Пример #1
static void resolveShadowTree(ShadowRoot* shadowRoot, RenderStyle* parentElementStyle, Style::Change change)
    if (!shadowRoot)
    StyleResolver& styleResolver = shadowRoot->document()->ensureStyleResolver();

    for (Node* child = shadowRoot->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (child->isTextNode()) {
            // Current user agent ShadowRoots don't have immediate text children so this branch is never actually taken.
            updateTextStyle(toText(child), parentElementStyle, change);
        resolveTree(toElement(child), change);

Пример #2
static inline void executeInsertTextTask(HTMLConstructionSiteTask& task)
    ASSERT(task.operation == HTMLConstructionSiteTask::InsertText);

    // Merge text nodes into previous ones if possible:
    // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tree-construction.html#insert-a-character
    Text* newText = toText(task.child.get());
    Node* previousChild = task.parent->lastChild();
    if (previousChild && previousChild->isTextNode()) {
        Text* previousText = toText(previousChild);
        unsigned lengthLimit = textLengthLimitForContainer(*task.parent);
        if (previousText->length() + newText->length() < lengthLimit) {

Пример #3
static Position positionForIndex(TextControlInnerTextElement* innerText, unsigned index)
    unsigned remainingCharactersToMoveForward = index;
    Node* lastBrOrText = innerText;
    for (Node* node = innerText; node; node = NodeTraversal::next(node, innerText)) {
        if (node->hasTagName(brTag)) {
            if (!remainingCharactersToMoveForward)
                return positionBeforeNode(node);
            lastBrOrText = node;
        } else if (node->isTextNode()) {
            Text& text = toText(*node);
            if (remainingCharactersToMoveForward < text.length())
                return Position(&text, remainingCharactersToMoveForward);
            remainingCharactersToMoveForward -= text.length();
            lastBrOrText = node;
    return lastPositionInOrAfterNode(lastBrOrText);
void AndroidHitTestResult::searchContentDetectors()
    AddressDetector address;
    PhoneEmailDetector phoneEmail;
    Node* node = m_hitTestResult.innerNode();
    if (!node || !node->isTextNode())
    if (!m_hitTestResult.absoluteLinkURL().isEmpty())
    WebKit::WebHitTestInfo webHitTest(m_hitTestResult);
    m_searchResult = address.FindTappedContent(webHitTest);
    if (!m_searchResult.valid) {
        m_searchResult = phoneEmail.FindTappedContent(webHitTest);
    if (m_searchResult.valid) {
        RefPtr<Range> range = (PassRefPtr<Range>) m_searchResult.range;
        range->textRects(m_highlightRects, true);
UChar32 VisiblePosition::characterAfter() const
    // We canonicalize to the first of two equivalent candidates, but the second of the two candidates
    // is the one that will be inside the text node containing the character after this visible position.
    Position pos = m_deepPosition.downstream();
    Node* node = pos.containerNode();
    if (!node || !node->isTextNode() || pos.anchorType() == Position::PositionIsAfterAnchor)
        return 0;
    ASSERT(pos.anchorType() == Position::PositionIsBeforeAnchor || pos.anchorType() == Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor);
    Text* textNode = static_cast<Text*>(pos.containerNode());
    unsigned offset = pos.anchorType() == Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor ? pos.offsetInContainerNode() : 0;
    unsigned length = textNode->length();
    if (offset >= length)
        return 0;

    UChar32 ch;
    const UChar* characters = textNode->data().characters();
    U16_NEXT(characters, offset, length, ch);
    return ch;
Пример #6
static CSSValueID determineTextDirection(DocumentFragment* vttRoot)
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, rtTag, ("rt"));

    // Apply the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm's Paragraph Level steps to the
    // concatenation of the values of each WebVTT Text Object in nodes, in a
    // pre-order, depth-first traversal, excluding WebVTT Ruby Text Objects and
    // their descendants.
    TextDirection textDirection = LTR;
    for (Node* node = vttRoot->firstChild(); node; node = NodeTraversal::next(*node, vttRoot)) {
        if (!node->isTextNode() || node->localName() == rtTag)

        bool hasStrongDirectionality;
        textDirection = determineDirectionality(node->nodeValue(), hasStrongDirectionality);
        if (hasStrongDirectionality)
    return isLeftToRightDirection(textDirection) ? CSSValueLtr : CSSValueRtl;
Пример #7
void TextTrackCue::determineTextDirection()
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, rtTag, (ASCIILiteral("rt")));

    // Apply the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm's Paragraph Level steps to the
    // concatenation of the values of each WebVTT Text Object in nodes, in a
    // pre-order, depth-first traversal, excluding WebVTT Ruby Text Objects and
    // their descendants.
    StringBuilder paragraphBuilder;
    for (Node* node = m_webVTTNodeTree->firstChild(); node; node = NodeTraversal::next(node, m_webVTTNodeTree.get())) {
        if (!node->isTextNode() || node->localName() == rtTag)


    String paragraph = paragraphBuilder.toString();
    if (!paragraph.length())

    for (size_t i = 0; i < paragraph.length(); ++i) {
        UChar current = paragraph[i];
        if (!current || isCueParagraphSeparator(current))

        if (UChar current = paragraph[i]) {
            WTF::Unicode::Direction charDirection = WTF::Unicode::direction(current);
            if (charDirection == WTF::Unicode::LeftToRight) {
                m_displayDirection = CSSValueLtr;
            if (charDirection == WTF::Unicode::RightToLeft
                || charDirection == WTF::Unicode::RightToLeftArabic) {
                m_displayDirection = CSSValueRtl;
Пример #8
void HTMLConstructionSite::insertTextNode(const String& characters, WhitespaceMode whitespaceMode)
    HTMLConstructionSiteTask task;
    task.parent = currentNode();

    if (shouldFosterParent())

    // Strings composed entirely of whitespace are likely to be repeated.
    // Turn them into AtomicString so we share a single string for each.
    bool shouldUseAtomicString = whitespaceMode == AllWhitespace
                                 || (whitespaceMode == WhitespaceUnknown && isAllWhitespace(characters));

    unsigned currentPosition = 0;

    // FIXME: Splitting text nodes into smaller chunks contradicts HTML5 spec, but is currently necessary
    // for performance, see <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55898>.

    Node* previousChild = task.nextChild ? task.nextChild->previousSibling() : task.parent->lastChild();
    if (previousChild && previousChild->isTextNode()) {
        // FIXME: We're only supposed to append to this text node if it
        // was the last text node inserted by the parser.
        CharacterData* textNode = static_cast<CharacterData*>(previousChild);
        currentPosition = textNode->parserAppendData(characters, 0, Text::defaultLengthLimit);

    while (currentPosition < characters.length()) {
        RefPtr<Text> textNode = Text::createWithLengthLimit(task.parent->document(), shouldUseAtomicString ? AtomicString(characters).string() : characters, currentPosition);
        // If we have a whole string of unbreakable characters the above could lead to an infinite loop. Exceeding the length limit is the lesser evil.
        if (!textNode->length()) {
            String substring = characters.substring(currentPosition);
            textNode = Text::create(task.parent->document(), shouldUseAtomicString ? AtomicString(substring).string() : substring);

        currentPosition += textNode->length();
        ASSERT(currentPosition <= characters.length());
        task.child = textNode.release();
Пример #9
void HTMLTextAreaElement::setDefaultValue(const String& defaultValue) {
  // To preserve comments, remove only the text nodes, then add a single text
  // node.
  HeapVector<Member<Node>> textNodes;
  for (Node* n = firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) {
    if (n->isTextNode())
  for (const auto& text : textNodes)
    removeChild(text.get(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

