bool OutputFormat::ReadMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { // so we want to read through the file until we can figure out // what program actually created it // if we get to the end, emit a warning istream &ifs = *pConv->GetInStream(); char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; OBFormat *pFormat = NULL; std::string formatName; // the detection strings are from the Chemical MIME project // while (ifs.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE)) { if ((strstr(buffer,"GAMESS execution script") != NULL) || (strstr(buffer,"PC GAMESS") != NULL) || (strstr(buffer,"GAMESS VERSION") != NULL)) { // GAMESS output formatName = "gamout"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"=== G A M E S S - U K === ") != NULL) { // GAMESS-UK output formatName = "gukout"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"Gaussian, Inc") != NULL) { // Gaussian output formatName = "g03"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"GENERAL UTILITY LATTICE PROGRAM") != NULL) { // GULP output -- not currently supported break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"MOPAC") != NULL) { // MOPAC output formatName = "mopout"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"Program PWSCF") != NULL) { // PWSCF formatName = "pwscf"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"Welcome to Q-Chem") != NULL) { // Q-Chem output formatName = "qcout"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"Amsterdam Density Functional") != NULL) { // ADF output // Determine the kind of ADF output while (ifs.getline(buffer, BUFF_SIZE)) { if (strstr(buffer, "| A D F |") != NULL) { formatName = "adfout"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer, "| B A N D |") != NULL) { formatName = "adfband"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer, "| D F T B |") != NULL) { formatName = "adfdftb"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer, "DFTB Engine") != NULL) { // "| D F T B |" is no longer printed in ADF 2018 // Hopefully, "DFTB Engine" will work fine... formatName = "adfdftb"; break; } } break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"Northwest Computational Chemistry") != NULL) { // NWChem output formatName = "nwo"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"MPQC: Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry") != NULL) { // MPQC output formatName = "mpqc"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer,"PROGRAM SYSTEM MOLPRO") != NULL) { // MOLPRO output formatName = "mpo"; break; } else if ((strstr(buffer,"Schrodinger, Inc.") != NULL) && (strstr(buffer,"Jaguar") != NULL)) { // Jaguar formatName = "jout"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer, "ABINIT") != NULL) { // Abinit formatName = "abinit"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer, "ACES2") != NULL) { // ACESII formatName = "acesout"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer, "CRYSTAL06") != NULL || strstr(buffer, "CRYSTAL09") != NULL) { // CRYSTAL09 formatName = "c09out"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer, "* O R C A *") != NULL) { // ORCA formatName = "orca"; break; } else if (strstr(buffer, "WELCOME TO SIESTA") != NULL) { // SIESTA formatName = "siesta"; break; } } // if we assigned something above, let's try to find it if (formatName.length()) pFormat = pConv->FindFormat(formatName); if (pFormat) { ifs.seekg (0, ios::beg); // reset the stream to the beginning ifs.clear(); bool success = pFormat->ReadMolecule(pOb, pConv); // Tag the molecule with the format (e.g., if a program wants to know the kind of "out" or "log" file) // We have to do this *after* ReadMolecule returns, or the data might be cleared if (pOb) { OBPairData *dp = new OBPairData; dp->SetAttribute("File Format"); dp->SetValue(formatName); dp->SetOrigin(fileformatInput); pOb->SetData(dp); } return success; } obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "Problems reading an output file: Could not determine the format of this file. Please report it to the openbabel-discuss @ mailing list.", obError); return(false); // we couldn't figure out the format }
