Пример #1
		void internal_volumeCollisionCallback(void* data, dGeomID o0,
		                                       dGeomID o1)
			if (dGeomIsSpace(o0) || dGeomIsSpace(o1))
				// Colliding a space with either a geom or another space.
				dSpaceCollide2(o0, o1, data,
				// Colliding two geoms.

				//dBodyID o0BodyID = dGeomGetBody(o0);
				//dBodyID o1BodyID = dGeomGetBody(o1);
				//bool bothHaveBodies = true;
				//if (0 == o0BodyID || 0 == o1BodyID)
				//  bothHaveBodies = false;

				// don't do collision detection for the following case:
				// two shapes that are part of the same solid (they share a
				// body)
				// update-> this is already handled by ODE
				//if (bothHaveBodies && o0BodyID == o1BodyID)
				//  //don't do collision detection
				//  return;

				// Get a pointer to the ODESimulator.
				ODESimulator* sim = (ODESimulator*) data;

				// Get pointers to the two geoms' GeomData structure.  Both
				// of these should always be non-NULL.
				const GeomData* geomData0 = ((GeomData*) dGeomGetData(o0));
				const GeomData* geomData1 = ((GeomData*) dGeomGetData(o1));

				// Get pointers to the geoms' ShapeData structures.
				const ShapeData* shape0 = geomData0->shape;
				const ShapeData* shape1 = geomData1->shape;

				// Check if the two Solids' contact groups generate contacts
				// when they collide.
				bool makeContacts = sim->groupsMakeContacts(
					shape0->contactGroup, shape1->contactGroup);
				if (!makeContacts)
					return ;

				// Now actually test for collision between the two geoms.
				// This is a fairly expensive operation.
				dContactGeom contactArray[1];
				int numContacts = dCollide(o0, o1, 1, contactArray,

				if (0 == numContacts)
					return ;
					// These two geoms must be intersecting.

					// Get pointers to the geoms' Solids.
					Solid* solid0 = geomData0->solid;
					Solid* solid1 = geomData1->solid;

					// Not sure at this point if we can know that o1 is the
					// volume object, so we'll just call this twice.  It
					// will automatically keep from adding the same Solid
					// multiple times by using its collision count.  Later,
					// the volume Solid will be removed from this list.
Пример #2
		void internal_raycastCollisionCallback(void* data, dGeomID o0,
		                                        dGeomID o1)
			if (dGeomIsSpace(o0) || dGeomIsSpace(o1))
				// Colliding a space with either a geom or another space.
				dSpaceCollide2(o0, o1, data,
				// Colliding two geoms.

				// Sometimes we get a case where the ray geom is passed in
				// as both objects, which is stupid.
				if (o0 == o1)
					return ;

				// Get a pointer to the ODESimulator.
				ODESimulator* sim = (ODESimulator*) data;

				// Get pointers to the two geoms' GeomData structure.  One
				// of these (the one NOT belonging to the ray geom)
				// will always be non-NULL.
				GeomData* geomData0 = ((GeomData*) dGeomGetData(o0));
				GeomData* geomData1 = ((GeomData*) dGeomGetData(o1));

				// Find the contact group of the collided Solid.
				unsigned int geomContactGroup = defaults::shape::contactGroup;
				if (geomData0)
					geomContactGroup = geomData0->shape->contactGroup;
					geomContactGroup = geomData1->shape->contactGroup;

				// Check if the two Solids' contact groups generate contacts
				// when they collide.
				bool makeContacts = sim->groupsMakeContacts(
					geomContactGroup, sim->internal_getRayContactGroup());
				if (!makeContacts)
					return ;

				// Now actually test for collision between the two geoms.
				// This is a fairly expensive operation.
				dContactGeom contactArray[defaults::ode::maxRaycastContacts];
				int numContacts = dCollide(o0, o1, 
					defaults::ode::maxRaycastContacts, contactArray,

				if (0 == numContacts)
					return ;
					// These two geoms must be intersecting.  We will store 
					// only the closest RaycastResult.
					int closest = 0;
					for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; ++i)
						if (contactArray[i].depth < contactArray[closest].depth)
							closest = i;