  // Normalize line endings.
  String value = defaultValue;
  value.replace("\r\n", "\n");
  value.replace('\r', '\n');

  insertBefore(document().createTextNode(value), firstChild(),

  if (!m_isDirty)
Пример #10
static void attachShadowRoot(ShadowRoot* shadowRoot, const AttachContext& context)
    if (shadowRoot->attached())
    StyleResolver& styleResolver = shadowRoot->document()->ensureStyleResolver();

    Style::AttachContext childrenContext(context);
    childrenContext.resolvedStyle = 0;
    for (Node* child = shadowRoot->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (child->isTextNode()) {
        if (child->isElementNode())
            attachRenderTree(toElement(child), childrenContext);

Пример #11
void Attr::childrenChanged(bool changedByParser, Node* beforeChange, Node* afterChange, int childCountDelta)
    if (m_ignoreChildrenChanged > 0)
    Node::childrenChanged(changedByParser, beforeChange, afterChange, childCountDelta);

    // FIXME: We should include entity references in the value
    String val = "";
    for (Node *n = firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) {
        if (n->isTextNode())
            val += static_cast<Text *>(n)->data();

    if (m_element && m_element->isIdAttributeName(m_attribute->name()))
        m_element->updateId(m_attribute->value(), val);

    if (m_element)
Пример #12
unsigned HTMLTextFormControlElement::indexForPosition(const Position& passedPosition) const
    TextControlInnerTextElement* innerText = innerTextElement();
    if (!innerText || !innerText->contains(passedPosition.anchorNode()) || passedPosition.isNull())
        return 0;

    if (positionBeforeNode(innerText) == passedPosition)
        return 0;

    unsigned index = 0;
    Node* startNode = passedPosition.computeNodeBeforePosition();
    if (!startNode)
        startNode = passedPosition.containerNode();

    for (Node* node = startNode; node; node = NodeTraversal::previous(node, innerText)) {
        if (node->isTextNode()) {
            unsigned length = toText(*node).length();
            if (node == passedPosition.containerNode())
                index += std::min<unsigned>(length, passedPosition.offsetInContainerNode());
                index += length;
        } else if (node->hasTagName(brTag))

    unsigned length = innerTextValue().length();
    index = std::min(index, length); // FIXME: We shouldn't have to call innerTextValue() just to ignore the last LF. See finishText.
    VisiblePosition visiblePosition = passedPosition;
    unsigned indexComputedByVisiblePosition = 0;
    if (visiblePosition.isNotNull())
        indexComputedByVisiblePosition = WebCore::indexForVisiblePosition(innerText, visiblePosition, false /* forSelectionPreservation */);
    ASSERT(index == indexComputedByVisiblePosition);
    return index;
Пример #13
Position InsertTextCommand::insertTab(const Position& pos)
    Position insertPos = VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM).deepEquivalent();

    Node* node = insertPos.containerNode();
    unsigned int offset = node->isTextNode() ? insertPos.offsetInContainerNode() : 0;

    // keep tabs coalesced in tab span
    if (isTabSpanTextNode(node)) {
        RefPtr<Text> textNode = downcast<Text>(node);
        insertTextIntoNode(textNode, offset, "\t");
        return Position(textNode.release(), offset + 1);
    // create new tab span
    RefPtr<Element> spanNode = createTabSpanElement(document());
    // place it
    if (!is<Text>(*node)) {
        insertNodeAt(spanNode.get(), insertPos);
    } else {
        RefPtr<Text> textNode = downcast<Text>(node);
        if (offset >= textNode->length())
            insertNodeAfter(spanNode, textNode.release());
        else {
            // split node to make room for the span
            // NOTE: splitTextNode uses textNode for the
            // second node in the split, so we need to
            // insert the span before it.
            if (offset > 0)
                splitTextNode(textNode, offset);
            insertNodeBefore(spanNode, textNode.release());

    // return the position following the new tab
    return lastPositionInNode(spanNode.get());
Пример #14
void InputMethodController::setCompositionFromExistingText(const Vector<CompositionUnderline>& underlines, unsigned compositionStart, unsigned compositionEnd)
    Element* editable = m_frame.selection().rootEditableElement();
    Position base = m_frame.selection().base().downstream();
    Node* baseNode = base.anchorNode();
    if (editable->firstChild() == baseNode && editable->lastChild() == baseNode && baseNode->isTextNode()) {
        m_compositionNode = nullptr;

        if (base.anchorType() != Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor)
        if (!baseNode || baseNode != m_frame.selection().extent().anchorNode())

        m_compositionNode = toText(baseNode);
        RefPtr<Range> range = PlainTextRange(compositionStart, compositionEnd).createRange(*editable);
        m_compositionStart = range->startOffset();
        m_compositionEnd = range->endOffset();
        m_customCompositionUnderlines = underlines;
        size_t numUnderlines = m_customCompositionUnderlines.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numUnderlines; ++i) {
            m_customCompositionUnderlines[i].startOffset += m_compositionStart;
            m_customCompositionUnderlines[i].endOffset += m_compositionStart;

        // TODO(ojan): What was this for? Do we need it in sky since we
        // don't need to support legacy IMEs?
        if (baseNode->renderer())


    Editor::RevealSelectionScope revealSelectionScope(&editor());
    SelectionOffsetsScope selectionOffsetsScope(this);
    setSelectionOffsets(PlainTextRange(compositionStart, compositionEnd));
    setComposition(m_frame.selectedText(), underlines, 0, 0);
// If this is the layoutObject for a first-letter pseudoNode then we have to look
// at the node for the remaining text to find our content.
Text* LayoutTextFragment::associatedTextNode() const
    Node* node = this->firstLetterPseudoElement();
    if (m_isRemainingTextLayoutObject || !node) {
        // If we don't have a node, then we aren't part of a first-letter pseudo
        // element, so use the actual node. Likewise, if we have a node, but
        // we're the remainingTextLayoutObject for a pseudo element use the real
        // text node.
        node = this->node();

    if (!node)
        return nullptr;

    if (node->isFirstLetterPseudoElement()) {
        FirstLetterPseudoElement* pseudo = toFirstLetterPseudoElement(node);
        LayoutObject* nextLayoutObject = FirstLetterPseudoElement::firstLetterTextLayoutObject(*pseudo);
        if (!nextLayoutObject)
            return nullptr;
        node = nextLayoutObject->node();
    return (node && node->isTextNode()) ? toText(node) : nullptr;
Пример #16
void HTMLOptionElement::setText(const String &text, ExceptionCode& ec)
    RefPtr<Node> protectFromMutationEvents(this);

    // Changing the text causes a recalc of a select's items, which will reset the selected
    // index to the first item if the select is single selection with a menu list. We attempt to
    // preserve the selected item.
    RefPtr<HTMLSelectElement> select = ownerSelectElement();
    bool selectIsMenuList = select && select->usesMenuList();
    int oldSelectedIndex = selectIsMenuList ? select->selectedIndex() : -1;

