Пример #1
  void OBStereoFacade::InitMaps()
    if (m_perceive && !m_mol->HasChiralityPerceived())

    std::vector<OBGenericData *> stereoData = m_mol->GetAllData(OBGenericDataType::StereoData);

    std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator data;
    for (data = stereoData.begin(); data != stereoData.end(); ++data) {
      OBStereo::Type type = ((OBStereoBase*)*data)->GetType();
      if (type == OBStereo::Tetrahedral) {
        OBTetrahedralStereo *ts = dynamic_cast<OBTetrahedralStereo*>(*data);
        OBTetrahedralStereo::Config config = ts->GetConfig();
        if (config.center == OBStereo::NoRef)
        m_tetrahedralMap[config.center] = ts;
      } else
      if (type == OBStereo::SquarePlanar) {
        OBSquarePlanarStereo *sp = dynamic_cast<OBSquarePlanarStereo*>(*data);
        OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config config = sp->GetConfig();
        if (config.center == OBStereo::NoRef)
        m_squarePlanarMap[config.center] = sp;
      } else
      if (type == OBStereo::CisTrans) {
        OBCisTransStereo *ct = dynamic_cast<OBCisTransStereo*>(*data);
        OBCisTransStereo::Config config = ct->GetConfig();
        // find the bond id from begin & end atom ids
        unsigned long id = OBStereo::NoRef;
        OBAtom *a = m_mol->GetAtomById(config.begin);
        if (!a)
        FOR_BONDS_OF_ATOM (bond, a) {
          unsigned long beginId = bond->GetBeginAtom()->GetId();
          unsigned long endId = bond->GetEndAtom()->GetId();
          if ((beginId == config.begin && endId == config.end) ||
              (beginId == config.end && endId == config.begin)) {
            id = bond->GetId();
        if (id == OBStereo::NoRef)
        m_cistransMap[id] = ct;
Пример #2
  bool OBCisTransStereo::operator==(const OBCisTransStereo &other) const
    if (!IsValid() || !other.IsValid())
      return false;

    Config u = OBTetraPlanarStereo::ToConfig(other.GetConfig(),
        m_cfg.refs.at(0), OBStereo::ShapeU);
    unsigned long a1 = u.refs.at(0);
    unsigned long b1 = u.refs.at(2);

    if ((a1 == OBStereo::ImplicitRef) && (b1 == OBStereo::ImplicitRef)) {
      a1 = u.refs.at(1);
      b1 = u.refs.at(3);

    if (b1 != OBStereo::ImplicitRef)
      if (a1 == GetTransRef(b1))
        return true;
    if (a1 != OBStereo::ImplicitRef)
      if (b1 == GetTransRef(a1))
        return true;

    return false;
Пример #3
void genericSmilesCanonicalTest(const std::string &smiles)
  cout << "Testing generic smiles <-> canonical smiles" << endl;
  // read a smiles string
  OBMol mol;
  OBConversion conv;
  OB_REQUIRE( conv.SetInFormat("smi") );
  OB_REQUIRE( conv.SetOutFormat("can") );
  cout << "smiles: " << smiles << endl;
  // read a smiles string
  OB_REQUIRE( conv.ReadString(&mol, smiles) );

  // store the stereo data for the smiles string using unique symmetry ids
  std::vector<OBTetrahedralStereo::Config> tetrahedral1;
  std::vector<OBCisTransStereo::Config> cistrans1;
  std::vector<OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config> squareplanar1;

  // get the stereo data
  OB_ASSERT( mol.HasData(OBGenericDataType::StereoData) );
  std::vector<OBGenericData *> stereoData = mol.GetAllData(OBGenericDataType::StereoData);

  std::vector<unsigned int> canlbls;
  std::vector<unsigned int> symclasses;
  OBGraphSym gs1(&mol);
  CanonicalLabels(&mol, symclasses, canlbls);
  cout << "mol.NumAtoms = " << mol.NumAtoms() << endl;
  for (std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator data = stereoData.begin(); data != stereoData.end(); ++data) {
    if (((OBStereoBase*)*data)->GetType() == OBStereo::Tetrahedral) {
      // convert to tetrahedral data
      OBTetrahedralStereo *ts = dynamic_cast<OBTetrahedralStereo*>(*data);
      OB_REQUIRE( ts );
      OB_ASSERT( ts->IsValid() );
      if (!ts->IsValid())

      OBTetrahedralStereo::Config config = ts->GetConfig();
      // convert atom ids to symmetry ids
     if (mol.GetAtomById(config.center))
        config.center = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.center)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.from))
        config.from = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.from)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0]))
        config.refs[0] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1]))
        config.refs[1] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2]))
        config.refs[2] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      cout << "Config with symmetry ids: " << config << endl;
    } else
    if (((OBStereoBase*)*data)->GetType() == OBStereo::CisTrans) {
      // convert to tetrahedral data
      OBCisTransStereo *ct = dynamic_cast<OBCisTransStereo*>(*data);
      OB_REQUIRE( ct );
      OB_ASSERT( ct->IsValid() );

      OBCisTransStereo::Config config = ct->GetConfig();
      // convert atom ids to symmetry ids
      config.begin = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.begin)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      config.end = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.end)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0]))
        config.refs[0] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1]))
        config.refs[1] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2]))
        config.refs[2] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[3]))
        config.refs[3] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[3])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      cout << "Config with symmetry ids: " << config << endl;
    } else
    if (((OBStereoBase*)*data)->GetType() == OBStereo::SquarePlanar) {
      // convert to tetrahedral data
      OBSquarePlanarStereo *sp = dynamic_cast<OBSquarePlanarStereo*>(*data);
      OB_REQUIRE( sp );
      OB_ASSERT( sp->IsValid() );
      if (!sp->IsValid())

      OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config config = sp->GetConfig();
      // convert atom ids to symmetry ids
     if (mol.GetAtomById(config.center))
        config.center = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.center)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0]))
        config.refs[0] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1]))
        config.refs[1] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2]))
        config.refs[2] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[3]))
        config.refs[3] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[3])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      cout << "Config with symmetry ids: " << config << endl;


  // write to can smiles
  std::string canSmiles = conv.WriteString(&mol);
  cout << "canSmiles: " << canSmiles;
  // read can smiles in again
  OB_REQUIRE( conv.ReadString(&mol, canSmiles) );

  // store the stereo data for the smiles string using unique symmetry ids
  std::vector<OBTetrahedralStereo::Config> tetrahedral2;
  std::vector<OBCisTransStereo::Config> cistrans2;
  std::vector<OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config> squareplanar2;

  // get the stereo data
  OB_ASSERT( mol.HasData(OBGenericDataType::StereoData) );
  stereoData = mol.GetAllData(OBGenericDataType::StereoData);

  OBGraphSym gs2(&mol);
  CanonicalLabels(&mol, symclasses, canlbls);
  cout << "mol.NumAtoms = " << mol.NumAtoms() << endl;
  for (std::vector<OBGenericData*>::iterator data = stereoData.begin(); data != stereoData.end(); ++data) {
    if (((OBStereoBase*)*data)->GetType() == OBStereo::Tetrahedral) {
      // convert to tetrahedral data
      OBTetrahedralStereo *ts = dynamic_cast<OBTetrahedralStereo*>(*data);
      OB_REQUIRE( ts );
      OB_ASSERT( ts->IsValid() );

      OBTetrahedralStereo::Config config = ts->GetConfig();
      // convert atom ids to symmetry ids
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.center))
        config.center = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.center)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.from))
        config.from = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.from)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0]))
        config.refs[0] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1]))
        config.refs[1] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2]))
        config.refs[2] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      cout << "Config with symmetry ids: " << config << endl;
    if (((OBStereoBase*)*data)->GetType() == OBStereo::CisTrans) {
      // convert to tetrahedral data
      OBCisTransStereo *ct = dynamic_cast<OBCisTransStereo*>(*data);
      OB_REQUIRE( ct );
      OB_ASSERT( ct->IsValid() );

      OBCisTransStereo::Config config = ct->GetConfig();
      // convert atom ids to symmetry ids
      config.begin = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.begin)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      config.end = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.end)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0]))
        config.refs[0] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1]))
        config.refs[1] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2]))
        config.refs[2] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[3]))
        config.refs[3] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[3])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      cout << "Config with symmetry ids: " << config << endl;
    } else
    if (((OBStereoBase*)*data)->GetType() == OBStereo::SquarePlanar) {
      // convert to tetrahedral data
      OBSquarePlanarStereo *sp = dynamic_cast<OBSquarePlanarStereo*>(*data);
      OB_REQUIRE( sp );
      OB_ASSERT( sp->IsValid() );

      OBSquarePlanarStereo::Config config = sp->GetConfig();
      // convert atom ids to symmetry ids
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.center))
        config.center = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.center)->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0]))
        config.refs[0] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[0])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1]))
        config.refs[1] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[1])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2]))
        config.refs[2] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[2])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      if (mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[3]))
        config.refs[3] = canlbls.at( mol.GetAtomById(config.refs[3])->GetIdx() - 1 );
      cout << "Config with symmetry ids: " << config << endl;


  // compare the tetrahedral structs
  OB_ASSERT( tetrahedral1.size() == tetrahedral2.size() );
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tetrahedral1.size(); ++i) {
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tetrahedral2.size(); ++j) {
      if (tetrahedral1[i].center == tetrahedral2[j].center)
        OB_ASSERT( tetrahedral1[i] == tetrahedral2[j] );
        if ( tetrahedral1[i] != tetrahedral2[j] ) {
          cout << "1 = " << tetrahedral1[i] << endl;
          cout << "2 = " << tetrahedral2[j] << endl;
  // compare the cistrans structs
  OB_ASSERT( cistrans1.size() == cistrans2.size() );
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cistrans1.size(); ++i) {
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cistrans2.size(); ++j) {
      if ((cistrans1[i].begin == cistrans2[j].begin) && (cistrans1[i].end == cistrans2[j].end))
        OB_ASSERT( cistrans1[i] == cistrans2[j] );
      if ((cistrans1[i].begin == cistrans2[j].end) && (cistrans1[i].end == cistrans2[j].begin))
        OB_ASSERT( cistrans1[i] == cistrans2[j] );
  // compare the square-planar structs
  OB_ASSERT( squareplanar1.size() == squareplanar2.size() );
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < squareplanar1.size(); ++i) {
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < squareplanar2.size(); ++j) {
      if (squareplanar1[i].center == squareplanar2[j].center)
        OB_ASSERT( squareplanar1[i] == squareplanar2[j] );
        if ( squareplanar1[i] != squareplanar2[j] ) {
          cout << "1 = " << squareplanar1[i] << endl;
          cout << "2 = " << squareplanar2[j] << endl;

  cout << "." << endl << endl;