Пример #1
				static bool compare(const Sequence& n, const Sequence& low, const Sequence& high, const NumberComparisonPolicy& nCompare)
					if (nCompare.less_than(get<D>(n), get<D>(low)) ||
						nCompare.greater_than(get<D>(n), get<D>(high)))
						return false;
					return dimension_processor<Sequence, D - 1>::compare(n, low, high, nCompare);
Пример #2
        inline bool point_in_triangle( const Point1& p, const Point2& A, const Point3& B, const Point4& C, const NumberComparisonPolicy& cmp, dimension<3> )
            typedef typename select_arithmetic_type_from_sequences<Point1, Point2>::type arithmetic_type;

            // Translate point and triangle so that point lies at origin
            vector<arithmetic_type, 3> a = A - p;
            vector<arithmetic_type, 3> b = B - p;
            vector<arithmetic_type, 3> c = C - p;

            // Compute normal vectors for triangles pab and pbc
            auto u = cross_product( b, c );
            auto v = cross_product( c, a );

            // Make sure they are both pointing in the same direction
            if( cmp.less_than(dot_product(u, v), constants::zero<decltype(dot_product(u,v))>() ) )
                return false;

            // Compute normal vector for triangle pca
            auto w = cross_product(a, b);

            // Make sure it points in the same direction as the first two
            if( cmp.less_than(dot_product(u, w), constants::zero<decltype(dot_product(u,w))>() ) )
                return false;

            // Otherwise P must be in (or on) the triangle
            return true;
Пример #3
				static bool compare(const Sequence& n, const Sequence& low, const Sequence& high, const NumberComparisonPolicy& nCompare)
					if (nCompare.less_than(get<0>(n), get<0>(low)) ||
						nCompare.greater_than(get<0>(n), get<0>(high)))
						return false;
						return true;
bool numeric_sequence_equals_3d( const NumericSequence1& A,
                                 const NumericSequence2& B,
                                 const NumberComparisonPolicy& compare )
    return compare.equals( get<0>( A ), get<0>( B ) ) && 
           compare.equals( get<1>( A ), get<1>( B ) ) && 
           compare.equals( get<2>( A ), get<2>( B ) );
Пример #5
		bool intersects(const NumericType& t, const NumberComparisonPolicy& compare, typename boost::enable_if< is_numeric<NumericType> >::type* = 0) const
			typedef typename geometric_traits<NumericSequence>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;
			coordinate_type& lowD = get<D>(m_low);
			coordinate_type& highD = get<D>(m_high);
			bool lessThanHigh = compare.less_than(highD, t);
			bool greaterThanLow = compare.greater_than(lowD, t);
			return (lessThanHigh && greaterThanLow);
Пример #6
        inline bool point_in_triangle( const Point1& p, const Point2& A, const Point3& B, const Point4& C, const NumberComparisonPolicy& cmp, dimension<2> )
            //! From real time collision detection.

            // If P to the right of AB then outside triangle
            if( cmp.less_than( psuedo_cross_2d( p - A, B - A ), constants::zero<typename result_of::psuedo_cross_2d<decltype(p - A), decltype(B - A)>::type>() ) )
                return false;
            // If P to the right of BC then outside triangle
            if( cmp.less_than( psuedo_cross_2d( p - B, C - B ), constants::zero<typename result_of::psuedo_cross_2d<decltype(p - B), decltype(C - B)>::type>()) )
                return false;
            // If P to the right of CA then outside triangle
            if( cmp.less_than( psuedo_cross_2d( p - C, A - C ), constants::zero<typename result_of::psuedo_cross_2d<decltype(p - C), decltype(A - C)>::type>()) )
                return false;
            // Otherwise P must be in (or on) the triangle
            return true;
inline bool bounding_box_intersection( const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& p3, const Point& p4, const NumberComparisonPolicy& compare )
    typedef typename geometric_traits<Point>::coordinate_type coordinate_type;

    coordinate_type xmax1, xmax2, ymax1, ymax2, xmin1, xmin2, ymin1, ymin2;
    boost::tie( xmin1, xmax1 ) = boost::minmax( get<0>( p1 ), get<0>( p2 ) );
    boost::tie( ymin1, ymax1 ) = boost::minmax( get<1>( p1 ), get<1>( p2 ) );
    boost::tie( xmin2, xmax2 ) = boost::minmax( get<0>( p3 ), get<0>( p4 ) );
    boost::tie( ymin2, ymax2 ) = boost::minmax( get<1>( p3 ), get<1>( p4 ) );