    // Handle the common special case where there's exactly 1 child node, and it's a text node.
    Node* child = firstChild();
    if (child && child->isTextNode() && !child->nextSibling())
        toText(child)->setData(text, ec);
    else {
        appendChild(Text::create(document(), text), ec);
    if (selectIsMenuList && select->selectedIndex() != oldSelectedIndex)
Пример #17
void InputMethodController::setCompositionFromExistingText(const Vector<CompositionUnderline>& underlines, unsigned compositionStart, unsigned compositionEnd)
    Element* editable = frame().selection().rootEditableElement();
    Position base = frame().selection().base().downstream();
    Node* baseNode = base.anchorNode();
    if (editable->firstChild() == baseNode && editable->lastChild() == baseNode && baseNode->isTextNode()) {
        m_compositionNode = nullptr;

        if (base.anchorType() != Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor)
        if (!baseNode || baseNode != frame().selection().extent().anchorNode())

        m_compositionNode = toText(baseNode);
        RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> range = PlainTextRange(compositionStart, compositionEnd).createRange(*editable);
        if (!range)

        m_compositionStart = range->startOffset();
        m_compositionEnd = range->endOffset();
        m_customCompositionUnderlines = underlines;
        size_t numUnderlines = m_customCompositionUnderlines.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numUnderlines; ++i) {
            m_customCompositionUnderlines[i].startOffset += m_compositionStart;
            m_customCompositionUnderlines[i].endOffset += m_compositionStart;
        if (baseNode->renderer())

    Editor::RevealSelectionScope revealSelectionScope(&editor());
    SelectionOffsetsScope selectionOffsetsScope(this);
    setSelectionOffsets(PlainTextRange(compositionStart, compositionEnd));
    setComposition(frame().selectedText(), underlines, 0, 0);
Пример #18
Position InsertTextCommand::insertTab(const Position& pos)
    Position insertPos = VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM).deepEquivalent();
    Node *node = insertPos.node();
    unsigned int offset = insertPos.offset();

    // keep tabs coalesced in tab span
    if (isTabSpanTextNode(node)) {
        insertTextIntoNode(static_cast<Text *>(node), offset, "\t");
        return Position(node, offset + 1);
    // create new tab span
    RefPtr<Element> spanNode = createTabSpanElement(document());
    // place it
    if (!node->isTextNode()) {
        insertNodeAt(spanNode.get(), node, offset);
    } else {
        Text *textNode = static_cast<Text *>(node);
        if (offset >= textNode->length()) {
            insertNodeAfter(spanNode.get(), textNode);
        } else {
            // split node to make room for the span
            // NOTE: splitTextNode uses textNode for the
            // second node in the split, so we need to
            // insert the span before it.
            if (offset > 0)
                splitTextNode(textNode, offset);
            insertNodeBefore(spanNode.get(), textNode);
    // return the position following the new tab
    return Position(spanNode->lastChild(), spanNode->lastChild()->caretMaxOffset());
void WebPage::findZoomableAreaForPoint(const IntPoint& point, const IntSize& area)
    Frame* mainframe = m_mainFrame->coreFrame();
    HitTestResult result = mainframe->eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(mainframe->view()->windowToContents(point), HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping | HitTestRequest::DisallowShadowContent);

    Node* node = result.innerNode();

    if (!node)

    IntRect zoomableArea = node->pixelSnappedBoundingBox();

    while (true) {
        bool found = !node->isTextNode() && !node->isShadowRoot();

        // No candidate found, bail out.
        if (!found && !node->parentNode())

        // Candidate found, and it is a better candidate than its parent.
        // NB: A parent is considered a better candidate iff the node is
        // contained by it and it is the only child.
        if (found && (!node->parentNode() || node->parentNode()->childNodeCount() != 1))

        node = node->parentNode();

    if (node->document().frame() && node->document().frame()->view()) {
        const ScrollView* view = node->document().frame()->view();
        zoomableArea = view->contentsToWindow(zoomableArea);

    send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidFindZoomableArea(point, zoomableArea));
Пример #20
void HTMLTextAreaElement::setDefaultValue(const String& defaultValue)
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Node> protectFromMutationEvents(this);

    // To preserve comments, remove only the text nodes, then add a single text node.
    WillBeHeapVector<RefPtrWillBeMember<Node>> textNodes;
    for (Node* n = firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) {
        if (n->isTextNode())
    size_t size = textNodes.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        removeChild(textNodes[i].get(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

    // Normalize line endings.
    String value = defaultValue;
    value.replace("\r\n", "\n");
    value.replace('\r', '\n');

    insertBefore(document().createTextNode(value), firstChild(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

    if (!m_isDirty)
Пример #21
void HTMLTextAreaElement::setDefaultValue(const String& defaultValue)
    // To preserve comments, remove only the text nodes, then add a single text node.

    Vector<RefPtr<Node> > textNodes;
    for (Node* n = firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) {
        if (n->isTextNode())
    ExceptionCode ec;
    size_t size = textNodes.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        removeChild(textNodes[i].get(), ec);

    // Normalize line endings.
    String value = defaultValue;
    value.replace("\r\n", "\n");
    value.replace('\r', '\n');

    insertBefore(document()->createTextNode(value), firstChild(), ec);

    if (!m_isDirty)
Пример #22
String SmartClip::extractTextFromNode(Node* node)
    // Science has proven that no text nodes are ever positioned at y == -99999.
    int prevYPos = -99999;

    StringBuilder result;
    for (Node* currentNode = node; currentNode; currentNode = NodeTraversal::next(*currentNode, node)) {
        RenderStyle* style = currentNode->computedStyle();
        if (style && style->userSelect() == SELECT_NONE)

        if (Node* nodeFromFrame = nodeInsideFrame(currentNode))

        IntRect nodeRect = currentNode->pixelSnappedBoundingBox();
        if (currentNode->renderer() && !nodeRect.isEmpty()) {
            if (currentNode->isTextNode()) {
                String nodeValue = currentNode->nodeValue();

                // It's unclear why we blacklist solitary "\n" node values.
                // Maybe we're trying to ignore <br> tags somehow?
                if (nodeValue == "\n")
                    nodeValue = "";

                if (nodeRect.y() != prevYPos) {
                    prevYPos = nodeRect.y();


    return result.toString();
void BreakBlockquoteCommand::doApply(EditingState* editingState)
    if (endingSelection().isNone())

    // Delete the current selection.
    if (endingSelection().isRange()) {
        deleteSelection(editingState, false, false);
        if (editingState->isAborted())

    // This is a scenario that should never happen, but we want to
    // make sure we don't dereference a null pointer below.


    if (endingSelection().isNone())

    VisiblePosition visiblePos = endingSelection().visibleStart();

    // pos is a position equivalent to the caret.  We use downstream() so that pos will
    // be in the first node that we need to move (there are a few exceptions to this, see below).
    Position pos = mostForwardCaretPosition(endingSelection().start());

    // Find the top-most blockquote from the start.
    HTMLQuoteElement* topBlockquote = toHTMLQuoteElement(highestEnclosingNodeOfType(pos, isMailHTMLBlockquoteElement));
    if (!topBlockquote || !topBlockquote->parentNode())

    HTMLBRElement* breakElement = HTMLBRElement::create(document());

    bool isLastVisPosInNode = isLastVisiblePositionInNode(visiblePos, topBlockquote);

    // If the position is at the beginning of the top quoted content, we don't need to break the quote.
    // Instead, insert the break before the blockquote, unless the position is as the end of the the quoted content.
    if (isFirstVisiblePositionInNode(visiblePos, topBlockquote) && !isLastVisPosInNode) {
        insertNodeBefore(breakElement, topBlockquote, editingState);
        if (editingState->isAborted())
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(Position::beforeNode(breakElement), TextAffinity::Downstream, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Insert a break after the top blockquote.
    insertNodeAfter(breakElement, topBlockquote, editingState);
    if (editingState->isAborted())

