Пример #1
// LMM scan of a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version should be fast but requires more memory
// (since we first expand the genotype probabilities to probs x intcovar)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix with one column of numeric phenotypes
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// eigenvec  = matrix of transposed eigenvectors of variance matrix
// weights   = vector of weights (really the SQUARE ROOT of the weights)
// output    = vector of log likelihood values
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector scan_pg_onechr_intcovar_highmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                              const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                              const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                              const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                              const NumericMatrix& eigenvec,
                                              const NumericVector& weights,
                                              const double tol=1e-12)
    const unsigned int n_ind = pheno.rows();
    if(pheno.cols() != 1)
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != 1");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    const unsigned int n_pos = d[2];
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != length(weights)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.rows())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != nrow(eigenvec)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.cols())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != ncol(eigenvec)");

    // expand genotype probabilities to include geno x interactive covariate
    NumericVector genoprobs_rev = expand_genoprobs_intcovar(genoprobs, intcovar);

    // pre-multiply everything by eigenvectors
    genoprobs_rev = matrix_x_3darray(eigenvec, genoprobs_rev);
    NumericMatrix addcovar_rev = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, addcovar);
    NumericMatrix pheno_rev = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, pheno);

    // multiply everything by the (square root) of the weights
    // (weights should ALREADY be the square-root of the real weights)
    addcovar_rev = weighted_matrix(addcovar_rev, weights);
    pheno_rev = weighted_matrix(pheno_rev, weights);
    genoprobs_rev = weighted_3darray(genoprobs_rev, weights);

    // regress out the additive covariates
    genoprobs_rev = calc_resid_linreg_3d(addcovar_rev, genoprobs_rev, tol);
    pheno_rev = calc_resid_linreg(addcovar_rev, pheno_rev, tol);

    // now the scan, return RSS
    NumericMatrix rss = scan_hk_onechr_nocovar(genoprobs_rev, pheno_rev, tol);

    // 0.5*sum(log(weights)) [since these are sqrt(weights)]
    double sum_logweights = sum(log(weights));

    // calculate log likelihood
    NumericVector result(n_pos);
    for(unsigned int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++)
        result[pos] = -(double)n_ind/2.0*log(rss[pos]) + sum_logweights;

    return result;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector colMeansC(NumericMatrix x) {
  // number of rows and columns
  int nCol = x.ncol();
  int nRow = x.nrow();
  // temporary variable of size nrow(x) to store column values in
  NumericVector nVal(nRow);
  // initialize output vector
  NumericVector out(nCol);
  // loop over each column
  for (int i = 0; i < nCol; i++) {
    // values in current column
    nVal = x(_, i);
    // store mean of current 'nVal' in 'out[i]'
    out[i] = mean(nVal);
  return out;
Пример #3
// Summing log row
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector logplusRowMatC(const NumericMatrix & x) {

    int n = x.nrow();

    NumericVector out(n);

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        out(i) = logplusvecC( ExtRowMatC(x, i) );


    return out;

Пример #4
// [[Rcpp::export]]
LogicalMatrix matchspatial(NumericMatrix locs, NumericMatrix x, int ncells, int state) {
    x is vector of simulated locations
    locs are cell locations (row, column numbers) to match
    ncells is the number of cells (distance) used to match location
    state is the value to check for
    return matrix z contains TRUE if match otherwise FALSE 
    -1 taken off locs row and col numbers to convert to C++ indexing
  int n = x.nrow();
  int m = x.ncol();
  LogicalMatrix z(n,m); 
  int nlocs = locs.nrow();
    for(int k = 0; k < nlocs; k++) {
      for(int ii = imax(-ncells,-(locs(k,0) - 1)); ii <= imin(n-(locs(k,0) - 1),ncells); ii++) {
          for(int jj= imax(-ncells,-(locs(k,1) - 1)); jj <= imin(m-(locs(k,1) - 1),ncells); jj++) {
            if(x((locs(k,0) + ii - 1),(locs(k,1) + jj - 1)) == state) 
               z((locs(k,0) +ii  - 1),(locs(k,1) + jj - 1)) = true;
Пример #5
void setlogP_C2(NumericMatrix logP,NumericVector NegLL,NumericMatrix cbars,NumericMatrix G3,NumericMatrix LLconst){
    int n = logP.nrow(), k = logP.ncol();
    int l1 =cbars.ncol();
      arma::mat logP2(logP.begin(), n, k, false); 
      NumericVector cbartemp=cbars(0,_);  
      NumericVector G3temp=G3(0,_);  
      arma::colvec cbarrow(cbartemp.begin(),l1,false);
      arma::colvec G3row(G3temp.begin(),l1,false);
      for(int i=0;i<n;i++){

