bool areIdenticalElements(const Node* first, const Node* second) { // check that tag name and all attribute names and values are identical if (!first->isElementNode() || !second->isElementNode()) return false; if (!toElement(first)->tagQName().matches(toElement(second)->tagQName())) return false; NamedNodeMap* firstMap = toElement(first)->attributes(); NamedNodeMap* secondMap = toElement(second)->attributes(); unsigned firstLength = firstMap->length(); if (firstLength != secondMap->length()) return false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < firstLength; i++) { Attribute* attribute = firstMap->attributeItem(i); Attribute* secondAttribute = secondMap->getAttributeItem(attribute->name()); if (!secondAttribute || attribute->value() != secondAttribute->value()) return false; } return true; }
static String imageToMarkup(const String& url, Element* element) { StringBuilder markup; markup.append("<img src=\""); markup.append(url); markup.append("\""); // Copy over attributes. If we are dragging an image, we expect things like // the id to be copied as well. NamedNodeMap* attrs = element->attributes(); unsigned length = attrs->length(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Attribute* attr = attrs->attributeItem(i); if (attr->localName() == "src") continue; markup.append(" "); markup.append(attr->localName()); markup.append("=\""); String escapedAttr = attr->value(); escapedAttr.replace("\"", """); markup.append(escapedAttr); markup.append("\""); } markup.append("/>"); return markup.toString(); }
void NamedNodeMap::setAttributes(const NamedNodeMap& other) { // clone all attributes in the other map, but attach to our element if (!m_element) return; // If assigning the map changes the id attribute, we need to call // updateId. Attribute* oldId = getAttributeItem(m_element->idAttributeName()); Attribute* newId = other.getAttributeItem(m_element->idAttributeName()); if (oldId || newId) m_element->updateId(oldId ? oldId->value() : nullAtom, newId ? newId->value() : nullAtom); clearAttributes(); unsigned newLength = other.length(); m_attributes.resize(newLength); for (unsigned i = 0; i < newLength; i++) m_attributes[i] = other.m_attributes[i]->clone(); // FIXME: This is wasteful. The class list could be preserved on a copy, and we // wouldn't have to waste time reparsing the attribute. // The derived class, HTMLNamedNodeMap, which manages a parsed class list for the CLASS attribute, // will update its member variable when parse attribute is called. for (unsigned i = 0; i < newLength; i++) m_element->attributeChanged(m_attributes[i].get(), true); }
Node* Element::_getElementById (const DOMString& id) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _children.length(); i++) { NamedNodeMap attrs = _children.item(i)->attributes(); for (size_t h = 0; h < attrs.length(); h++) { Attr* attr = (Attr*) attrs.item(h); if (attr->_isId) { if (attr->value() == id) { return _children.item(i); } } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < _children.length(); i++) { Node* element = _children.item(i)->_getElementById(id); if (element) { return element; } } return NULL; }
JSValue jsNamedNodeMapLength(ExecState* exec, JSValue slotBase, const Identifier&) { JSNamedNodeMap* castedThis = static_cast<JSNamedNodeMap*>(asObject(slotBase)); UNUSED_PARAM(exec); NamedNodeMap* imp = static_cast<NamedNodeMap*>(castedThis->impl()); JSValue result = jsNumber(imp->length()); return result; }
void MarkupAccumulator::appendElement(StringBuilder& out, Element* element, Namespaces* namespaces) { appendOpenTag(out, element, namespaces); NamedNodeMap* attributes = element->attributes(); unsigned length = attributes->length(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) appendAttribute(out, element, *attributes->attributeItem(i), namespaces); appendCloseTag(out, element); }
void DatasetDOMStringMap::getNames(Vector<String>& names) { NamedNodeMap* attributeMap = m_element->attributes(true); if (attributeMap) { unsigned length = attributeMap->length(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) { Attribute* attribute = attributeMap->attributeItem(i); if (isValidAttributeName(attribute->localName())) names.append(convertAttributeNameToPropertyName(attribute->localName())); } } }