bool CMLReactFormat::DoElement(const string& name) { double val; if(name=="reaction") { _spmol.reset(); _preact->SetTitle(_pxmlConv->GetAttribute("id")); } else if(name=="molecule") { string reference = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("ref"); if(!reference.empty()) { _spmol = IMols[reference]; pmol = _spmol.get(); if(!pmol) { cerr << " Molecule reference \"" << reference <<"\" not found" << endl; return false; } } else { shared_ptr<OBMol> sp(new OBMol); OBFormat* pCMLFormat = OBConversion::FindFormat("cml"); if(!pCMLFormat) return false; _pxmlConv->_SkipNextRead=true; pCMLFormat->ReadMolecule(sp.get(), _pxmlConv); //Store smart pointers to all molecules in map _spmol=sp; AddMolToList(_spmol,IMols); } } else if(name=="rateParameters") { _pRD = new OBRateData; //to store rate constant data _preact->SetData(_pRD); string rt = _pxmlConv->GetAttribute("reactionType"); OBRateData::reaction_type enumrt=OBRateData::ARRHENIUS; if(rt=="arrhenius") enumrt=OBRateData::ARRHENIUS; else if(rt=="lindermann") enumrt=OBRateData::LINDERMANN; else if(rt=="troe") enumrt=OBRateData::TROE; else if(rt=="sri") enumrt=OBRateData::SRI; else if(rt=="threeBody") enumrt=OBRateData::THREEBODY; else obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, rt + " is not a known reactionType", obWarning); _pRD->ReactionType = enumrt; if(_pxmlConv->GetAttribute("reversible")=="true") _preact->SetReversible(); } else if(_pRD && name=="A") { if(_pxmlConv->GetContentDouble(val)) _pRD->SetRate(OBRateData::A, val); } else if(_pRD && name=="n") { if(_pxmlConv->GetContentDouble(val)) _pRD->SetRate(OBRateData::n, val); } else if(_pRD && name=="E") { if(_pxmlConv->GetContentDouble(val)) _pRD->SetRate(OBRateData::E, val); } else if(_pRD && name=="loA") { if(_pxmlConv->GetContentDouble(val)) _pRD->SetLoRate(OBRateData::A, val); } else if(_pRD && name=="lon") { if(_pxmlConv->GetContentDouble(val)) _pRD->SetLoRate(OBRateData::n, val); } else if(_pRD && name=="loE") { if(_pxmlConv->GetContentDouble(val)) _pRD->SetLoRate(OBRateData::E, val); } else if(_pRD && name=="troeParams") { string txt(_pxmlConv->GetContent()); if(!txt.empty()) { stringstream ss(txt); for(int i=0;i<4;++i) { ss >>val; _pRD->SetTroeParams(i, val); } }
bool RXNFormat::ReadMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { OBMol* pmol = pOb->CastAndClear<OBMol>(); if (pmol == NULL) return false; OBFormat* pMolFormat = pConv->FindFormat("MOL"); if (pMolFormat==NULL) return false; istream &ifs = *pConv->GetInStream(); string ln; // When MDLFormat reads the last product it may also read and discard // the line with $RXN for the next reaction. But it then sets $RXNread option. if(pConv->IsOption("$RXNread")) pConv->RemoveOption("$RXNread", OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS); else { if (!getline(ifs,ln)) return(false); if(Trim(ln).find("$RXN")!=0) return false; //Has to start with $RXN } if (!getline(ifs,ln)) return false; //reaction title pmol->SetTitle(Trim(ln)); if (!getline(ifs,ln)) return false; //creator if (!getline(ifs, ln)) return false; //comment // Originally the comment was added to the reaction via: // pmol->SetComment(Trim(ln)); if (!getline(ifs, ln)) return false; // num reactants, products, and optionally agents unsigned int nReactants = 0, nProducts = 0, nAgents = 0; bool ok = ParseComponent(ln.c_str() + 0, &nReactants); if (!ok) return false; ok = ParseComponent(ln.c_str() + 3, &nProducts); if (!ok) return false; if (ln[6] != '\0') { // optional agents ok = ParseComponent(ln.c_str() + 6, &nAgents); if (!ok) return false; } if(nReactants + nProducts + nAgents) { //Read the first $MOL. The others are read at the end of the previous MOL if(!getline(ifs, ln)) return false; if(Trim(ln).find("$MOL")==string::npos) return false; } OBReactionFacade rxnfacade(pmol); // Note: If we supported it, we could read each of the rxn components directly // into the returned OBMol instead of having to do a copy. Unfortunately, // this isn't possible at the moment (MOL format will need some work first). // Here is some example code to do it: // //unsigned int old_numatoms = 0; //unsigned int compid = 1; //for (int i = 0; i<nReactants; i++) //{ // //Read a MOL file using the same OBConversion object but with a different format // if (!pMolFormat->ReadMolecule(pmol, pConv)) // obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "Failed to read a reactant", obWarning); // unsigned int numatoms = pmol->NumAtoms(); // for (unsigned int idx = old_numatoms + 1; idx <= numatoms; ++idx) { // OBAtom* atom = pmol->GetAtom(idx); // rxnfacade.SetRole(atom, REACTANT); // rxnfacade.SetComponentId(atom, compid); // } // old_numatoms = numatoms; // compid++; //} const char* type[3] = {"a reactant", "a product", "an agent"}; OBReactionRole role; unsigned int num_components; for(unsigned int N=0; N<3; N++) { switch(N) { case 0: role = REACTANT; num_components = nReactants; break; case 1: role = PRODUCT; num_components = nProducts; break; case 2: role = AGENT; num_components = nAgents; break; } for (int i=0; i<num_components; i++) { //Read a MOL file using the same OBConversion object but with a different format OBMol mol; if (!pMolFormat->ReadMolecule(&mol, pConv)) { std::string error = "Failed to read "; error += type[N]; obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, error, obWarning); continue; } if (mol.NumAtoms() == 0) { OBAtom* dummy = mol.NewAtom(); // Treat the empty OBMol as having a single dummy atom OBPairData *pd = new OBPairData(); pd->SetAttribute("rxndummy"); pd->SetValue(""); pd->SetOrigin(fileformatInput); dummy->SetData(pd); } rxnfacade.AddComponent(&mol, role); } } pmol->SetIsReaction(); return true; }