					// Only one of the geoms will be part of a Solid we 
					// want to store; the other is the ray.
					Solid* solid = NULL;
					if (geomData0)
						solid = geomData0->solid;
						solid = geomData1->solid;

					Point3r intersection((real) contactArray[closest].pos[0],
						(real) contactArray[closest].pos[1],
						(real) contactArray[closest].pos[2]);
					Vec3r normal((real) contactArray[closest].normal[0],
						(real) contactArray[closest].normal[1],
						(real) contactArray[closest].normal[2]);

					sim->internal_addRaycastResult(solid, intersection, 
						normal, (real) contactArray[closest].depth);
Пример #3
		void internal_collisionCallback(void *data, dGeomID o0, dGeomID o1)
			if (dGeomIsSpace(o0) || dGeomIsSpace(o1))
				// Colliding a space with either a geom or another space.
				dSpaceCollide2(o0, o1, data, &internal_collisionCallback);

				if (dGeomIsSpace(o0))
					// Colliding all geoms internal to the space.
					dSpaceCollide((dSpaceID) o0, data,

				if (dGeomIsSpace(o1))
					// Colliding all geoms internal to the space.
					dSpaceCollide((dSpaceID) o1, data,
				// Colliding two geoms.

				// The following is a set of special cases where we might
				// want to skip collision detection (but not all are
				// enforced here for various reasons):
				// 1. Two static Solids (neither geom has a body) AND
				//    neither Solid has a CollisionEventHandler AND there are
				//    not global handlers: this is enforced.
				// 2. Two Shapes that are part of the same Solid (they
				//    share a body): this is not enforced because ODE
				//    already takes care of it.
				// 3. Two sleeping Solids (note: both must have bodies to
				//    check this): this is enforced.  (ODE should handle
				//    this, but it doesn't.)
				// 4. Two Solids connected by a fixed Joint: this is
				//    enforced.
				// 5. Two Solids connected by a Joint (besides ODE
				//    contact joints, which should never generate more
				//    contacts) with contacts disabled (note: both must have
				//    bodies to check this): this is enforced.
				// 6. Solid0 is static, Solid1 is dynamic and is sleeping,
				//    static-to-sleeping contacts are ignored by the
				//    Simulator, and neither Solid has a
				//    CollisionEventHandler AND there are no global handlers:
				//    this is enforced.
				// 7. Solid1 is static, Solid0 is dynamic and is sleeping,
				//    static-to-sleeping contacts are ignored by the
				//    Simulator, and neither Solid has a
				//    CollisionEventHandler AND there are no global handlers:
				//    this is enforced.
				// 8. The two Solids' contact groups do not generate
				//    contacts when they collide AND neither Solid has a
				//    CollisionEventHandler AND there are no global handlers.

				// Get the geoms' ODE body IDs.
				dBodyID o0BodyID = dGeomGetBody(o0);
				dBodyID o1BodyID = dGeomGetBody(o1);
				bool solid0Static = (0 == o0BodyID);
				bool solid1Static = (0 == o1BodyID);

				// Check if both Solids are dynamic (i.e. have ODE bodies).
				bool bothHaveBodies = true;
				if (0 == o0BodyID || 0 == o1BodyID)
					bothHaveBodies = false;

				// If the two Solids are connected by a common Joint, get
				// a pointer to that Joint.
				Joint* commonJoint = NULL;
				if (bothHaveBodies && dAreConnectedExcluding(o0BodyID,
				        o1BodyID, dJointTypeContact))
					// This will become non-NULL only if there exists an ODE
					// joint connecting the two bodies.
					commonJoint = internal_getCommonJoint(o0BodyID, o1BodyID);

				// Get pointers to the geoms' GeomData structures.
				GeomData* geomData0 = (GeomData*) dGeomGetData(o0);
				GeomData* geomData1 = ((GeomData*) dGeomGetData(o1));

				// Get pointers to the geoms' ShapeData structures.
				const ShapeData* shape0 = geomData0->shape;
				const ShapeData* shape1 = geomData1->shape;

				// Get a pointer to the ODESimulator.
				ODESimulator* sim = (ODESimulator*)data;