        logP(i,1)=logP(i,0)-NegLL(i)+0.5*arma::as_scalar(cbarrow.t() * cbarrow)+arma::as_scalar(G3row.t() * cbarrow);

      LLconst(i,0)=NegLL(i)-arma::as_scalar(G3row.t() * cbarrow);

Пример #6
void update_marginal_distr(ListOf<NumericMatrix> Q, NumericMatrix res, int k, int n){
  arma::mat out(res.begin(), k, n, false);
  for(int t=1; t<=n-1; t++){
    // calculate rowsums of Q[t]
    arma::mat B(Q[t].begin(), k, k, false);
    arma::colvec rowsums = sum(B, 1);
    // assign rowsums to res(_, t-1)
    out.col(t-1) += rowsums;
  // calculate colsums of Q[n-1]
  arma::mat B(Q[n-1].begin(), k, k, false);
  arma::rowvec colsums = sum(B, 0);
  arma::colvec temp = arma::vec(colsums.begin(), k, false, false);
  out.col(n-1) += temp;
Пример #7
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double lnL_scalar(NumericVector y, List x, NumericMatrix groups,
           NumericMatrix beta, List gamma, NumericVector delta,
           NumericMatrix z, double alpha, double sigma2,
           List bs_beta) {
  double out;
  //Calculate mean value for each observation
  double sum_sq = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < y.size(); i++) {
    double mu = alpha;
    for (int k = 0; k < beta.nrow(); k++) {
      NumericMatrix bs_beta_k = bs_beta[k];
      NumericMatrix x_k = x[k];
      for (int j = 0; j < x_k.ncol(); j++) {
        double mu_tmp = 0;
        for (int jj = 0; jj < beta.ncol(); jj++) {
          mu_tmp += bs_beta_k(j, jj) * beta(k, jj);
        mu += x_k(i, j) * mu_tmp;
    for (int k = 1; k < z.ncol(); k++) {
      mu += delta[k] * z(i, k);
    for (int q = 0; q < gamma.size(); q++) {
      NumericVector gamma_q = gamma[q];
      int group_set = groups(i, q);
      mu += gamma_q(group_set);
    sum_sq += (y(i) - mu) * (y(i) - mu);

  //Calculate loglik
  out = (- (double) y.size() / 2.0) * log(2.0 * PI * sigma2) - (1.0 / (2.0 * sigma2)) * sum_sq;
  return out;
Пример #8
    double nlmerResp::updateMu(Rcpp::NumericVector const &gamma) throw(std::runtime_error) {
	int n = d_y.size();
	Rcpp::NumericVector gam = gamma + d_offset;
	NumericVector gam(d_offset.size());
	std::transform(gamma.begin(), gamma.end(), d_offset.begin(),
		       gam.begin(), std::plus<double>());
	double *gg = gam.begin();