void HTMLEmbedElement::parametersForPlugin(Vector<String>& paramNames, Vector<String>& paramValues) { NamedNodeMap* attributes = this->attributes(true); if (!attributes) return; for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributes->length(); ++i) { Attribute* it = attributes->attributeItem(i); paramNames.append(it->localName().string()); paramValues.append(it->value().string()); } }
bool DatasetDOMStringMap::contains(const String& name) { NamedNodeMap* attributeMap = m_element->attributes(true); if (attributeMap) { unsigned length = attributeMap->length(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) { Attribute* attribute = attributeMap->attributeItem(i); if (propertyNameMatchesAttributeName(name, attribute->localName())) return true; } } return false; }
void StyledMarkupAccumulator::appendElement(StringBuilder& out, Element* element, bool addDisplayInline, RangeFullySelectsNode rangeFullySelectsNode) { const bool documentIsHTML = element->document()->isHTMLDocument(); appendOpenTag(out, element, 0); NamedNodeMap* attributes = element->attributes(); const unsigned length = attributes->length(); const bool shouldAnnotateOrForceInline = element->isHTMLElement() && (shouldAnnotate() || addDisplayInline); const bool shouldOverrideStyleAttr = shouldAnnotateOrForceInline || shouldApplyWrappingStyle(element); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Attribute* attribute = attributes->attributeItem(i); // We'll handle the style attribute separately, below. if (attribute->name() == styleAttr && shouldOverrideStyleAttr) continue; appendAttribute(out, element, *attribute, 0); } if (shouldOverrideStyleAttr) { RefPtr<EditingStyle> newInlineStyle; if (shouldApplyWrappingStyle(element)) { newInlineStyle = m_wrappingStyle->copy(); newInlineStyle->removePropertiesInElementDefaultStyle(element); newInlineStyle->removeStyleConflictingWithStyleOfNode(element); } else newInlineStyle = EditingStyle::create(); if (element->isStyledElement() && static_cast<StyledElement*>(element)->inlineStyleDecl()) newInlineStyle->overrideWithStyle(static_cast<StyledElement*>(element)->inlineStyleDecl()); if (shouldAnnotateOrForceInline) { if (shouldAnnotate()) newInlineStyle->mergeStyleFromRulesForSerialization(toHTMLElement(element)); if (addDisplayInline) newInlineStyle->forceInline(); // If the node is not fully selected by the range, then we don't want to keep styles that affect its relationship to the nodes around it // only the ones that affect it and the nodes within it. if (rangeFullySelectsNode == DoesNotFullySelectNode && newInlineStyle->style()) newInlineStyle->style()->removeProperty(CSSPropertyFloat); } if (!newInlineStyle->isEmpty()) { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, stylePrefix, (" style=\"")); out.append(stylePrefix); appendAttributeValue(out, newInlineStyle->style()->cssText(), documentIsHTML); out.append('\"'); } }
PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> InspectorCSSAgent::buildObjectForAttributeStyles(Element* element) { RefPtr<InspectorObject> styleAttributes = InspectorObject::create(); NamedNodeMap* attributes = element->attributes(); for (unsigned i = 0; attributes && i < attributes->length(); ++i) { Attribute* attribute = attributes->attributeItem(i); if (attribute->style()) { String attributeName = attribute->localName(); RefPtr<InspectorStyle> inspectorStyle = InspectorStyle::create(InspectorCSSId(), attribute->style(), 0); styleAttributes->setObject(attributeName.utf8().data(), inspectorStyle->buildObjectForStyle()); } } return styleAttributes; }
// FIXME: This function should not deal with url or serviceType! void HTMLObjectElement::parametersForPlugin(Vector<String>& paramNames, Vector<String>& paramValues, String& url, String& serviceType) { HashSet<StringImpl*, CaseFoldingHash> uniqueParamNames; String urlParameter; // Scan the PARAM children and store their name/value pairs. // Get the URL and type from the params if we don't already have them. for (Node* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (!child->hasTagName(paramTag)) continue; HTMLParamElement* p = static_cast<HTMLParamElement*>(child); String name = p->name(); if (name.isEmpty()) continue; uniqueParamNames.add(name.impl()); paramNames.append(p->name()); paramValues.append(p->value()); // FIXME: url adjustment does not belong in this function. if (url.isEmpty() && urlParameter.isEmpty() && (equalIgnoringCase(name, "src") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "movie") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "code") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "url"))) urlParameter = stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(p->value()); // FIXME: serviceType calculation does not belong in this function. if (serviceType.isEmpty() && equalIgnoringCase(name, "type")) { serviceType = p->value(); size_t pos = serviceType.find(";"); if (pos != notFound) serviceType = serviceType.left(pos); } } // When OBJECT is used for an applet via Sun's Java plugin, the CODEBASE attribute in the tag // points to the Java plugin itself (an ActiveX component) while the actual applet CODEBASE is // in a PARAM tag. See <>. This means // we have to explicitly suppress the tag's CODEBASE attribute if there is none in a PARAM, // else our Java plugin will misinterpret it. [4004531] String codebase; if (MIMETypeRegistry::isJavaAppletMIMEType(serviceType)) { codebase = "codebase"; uniqueParamNames.add(codebase.impl()); // pretend we found it in a PARAM already } // Turn the attributes of the <object> element into arrays, but don't override <param> values. NamedNodeMap* attributes = this->attributes(true); if (attributes) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributes->length(); ++i) { Attribute* it = attributes->attributeItem(i); const AtomicString& name = it->name().localName(); if (!uniqueParamNames.contains(name.impl())) { paramNames.append(name.string()); paramValues.append(it->value().string()); } } } mapDataParamToSrc(¶mNames, ¶mValues); // HTML5 says that an object resource's URL is specified by the object's data // attribute, not by a param element. However, for compatibility, allow the // resource's URL to be given by a param named "src", "movie", "code" or "url" // if we know that resource points to a plug-in. if (url.isEmpty() && !urlParameter.isEmpty()) { SubframeLoader* loader = document()->frame()->loader()->subframeLoader(); if (loader->resourceWillUsePlugin(urlParameter, serviceType, shouldPreferPlugInsForImages())) url = urlParameter; } }
// Result nodes are ordered in axis order. Node test (including merged predicates) is applied. void Step::nodesInAxis(Node* context, NodeSet& nodes) const { ASSERT(nodes.isEmpty()); switch (m_axis) { case ChildAxis: if (context->isAttributeNode()) // In XPath model, attribute nodes do not have children. return; for (Node* n = context->firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) if (nodeMatches(n, ChildAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); return; case DescendantAxis: if (context->isAttributeNode()) // In XPath model, attribute nodes do not have children. return; for (Node* n = context->firstChild(); n; n = n->traverseNextNode(context)) if (nodeMatches(n, DescendantAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); return; case ParentAxis: if (context->isAttributeNode()) { Element* n = static_cast<Attr*>(context)->ownerElement(); if (nodeMatches(n, ParentAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); } else { ContainerNode* n = context->parentNode(); if (n && nodeMatches(n, ParentAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); } return; case AncestorAxis: { Node* n = context; if (context->isAttributeNode()) { n = static_cast<Attr*>(context)->ownerElement(); if (nodeMatches(n, AncestorAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); } for (n = n->parentNode(); n; n = n->parentNode()) if (nodeMatches(n, AncestorAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); nodes.markSorted(false); return; } case FollowingSiblingAxis: if (context->nodeType() == Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE || context->nodeType() == Node::XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) return; for (Node* n = context->nextSibling(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) if (nodeMatches(n, FollowingSiblingAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); return; case PrecedingSiblingAxis: if (context->nodeType() == Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE || context->nodeType() == Node::XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE) return; for (Node* n = context->previousSibling(); n; n = n->previousSibling()) if (nodeMatches(n, PrecedingSiblingAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); nodes.markSorted(false); return; case FollowingAxis: if (context->isAttributeNode()) { Node* p = static_cast<Attr*>(context)->ownerElement(); while ((p = p->traverseNextNode())) if (nodeMatches(p, FollowingAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(p); } else { for (Node* p = context; !isRootDomNode(p); p = p->parentNode()) { for (Node* n = p->nextSibling(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) { if (nodeMatches(n, FollowingAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); for (Node* c = n->firstChild(); c; c = c->traverseNextNode(n)) if (nodeMatches(c, FollowingAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(c); } } } return; case PrecedingAxis: { if (context->isAttributeNode()) context = static_cast<Attr*>(context)->ownerElement(); Node* n = context; while (Node* parent = n->parent()) { for (n = n->traversePreviousNode(); n != parent; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) if (nodeMatches(n, PrecedingAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); n = parent; } nodes.markSorted(false); return; } case AttributeAxis: { if (context->nodeType() != Node::ELEMENT_NODE) return; // Avoid lazily creating attribute nodes for attributes that we do not need anyway. if (m_nodeTest.kind() == NodeTest::NameTest && != starAtom) { RefPtr<Node> n = static_cast<Element*>(context)->getAttributeNodeNS(m_nodeTest.namespaceURI(),; if (n && n->namespaceURI() != XMLNSNames::xmlnsNamespaceURI) { // In XPath land, namespace nodes are not accessible on the attribute axis. if (nodeMatches(n.get(), AttributeAxis, m_nodeTest)) // Still need to check merged predicates. nodes.append(n.release()); } return; } NamedNodeMap* attrs = context->attributes(); if (!attrs) return; for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrs->length(); ++i) { RefPtr<Attr> attr = attrs->attributeItem(i)->createAttrIfNeeded(static_cast<Element*>(context)); if (nodeMatches(attr.get(), AttributeAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(attr.release()); } return; } case NamespaceAxis: // XPath namespace nodes are not implemented yet. return; case SelfAxis: if (nodeMatches(context, SelfAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(context); return; case DescendantOrSelfAxis: if (nodeMatches(context, DescendantOrSelfAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(context); if (context->isAttributeNode()) // In XPath model, attribute nodes do not have children. return; for (Node* n = context->firstChild(); n; n = n->traverseNextNode(context)) if (nodeMatches(n, DescendantOrSelfAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); return; case AncestorOrSelfAxis: { if (nodeMatches(context, AncestorOrSelfAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(context); Node* n = context; if (context->isAttributeNode()) { n = static_cast<Attr*>(context)->ownerElement(); if (nodeMatches(n, AncestorOrSelfAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); } for (n = n->parentNode(); n; n = n->parentNode()) if (nodeMatches(n, AncestorOrSelfAxis, m_nodeTest)) nodes.append(n); nodes.markSorted(false); return; } } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); }
void RenderEmbeddedObject::updateWidget(bool onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins) { if (!m_replacementText.isNull() || !node()) // Check the node in case destroy() has been called. return; String url; String serviceType; Vector<String> paramNames; Vector<String> paramValues; Frame* frame = frameView()->frame(); // The calls to SubframeLoader::requestObject within this function can result in a plug-in being initialized. // This can run cause arbitrary JavaScript to run and may result in this RenderObject being detached from // the render tree and destroyed, causing a crash like <rdar://problem/6954546>. By extending our lifetime // artifically to ensure that we remain alive for the duration of plug-in initialization. RenderWidgetProtector protector(this); if (node()->hasTagName(objectTag)) { HTMLObjectElement* objectElement = static_cast<HTMLObjectElement*>(node()); objectElement->setNeedWidgetUpdate(false); if (!objectElement->isFinishedParsingChildren()) return; // Check for a child EMBED tag. HTMLEmbedElement* embed = 0; for (Node* child = objectElement->firstChild(); child; ) { if (child->hasTagName(embedTag)) { embed = static_cast<HTMLEmbedElement*>(child); break; } if (child->hasTagName(objectTag)) child = child->nextSibling(); // Don't descend into nested OBJECT tags else child = child->traverseNextNode(objectElement); // Otherwise descend (EMBEDs may be inside COMMENT tags) } // Use the attributes from the EMBED