    // If we're inserting the break at the end of the quoted content, we don't need to break the quote.
    if (isLastVisPosInNode) {
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(Position::beforeNode(breakElement), TextAffinity::Downstream, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Don't move a line break just after the caret.  Doing so would create an extra, empty paragraph
    // in the new blockquote.
    if (lineBreakExistsAtVisiblePosition(visiblePos)) {
        pos = nextPositionOf(pos, PositionMoveType::GraphemeCluster);

    // Adjust the position so we don't split at the beginning of a quote.
    while (isFirstVisiblePositionInNode(createVisiblePosition(pos), toHTMLQuoteElement(enclosingNodeOfType(pos, isMailHTMLBlockquoteElement)))) {
        pos = previousPositionOf(pos, PositionMoveType::GraphemeCluster);

    // startNode is the first node that we need to move to the new blockquote.
    Node* startNode = pos.anchorNode();

    // Split at pos if in the middle of a text node.
    if (startNode->isTextNode()) {
        Text* textNode = toText(startNode);
        int textOffset = pos.computeOffsetInContainerNode();
        if ((unsigned)textOffset >= textNode->length()) {
            startNode = NodeTraversal::next(*startNode);
        } else if (textOffset > 0) {
            splitTextNode(textNode, textOffset);
    } else if (pos.computeEditingOffset() > 0) {
        Node* childAtOffset = NodeTraversal::childAt(*startNode, pos.computeEditingOffset());
        startNode = childAtOffset ? childAtOffset : NodeTraversal::next(*startNode);

    // If there's nothing inside topBlockquote to move, we're finished.
    if (!startNode->isDescendantOf(topBlockquote)) {
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(createVisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(startNode)), endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Build up list of ancestors in between the start node and the top blockquote.
    HeapVector<Member<Element>> ancestors;
    for (Element* node = startNode->parentElement(); node && node != topBlockquote; node = node->parentElement())

    // Insert a clone of the top blockquote after the break.
    Element* clonedBlockquote = topBlockquote->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
    insertNodeAfter(clonedBlockquote, breakElement, editingState);
    if (editingState->isAborted())

    // Clone startNode's ancestors into the cloned blockquote.
    // On exiting this loop, clonedAncestor is the lowest ancestor
    // that was cloned (i.e. the clone of either ancestors.last()
    // or clonedBlockquote if ancestors is empty).
    Element* clonedAncestor = clonedBlockquote;
    for (size_t i = ancestors.size(); i != 0; --i) {
        Element* clonedChild = ancestors[i - 1]->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
        // Preserve list item numbering in cloned lists.
        if (isHTMLOListElement(*clonedChild)) {
            Node* listChildNode = i > 1 ? ancestors[i - 2].get() : startNode;
            // The first child of the cloned list might not be a list item element,
            // find the first one so that we know where to start numbering.
            while (listChildNode && !isHTMLLIElement(*listChildNode))
                listChildNode = listChildNode->nextSibling();
            if (isListItem(listChildNode))
                setNodeAttribute(clonedChild, startAttr, AtomicString::number(toLayoutListItem(listChildNode->layoutObject())->value()));

        appendNode(clonedChild, clonedAncestor, editingState);
        if (editingState->isAborted())
        clonedAncestor = clonedChild;

    moveRemainingSiblingsToNewParent(startNode, 0, clonedAncestor, editingState);
    if (editingState->isAborted())

    if (!ancestors.isEmpty()) {
        // Split the tree up the ancestor chain until the topBlockquote
        // Throughout this loop, clonedParent is the clone of ancestor's parent.
        // This is so we can clone ancestor's siblings and place the clones
        // into the clone corresponding to the ancestor's parent.
        Element* ancestor = nullptr;
        Element* clonedParent = nullptr;
        for (ancestor = ancestors.first(), clonedParent = clonedAncestor->parentElement();
            ancestor && ancestor != topBlockquote;
            ancestor = ancestor->parentElement(), clonedParent = clonedParent->parentElement()) {
            moveRemainingSiblingsToNewParent(ancestor->nextSibling(), 0, clonedParent, editingState);
            if (editingState->isAborted())

        // If the startNode's original parent is now empty, remove it
        Element* originalParent = ancestors.first().get();
        if (!originalParent->hasChildren()) {
            removeNode(originalParent, editingState);
            if (editingState->isAborted())

    // Make sure the cloned block quote renders.
    addBlockPlaceholderIfNeeded(clonedBlockquote, editingState);
    if (editingState->isAborted())

    // Put the selection right before the break.
    setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(Position::beforeNode(breakElement), TextAffinity::Downstream, endingSelection().isDirectional()));
bool MathMLElement::isPhrasingContent(const Node& node) const
    // Phrasing content is described in the HTML 5 specification:
    // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/dom.html#phrasing-content.

    if (!node.isElementNode())
        return node.isTextNode();

    if (is<MathMLElement>(node)) {
        auto& mathmlElement = downcast<MathMLElement>(node);
        return is<MathMLMathElement>(mathmlElement);

    if (is<SVGElement>(node)) {
        auto& svgElement = downcast<SVGElement>(node);
        return is<SVGSVGElement>(svgElement);

    if (is<HTMLElement>(node)) {
        // FIXME: add the <data> and <time> tags when they are implemented.
        auto& htmlElement = downcast<HTMLElement>(node);
        return htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::aTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::abbrTag)
            || (htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::areaTag) && ancestorsOfType<HTMLMapElement>(htmlElement).first())
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::audioTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::bTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::bdiTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::bdoTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::brTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::buttonTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::canvasTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::citeTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::codeTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::datalistTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::delTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::dfnTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::emTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::embedTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::iTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::iframeTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::imgTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::inputTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::insTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::kbdTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::keygenTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::labelTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::mapTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::markTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::meterTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::noscriptTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::objectTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::outputTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::progressTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::qTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::rubyTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::sTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::sampTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::scriptTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::selectTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::smallTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::spanTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::strongTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::subTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::supTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::templateTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::textareaTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::uTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::varTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::videoTag)
            || htmlElement.hasTagName(HTMLNames::wbrTag);

    return false;
void InputMethodController::setComposition(const String& text, const Vector<CompositionUnderline>& underlines, unsigned selectionStart, unsigned selectionEnd)
    UserTypingGestureIndicator typingGestureIndicator(m_frame);

    Editor::RevealSelectionScope revealSelectionScope(&editor());

    // Updates styles before setting selection for composition to prevent
    // inserting the previous composition text into text nodes oddly.
    // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46868


    if (m_frame->selection().isNone())

    if (Element* target = m_frame->document()->focusedElement()) {
        // Dispatch an appropriate composition event to the focused node.
        // We check the composition status and choose an appropriate composition event since this
        // function is used for three purposes:
        // 1. Starting a new composition.
        //    Send a compositionstart and a compositionupdate event when this function creates
        //    a new composition node, i.e.
        //    m_compositionNode == 0 && !text.isEmpty().
        //    Sending a compositionupdate event at this time ensures that at least one
        //    compositionupdate event is dispatched.
        // 2. Updating the existing composition node.
        //    Send a compositionupdate event when this function updates the existing composition
        //    node, i.e. m_compositionNode != 0 && !text.isEmpty().
        // 3. Canceling the ongoing composition.
        //    Send a compositionend event when function deletes the existing composition node, i.e.
        //    m_compositionNode != 0 && test.isEmpty().
        RefPtr<CompositionEvent> event;
        if (!m_compositionNode) {
            // We should send a compositionstart event only when the given text is not empty because this
            // function doesn't create a composition node when the text is empty.
            if (!text.isEmpty()) {
                target->dispatchEvent(CompositionEvent::create(eventNames().compositionstartEvent, m_frame->domWindow(), m_frame->selectedText()));
                event = CompositionEvent::create(eventNames().compositionupdateEvent, m_frame->domWindow(), text);
        } else {
            if (!text.isEmpty())
                event = CompositionEvent::create(eventNames().compositionupdateEvent, m_frame->domWindow(), text);
                event = CompositionEvent::create(eventNames().compositionendEvent, m_frame->domWindow(), text);
        if (event.get())
            target->dispatchEvent(event, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