				// Check if the two Solids' contact groups generate contacts
				// when they collide.
				bool makeContacts = sim->groupsMakeContacts(
					shape0->contactGroup, shape1->contactGroup);

				// Find out whether the Simulator has static-to-sleeping
				// contacts disabled.
				bool ignoreStaticSleepingContacts =

				// Get pointers to the geoms' Solids.
				Solid* solid0 = geomData0->solid;
				Solid* solid1 = geomData1->solid;

				// Get pointers to the two Solids' CollisionEventHandlers.
				// These will be NULL if the Solids don't use
				// CollisionEventHandlers.
				CollisionEventHandler* handler0 =
				CollisionEventHandler* handler1 =

				bool neitherHasCollisionHandler = !(handler0 || handler1);

				bool noGlobalCollisionHandlers = 
					sim->getNumGlobalCollisionEventHandlers() == 0;

				// Now do the actual tests to see if we should return early.
				// It is important here that we don't call dBodyIsEnabled on
				// a static body because that crashes ODE.

				bool case1 = neitherHasCollisionHandler && 
					noGlobalCollisionHandlers && solid0Static && solid1Static;
				//bool case2= o0BodyID == o1BodyID;
				bool case3 = bothHaveBodies && !dBodyIsEnabled(o0BodyID)
					&& !dBodyIsEnabled(o1BodyID);
				bool case4 = commonJoint &&
					commonJoint->getType() == FIXED_JOINT;
				bool case5 = commonJoint
					&& !commonJoint->areContactsEnabled();
				bool case6 = solid0Static && 0 != o1BodyID
					&& !dBodyIsEnabled(o1BodyID)
					&& ignoreStaticSleepingContacts
					&& neitherHasCollisionHandler && noGlobalCollisionHandlers;
				bool case7 = solid1Static && 0 != o0BodyID
					&& !dBodyIsEnabled(o0BodyID)
					&& ignoreStaticSleepingContacts
					&& neitherHasCollisionHandler && noGlobalCollisionHandlers;
				bool case8 = !makeContacts && neitherHasCollisionHandler
					&& noGlobalCollisionHandlers;

				if (case1 || case3 || case4 || case5 || case6 || case7 || case8)

				// Now actually test for collision between the two geoms.
				// This is one of the more expensive operations.
				dWorldID theWorldID = sim->internal_getWorldID();
				dJointGroupID theJointGroupID =
				dContactGeom contactArray[globals::maxMaxContacts];
				int numContacts = dCollide(o0, o1, sim->getMaxContacts(),
					contactArray, sizeof(dContactGeom));

				// If the two objects didn't make any contacts, they weren't
				// touching, so just return.
				if (0 == numContacts)
					return ;

				// If at least one of the Solids has a CollisionEventHandler,
				// send it a CollisionEvent.
				if (handler0 || handler1 || !noGlobalCollisionHandlers)
					// Call the CollisionEventHandlers.  Note that we only
					// use one contact point per collision: just the first one
					// in the contact array.  The order of the Solids
					// passed to the event handlers is important: the first
					// one should be the one whose event handler is
					// getting called.

					CollisionEvent e;
					e.thisSolid = solid0;
					e.otherSolid = solid1;
					e.pos[0] = (real) contactArray[0].pos[0];
					e.pos[1] = (real) contactArray[0].pos[1];
					e.pos[2] = (real) contactArray[0].pos[2];
					e.normal[0] = (real) contactArray[0].normal[0];
					e.normal[1] = (real) contactArray[0].normal[1];
					e.normal[2] = (real) contactArray[0].normal[2];
					e.depth = (real) contactArray[0].depth;

					if (handler0)

					if (handler1)
						// For the other Solid's CollisionEventHandler, we need
						// to invert the normal and swap the Solid pointers.
						e.normal *= -1;
						e.thisSolid = solid1;
						e.otherSolid = solid0;


				// Old version...
				//// Early check to save some time.
				//if (solid0->getCollisionEventHandler()
				//  || solid1->getCollisionEventHandler())
				//  // Call the event handlers.  Note: we only use one
				//  // contact point per collision; just use the first one
				//  // in the contact array.  The order of the Solids
				//  // passed to the event handlers is important: the first
				//  // one should be the one whose event handler is
				//  // getting called.