	for (int p = 0; p < d_pnames.size(); p++) {
	    std::string pn(d_pnames[p]);
	    Rcpp::NumericVector pp = d_nlenv.get(pn);
	    std::copy(gg + n * p, gg + n * (p + 1), pp.begin());
	NumericVector rr = d_nlmod.eval(SEXP(d_nlenv));
	if (rr.size() != n)
	    throw std::runtime_error("dimension mismatch");
	std::copy(rr.begin(), rr.end(), d_mu.begin());
	NumericMatrix rrg = rr.attr("gradient");
	std::copy(rrg.begin(), rrg.end(), d_sqrtXwt.begin());
	return updateWrss();
Пример #9
// **********************************************************//
//              Likelihood evaluation of Timepart            //
// **********************************************************//
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double Timepartsum (NumericMatrix mumat, double sigma_tau,
                   IntegerVector senders, NumericVector timestamps){
    int D = senders.size();
    double timesum = 0;
    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < D; d++) {
        int a_d = senders[d] - 1;
        timesum += R::dlnorm(timestamps[d], mumat(d, a_d), sigma_tau, TRUE);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mumat.ncol(); i++) {
        if (i != a_d) {
            timesum += R::plnorm(timestamps[d], mumat(d, i), sigma_tau, FALSE, TRUE);
    return timesum;
Пример #10
// optimal proposal
void LinearGaussian::transition_and_weight(Tree* tree, NumericMatrix & xparticles, NumericVector & logweights, int step){
  RNGScope scope;
  int nparticles = xparticles.nrow();
  NumericVector trans_noise = rnorm(nparticles, 0, 1);
  double var = sigma2*tau2 / (sigma2 + tau2);
  double sd = sqrt(var);
  double Minus1Div2Sd = -1.0 / (2*(sigma2 + tau2));
  for (int iparticle = 0; iparticle < nparticles; iparticle++){
    int j = tree->l_star(iparticle);
    xparticles(iparticle, 0) = var * ((rho * tree->x_star(j, 0)) / sigma2 + observations(step, 0) / tau2);
    xparticles(iparticle, 0) = xparticles(iparticle, 0) + sd *  trans_noise(iparticle);
    logweights(iparticle) = Minus1Div2Sd * (rho * tree->x_star(j, 0) - observations(step, 0)) *
      (rho * tree->x_star(j, 0) - observations(step, 0));
Пример #11
NumericMatrix updatePPLCpp(NumericMatrix x, NumericMatrix dm, int idx) {
  int ncolx = x.ncol(), nrowx = x.nrow(), ncoldm = dm.ncol(), nrowdm = dm.nrow();
  NumericVector d(nrowx, 0.0000);
  NumericMatrix x2(1, ncolx);
  NumericMatrix res(nrowdm, ncoldm);
  // Get the data of the distance matrix
  // This is needed so that the object passed to 'dm' is not replaced in the 
  // global environment.
  for (int i = 0; i < nrowdm; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < ncoldm; j++) {
      res(i, j) = dm(i, j);
  // Get the coordinates of the new point
  idx -= 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < ncolx; i++) {
    x2(0, i) = x(idx, i);
  // Calculate distances
  for (int i = 0; i < nrowx; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < ncolx; j++) {
      d[i] += (x[nrowx * j + i] - x2[j]) * (x[nrowx * j + i] - x2[j]);
    d[i] = pow(d[i], 0.5);
  // replace the values in the distance matrix
  for (int i = 0; i < nrowx; i++) {
    res(i, idx) = d[i];
    res(idx, i) = d[i];
  return (res);
Пример #12
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector splitpointC(NumericMatrix Dm, NumericVector x, Function f) {
  int J = Dm.ncol() - 1;
  NumericVector ux = unique(x).sort(), chisq(J+2), chisqtemp(J+3, -1.0);
  int nux = ux.size(), id = -1;
  for (int i=0; i <= nux-2; i++) {
    chisq = f(Dm, x >= (ux[i]+ux[i+1])/2);
    if (chisq[0] >= chisqtemp[1]) {
       chisqtemp[0] = (ux[i]+ux[i+1])/2;
       for (int j=1; j<J+3; j++) {
         chisqtemp[j] = chisq[j-1];
  return chisqtemp; 
Пример #13
// Function for pair indexing
// [[Rcpp::export]]
std::vector<int> indexPairs(NumericMatrix & X,
                            const String op = "==",
                            const double ref = 0){

