if (ndets == 0) {
    separateMonitors = false; // only monitors in the main workspace. No
                              // detectors. Will be loaded in the main workspace
    // Possible function exit point
    return separateMonitors;

  // detectors are present in the file
  NXData nxData = entry.openNXData("detector_1");
  NXInt data = nxData.openIntData();

  m_detBlockInfo = DataBlock(data);
  // We assume again that this spectrum list ID increase monotonically
  m_detBlockInfo.spectraID_min = spectrum_index[0];
  m_detBlockInfo.spectraID_max = spectrum_index[ndets - 1];
  if (m_detBlockInfo.spectraID_max - m_detBlockInfo.spectraID_min + 1 !=
      static_cast<int64_t>(m_detBlockInfo.numberOfSpectra)) {
    g_log.warning() << "When trying to find the range of monitor spectra:  "
                       "non-consequent spectra ID-s in the detectors block. "
                       "Unexpected situation for the loader\n";

  m_loadBlockInfo = m_detBlockInfo;

  // now we are analyzing what is actually going or can be loaded

  bool removeMonitors = excludeMonitors || separateMonitors;
  if (((m_detBlockInfo.numberOfPeriods != m_monBlockInfo.numberOfPeriods) ||
       (m_detBlockInfo.numberOfChannels != m_monBlockInfo.numberOfChannels)) &&
      nmons > 0) {
    // detectors and monitors have different characteristics. Can be loaded only
    // to separate workspaces.
    if (!removeMonitors) {
      g_log.warning() << " Performing separate loading as can not load spectra "
                         "and monitors in the single workspace:\n";
      g_log.warning() << " Monitors data contain :"
                      << m_monBlockInfo.numberOfChannels
                      << " time channels and: "
                      << m_monBlockInfo.numberOfPeriods << " period(s)\n";
      g_log.warning() << " Spectra  data contain :"
                      << m_detBlockInfo.numberOfChannels
                      << " time channels and: "
                      << m_detBlockInfo.numberOfPeriods << " period(s)\n";
    separateMonitors = true;
    removeMonitors = true;

  int64_t spectraID_min =
      std::min(m_monBlockInfo.spectraID_min, m_detBlockInfo.spectraID_min);
  int64_t spectraID_max =
      std::max(m_monBlockInfo.spectraID_max, m_detBlockInfo.spectraID_max);
  size_t totNumOfSpectra =
      m_monBlockInfo.numberOfSpectra + m_detBlockInfo.numberOfSpectra;
  if (!removeMonitors) {
    m_loadBlockInfo.numberOfSpectra = totNumOfSpectra;
    m_loadBlockInfo.spectraID_min = spectraID_min;
    m_loadBlockInfo.spectraID_max = spectraID_max;
  if (separateMonitors)
    m_loadBlockInfo = m_detBlockInfo;

  // verify integrity of the monitor and detector information

  if ((totNumOfSpectra == static_cast<size_t>(n_vms_compat_spectra)) &&
      (spectraID_max - spectraID_min + 1 ==
       static_cast<int64_t>(n_vms_compat_spectra))) {
    // all information written in the file is correct, there are no spurious
    // spectra and detectors & monitors form continuous block on HDD
    return separateMonitors;

  // something is wrong and we need to analyze spectra map.  Currently we can
  // identify and manage the case when all monitor's spectra are written
  // together with detectors
  // make settings for this situation
  m_detBlockInfo.numberOfSpectra -= m_monBlockInfo.numberOfSpectra;
  m_loadBlockInfo.numberOfSpectra -= m_monBlockInfo.numberOfSpectra;

  std::map<int64_t, std::string> remaining_monitors;
  if (removeMonitors) {
    for (auto it = monitors.begin(); it != monitors.end(); it++) {
      if (it->first >= m_detBlockInfo.spectraID_min &&
          it->first <= m_detBlockInfo.spectraID_max) { // monitors ID-s are
                                                       // included with spectra
                                                       // ID-s -- let's try not
                                                       // to load it twice.
      } else {

  return separateMonitors;