				//  CollisionEvent e;
				//  e.solid0 = solid0;
				//  e.solid1 = solid1;
				//  e.pos[0] = contactArray[0].pos[0];
				//  e.pos[1] = contactArray[0].pos[1];
				//  e.pos[2] = contactArray[0].pos[2];
				//  e.normal[0] = contactArray[0].normal[0];
				//  e.normal[1] = contactArray[0].normal[1];
				//  e.normal[2] = contactArray[0].normal[2];
				//  e.depth = contactArray[0].depth;

				//  EventHandler* eventHandler =
				//      solid0->getCollisionEventHandler();
				//  if (eventHandler)
				//  {
				//      generateContacts0 =
				//          eventHandler->handleCollisionEvent(e);
				//  }

				//  e.normal *= -1; // Invert normal.
				//  e.solid0 = solid1; // Swap solid pointers.
				//  e.solid1 = solid0;

				//  eventHandler = solid1->getCollisionEventHandler();
				//  if (eventHandler)
				//  {
				//      generateContacts1 =
				//          eventHandler->handleCollisionEvent(e);
				//  }

				if (makeContacts)
					// Invalidate the "freely-spinning" parameters.

					for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; ++i)
						const Material* m0 = &(shape0->material);
						const Material* m1 = &(shape1->material);

						dContact tempContact;
						tempContact.surface.mode = dContactBounce |
							dContactSoftERP; // | dContactSoftCFM;

						// Average the hardness of the two materials.
						assert(m0->hardness >= 0 && m0->hardness <= 1
						        && m1->hardness >= 0 && m1->hardness <= 1);
						real hardness = (m0->hardness + m1->hardness) *
						                (real) 0.5;

						// Convert hardness to ERP.  As hardness goes from
						// 0.0 to 1.0, ERP goes from min to max.
						tempContact.surface.soft_erp = hardness *
							(defaults::ode::maxERP - defaults::ode::minERP) +

						// Don't use contact CFM anymore.  Just let it use
						// the global value set in the ODE world.
						//tempContact.surface.soft_cfm =
						//  defaults::ode::minCFM;

						// As friction goes from 0.0 to 1.0, mu goes from 0.0
						// to max, though it is set to dInfinity when
						// friction == 1.0.
						assert(m0->friction >= 0 && m0->friction <= 1
						        && m1->friction >= 0 && m1->friction <= 1);
						if (1.0 == m0->friction && 1.0 == m1->friction)
							tempContact.surface.mu = dInfinity;
							tempContact.surface.mu =
							    sqrt(m0->friction * m1->friction) *

						// Average the bounciness of the two materials.
						assert(m0->bounciness >= 0 && m0->bounciness <= 1
							&& m1->bounciness >= 0 && m1->bounciness <= 1);
						real bounciness = (m0->bounciness + m1->bounciness) *
							(real) 0.5;

						// ODE's bounce parameter, a.k.a. restitution.
						tempContact.surface.bounce = bounciness;

						// ODE's bounce_vel parameter is a threshold:
						// the relative velocity of the two objects must be
						// greater than this for bouncing to occur at all.
						tempContact.surface.bounce_vel =

						// Old way to calculate bounce threshold; threshold
						// was scaled by the collision bounciness, but this
						// makes all objects with non-zero bounciness
						// always bounce.  This is undesirable because it
						// takes a while for bouncing to totally diminish.
						//tempContact.surface.bounce_vel =
						//  defaults::ode::maxBounceVel - bounciness *
						//  defaults::ode::maxBounceVel;

						tempContact.geom = contactArray[i];
						dJointID contactJoint = dJointCreateContact(
							theWorldID, theJointGroupID, &tempContact);

						// Note: the following line of code replaces the
						// rest of this function which is commented out.
						// TODO: test this and make sure the mass ratio
						// issues are unimportant and that we never need
						// "one-sided" contacts between two Solids.
						dJointAttach(contactJoint, o0BodyID, o1BodyID);