    // If text is empty, then delete the old composition here. If text is non-empty, InsertTextCommand::input
    // will delete the old composition with an optimized replace operation.
    if (text.isEmpty()) {
        TypingCommand::deleteSelection(*m_frame->document(), TypingCommand::PreventSpellChecking);

    m_compositionNode = 0;

    if (!text.isEmpty()) {
        TypingCommand::insertText(*m_frame->document(), text, TypingCommand::SelectInsertedText | TypingCommand::PreventSpellChecking, TypingCommand::TextCompositionUpdate);

        // Find out what node has the composition now.
        Position base = m_frame->selection().base().downstream();
        Position extent = m_frame->selection().extent();
        Node* baseNode = base.deprecatedNode();
        unsigned baseOffset = base.deprecatedEditingOffset();
        Node* extentNode = extent.deprecatedNode();
        unsigned extentOffset = extent.deprecatedEditingOffset();

        if (baseNode && baseNode == extentNode && baseNode->isTextNode() && baseOffset + text.length() == extentOffset) {
            m_compositionNode = toText(baseNode);
            m_compositionStart = baseOffset;
            m_compositionEnd = extentOffset;
            m_customCompositionUnderlines = underlines;
            size_t numUnderlines = m_customCompositionUnderlines.size();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numUnderlines; ++i) {
                m_customCompositionUnderlines[i].startOffset += baseOffset;
                m_customCompositionUnderlines[i].endOffset += baseOffset;
            if (baseNode->renderer())

            unsigned start = std::min(baseOffset + selectionStart, extentOffset);
            unsigned end = std::min(std::max(start, baseOffset + selectionEnd), extentOffset);
            RefPtr<Range> selectedRange = Range::create(baseNode->document(), baseNode, start, baseNode, end);
            m_frame->selection().setSelectedRange(selectedRange.get(), DOWNSTREAM, false);
Пример #26
static VisiblePosition previousBoundary(const VisiblePosition& c, BoundarySearchFunction searchFunction)
    Position pos = c.deepEquivalent();
    Node *n = pos.node();
    if (!n)
        return VisiblePosition();
    Document *d = n->document();
    Node *de = d->documentElement();
    if (!de)
        return VisiblePosition();
    Node *boundary = n->enclosingBlockFlowElement();
    if (!boundary)
        return VisiblePosition();
    bool isContentEditable = boundary->isContentEditable();
    while (boundary && boundary != de && boundary->parentNode() && isContentEditable == boundary->parentNode()->isContentEditable())
        boundary = boundary->parentNode();

    Position start = rangeCompliantEquivalent(Position(boundary, 0));
    Position end = rangeCompliantEquivalent(pos);
    RefPtr<Range> searchRange = Range::create(d);
    Vector<UChar, 1024> string;
    unsigned suffixLength = 0;

    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    if (requiresContextForWordBoundary(c.characterBefore())) {
        RefPtr<Range> forwardsScanRange(d->createRange());
        forwardsScanRange->setEndAfter(boundary, ec);
        forwardsScanRange->setStart(end.node(), end.deprecatedEditingOffset(), ec);
        TextIterator forwardsIterator(forwardsScanRange.get());
        while (!forwardsIterator.atEnd()) {
            const UChar* characters = forwardsIterator.characters();
            int length = forwardsIterator.length();
            int i = endOfFirstWordBoundaryContext(characters, length);
            string.append(characters, i);
            suffixLength += i;
            if (i < length)

    searchRange->setStart(start.node(), start.deprecatedEditingOffset(), ec);
    searchRange->setEnd(end.node(), end.deprecatedEditingOffset(), ec);
    if (ec)
        return VisiblePosition();

    SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator it(searchRange.get());
    unsigned next = 0;
    bool inTextSecurityMode = start.node() && start.node()->renderer() && start.node()->renderer()->style()->textSecurity() != TSNONE;
    bool needMoreContext = false;
    while (!it.atEnd()) {
        // iterate to get chunks until the searchFunction returns a non-zero value.
        if (!inTextSecurityMode) 
            string.prepend(it.characters(), it.length());
        else {
            // Treat bullets used in the text security mode as regular characters when looking for boundaries
            String iteratorString(it.characters(), it.length());
            iteratorString = iteratorString.impl()->secure('x');
            string.prepend(iteratorString.characters(), iteratorString.length());
        next = searchFunction(string.data(), string.size(), string.size() - suffixLength, MayHaveMoreContext, needMoreContext);
        if (next != 0)
    if (needMoreContext) {
        // The last search returned the beginning of the buffer and asked for more context,
        // but there is no earlier text. Force a search with what's available.
        next = searchFunction(string.data(), string.size(), string.size() - suffixLength, DontHaveMoreContext, needMoreContext);

    if (it.atEnd() && next == 0) {
        pos = it.range()->startPosition();
    } else if (next != 0) {
        Node *node = it.range()->startContainer(ec);
        if ((node->isTextNode() && static_cast<int>(next) <= node->maxCharacterOffset()) || (node->renderer() && node->renderer()->isBR() && !next))
            // The next variable contains a usable index into a text node
            pos = Position(node, next);
        else {
            // Use the character iterator to translate the next value into a DOM position.
            BackwardsCharacterIterator charIt(searchRange.get());
            charIt.advance(string.size() - suffixLength - next);
            pos = charIt.range()->endPosition();

    return VisiblePosition(pos, DOWNSTREAM);
Пример #27
String Frame::searchForLabelsBeforeElement(const Vector<String>& labels, Element* element, size_t* resultDistance, bool* resultIsInCellAbove)
    OwnPtr<RegularExpression> regExp(createRegExpForLabels(labels));
    // We stop searching after we've seen this many chars
    const unsigned int charsSearchedThreshold = 500;
    // This is the absolute max we search.  We allow a little more slop than
    // charsSearchedThreshold, to make it more likely that we'll search whole nodes.
    const unsigned int maxCharsSearched = 600;
    // If the starting element is within a table, the cell that contains it
    HTMLTableCellElement* startingTableCell = 0;
    bool searchedCellAbove = false;

    if (resultDistance)
        *resultDistance = notFound;
    if (resultIsInCellAbove)
        *resultIsInCellAbove = false;
    // walk backwards in the node tree, until another element, or form, or end of tree
    int unsigned lengthSearched = 0;
    Node* n;
    for (n = element->traversePreviousNode();
         n && lengthSearched < charsSearchedThreshold;
         n = n->traversePreviousNode())
        if (n->hasTagName(formTag)
            || (n->isHTMLElement() && static_cast<Element*>(n)->isFormControlElement()))
            // We hit another form element or the start of the form - bail out
        } else if (n->hasTagName(tdTag) && !startingTableCell) {
            startingTableCell = static_cast<HTMLTableCellElement*>(n);
        } else if (n->hasTagName(trTag) && startingTableCell) {
            String result = searchForLabelsAboveCell(regExp.get(), startingTableCell, resultDistance);
            if (!result.isEmpty()) {
                if (resultIsInCellAbove)
                    *resultIsInCellAbove = true;
                return result;
            searchedCellAbove = true;
        } else if (n->isTextNode() && n->renderer() && n->renderer()->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) {
            // For each text chunk, run the regexp
            String nodeString = n->nodeValue();
            // add 100 for slop, to make it more likely that we'll search whole nodes
            if (lengthSearched + nodeString.length() > maxCharsSearched)
                nodeString = nodeString.right(charsSearchedThreshold - lengthSearched);
            int pos = regExp->searchRev(nodeString);
            if (pos >= 0) {
                if (resultDistance)
                    *resultDistance = lengthSearched;
                return nodeString.substring(pos, regExp->matchedLength());
            lengthSearched += nodeString.length();