  // Index pairs by operator and reference
  std::vector<int> index;
  int nfeats = X.nrow();
  for(int i = 1; i < nfeats; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){

      if(op == "==" || op == "="){
        if(X(i, j) == ref){
          index.push_back(j * nfeats + i + 1);
      }else if(op == ">"){
        if(X(i, j) > ref){
          index.push_back(j * nfeats + i + 1);
      }else if(op == ">="){
        if(X(i, j) >= ref){
          index.push_back(j * nfeats + i + 1);
      }else if(op == "<"){
        if(X(i, j) < ref){
          index.push_back(j * nfeats + i + 1);
      }else if(op == "<="){
        if(X(i, j) <= ref){
          index.push_back(j * nfeats + i + 1);
      }else if(op == "!="){
        if(X(i, j) != ref){
          index.push_back(j * nfeats + i + 1);

      }else if(op == "all"){

        index.push_back(j * nfeats + i + 1);


        stop("Operator not found.");

  return index;
Пример #14
// **********************************************************//
//              Construct the history of interaction         //
// **********************************************************//
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List History(List edge, NumericVector timestamps, NumericMatrix p_d, IntegerVector node, int d, double timeunit) {
  int nIP = p_d.ncol();
  int A = node.size();
  List IPmat(nIP);
  for (int IP = 0; IP < nIP; IP++) {
  	List IPlist_IP(3);
  	for (unsigned int l = 0; l < 3; l++){
  		NumericMatrix IP_l(A, A);
  		IPlist_IP[l] = IP_l;
  		IPmat[IP] = IPlist_IP;
    double time1 = timestamps[d-2]-384*timeunit;
	double time2 = timestamps[d-2]-96*timeunit;
    double time3 = timestamps[d-2]-24*timeunit;
    int iter = which_num(time1, timestamps);

	  for (int i = iter-1; i < (d-1); i++) {
	    List document2 = edge[i];
	    int sender = document2[0];
	    IntegerVector receiver = document2[1];
	    double time = timestamps[i];
	    for (unsigned int r = 0; r < receiver.size(); r++){
	       for (int IP = 0; IP < nIP; IP++) {
  			  List IPlist_IP = IPmat[IP];
               if (time < time2) {
                   NumericMatrix IP_l = IPlist_IP[2];
                   IP_l(sender-1, receiver[r]-1) += p_d(i, IP);
                   IPlist_IP[2] = IP_l;
               } else {
                   if (time >= time2 && time < time3) {
                       NumericMatrix IP_l = IPlist_IP[1];
                       IP_l(sender-1, receiver[r]-1) += p_d(i, IP);
                       IPlist_IP[1] = IP_l;
                   } else {
                       if (time >= time3) {
                       NumericMatrix IP_l = IPlist_IP[0];
                       IP_l(sender-1, receiver[r]-1) += p_d(i, IP);
                       IPlist_IP[0] = IP_l;
			    IPmat[IP] = IPlist_IP;
	return IPmat;
Пример #15
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix dist_by_closeness(NumericMatrix mat) {
	int n = mat.nrow();

	NumericMatrix dist(n, n);

	for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i ++) {
		for(int j = i+1; j < n; j ++) {
			dist(i, j) = closeness(mat(i, _), mat(j, _));
			dist(j, i) = dist(i, j);
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
		dist(i, i) = 0;
	return dist;
Пример #16
 // worker function shared by sapply and sapply_cpp
 // check size, grow as needed
 void grow_assign_sapply(std::size_t icol, std::size_t thisLen, arma::vec& dataVec, NumericMatrix::iterator& colStart) {
     std::size_t sizeNew = dataVec.size();
     if ( sizeNew > allocLen) {
         // recompute offsets
         colStart = data.begin() + (icol * allocLen);
     if ( sizeNew < thisLen) {
         // if results are shorter, zero out extra items
         // not necessary, but prevents confusion viewing $data
         std::fill( colStart+sizeNew, colStart + thisLen, 0);
     // fill row of return matrix
     std::copy(dataVec.begin(), dataVec.end(), colStart);
     lengths[icol] = sizeNew;
Пример #17
// [[Rcpp::export(.loocvdens)]]
NumericVector loocvdens(double nu, NumericMatrix ang, NumericVector wts, NumericMatrix loowts) {
  NumericVector result(1);
  int n = loowts.ncol();
  NumericVector sumbeta(1);
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
    sumbeta[0] = 0;
    for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
      if(i == j){
      sumbeta[0] = sumbeta[0] + exp(log(loowts(j, i)) + ldirfn( nu * ang(j,_) ) + sum((nu * ang(j,_) - 1.0) * log(ang(i,_))));
    result[0] = result[0] - log(sumbeta[0]);
  return result;
Пример #18
// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerVector p2dna(NumericMatrix xx, double eps=0.999){
    int nr = xx.nrow(); //xx.ncol(), nc = 4; 
    double m=0.0;
    IntegerVector tmp = IntegerVector::create(1,2,4,8);
    IntegerVector res(nr);
    for(int i=0; i<nr; ++i){
        for(int j=1; j<4; ++j){
            if(m<xx(i,j)) m=xx(i,j); 
        for(int j=0; j<4; ++j){
            if(xx(i,j) > (m * eps)) res(i)+=tmp[j];
    return res;
Пример #19
// Function to return upper right triangle
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector urtRcpp(NumericMatrix & X){