    return ( compare.greater_than_or_equal( xmax1, xmin2 ) &&
             compare.greater_than_or_equal( xmax2, xmin1 ) &&
             compare.greater_than_or_equal( ymax1, ymin2 ) &&
             compare.greater_than_or_equal( ymax2, ymin1 ) );
 inline plane_orientation classify_point_to_plane(const Point& p, const Hyperplane& plane, const NumberComparisonPolicy& cmp)
     using access = hyperplane_access_traits<typename std::decay<Hyperplane>::type>;
     // Compute signed distance of point from plane
     auto dist = scalar_projection(as_vector(p), access::get_normal_vector(plane)) - access::get_distance_to_origin(plane);
     // Classify p based on the signed distance
     using number_t = typename std::decay<decltype(dist)>::type;
     auto zero = constants::zero<number_t>();
     if (cmp.greater_than(dist, zero))
         return plane_orientation::in_front_of_plane;
     if (cmp.less_than(dist, zero))
         return plane_orientation::in_back_of_plane;
     return plane_orientation::coplanar_with_plane;
        bool operator()( const Point1& a, const Point2& b ) const
            const vector_double_2d da = a - m_origin, db = b - m_origin;
            const double detb = exterior_product_area( m_reference, db );

            //! If v2 is along reference it is smallest.
            if( m_cmp.equals(detb, 0) && m_cmp.greater_than_or_equal(dot_product( db, m_reference ), 0) )
                return false;
            const double deta = exterior_product_area( m_reference, da );

            //! If v1 is along reference it is smallest.
            if( m_cmp.equals(deta, 0) && m_cmp.greater_than_or_equal(dot_product( da, m_reference ), 0) )
                return true;

            //! If detv1 and detv2 have the same sign, they are on the same side of reference and can be compared directly.
            if( m_cmp.greater_than_or_equal(deta * detb, 0) )
                //! both on same side of reference: compare to each other
                return m_cmp.greater_than(exterior_product_area( da, db ), 0);

            //! At this point one of the two detvX is negative. A negative detvX means a large angle WRT reference.
            //! If v1 is positive it must be smaller than v2, else the opposite must be true.
            return m_cmp.greater_than(deta, 0);
    sphere_sphere_intersection_result<point<typename geometric_traits<SphereA>::radius_type, 2>> sphere_sphere_intersection(const SphereA& A, const SphereB& B, const NumberComparisonPolicy& cmp)
        using namespace geometrix;

        using std::sqrt;
        using std::abs;

        using length_t = typename geometric_traits<SphereA>::radius_type;
        using dimensionless_t = decltype(std::declval<length_t>() / std::declval<length_t>());
        using point_t = point<length_t, 2>;
        using vector_t = vector<length_t, 2>;

        auto d = point_point_distance(get_center(A), get_center(B));
        if (cmp.greater_than(d, get_radius(A) + get_radius(B)))
            return sphere_sphere_intersection_result<point_t>(sphere_intersection_state::non_intersecting);
        else if (cmp.less_than(d, abs(get_radius(A) - get_radius(B))))
            return sphere_sphere_intersection_result<point_t>(sphere_intersection_state::circumscribed);
        else if (cmp.equals(d, constants::zero<length_t>()))
            return sphere_sphere_intersection_result<point_t>(sphere_intersection_state::coincident);

        auto r1 = get_radius(A) * get_radius(A);
        auto a = (r1 - get_radius(B) * get_radius(B) + d * d) / (constants::two<dimensionless_t>() * d);
        auto h = sqrt(r1 - a*a);

        vector_t v = get_center(B) - get_center(A);

        auto dinv = constants::one<dimensionless_t>() / d;
        point_t m = get_center(A) + (a * dinv) * v;

        auto f = h * dinv;

        point_t s1 = m + f * right_normal(v);
        if (cmp.equals(h, constants::zero<length_t>()))
            return sphere_sphere_intersection_result<point_t>(s1);
        point_t s2 = m + f * left_normal(v);
        return sphere_sphere_intersection_result<point_t>(s1, s2);
Пример #11
    inline polygon_containment point_polygon_containment_or_on_border(const Point& p, const Polygon& poly, const NumberComparisonPolicy& cmp )
        typedef point_sequence_traits<Polygon> access;
        typedef typename access::point_type point_type;
        typedef typename geometric_traits<point_type>::arithmetic_type arithmetic_type;
        using dimensionless_type = typename geometric_traits<point_type>::dimensionless_type;

        std::size_t size = access::size(poly);
        GEOMETRIX_ASSERT(size > 2);

        std::size_t rcross = 0;
        std::size_t lcross = 0;
        bool rstrad, lstrad;
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
            point_type pointi = access::get_point(poly, i);