    // If we started in a cell, but bailed because we found the start of the form or the
    // previous element, we still might need to search the row above us for a label.
    if (startingTableCell && !searchedCellAbove) {
         String result = searchForLabelsAboveCell(regExp.get(), startingTableCell, resultDistance);
        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
            if (resultIsInCellAbove)
                *resultIsInCellAbove = true;
            return result;
    return String();
void BreakBlockquoteCommand::doApply()
    if (endingSelection().isNone())

    // Delete the current selection.
    if (endingSelection().isRange())
        deleteSelection(false, false);

    // This is a scenario that should never happen, but we want to
    // make sure we don't dereference a null pointer below.


    if (endingSelection().isNone())

    VisiblePosition visiblePos = endingSelection().visibleStart();

    // pos is a position equivalent to the caret.  We use downstream() so that pos will
    // be in the first node that we need to move (there are a few exceptions to this, see below).
    Position pos = endingSelection().start().downstream();

    // Find the top-most blockquote from the start.
    Node* topBlockquote = highestEnclosingNodeOfType(pos, isMailBlockquote);
    if (!topBlockquote || !topBlockquote->parentNode() || !topBlockquote->isElementNode())

    RefPtr<Element> breakNode = createBreakElement(document());

    bool isLastVisPosInNode = isLastVisiblePositionInNode(visiblePos, topBlockquote);

    // If the position is at the beginning of the top quoted content, we don't need to break the quote.
    // Instead, insert the break before the blockquote, unless the position is as the end of the the quoted content.
    if (isFirstVisiblePositionInNode(visiblePos, topBlockquote) && !isLastVisPosInNode) {
        insertNodeBefore(breakNode.get(), topBlockquote);
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(positionBeforeNode(breakNode.get()), DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Insert a break after the top blockquote.
    insertNodeAfter(breakNode.get(), topBlockquote);

    // If we're inserting the break at the end of the quoted content, we don't need to break the quote.
    if (isLastVisPosInNode) {
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(positionBeforeNode(breakNode.get()), DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Don't move a line break just after the caret.  Doing so would create an extra, empty paragraph
    // in the new blockquote.
    if (lineBreakExistsAtVisiblePosition(visiblePos))
        pos = pos.next();

    // Adjust the position so we don't split at the beginning of a quote.
    while (isFirstVisiblePositionInNode(VisiblePosition(pos), enclosingNodeOfType(pos, isMailBlockquote)))
        pos = pos.previous();

    // startNode is the first node that we need to move to the new blockquote.
    Node* startNode = pos.deprecatedNode();

    // Split at pos if in the middle of a text node.
    if (startNode->isTextNode()) {
        Text* textNode = toText(startNode);
        if ((unsigned)pos.deprecatedEditingOffset() >= textNode->length()) {
            startNode = NodeTraversal::next(startNode);
        } else if (pos.deprecatedEditingOffset() > 0)
            splitTextNode(textNode, pos.deprecatedEditingOffset());
    } else if (pos.deprecatedEditingOffset() > 0) {
        Node* childAtOffset = startNode->childNode(pos.deprecatedEditingOffset());
        startNode = childAtOffset ? childAtOffset : NodeTraversal::next(startNode);

    // If there's nothing inside topBlockquote to move, we're finished.
    if (!startNode->isDescendantOf(topBlockquote)) {
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(VisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(startNode)), endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Build up list of ancestors in between the start node and the top blockquote.
    Vector<RefPtr<Element> > ancestors;
    for (Element* node = startNode->parentElement(); node && node != topBlockquote; node = node->parentElement())

    // Insert a clone of the top blockquote after the break.
    RefPtr<Element> clonedBlockquote = toElement(topBlockquote)->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
    insertNodeAfter(clonedBlockquote.get(), breakNode.get());

    // Clone startNode's ancestors into the cloned blockquote.
    // On exiting this loop, clonedAncestor is the lowest ancestor
    // that was cloned (i.e. the clone of either ancestors.last()
    // or clonedBlockquote if ancestors is empty).
    RefPtr<Element> clonedAncestor = clonedBlockquote;
    for (size_t i = ancestors.size(); i != 0; --i) {
        RefPtr<Element> clonedChild = ancestors[i - 1]->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
        // Preserve list item numbering in cloned lists.
        if (clonedChild->isElementNode() && clonedChild->hasTagName(olTag)) {
            Node* listChildNode = i > 1 ? ancestors[i - 2].get() : startNode;
            // The first child of the cloned list might not be a list item element,
            // find the first one so that we know where to start numbering.
            while (listChildNode && !listChildNode->hasTagName(liTag))
                listChildNode = listChildNode->nextSibling();
            if (listChildNode && listChildNode->renderer() && listChildNode->renderer()->isListItem())
                setNodeAttribute(clonedChild, startAttr, String::number(toRenderListItem(listChildNode->renderer())->value()));

        appendNode(clonedChild.get(), clonedAncestor.get());
        clonedAncestor = clonedChild;

    moveRemainingSiblingsToNewParent(startNode, 0, clonedAncestor);

    if (!ancestors.isEmpty()) {
        // Split the tree up the ancestor chain until the topBlockquote
        // Throughout this loop, clonedParent is the clone of ancestor's parent.
        // This is so we can clone ancestor's siblings and place the clones
        // into the clone corresponding to the ancestor's parent.
        RefPtr<Element> ancestor;
        RefPtr<Element> clonedParent;
        for (ancestor = ancestors.first(), clonedParent = clonedAncestor->parentElement();
             ancestor && ancestor != topBlockquote;
             ancestor = ancestor->parentElement(), clonedParent = clonedParent->parentElement())
            moveRemainingSiblingsToNewParent(ancestor->nextSibling(), 0, clonedParent);

        // If the startNode's original parent is now empty, remove it
        Node* originalParent = ancestors.first().get();
        if (!originalParent->hasChildNodes())

    // Make sure the cloned block quote renders.