  int nfeats = X.nrow();
  int llt = nfeats * (nfeats - 1) / 2;
  Rcpp::NumericVector result(llt);
  int counter = 0;

  for(int i = 1; i < nfeats; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){
      result(counter) = X(j, i);
      counter += 1;

  return result;
Пример #20
// Likelihood without Z
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double f(IntegerMatrix Y, NumericMatrix J, NumericVector h)
  double Res = 1;
  int Np = Y.nrow();
  int Ni = J.ncol();
  IntegerVector s(Ni);
  for (int p=0;p<Np;p++)
    for (int i=0;i<Ni;i++)
      s[i] = Y(p,i);
    Res *= exp(-1.0 * H(J, s, h));
Пример #21
//testing initial system for particle filter
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List initPF(NumericMatrix data, NumericVector init_state, int n_particles){
  //initialize system
  int n_iter = data.nrow(); //number of iterations for main particle filter
  NumericVector time_points = data(_,0); //extract time points to run model over
  double loglike = 0.0;
  NumericVector particle_current_state(Dimension(1,init_state.length(),n_particles));
  NumericVector particle_traj(Dimension(n_iter,init_state.length(),n_particles));
  double init_weight = 1 / Rcpp::as<double>(wrap(n_particles));
  NumericVector particle_weight = NumericVector(n_particles,init_weight);
Пример #22
// LMM scan of a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version uses less memory but will be slower
// (since we need to work with each position, one at a time)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix with one column of numeric phenotypes
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// eigenvec  = matrix of transposed eigenvectors of variance matrix
// weights   = vector of weights (really the SQUARE ROOT of the weights)
// output    = vector of log likelihood values
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector scan_pg_onechr_intcovar_lowmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                             const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                             const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                             const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                             const NumericMatrix& eigenvec,
                                             const NumericVector& weights,
                                             const double tol=1e-12)
    const unsigned int n_ind = pheno.rows();
    if(pheno.cols() != 1)
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != 1");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    const unsigned int n_pos = d[2];
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != length(weights)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.rows())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != nrow(eigenvec)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.cols())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != ncol(eigenvec)");

    NumericVector result(n_pos);

    // multiply pheno by eigenvectors and then by weights
    NumericMatrix pheno_rev = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, pheno);
    pheno_rev = weighted_matrix(pheno_rev, weights);

    // 0.5*sum(log(weights)) [since these are sqrt(weights)]
    double sum_logweights = sum(log(weights));

    for(unsigned int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++) {
        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // form X matrix
        NumericMatrix X = formX_intcovar(genoprobs, addcovar, intcovar, pos, true);

        // multiply by eigenvectors
        X = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, X);

        // multiply by weights
        X = weighted_matrix(X, weights);

