Пример #1
Symbol::findSymbols(QualifiedName name, SymbolVector& symbols)
    NameVector names;
    context()->separateName(name, names);

    //  NOTE: this is all very fishy. If a tuple symbol is used here
    //  that looks like this: (int,foo.bar), it will separate into:
    //  "(int,foo" and "bar)" which is clearly wrong. The parens
    //  should prevent the dot separation. Similarly, these names will
    //  separate incorrectly:
    //      int[foo.bar]
    //      [foo.bar]
    //      vector foo.bar[3]
    //  This function assumes that these symbols will live in the
    //  global namespace and therefore will be found if no tokenizing
    //  of the name occurs.
    qualifiedNameLookup(names, this, symbols);

    if (symbols.empty())
        qualifiedNameLookup(names, this, symbols);
Пример #2
Symbol::findSymbols(QualifiedName name, ConstSymbolVector& symbols) const
    NameVector names;
    context()->separateName(name, names);
    qualifiedNameLookup(names, this, symbols);

    //  See comments in above function

    if (symbols.empty())
        qualifiedNameLookup(names, this, symbols);
Пример #3
TranscriptGeneMap readTranscriptToGeneMap( std::ifstream &ifile ) {

    using std::unordered_set;
    using std::unordered_map;
    using std::vector;
    using std::tuple;
    using std::string;
    using std::get;

    using NameID = tuple<string, size_t>;

    IndexVector t2g;
    NameVector transcriptNames;
    NameVector geneNames;

    // holds the transcript name ID mapping
    vector<NameID> transcripts;
    // holds the mapping from transcript ID to gene ID
    IndexVector t2gUnordered;
    // holds the set of gene IDs
    unordered_map<string, size_t> geneNameToID;

    // To read the input and assign ids
    size_t transcriptCounter = 0;
    size_t geneCounter = 0;
    string transcript;
    string gene;

    while ( ifile >> transcript >> gene ) {
        // The transcript and it's ID
        transcripts.push_back( make_tuple(transcript, transcriptCounter) );

        auto geneIt = geneNameToID.find(gene);
        size_t geneID = 0;

        if ( geneIt == geneNameToID.end() ) {
            // If we haven't seen this gene yet, give it a new ID
            geneNameToID[gene] = geneCounter;
            geneID = geneCounter;
        } else {
            // Otherwise lookup the ID
            geneID = geneIt->second;

        // Map the transcript to the gene in terms of their IDs


    std::sort( transcripts.begin(), transcripts.end(),
               []( const NameID & a, const NameID & b) -> bool { return get<0>(a) < get<0>(b); } );

    // Resize these vectors for fast access

    for ( size_t newID = 0; newID < transcripts.size(); ++newID ) {
        // For each transcript, map it to the appropriate gene
        string oldName; size_t oldID;
        std::tie(oldName, oldID) = transcripts[newID];
        t2g[newID] = t2gUnordered[oldID];
        transcriptNames[newID] = oldName;

    return TranscriptGeneMap(transcriptNames, geneNames, t2g);
Пример #4
TranscriptGeneMap transcriptToGeneMapFromFeatures( std::vector<GenomicFeature<T>> &feats ) {
    using std::unordered_set;
    using std::unordered_map;
    using std::vector;
    using std::tuple;
    using std::string;
    using std::get;

    using NameID = tuple<string, size_t>;

    IndexVector t2g;
    NameVector transcriptNames;
    NameVector geneNames;

    // holds the mapping from transcript ID to gene ID
    IndexVector t2gUnordered;
    // holds the set of gene IDs
    unordered_map<string, size_t> geneNameToID;

    // To read the input and assign ids
    size_t transcriptCounter = 0;
    size_t geneCounter = 0;
    string transcript;
    string gene;

    std::sort( feats.begin(), feats.end(),
    []( const GenomicFeature<T> & a, const GenomicFeature<T> & b) -> bool {
        return a.sattr.transcript_id < b.sattr.transcript_id;
    } );

    std::string currentTranscript = "";
    for ( auto & feat : feats ) {

        auto &gene = feat.sattr.gene_id;
        auto &transcript = feat.sattr.transcript_id;

        if ( transcript != currentTranscript ) {
            auto geneIt = geneNameToID.find(gene);
            size_t geneID = 0;

            if ( geneIt == geneNameToID.end() ) {
                // If we haven't seen this gene yet, give it a new ID
                geneNameToID[gene] = geneCounter;
                geneID = geneCounter;
            } else {
                // Otherwise lookup the ID
                geneID = geneIt->second;


            currentTranscript = transcript;


    return TranscriptGeneMap(transcriptNames, geneNames, t2g);