    // Put the selection right before the break.
    setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(positionBeforeNode(breakNode.get()), DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));
Пример #29
void InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand::doApply()
    if (!endingSelection().isNonOrphanedCaretOrRange())
    Position insertionPosition = endingSelection().start();
    EAffinity affinity = endingSelection().affinity();
    // Delete the current selection.
    if (endingSelection().isRange()) {
        deleteSelection(false, true);
        insertionPosition = endingSelection().start();
        affinity = endingSelection().affinity();
    // FIXME: The parentAnchoredEquivalent conversion needs to be moved into enclosingBlock.
    RefPtr<Element> startBlock = enclosingBlock(insertionPosition.parentAnchoredEquivalent().containerNode());
    Position canonicalPos = VisiblePosition(insertionPosition).deepEquivalent();
    if (!startBlock
        || !startBlock->nonShadowBoundaryParentNode()
        || isTableCell(startBlock.get())
        || isHTMLFormElement(startBlock.get())
        // FIXME: If the node is hidden, we don't have a canonical position so we will do the wrong thing for tables and <hr>. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40342
        || (!canonicalPos.isNull() && canonicalPos.deprecatedNode()->renderer() && canonicalPos.deprecatedNode()->renderer()->isTable())
        || (!canonicalPos.isNull() && canonicalPos.deprecatedNode()->hasTagName(hrTag))) {
    // Use the leftmost candidate.
    insertionPosition = insertionPosition.upstream();
    if (!insertionPosition.isCandidate())
        insertionPosition = insertionPosition.downstream();

    // Adjust the insertion position after the delete
    insertionPosition = positionAvoidingSpecialElementBoundary(insertionPosition);
    VisiblePosition visiblePos(insertionPosition, affinity);

    // Handle special case of typing return on an empty list item
    if (breakOutOfEmptyListItem())

    // Prepare for more general cases.

    bool isFirstInBlock = isStartOfBlock(visiblePos);
    bool isLastInBlock = isEndOfBlock(visiblePos);
    bool nestNewBlock = false;

    // Create block to be inserted.
    RefPtr<Element> blockToInsert;
    if (startBlock->isRootEditableElement()) {
        blockToInsert = createDefaultParagraphElement(&document());
        nestNewBlock = true;
    } else if (shouldUseDefaultParagraphElement(startBlock.get())) 
        blockToInsert = createDefaultParagraphElement(&document());
        blockToInsert = startBlock->cloneElementWithoutChildren();

    // Handle case when position is in the last visible position in its block,
    // including when the block is empty. 
    if (isLastInBlock) {
        if (nestNewBlock) {
            if (isFirstInBlock && !lineBreakExistsAtVisiblePosition(visiblePos)) {
                // The block is empty.  Create an empty block to
                // represent the paragraph that we're leaving.
                RefPtr<Element> extraBlock = createDefaultParagraphElement(&document());
                appendNode(extraBlock, startBlock);
            appendNode(blockToInsert, startBlock);
        } else {
            // We can get here if we pasted a copied portion of a blockquote with a newline at the end and are trying to paste it
            // into an unquoted area. We then don't want the newline within the blockquote or else it will also be quoted.
            if (m_pasteBlockqutoeIntoUnquotedArea) {
                if (Node* highestBlockquote = highestEnclosingNodeOfType(canonicalPos, &isMailBlockquote))
                    startBlock = toElement(highestBlockquote);

            // Most of the time we want to stay at the nesting level of the startBlock (e.g., when nesting within lists).  However,
            // for div nodes, this can result in nested div tags that are hard to break out of.
            Element* siblingNode = startBlock.get();
            if (blockToInsert->hasTagName(divTag))
                siblingNode = highestVisuallyEquivalentDivBelowRoot(startBlock.get());
            insertNodeAfter(blockToInsert, siblingNode);

        // Recreate the same structure in the new paragraph.
        Vector<RefPtr<Element> > ancestors;
        getAncestorsInsideBlock(positionOutsideTabSpan(insertionPosition).deprecatedNode(), startBlock.get(), ancestors);      
        RefPtr<Element> parent = cloneHierarchyUnderNewBlock(ancestors, blockToInsert);

        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(firstPositionInNode(parent.get()), DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Handle case when position is in the first visible position in its block, and
    // similar case where previous position is in another, presumeably nested, block.
    if (isFirstInBlock || !inSameBlock(visiblePos, visiblePos.previous())) {
        Node *refNode;
        insertionPosition = positionOutsideTabSpan(insertionPosition);

        if (isFirstInBlock && !nestNewBlock)
            refNode = startBlock.get();
        else if (isFirstInBlock && nestNewBlock) {
            // startBlock should always have children, otherwise isLastInBlock would be true and it's handled above.
            refNode = startBlock->firstChild();
        else if (insertionPosition.deprecatedNode() == startBlock && nestNewBlock) {
            refNode = startBlock->childNode(insertionPosition.deprecatedEditingOffset());
            ASSERT(refNode); // must be true or we'd be in the end of block case
        } else
            refNode = insertionPosition.deprecatedNode();

        // find ending selection position easily before inserting the paragraph
        insertionPosition = insertionPosition.downstream();
        insertNodeBefore(blockToInsert, refNode);

        // Recreate the same structure in the new paragraph.

        Vector<RefPtr<Element> > ancestors;
        getAncestorsInsideBlock(positionAvoidingSpecialElementBoundary(positionOutsideTabSpan(insertionPosition)).deprecatedNode(), startBlock.get(), ancestors);
        appendBlockPlaceholder(cloneHierarchyUnderNewBlock(ancestors, blockToInsert));
        // In this case, we need to set the new ending selection.
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(insertionPosition, DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Handle the (more complicated) general case,

    // All of the content in the current block after visiblePos is
    // about to be wrapped in a new paragraph element.  Add a br before 
    // it if visiblePos is at the start of a paragraph so that the 
    // content will move down a line.
    if (isStartOfParagraph(visiblePos)) {
        RefPtr<Element> br = createBreakElement(&document());
        insertNodeAt(br.get(), insertionPosition);
        insertionPosition = positionInParentAfterNode(br.get());
        // If the insertion point is a break element, there is nothing else
        // we need to do.
        if (visiblePos.deepEquivalent().anchorNode()->renderer()->isBR()) {
            setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(insertionPosition, DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));
    // Move downstream. Typing style code will take care of carrying along the 
    // style of the upstream position.
    insertionPosition = insertionPosition.downstream();

    // At this point, the insertionPosition's node could be a container, and we want to make sure we include
    // all of the correct nodes when building the ancestor list.  So this needs to be the deepest representation of the position
    // before we walk the DOM tree.
    insertionPosition = positionOutsideTabSpan(VisiblePosition(insertionPosition).deepEquivalent());

    // If the returned position lies either at the end or at the start of an element that is ignored by editing
    // we should move to its upstream or downstream position.
    if (editingIgnoresContent(insertionPosition.deprecatedNode())) {
        if (insertionPosition.atLastEditingPositionForNode())
            insertionPosition = insertionPosition.downstream();
        else if (insertionPosition.atFirstEditingPositionForNode())
            insertionPosition = insertionPosition.upstream();

    // Make sure we do not cause a rendered space to become unrendered.
    // FIXME: We need the affinity for pos, but pos.downstream() does not give it
    Position leadingWhitespace = insertionPosition.leadingWhitespacePosition(VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
    // FIXME: leadingWhitespacePosition is returning the position before preserved newlines for positions
    // after the preserved newline, causing the newline to be turned into a nbsp.
    if (leadingWhitespace.isNotNull() && leadingWhitespace.deprecatedNode()->isTextNode()) {
        Text* textNode = toText(leadingWhitespace.deprecatedNode());
        ASSERT(!textNode->renderer() || textNode->renderer()->style()->collapseWhiteSpace());
        replaceTextInNodePreservingMarkers(textNode, leadingWhitespace.deprecatedEditingOffset(), 1, nonBreakingSpaceString());
    // Split at pos if in the middle of a text node.
    Position positionAfterSplit;
    if (insertionPosition.anchorType() == Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor && insertionPosition.containerNode()->isTextNode()) {
        RefPtr<Text> textNode = toText(insertionPosition.containerNode());
        bool atEnd = static_cast<unsigned>(insertionPosition.offsetInContainerNode()) >= textNode->length();
        if (insertionPosition.deprecatedEditingOffset() > 0 && !atEnd) {
            splitTextNode(textNode, insertionPosition.offsetInContainerNode());
            positionAfterSplit = firstPositionInNode(textNode.get());
            if (!textNode->previousSibling())
                return; // Bail out if mutation events detachd the split text node.
            insertionPosition.moveToPosition(textNode->previousSibling(), insertionPosition.offsetInContainerNode());
            visiblePos = VisiblePosition(insertionPosition);

