Пример #1
void RTPPublisher::removed(const SubscriberStub& sub, const NodeStub& node) {
	RScopeLock lock(_mutex);
	int status;
	std::string ip = sub.getIP();
	uint16_t port = sub.getPort();
	if (!ip.length())		//only use separate subscriber ip (for multicast support etc.), if specified
		ip = node.getIP();

	// do we now about this sub via this node?
	bool subscriptionFound = false;
	std::pair<_domainSubs_t::iterator, _domainSubs_t::iterator> subIter = _domainSubs.equal_range(sub.getUUID());
	while(subIter.first !=  subIter.second) {
		if (subIter.first->second.first.getUUID() ==  node.getUUID()) {
			subscriptionFound = true;
	if (!subscriptionFound)

	UM_LOG_INFO("%s: lost a %s subscriber (%s:%u) for channel %s", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), sub.isMulticast() ? "multicast" : "unicast", ip.c_str(), port, _channelName.c_str());

	struct libre::sa addr;
	libre::sa_init(&addr, AF_INET);
	if ((status = libre::sa_set_str(&addr, ip.c_str(), port)))
		UM_LOG_WARN("%s: error %d in libre::sa_set_str(%s:%u): %s", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), status, ip.c_str(), port, strerror(status));

	if (_domainSubs.count(sub.getUUID()) ==  1) { // about to vanish
		if (_greeter !=  NULL) {
			Publisher pub(Publisher(StaticPtrCast<PublisherImpl>(shared_from_this())));
			_greeter->farewell(pub, sub);

Пример #2
void RTPPublisher::added(const SubscriberStub& sub, const NodeStub& node) {
	RScopeLock lock(_mutex);
	int status;

	std::string ip = sub.getIP();
	uint16_t port = sub.getPort();
	if (!ip.length())		//only use separate subscriber ip (for multicast support etc.), if specified
		ip = node.getIP();

	// do we already now about this sub via this node?
	std::pair<_domainSubs_t::iterator, _domainSubs_t::iterator> subIter = _domainSubs.equal_range(sub.getUUID());
	while(subIter.first !=  subIter.second) {
		if (subIter.first->second.first.getUUID() ==  node.getUUID())
			return; // we already know about this sub from this node

	UM_LOG_INFO("%s: received a new %s subscriber (%s:%u) for channel %s", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), sub.isMulticast() ? "multicast" : "unicast", ip.c_str(), port, _channelName.c_str());

	struct libre::sa addr;
	libre::sa_init(&addr, AF_INET);
	status = libre::sa_set_str(&addr, ip.c_str(), port);

	if (status) {
		UM_LOG_WARN("%s: error %d in libre::sa_set_str(%s:%u): %s", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), status, ip.c_str(), port, strerror(status));
	} else {
		_destinations[ip + ":" + toStr(port)] = addr;

	_subs[sub.getUUID()] = sub;
	_domainSubs.insert(std::make_pair(sub.getUUID(), std::make_pair(node, sub)));

	if (_greeter !=  NULL && _domainSubs.count(sub.getUUID()) ==  1) {
		// only perform greeting for first occurence of subscriber
		Publisher pub(StaticPtrCast<PublisherImpl>(shared_from_this()));
		_greeter->welcome(pub, sub);

Пример #3
void RTPSubscriber::removed(const PublisherStub& pub, const NodeStub& node) {
	RScopeLock lock(_mutex);
	int status;
	uint16_t port=pub.getPort();
	std::string ip=node.getIP();

	// TODO: This fails for publishers added via different nodes
	if (_pubs.find(pub.getUUID()) != _pubs.end())

	if (_domainPubs.count(pub.getDomain()) == 0)

	std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::iterator domIter = _domainPubs.find(pub.getDomain());

	while(domIter != _domainPubs.end()) {
		if (domIter->second == pub.getUUID()) {
		} else {

	if (_domainPubs.count(pub.getDomain()) == 0) {
		UM_LOG_INFO("%s unsubscribing from %s (%s:%d)", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), pub.getChannelName().c_str(), ip.c_str(), port);

		if(_multicast && _pubs.size()==0) {
			UM_LOG_INFO("%s: last publisher vanished and we are using multicast, leaving multicast group %s:%d now", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), _multicastIP.c_str(), _port);

			struct libre::sa maddr;
			libre::sa_init(&maddr, AF_INET);
			if((status=libre::sa_set_str(&maddr, _multicastIP.c_str(), _port)))
				UM_LOG_ERR("%s: error %d in libre::sa_set_str(%s:%u): %s, not leaving multicast group", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), status, _multicastIP.c_str(), _port, strerror(status));
			else if(libre::udp_multicast_join((libre::udp_sock*)libre::rtp_sock(_rtp_socket), &maddr))
				UM_LOG_ERR("%s: system not supporting multicast, not leaving multicast group (%s:%d)", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), _multicastIP.c_str(), _port);

Пример #4
void RTPSubscriber::added(const PublisherStub& pub, const NodeStub& node) {
	RScopeLock lock(_mutex);
	int status;
	uint16_t port=pub.getPort();
	std::string ip=node.getIP();

	if(_domainPubs.count(pub.getDomain()) == 0) {
		UM_LOG_INFO("%s: subscribing to %s (%s:%d)", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), pub.getChannelName().c_str(), ip.c_str(), port);

		if(_multicast && _pubs.size()==0) {
			UM_LOG_INFO("%s: first publisher found and we are using multicast, joining multicast group %s:%d now", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), _multicastIP.c_str(), _port);

			struct libre::sa maddr;
			libre::sa_init(&maddr, AF_INET);
			if((status=libre::sa_set_str(&maddr, _multicastIP.c_str(), _port)))
				UM_LOG_ERR("%s: error %d in libre::sa_set_str(%s:%u): %s, ignoring publisher", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), status, _multicastIP.c_str(), _port, strerror(status));
			else if(libre::udp_multicast_join((libre::udp_sock*)libre::rtp_sock(_rtp_socket), &maddr))
				UM_LOG_ERR("%s: system not supporting multicast, ignoring publisher (%s:%d)", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), _multicastIP.c_str(), _port);
	_pubs[pub.getUUID()] = pub;
	_domainPubs.insert(std::make_pair(pub.getDomain(), pub.getUUID()));