Пример #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	//establish network
	//check for error in command line arguements
	Network myNetwork;
	if( argc != 2)
    	return 1;
	int x = myNetwork.read_friends(argv[1]);
	if (x == -1)
		cout << "Error" << endl;

	int n;
	//loop while commands are correct or until exited
		cout << "Enter a 1 if you would like to add a user" << endl;
 		cout << "Enter a 2 if you would like to add a friend connection" << endl;
		cout << "Enter a 3 if you would like to remove friend connection" << endl;
		cout << "Enter a 4 if you would like to list users" << endl;
		cout << "Enter a 5 if you would like to list friends" << endl;
		cout << "Enter a 6 if you would like a write to file" << endl;
		cout << "Enter a 7 if you would like to know the distance between two users" << endl;
		cout << "And anything else if you would like to exit" << endl;
		cin >> n;
			string firstname;
			string lastname;
			string name;
			int year;
			int zip;
	    	cin >> firstname >> lastname >> year >> zip;
			name += '\t';
			name += firstname;
			name += ' ';
			name += lastname;
			User newuser(0, name, year, zip);

		else if(n==2)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{   //ifstream ifile(argv[1]);
    Network n;
    char filename[100];
    // n.write_friends("hello.out");
    int choice;

    //User* user1;
    //User *user2;
    int user1id, user2id;
    while (true) {
        cout << "Enter the number for the option you wish to choose:" << endl;
        cout << "1. Add a user" << endl;
        cout << "2. Add friend connection" << endl;
        cout << "3. Remove friend connection" << endl;
        cout << "4. Print users" << endl;
        cout << "5. List friends" << endl;
        cout << "6. Write to file" << endl;
        cout << "7. Find relational distance between 2 users" << endl;
        cout << "8. Find groups sets" << endl;
        cout << "9. Find friend suggestions" << endl;
        cout << "Enter any other number to exit program" << endl;
        cin >> choice;
        string name, first_name, last_name;
        string name1, name2, first_name1, last_name1,first_name2, last_name2;
        int birthdate, zipcode;
        if (choice==1) {
            cin >> first_name >> last_name >> birthdate >> zipcode;
            name= first_name+" " + last_name;
            User* user1=new User(name,birthdate,zipcode);
//user id provided by network

        else if (choice==2) {
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc != 2) //check to see if usage is correct
		cerr << "ERROR: Usage: ./social_network input.txt" << endl;
		return -1;
	Network net;
	if (net.read_friends(argv[1]) == -1) //check to see if reading file failed
			return -1;
	int option = 1; //keep track of what option the user last inputted
	while (option <= 9 && option >= 1) //as long as the last option was valid, loop
			BEGIN: cout << "Input a number:" << endl; //return place when error occurs
			cout << '\t' << "Option 1. Add a user" << endl;
			cout << '\t' << "Option 2. Add a friend connection" << endl;
			cout << '\t' << "Option 3. Remove a friend connection" << endl;
			cout << '\t' << "Option 4. Print users" << endl;
			cout << '\t' << "Option 5. List a user's friends" << endl;
			cout << '\t' << "Option 6. Write user database to file" << endl;
			cout << '\t' << "Option 7. Find shortest relational distance between two people" << endl;
			cout << '\t' << "Option 8. Assess groups in the network" << endl;
			cout << '\t' << "Option 9. Suggest friends for a person" << endl;
			cout << "Input any other number to exit the program" << endl;
			cin >> option; //ask for user's selection of options
			vector<User> network_users = net.return_userlist();
			if (option == 1) 
				string fname, lname, username;
				int birth, zip;
				vector<int> friends;
				cin >> fname >> lname >> birth >> zip;
				if (cin.fail()) //check if input usage was correct
					cerr << "ERROR: Usage: first_name last_name birthyear zipcode";
					cerr << endl << endl;
					goto BEGIN; //go back to the menu if usage was wrong
				username = fname + " " + lname; //combine first name and last name into a string
				net.add_user(network_users.size(), username, birth, zip, friends);
				cout << "User " << username << " added!" << endl << endl;

			if (option == 2) 
				string fname1, lname1, fname2, lname2, username1, username2;
				cin >> fname1 >> lname1 >> fname2 >> lname2;
				username1 = fname1 + " " + lname1; //combine first pair of names
				username2 = fname2 + " " + lname2; //combine second pair of names
				int id1 = net.get_id(username1); 
				int id2 = net.get_id(username2);
				if (id1 == -1) //check if id1 exists
					cerr << "ERROR: Usage: first_name1 last_name1 first_name2 last_name2" << endl;
					cerr << "Username 1 does not exist" << endl << endl;
					goto BEGIN;
				else if (id2 == -1) //check if id2 exists
					cerr << "ERROR: Usage: first_name1 last_name1 first_name2 last_name2" << endl;
					cerr << "Username 2 does not exist" << endl << endl;
					goto BEGIN;
				net.add_connection(id1, id2);
				cout << "Connection added between " << username1 << " and ";
				cout << username2 << "!" << endl << endl;