bool PQSFormat::ReadMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv) { OBMol* pmol = pOb->CastAndClear<OBMol>(); if(pmol==NULL) return false; //Define some references so we can use the old parameter names istream &ifs = *pConv->GetInStream(); OBMol &mol = *pmol; const char* title = pConv->GetTitle(); char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; char coord_file[256]; char full_coord_path[256]="\0"; ifstream coordFileStream; double bohr_to_angstrom=1.0; unsigned int input_style, atom_count=0; //CM i removed bool geom_found; geom_found=false; while (!geom_found && ifs.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE)) { lowerit(buffer); //look for geom except in title or text if (strstr(buffer,"geom")!=NULL && (strncmp(buffer,"text",4)!=0 && strncmp(buffer,"titl",4)!=0)) { geom_found=true; lowerit(buffer); if (strstr(buffer,"bohr")!=NULL) bohr_to_angstrom=0.529177249; else bohr_to_angstrom=1.0; input_style=0; if (strstr(buffer,"=tx90")!=NULL) input_style=1; if (strstr(buffer,"=tx92")!=NULL) input_style=0; if (strstr(buffer,"=pqs" )!=NULL) input_style=0; if (strstr(buffer,"file=")!=NULL) { //external geometry file strncpy(coord_file,strstr(buffer,"file=")+5, sizeof(coord_file)); coord_file[sizeof(coord_file) - 1] = '\0'; if (strrchr(coord_file,' ')!=NULL) *strrchr(coord_file,' ')='\0'; if (coord_file[0]!='/') { strncpy(full_coord_path,title, sizeof(full_coord_path)); full_coord_path[sizeof(full_coord_path)-1] = '\0'; if (strrchr(full_coord_path,'/')!=NULL) *(strrchr(full_coord_path,'/')+1)='\0'; else full_coord_path[0] = '\0'; } strcat(full_coord_path,coord_file); full_coord_path[sizeof(full_coord_path) - 1] = '\0'; stringstream errorMsg; errorMsg <<"External geometry file referenced: "<< \ full_coord_path<<endl; obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obInfo);; if (!coordFileStream) { obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "Cannot read external geometry file!", obError); return(false); // exit (-1); } else { ifs.seekg(0, ios::end); //move .inp file pointer to the end of file //New framework mods OBConversion coordconv(&coordFileStream); OBFormat* pFormat; if (strstr(buffer,"=car" )!=NULL) pFormat =OBConversion::FindFormat("BIOSYM"); if (strstr(buffer,"=hin" )!=NULL) pFormat = OBConversion::FindFormat("HIN"); if (strstr(buffer,"=pdb" )!=NULL) pFormat = OBConversion::FindFormat("PDB"); if (strstr(buffer,"=mop" )!=NULL) pFormat = OBConversion::FindFormat("MOPAC"); return pFormat->ReadMolecule(&mol,&coordconv); /* if (strstr(buffer,"=car" )!=NULL) return ReadBiosymCAR(coordFileStream, mol, title); if (strstr(buffer,"=hin" )!=NULL) return ReadHIN(coordFileStream, mol, title); if (strstr(buffer,"=pdb" )!=NULL) return ReadPDB(coordFileStream, mol, title); if (strstr(buffer,"=mop" )!=NULL) return ReadMOPAC(coordFileStream, mol, title); */ //end new framework mods //probably pqs's own xyz format atom_count=ReadPQS_geom(coordFileStream,mol,title, input_style,bohr_to_angstrom); } } } } if (geom_found) { if (atom_count==0) //read directly form .inp file atom_count=ReadPQS_geom(ifs,mol,title,input_style,bohr_to_angstrom); if (atom_count==0) { //try .coord file strncpy(coord_file,title, sizeof(coord_file)); coord_file[sizeof(coord_file) - 1] = '\0'; if (strrchr(coord_file,'.')!=NULL) *strrchr(coord_file,'.')='\0'; strcat(coord_file,".coord");; if (!coordFileStream) { stringstream errorMsg; errorMsg <<"ReadPQS: cannot read external "<<coord_file<<" file!"<<endl; obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obError); return(false); // exit (-1); } else atom_count=ReadPQS_geom(coordFileStream,mol,title,0, bohr_to_angstrom); } } else obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "Error reading PQS file. GEOM card not found!", obWarning); ifs.seekg(0, ios::end); //move .inp file pointer to the end of file if (atom_count>0) return true; else return false; }