						//if (!bothHaveBodies)
						//  // at least one object is static, so just handle
						//  // things like normal
						//  dJointAttach(contactJoint, o0BodyID, o1BodyID);
						//  // TODO: We probably need to remove the following chunk of
						//  // code.  The first case is obsolete since now both sides
						//  // always get contacts, if at all.  (There isn't really a
						//  // good reason to have one side use contacts but not the
						//  // other; the side not wanting contacts would appear to be
						//  // static, so just make it static in the first place.  On
						//  // the other hand, this may end up being desirable if
						//  // an object should be moved by some objects but not
						//  // others, and the "others" *do* collid with the first
						//  // object... but this situation may never come up.  The
						//  // second case, using mass ratios to determine whether two
						//  // objects should collide, might not be an issue.  Mass
						//  // ratios might only be a problem when the two objects are
						//  // constantly connected with a Joint.

						//  // Handle one-sided contacts for two cases: 1) only one of
						//  // the above event handlers actually wants contacts generated,
						//  // 2) if the mass ratio is above some threshold, treat it as
						//  // a one-sided collision solution: treat the more massive
						//  // object as static, calculate the collision like normal
						//  // (with the massive one being static), then also add the
						//  // massive object's velocity to the smaller one (velocity
						//  // calculated at the point of collision).

						//  // calculate mass ratio (use mass1 / mass2); if
						//  // the ratio is too high, mass1 is too large; if
						//  // the ratio is too low, mass2 is too large
						//  real massRatio = 0;
						//  dMass mass0, mass1;
						//  dBodyGetMass(o0BodyID, &mass0);
						//  dBodyGetMass(o1BodyID, &mass1);
						//  massRatio = mass0.mass / mass1.mass;

						//  // here we handle all the different collision
						//  // cases: one solid or the other or both may want
						//  // contacts generated; also, the mass ratio may
						//  // be outside the acceptable range

						//  if (true == generateContacts0 && true ==
						//      generateContacts1)
						//  {
						//      // both want contacts, neither wants to be
						//      // static
						//      if (massRatio > defaults::ode::maxMassRatio)
						//      {
						//          // ratio is too high - mass0 is too large,
						//          // treat solid0 as static
						//          dBodyEnable(o1BodyID);
						//          dJointAttach(contactJoint, 0, o1BodyID);
						//      }
						//      else if (massRatio <
						//          defaults::ode::minMassRatio)
						//      {
						//          // ratio is too low - mass1 is too large,
						//          // treat solid1 as static
						//          dBodyEnable(o0BodyID);
						//          dJointAttach(contactJoint, o0BodyID, 0);
						//      }
						//      else
						//      {
						//          //ratio is good - no static objects
						//          dJointAttach(contactJoint, o0BodyID,
						//              o1BodyID);
						//      }
						//  }
						//  else if (true == generateContacts0)
						//  {
						//      // solid0 wants contacts, solid1 wants to be
						//      // static
						//      if (massRatio > defaults::ode::maxMassRatio)
						//      {
						//          // ratio is too high - mass0 is too large,
						//          // treat solid0 and solid1 as static
						//          // i.e. don't generate a contact joint
						//      }
						//      else
						//      {
						//          // this block handles two cases which have
						//          // the same result:
						//          // 1. ratio is too low - mass1 is too
						//          //  large, treat solid1 as static
						//          // 2. ratio is good - treat solid1 as
						//          //  static
						//          dBodyEnable(o0BodyID);
						//          dJointAttach(contactJoint, o0BodyID, 0);
						//      }
						//  }
						//  else //generateContacts1 must be true
						//  {
						//      // solid1 wants contacts, solid0 wants to be
						//      // static
						//      if (massRatio < defaults::ode::minMassRatio)
						//      {
						//          // ratio is too low - mass1 is too large,
						//          // treat solid0 and solid1 as static
						//          // i.e. don't generate a contact joint
						//      }
						//      else
						//      {
						//          // this block handles two cases which have
						//          // the same result:
						//          // 1. ratio is too high - mass0 is too
						//          //  large, treat solid0 as static
						//          // 2. ratio is good - treat solid0 as
						//          //  static
						//          dBodyEnable(o1BodyID);
						//          dJointAttach(contactJoint, 0, o1BodyID);
						//      }
						//  }