tag instead of the OBJECT tag including WIDTH and HEIGHT. HTMLElement* embedOrObject; if (embed) { embedOrObject = embed; url = embed->url(); serviceType = embed->serviceType(); } else embedOrObject = objectElement; // If there was no URL or type defined in EMBED, try the OBJECT tag. if (url.isEmpty()) url = objectElement->url(); if (serviceType.isEmpty()) serviceType = objectElement->serviceType(); HashSet<StringImpl*, CaseFoldingHash> uniqueParamNames; // Scan the PARAM children. // Get the URL and type from the params if we don't already have them. // Get the attributes from the params if there is no EMBED tag. Node* child = objectElement->firstChild(); while (child && (url.isEmpty() || serviceType.isEmpty() || !embed)) { if (child->hasTagName(paramTag)) { HTMLParamElement* p = static_cast<HTMLParamElement*>(child); String name = p->name(); if (url.isEmpty() && (equalIgnoringCase(name, "src") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "movie") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "code") || equalIgnoringCase(name, "url"))) url = p->value(); if (serviceType.isEmpty() && equalIgnoringCase(name, "type")) { serviceType = p->value(); int pos = serviceType.find(";"); if (pos != -1) serviceType = serviceType.left(pos); } if (!embed && !name.isEmpty()) { uniqueParamNames.add(name.impl()); paramNames.append(p->name()); paramValues.append(p->value()); } } child = child->nextSibling(); } // When OBJECT is used for an applet via Sun's Java plugin, the CODEBASE attribute in the tag // points to the Java plugin itself (an ActiveX component) while the actual applet CODEBASE is // in a PARAM tag. See <>. This means // we have to explicitly suppress the tag's CODEBASE attribute if there is none in a PARAM, // else our Java plugin will misinterpret it. [4004531] String codebase; if (!embed && MIMETypeRegistry::isJavaAppletMIMEType(serviceType)) { codebase = "codebase"; uniqueParamNames.add(codebase.impl()); // pretend we found it in a PARAM already } // Turn the attributes of either the EMBED tag or OBJECT tag into arrays, but don't override PARAM values. NamedNodeMap* attributes = embedOrObject->attributes(); if (attributes) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributes->length(); ++i) { Attribute* it = attributes->attributeItem(i); const AtomicString& name = it->name().localName(); if (embed || !uniqueParamNames.contains(name.impl())) { paramNames.append(name.string()); paramValues.append(it->value().string()); } } } mapDataParamToSrc(¶mNames, ¶mValues); // If we still don't have a type, try to map from a specific CLASSID to a type. if (serviceType.isEmpty()) serviceType = serviceTypeForClassId(objectElement->classId()); if (!isURLAllowed(document(), url)) return; // Find out if we support fallback content. m_hasFallbackContent = false; for (Node* child = objectElement->firstChild(); child && !m_hasFallbackContent; child = child->nextSibling()) { if ((!child->isTextNode() && !child->hasTagName(embedTag) && !child->hasTagName(paramTag)) // Discount <embed> and <param> || (child->isTextNode() && !static_cast<Text*>(child)->containsOnlyWhitespace())) m_hasFallbackContent = true; } if (onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins) { KURL completedURL; if (!url.isEmpty()) completedURL = frame->loader()->completeURL(url); if (frame->loader()->client()->objectContentType(completedURL, serviceType) == ObjectContentNetscapePlugin) return; } bool beforeLoadAllowedLoad = objectElement->dispatchBeforeLoadEvent(url); // beforeload events can modify the DOM, potentially causing // RenderWidget::destroy() to be called. Ensure we haven't been // destroyed before continuing. if (!node()) return; bool success = beforeLoadAllowedLoad && frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->requestObject(this, url, objectElement->getAttribute(nameAttr), serviceType, paramNames, paramValues); if (!success && m_hasFallbackContent) objectElement->renderFallbackContent(); } else if (node()->hasTagName(embedTag)) { HTMLEmbedElement* embedElement = static_cast<HTMLEmbedElement*>(node()); embedElement->setNeedWidgetUpdate(false); url = embedElement->url(); serviceType = embedElement->serviceType(); if (url.isEmpty() && serviceType.isEmpty()) return; if (!isURLAllowed(document(), url)) return; // add all attributes set on the embed object NamedNodeMap* attributes = embedElement->attributes(); if (attributes) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributes->length(); ++i) { Attribute* it = attributes->attributeItem(i); paramNames.append(it->name().localName().string()); paramValues.append(it->value().string()); } } if (onlyCreateNonNetscapePlugins) { KURL completedURL; if (!url.isEmpty()) completedURL = frame->loader()->completeURL(url); if (frame->loader()->client()->objectContentType(completedURL, serviceType) == ObjectContentNetscapePlugin) return; } if (embedElement->dispatchBeforeLoadEvent(url)) frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->requestObject(this, url, embedElement->getAttribute(nameAttr), serviceType, paramNames, paramValues); } #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) else if (node()->hasTagName(videoTag) || node()->hasTagName(audioTag)) { HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = static_cast<HTMLMediaElement*>(node()); KURL kurl; mediaElement->getPluginProxyParams(kurl, paramNames, paramValues); mediaElement->setNeedWidgetUpdate(false); frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->loadMediaPlayerProxyPlugin(node(), kurl, paramNames, paramValues); } #endif }
/** * Parse incomming message (from server). * @param str Incomming server message * @return Message in Command structure */ Command XMLTool::parseXML(string str) { Command cmd; try { DOMParser parser = DOMParser(0); AutoPtr<Document> pDoc = parser.parseString(str); NodeIterator it(pDoc, NodeFilter::SHOW_ELEMENT); Node* pNode = it.nextNode(); NamedNodeMap* attributes = NULL; Node* attribute = NULL; while (pNode) { if (pNode->nodeName().compare("server_adapter") == 0) { if (pNode->hasAttributes()) { attributes = pNode->attributes(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attributes->length(); i++) { attribute = attributes->item(i); if (attribute->nodeName().compare("protocol_version") == 0) { cmd.protocol_version = attribute->nodeValue(); } else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("state") == 0) { cmd.state = attribute->nodeValue(); } // FIXME - id attribute is here only for backward compatibility, it should be removed in Q1/2016 else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("euid") == 0 || attribute->nodeName().compare("id") == 0) { cmd.euid = stoull(attribute->nodeValue(), nullptr, 0); } else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("device_id") == 0) { cmd.device_id = atoll(attribute->nodeValue().c_str()); } else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("time") == 0) { cmd.time = atoll(attribute->nodeValue().c_str()); } else { log.error("Unknow attribute for SERVER_ADAPTER : " + fromXMLString(attribute->nodeName())); } } attributes->release(); } } else if (pNode->nodeName().compare("value") == 0) { if(cmd.state == "getparameters" || cmd.state == "parameters"){ string inner = pNode->innerText(); string device_id = ""; if (pNode->hasAttributes()) { attributes = pNode->attributes(); string device_id = ""; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attributes->length(); i++) { attribute = attributes->item(i); if (attribute->nodeName().compare("device_id") == 0) { device_id = toNumFromString(attribute->nodeValue()); } } attributes->release(); } cmd.params.value.push_back({inner, device_id}); } else { float val = atof(pNode->innerText().c_str()); if (pNode->hasAttributes()) { int module_id = 0; attributes = pNode->attributes(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attributes->length(); i++) { attribute = attributes->item(i); if (attribute->nodeName().compare("module_id") == 0) { module_id = toNumFromString(attribute->nodeValue()); } } cmd.values.push_back({module_id, val}); //TODO Hex number is processed wrongly attributes->release(); } } } else if (pNode->nodeName().compare("parameter") == 0) { if (pNode->hasAttributes()) { attributes = pNode->attributes(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attributes->length(); i++) { attribute = attributes->item(i); if (attribute->nodeName().compare("param_id") == 0 || attribute->nodeName().compare("id") == 0) { cmd.params.param_id = toNumFromString(attribute->nodeValue()); } else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("euid") == 0) { cmd.params.euid = toNumFromString(attribute->nodeValue()); } } attributes->release(); } } pNode = it.nextNode(); } } catch (Poco::Exception& e) { log.error("Invalid format of incoming message!" + e.displayText()); cmd.state = "error"; } return cmd; }