    // If we got detached due to mutation events, just bail out.
    if (!startBlock->parentNode())

    // Put the added block in the tree.
    if (nestNewBlock)
        appendNode(blockToInsert.get(), startBlock);
        insertNodeAfter(blockToInsert.get(), startBlock);


    // If the paragraph separator was inserted at the end of a paragraph, an empty line must be
    // created.  All of the nodes, starting at visiblePos, are about to be added to the new paragraph 
    // element.  If the first node to be inserted won't be one that will hold an empty line open, add a br.
    if (isEndOfParagraph(visiblePos) && !lineBreakExistsAtVisiblePosition(visiblePos))
        appendNode(createBreakElement(&document()).get(), blockToInsert.get());

    // Move the start node and the siblings of the start node.
    if (VisiblePosition(insertionPosition) != VisiblePosition(positionBeforeNode(blockToInsert.get()))) {
        Node* n;
        if (insertionPosition.containerNode() == startBlock)
            n = insertionPosition.computeNodeAfterPosition();
        else {
            Node* splitTo = insertionPosition.containerNode();
            if (splitTo->isTextNode() && insertionPosition.offsetInContainerNode() >= caretMaxOffset(splitTo))
                splitTo = NodeTraversal::next(splitTo, startBlock.get());
            splitTreeToNode(splitTo, startBlock.get());

            for (n = startBlock->firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) {
                VisiblePosition beforeNodePosition = positionBeforeNode(n);
                if (!beforeNodePosition.isNull() && comparePositions(VisiblePosition(insertionPosition), beforeNodePosition) <= 0)

        moveRemainingSiblingsToNewParent(n, blockToInsert.get(), blockToInsert);

    // Handle whitespace that occurs after the split
    if (positionAfterSplit.isNotNull()) {
        if (!positionAfterSplit.isRenderedCharacter()) {
            // Clear out all whitespace and insert one non-breaking space
            ASSERT(!positionAfterSplit.containerNode()->renderer() || positionAfterSplit.containerNode()->renderer()->style()->collapseWhiteSpace());
            if (positionAfterSplit.deprecatedNode()->isTextNode())
                insertTextIntoNode(toText(positionAfterSplit.containerNode()), 0, nonBreakingSpaceString());

    setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(firstPositionInNode(blockToInsert.get()), DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));
Пример #30
void InputMethodController::setComposition(const String& text, const Vector<CompositionUnderline>& underlines, unsigned selectionStart, unsigned selectionEnd)
    Editor::RevealSelectionScope revealSelectionScope(&editor());

    // Updates styles before setting selection for composition to prevent
    // inserting the previous composition text into text nodes oddly.
    // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46868


    if (frame().selection().isNone())

    if (Element* target = frame().document()->focusedElement()) {
        // Dispatch an appropriate composition event to the focused node.
        // We check the composition status and choose an appropriate composition event since this
        // function is used for three purposes:
        // 1. Starting a new composition.
        //    Send a compositionstart and a compositionupdate event when this function creates
        //    a new composition node, i.e.
        //    !hasComposition() && !text.isEmpty().
        //    Sending a compositionupdate event at this time ensures that at least one
        //    compositionupdate event is dispatched.
        // 2. Updating the existing composition node.
        //    Send a compositionupdate event when this function updates the existing composition
        //    node, i.e. hasComposition() && !text.isEmpty().
        // 3. Canceling the ongoing composition.
        //    Send a compositionend event when function deletes the existing composition node, i.e.
        //    !hasComposition() && test.isEmpty().
        RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<CompositionEvent> event = nullptr;
        if (!hasComposition()) {
            // We should send a compositionstart event only when the given text is not empty because this
            // function doesn't create a composition node when the text is empty.
            if (!text.isEmpty()) {
                target->dispatchEvent(CompositionEvent::create(EventTypeNames::compositionstart, frame().domWindow(), frame().selectedText()));
                event = CompositionEvent::create(EventTypeNames::compositionupdate, frame().domWindow(), text);
        } else {
            if (!text.isEmpty())
                event = CompositionEvent::create(EventTypeNames::compositionupdate, frame().domWindow(), text);
                event = CompositionEvent::create(EventTypeNames::compositionend, frame().domWindow(), text);
        if (event.get())

    // If text is empty, then delete the old composition here. If text is non-empty, InsertTextCommand::input
    // will delete the old composition with an optimized replace operation.
    if (text.isEmpty()) {
        TypingCommand::deleteSelection(*frame().document(), TypingCommand::PreventSpellChecking);


    if (text.isEmpty())
    TypingCommand::insertText(*frame().document(), text, TypingCommand::SelectInsertedText | TypingCommand::PreventSpellChecking, TypingCommand::TextCompositionUpdate);

    // Find out what node has the composition now.
    Position base = mostForwardCaretPosition(frame().selection().base());
    Node* baseNode = base.anchorNode();
    if (!baseNode || !baseNode->isTextNode())

    Position extent = frame().selection().extent();
    Node* extentNode = extent.anchorNode();
    if (baseNode != extentNode)

    unsigned extentOffset = extent.computeOffsetInContainerNode();
    unsigned baseOffset = base.computeOffsetInContainerNode();
    if (baseOffset + text.length() != extentOffset)

    m_isDirty = true;
    m_hasComposition = true;
    if (!m_compositionRange)
        m_compositionRange = Range::create(baseNode->document());
    m_compositionRange->setStart(baseNode, baseOffset);
    m_compositionRange->setEnd(baseNode, extentOffset);

    if (baseNode->layoutObject())

    unsigned start = std::min(baseOffset + selectionStart, extentOffset);
    unsigned end = std::min(std::max(start, baseOffset + selectionEnd), extentOffset);
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> selectedRange = Range::create(baseNode->document(), baseNode, start, baseNode, end);
    frame().selection().setSelectedRange(selectedRange.get(), TextAffinity::Downstream, SelectionDirectionalMode::NonDirectional, NotUserTriggered);

    if (underlines.isEmpty()) {
        frame().document()->markers().addCompositionMarker(m_compositionRange->startPosition(), m_compositionRange->endPosition(), Color::black, false, LayoutTheme::theme().platformDefaultCompositionBackgroundColor());
    for (const auto& underline : underlines) {
        unsigned underlineStart = baseOffset + underline.startOffset;
        unsigned underlineEnd = baseOffset + underline.endOffset;
        EphemeralRange ephemeralLineRange = EphemeralRange(Position(baseNode, underlineStart), Position(baseNode, underlineEnd));
        if (ephemeralLineRange.isNull())
        frame().document()->markers().addCompositionMarker(ephemeralLineRange.startPosition(), ephemeralLineRange.endPosition(), underline.color, underline.thick, underline.backgroundColor);