        // do regression
        NumericVector rss = calc_rss_linreg(X, pheno_rev, tol);
        result[pos] = -(double)n_ind/2.0*log(rss[0]) + sum_logweights;

    return result;
Пример #23
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List runit_Row_Column_sugar( NumericMatrix x){
    NumericVector r0 = x.row(0) ;
    NumericVector c0 = x.column(0) ;
    return List::create(
        x.row(1) + x.column(1)
        ) ;
// FIXME: add comments
// FIXME: move all the helper methods to separate file(s)
std::vector<double> computeRangeForDimension(const NumericMatrix mat, int dim) {
  std::vector<double> rg(2);
  double min = INFINITY;
  double max = -INFINITY;
  int n_rows = mat.nrow();
  for (int i = 0; i < n_rows; ++i) {
    if (mat(i, dim) < min) {
      min = mat(i, dim);
    if (mat(i, dim) > max) {
      max = mat(i, dim);
  rg[0] = min;
  rg[1] = max;
  return rg;
Пример #25
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector ll_fnC(NumericVector param, NumericMatrix DataState, IntegerVector choice_seq, 
					List DP_init, Function Bellman_operator, List control_list){
	// Construct DP_list and Bellman operator; 
	List DP_list = clone(DP_init);
	double deriv = sum(param);
// 	NumericVector param1 = clone(param);
// 	param1 = exp(param1);
	DP_list["param"] = param; 
	NumericMatrix state = DP_list["state"];
	NumericVector state_y = state(_,1), state_I = state(_,0);
	NumericVector I_grid = state_I[state_y==1];
	int K = DP_list["K"];
	double	beta = DP_list["beta"];
	List Q_kernal = DP_list["Q_kernal"], y_kernal = DP_list["y_kernal"];
	int ns = DataState.nrow(), choice_index = 0;
	NumericVector ll(ns);
	if(param[0] <=0 || param[1] <=0 ){
		for(int i=0; i<ns; i++){
			ll(i) = -100;
		// Solve Dynamic programing at the given parameter; 
		List sol = value_iteration_fnC(DP_list, 0, Bellman_operator, control_list);
		int status = sol["status"];
		if(status == 2){
// 			return NumericVector::create(NA_REAL);
			NumericVector V = sol["value_fn"]; 
			NumericVector V1 = V[state_y==1], V2 = V[state_y==2];

			// Compute CCP at each state; 
			List ccp_ls = CCP_fnC(DataState, I_grid, V1, I_grid, V2, K, param, beta, Q_kernal, y_kernal, FALSE, control_list);
			NumericMatrix ccp = ccp_ls["ccp"];

			// Compute log-likelyhood of each state and choice data;
			for(int i=0; i<ns; i++){
				choice_index = choice_seq[i] - 1;
				ll(i) = log(ccp(i, choice_index)) ;
Пример #26
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector bisq(NumericMatrix x1, NumericVector x2, double h){
  int n = x1.nrow();
  double dist;
  double h2 = square(h);
  NumericVector w(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      dist = square(x1(i,0) - x2(0));
      dist += square(x1(i,1) - x2(1));
      if (dist > h2) {
        w(i) = 0.0;
      else {
        w(i) = square(1 - dist/h2);
    return w;
Пример #27
//' Apply crossprod and colSums 
//' @description Fast computation of crossprod(colSums(X),Y) 
//' @param X A matrix with dimensions k*n. Hence the result of \code{colSums(X)} has length n.
//' @param Y A matrix with dimenions n*m. Can be a matrix with dimension m*n but then \code{transposeY} should be \code{TRUE}.
//' @param transposeY Logical. If \code{TRUE} transpose Y before matrix multiplication.
//' @return A vector of length m.
//' @author Thomas Alexander Gerds <tag@@biostat.ku.dk>
//' @examples
//' x <- matrix(1:8,ncol=2)
//' y <- matrix(1:16,ncol=8)
//' colSumsCrossprod(x,y,0)
//' x <- matrix(1:8,ncol=2)
//' y <- matrix(1:16,ncol=2)
//' colSumsCrossprod(x,y,1)
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix colSumsCrossprod(NumericMatrix X, NumericMatrix Y, bool transposeY){
  arma::mat A(X.begin(), X.nrow(), X.ncol(), false);
  arma::mat B(Y.begin(), Y.nrow(), Y.ncol(), false);
  arma::rowvec result;
  // result of colSums(A) has to be a matrix
  // with one row and as many columns as B has rows
  if (transposeY)
    result = arma::sum(A,0)*B.t();
    result = arma::sum(A,0)*B;
  return wrap(result); 
Пример #28
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector smooth_nd_1(const NumericMatrix& grid_in, 
                          const NumericVector& z_in, 
                          const NumericVector& w_in_,
                          const NumericMatrix& grid_out, 
                          const int var, const double h,
                          const std::string type = "mean") {

