Пример #1
FittingCurve2d::initCPsNurbsCurve2D (int order, const vector_vec2d &cps)
  int cp_red = order - 2;
  ON_NurbsCurve nurbs;
  if (cps.size () < 3 || cps.size () < (2 * cp_red + 1))
    printf ("[FittingCurve2d::initCPsNurbsCurve2D] Warning, number of control points too low.\n");
    return nurbs;

  int ncps = cps.size () + 2 * cp_red; // +2*cp_red for smoothness and +1 for closing
  nurbs = ON_NurbsCurve (2, false, order, ncps);
  nurbs.MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector (1.0 / (ncps - order + 1));

  for (int j = 0; j < cps.size (); j++)
    nurbs.SetCV (cp_red + j, ON_3dPoint (cps[j] (0), cps[j] (1), 0.0));

  // close nurbs
  nurbs.SetCV (cp_red + cps.size (), ON_3dPoint (cps[0] (0), cps[0] (1), 0.0));

  // make smooth at closing point
  for (int j = 0; j < cp_red; j++)
    ON_3dPoint cp;
    nurbs.GetCV (nurbs.CVCount () - 1 - cp_red + j, cp);
    nurbs.SetCV (j, cp);

    nurbs.GetCV (cp_red - j, cp);
    nurbs.SetCV (nurbs.CVCount () - 1 - j, cp);

  return nurbs;
Пример #2
FittingCurve2d::initCPsNurbsCurve2D (int order, const vector_vec2d &cps)
  ON_NurbsCurve nurbs;
  if ((int)cps.size () < (2 * order))
    printf ("[FittingCurve2d::initCPsNurbsCurve2D] Warning, number of control points too low.\n");
    return nurbs;

  int cp_red = order - 2;
  int ncps = cps.size () + cp_red;
  nurbs = ON_NurbsCurve (2, false, order, ncps);
  nurbs.MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector (1.0 / (ncps - order + 1));

  for (int j = 0; j < ncps; j++)
    nurbs.SetCV (j, ON_3dPoint (cps[j] (0), cps[j] (1), 0.0));

  for (int j = 0; j < cp_red; j++)
    ON_3dPoint cp;
    nurbs.GetCV (nurbs.m_cv_count - 1 - cp_red + j, cp);
    nurbs.SetCV (j, cp);

    nurbs.GetCV (cp_red - j, cp);
    nurbs.SetCV (nurbs.m_cv_count - 1 - j, cp);

  return nurbs;
Пример #3
FittingCurve2d::initNurbsCurve2D (int order, const vector_vec2d &data, int ncps, double radiusF)
  if (data.empty ())
    printf ("[FittingCurve2d::initNurbsCurve2D] Warning, no boundary parameters available\n");

  Eigen::Vector2d mean = NurbsTools::computeMean (data);

  unsigned s = data.size ();

  double r (0.0);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < s; i++)
    Eigen::Vector2d d = data[i] - mean;
    double sn = d.squaredNorm ();
    if (sn > r)
      r = sn;
  r = radiusF * sqrt (r);

  if (ncps < 2 * order)
    ncps = 2 * order;

  ON_NurbsCurve nurbs = ON_NurbsCurve (2, false, order, ncps);
  nurbs.MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector (1.0 / (ncps - order + 1));

  double dcv = (2.0 * M_PI) / (ncps - order + 1);
  Eigen::Vector2d cv;
  for (int j = 0; j < ncps; j++)
    cv (0) = r * sin (dcv * j);
    cv (1) = r * cos (dcv * j);
    cv = cv + mean;
    nurbs.SetCV (j, ON_3dPoint (cv (0), cv (1), 0.0));

  return nurbs;
Пример #4
FittingCurve::initNurbsCurvePCA (int order, const vector_vec3d &data, int ncps, double rf)
  if (data.empty ())
    printf ("[FittingCurve::initNurbsCurvePCA] Warning, no boundary parameters available\n");

  Eigen::Vector3d mean;
  Eigen::Matrix3d eigenvectors;
  Eigen::Vector3d eigenvalues;

  unsigned s = unsigned (data.size ());

  NurbsTools::pca (data, mean, eigenvectors, eigenvalues);

  eigenvalues = eigenvalues / s; // seems that the eigenvalues are dependent on the number of points (???)

  double r = rf * sqrt (eigenvalues (0));

  if (ncps < 2 * order)
    ncps = 2 * order;

  ON_NurbsCurve nurbs = ON_NurbsCurve (3, false, order, ncps);
  nurbs.MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector (1.0 / (ncps - order + 1));

  double dcv = (2.0 * M_PI) / (ncps - order + 1);
  Eigen::Vector3d cv, cv_t;
  for (int j = 0; j < ncps; j++)
    cv (0) = r * sin (dcv * j);
    cv (1) = r * cos (dcv * j);
    cv (2) = 0.0;
    cv_t = eigenvectors * cv + mean;
    nurbs.SetCV (j, ON_3dPoint (cv_t (0), cv_t (1), cv_t (2)));

  return nurbs;