            if (numeric_sequence_equals(p, pointi, cmp))
                return polygon_containment::vertex;

            std::size_t h = (i + size - 1) % size;
            point_type pointh = access::get_point(poly, h);

            rstrad = cmp.greater_than(get<1>(pointi), get<1>(p)) != cmp.greater_than(get<1>(pointh), get<1>(p));
            lstrad = cmp.less_than(get<1>(pointi), get<1>(p)) != cmp.less_than(get<1>(pointh), get<1>(p));

            if (rstrad || lstrad)
                arithmetic_type ydiff = get<1>(pointh) - get<1>(pointi);
                arithmetic_type denom = (ydiff == constants::zero<arithmetic_type>()) ? std::numeric_limits<arithmetic_type>::epsilon() : ydiff;
                dimensionless_type slopeInverse = (get<0>(pointh) - get<0>(pointi)) / denom;

                arithmetic_type x = slopeInverse * (get<1>(p) - get<1>(pointi)) + get<0>(pointi);
                if (rstrad && cmp.greater_than(x, get<0>(p)))
                if (lstrad && cmp.less_than(x, get<0>(p)))

        if ((rcross % 2) != (lcross % 2))
            return polygon_containment::border;

        if ((rcross % 2) == 1)
            return polygon_containment::interior;

        return polygon_containment::exterior;
	inline orientation_type point_polyline_orientation(const Point& p, const Polyline& pline, const NumberComparisonPolicy& cmp)

		using access = point_sequence_traits<Polyline>;
		GEOMETRIX_ASSERT(access::size(pline) > 1);

		using length_t = typename select_arithmetic_type_from_sequences<Point, typename access::point_type>::type;
		using area_t = decltype(std::declval<length_t>() * std::declval<length_t>());
		using dimensionless_t = decltype(std::declval<length_t>() / std::declval<length_t>());
		using vector_t = vector<length_t, dimension_of<Point>::value>;

		auto minDistance = (std::numeric_limits<area_t>::max)();
		std::size_t segIndex;
		for (std::size_t i = 0, j = 1; j < access::size(pline); i = j++)
			auto d2 = point_segment_distance_sqrd(p, access::get_point(pline, i), access::get_point(pline, j));
			if (d2 < minDistance)
				minDistance = d2;
				segIndex = i;

		if (cmp.greater_than(minDistance, constants::zero<area_t>()))
			GEOMETRIX_ASSERT(minDistance < (std::numeric_limits<area_t>::max)());
			auto pi = access::get_point(pline, segIndex);
			auto pj = access::get_point(pline, segIndex + 1);
			dimensionless_t t;
			point_segment_closest_point_and_param(p, pi, pj, t);
			if (t > constants::zero<dimensionless_t>() && t < constants::one<dimensionless_t>())
				return get_orientation(pi, pj, p, cmp);
			else if (cmp.equals(t, constants::zero<dimensionless_t>()))
				//! Closest point is a vertex i.
				if (segIndex != 0)
					auto ph = access::get_point(pline, segIndex - 1);
					auto o = get_orientation(ph, pi, pj, cmp);
					if (o == oriented_left)
						vector_t vpi = p - pi;
						vector_t lo = pj - pi;
						vector_t hi = ph - pi;
						if (is_vector_between(lo, hi, vpi, false, cmp))
							return oriented_left;
							return oriented_right;
					else if (o == oriented_right)
						vector_t vpi = p - pi;
						vector_t hi = pj - pi;
						vector_t lo = ph - pi;
						if (is_vector_between(lo, hi, vpi, false, cmp))
							return oriented_right;
							return oriented_left;
						return get_orientation(pi, pj, p, cmp);
					return get_orientation(pi, pj, p, cmp);
				//! pj is the closest.
				if ((segIndex + 2) < access::size(pline))
					auto pk = access::get_point(pline, segIndex + 2);
					auto o = get_orientation(pi, pj, pk, cmp);
					if (o == oriented_left)
						vector_t vpj = p - pj;
						vector_t lo = pk - pj;
						vector_t hi = pi - pj;
						if (is_vector_between(lo, hi, vpj, false, cmp))
							return oriented_left;
							return oriented_right;
					else if (o == oriented_right)
						vector_t vpj = p - pj;
						vector_t hi = pk - pj;
						vector_t lo = pi - pj;
						if (is_vector_between(lo, hi, vpj, false, cmp))
							return oriented_right;
							return oriented_left;
						return get_orientation(pi, pj, p, cmp);
					return get_orientation(pi, pj, p, cmp);

		return oriented_collinear;