  if (var < 0) stop("var < 0");
  if (var >= grid_in.ncol()) stop("var too large");
  if (h <= 0) stop("h <= 0");
  if (grid_in.ncol() != grid_out.ncol()) stop("Incompatible grid sizes");

  int n_in = grid_in.nrow(), n_out = grid_out.nrow(), d = grid_in.ncol();
  NumericVector w_in = (w_in_.size() > 0) ? w_in_ : 
    rep(NumericVector::create(1), n_in);
  NumericVector z_out(n_out), w_out(n_out);

  // Will be much more efficient to slice up by input dimension:
  // and most efficient way of doing that will be to bin with / bw
  // My data structure: sparse grids
  // And once we're smoothing in one direction, with guaranteed e2venly spaced
  // grid can avoid many kernel evaluations and can also compute more
  // efficient running sum

  for(int j = 0; j < n_out; ++j) {
    boost::shared_ptr<Summary2d> summary = createSummary(type);
    for (int i = 0; i < n_in; ++i) {
      // Check that all variables (apart from var) are equal
      bool equiv = true;
      for (int k = 0; k < d; ++k) {
        if (k == var) continue;

        double in = grid_in(i, k), out = grid_out(j, k);
        if (in != out && !both_na(in, out)) {
          equiv = false;
      if (!equiv) continue;

      double in = grid_in(i, var), out = grid_out(j, var);
      double dist = both_na(in, out) ? 0 : in - out;
      double w = tricube(dist / h) * w_in[i];
      if (w == 0) continue;

      summary->push(dist, z_in[i], w);
    z_out[j] = summary->compute();

  return z_out;
Пример #29
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double annealing (NumericMatrix Corr, NumericVector S){

   NumericMatrix J = prepara_J (Corr);
   int V = Corr.nrow();
   int nmonte = 5000*V;
   int i, j, k, l, ntot, N[NPotts+1], NE, e_velho, x;
   double a, t, H0, H1, rand01, sumH,  sumH2, nlocal, m=0, deltaH;
   for (i = 0; i < V; i++)
      S[i] = (int)(R::runif(1, NPotts));
   t = tinit;
   H0 = hamilton (S, J);
      sumH = 0;
      sumH2 = 0;
      nlocal = 0;
      for (l = 1; l < nmonte; l++){
            sumH += H0;
            sumH2 += H0*H0;
         x = (int)(R::runif(0, V));
         e_velho = flipster(S, x);
         H1 = hamilton(S, J);
         deltaH = H1-H0;
            rand01 = (double)(R::runif(0,1));
            if(rand01 < exp(-deltaH/t))
         else {H0 = H1;}
      sumH /=nlocal;
      sumH2 /=nlocal;
      sumH2 = sumH2 - sumH*sumH;
      t-= t_step;
   return sumH;
Пример #30
// Answer ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix getRowsFromMat(NumericMatrix mat, NumericVector n){
  int nc=mat.ncol();                // get number of columns
  NumericMatrix out(n.size(), nc);  // declare output matrix
  n = n - 1;                        // because positioning in Rcpp begins from 0
  NumericVector::iterator rnum;     // loop iterator
  int rownum_out = 0;               // row number of output matrix
  for(rnum=n.begin(); rnum<n.end(); ++rnum){     // iterate through rows
    Rcout << "rnum: "<< *rnum << std::endl;      // print current row number to console.  (optional)
    for(int cnum=0; cnum<nc; ++cnum){            // iteratate through columns
      out(rownum_out, cnum) = mat(*rnum, cnum);  // assign value in output matrix. *rnum gets the value in the address.
      Rcout << "  cnum: "<< cnum;   // print current column number to console (optional)
    rownum_out++;                   // increment rownumber of output mat.
    Rcout << std::endl;             // end of line (optional)
  return out;