Пример #1
void ON_GL( ON_Viewport& viewport,
            int port_left, int port_right,
            int port_bottom, int port_top
  // Sets viewport's port to port_* values and adjusts frustum
  // so it's aspect matches the port's.
  ON_Xform projectionMatrix; // camera to clip transformation

  const int port_width  = abs(port_right - port_left);
  const int port_height = abs(port_top - port_bottom);
  if ( port_width == 0 || port_height == 0 )
  const double port_aspect = ((double)port_width)/((double)port_height);

  viewport.SetFrustumAspect( port_aspect );

  viewport.SetScreenPort( port_left, port_right, port_bottom, port_top,
                          0, 0xff );

  ON_BOOL32 bHaveCameraToClip = viewport.GetXform( 

  if ( bHaveCameraToClip ) {
    glLoadMatrixd( &projectionMatrix.m_xform[0][0] );
Пример #2
void CRhGLShaderProgram::SetupViewport(const ON_Viewport& vp)
  ON_Xform  mv;
  bool      bHaveModeView = false;
  if ( m_Uniforms.rglModelViewProjectionMatrix >= 0 )
    float    ModelViewProjection[16];
    ON_Xform mvp;
    vp.GetXform( ON::world_cs, ON::clip_cs, mvp );
    Mat4Dto4F( &mvp.m_xform[0][0], ModelViewProjection );
    glUniformMatrix4fv( m_Uniforms.rglModelViewProjectionMatrix, 1, GL_FALSE, ModelViewProjection );
  if ( m_Uniforms.rglModelViewMatrix >= 0 )
    float  ModelView[16];
    vp.GetXform( ON::world_cs, ON::camera_cs, mv );
    bHaveModeView = true;
    Mat4Dto4F( &mv.m_xform[0][0], ModelView );
    glUniformMatrix4fv( m_Uniforms.rglModelViewMatrix, 1, GL_FALSE, ModelView );

  if ( m_Uniforms.rglProjectionMatrix >= 0 )
    float     Projection[16];
    ON_Xform  pr;
    vp.GetXform( ON::camera_cs, ON::clip_cs,  pr );
    Mat4Dto4F( &pr.m_xform[0][0], Projection );
    glUniformMatrix4fv( m_Uniforms.rglProjectionMatrix, 1, GL_FALSE, Projection );
  if ( m_Uniforms.rglNormalMatrix >= 0 )
    float    NormalMatrix[9];
    if ( !bHaveModeView )
      vp.GetXform( ON::world_cs, ON::camera_cs, mv );
      bHaveModeView = true;
    Mat4Dto3F( &mv.m_xform[0][0], NormalMatrix );
    glUniformMatrix3fv( m_Uniforms.rglNormalMatrix, 1, GL_FALSE, NormalMatrix );
Пример #3
static void myRotateUpDown( ON_Viewport& viewport, double angle )
  // rotates camera around the screen x axis
  ON_3dVector camX;
  ON_3dPoint center;
  if ( glb_model )
    center = glb_model->m_view.m_target;
    viewport.GetFrustumCenter( center );
  viewport.GetCameraFrame( NULL, camX, NULL, NULL );
  myRotateView( viewport, camX, center, angle );
Пример #4
ON_BOOL32 ON_Light::GetLightXform( 
         const ON_Viewport& vp,
         ON::coordinate_system dest_cs, 
         ON_Xform& xform 
         ) const
  ON::coordinate_system src_cs = CoordinateSystem();
  return vp.GetXform( src_cs, dest_cs, xform );
Пример #5
static void myRotateLeftRight( ON_Viewport& viewport, double angle )
  // ON_3dVector axis = ON_zaxis; // rotate camera about world z axis (z up feel)
  ON_3dVector axis = ON_zaxis; // rotate camera about world y axis (u up feel)
  ON_3dPoint center;
  if ( glb_model )
    center = glb_model->m_view.m_target;
    viewport.GetFrustumCenter( center );
  myRotateView( viewport, axis, center, angle );
Пример #6
void ON_GL( const ON_Viewport& viewport )
  // sets model view matrix (world to camera transformation)
  ON_Xform modelviewMatrix; // world to camera transformation
  ON_BOOL32 bHaveWorldToCamera = viewport.GetXform( 
  if ( bHaveWorldToCamera ) {
    glLoadMatrixd( &modelviewMatrix.m_xform[0][0] );
Пример #7
static void myRotateView( ON_Viewport& viewport,
                          const ON_3dVector& axis,
                          const ON_3dPoint& center,
                          double angle )
  ON_Xform rot;
  ON_3dPoint camLoc;
  ON_3dVector camY, camZ;

  rot.Rotation( angle, axis, center );

  if ( !viewport.GetCameraFrame( camLoc, NULL, camY, camZ ) )

  camLoc = rot*camLoc;
  camY   = rot*camY;
  camZ   = -(rot*camZ);

  viewport.SetCameraLocation( camLoc );
  viewport.SetCameraDirection( camZ );
  viewport.SetCameraUp( camY );

  ON_GL( viewport ); // update model view
Пример #8
static void myDrawAxesSprite( const ON_Viewport& viewport, HDC hdc )
  // Use simple Windows calls to draw world axes sprite in lower left corner.
  // Note that Windows has screen (0,0) in the upper left corner; i.e,
  // screen "y" increases downwards.
  if ( !hdc )
  const int axes_size = 30;

  int port_left, port_right, port_top, port_bottom;
  if ( !viewport.GetScreenPort( &port_left, &port_right, &port_bottom, &port_top, NULL, NULL ) )
  const int scr_width  = port_right - port_left; // no "+1" here
  const int scr_height = port_bottom - port_top; // no "+1" here

  if (4*axes_size >= scr_width )
  if (4*axes_size >= scr_height )

  int x0 = 3*axes_size/2;
  int y0 = port_bottom - 3*axes_size/2;
  int indx[3] = {0,1,2};
  double scr_coord[3][2];
  viewport.GetCoordinateSprite( axes_size, x0, y0, indx, scr_coord );

#define LXSIZE 3
#define LYSIZE 3
#define LOFF 3

  // draw 3 axes from back to front
  HPEN axis_pen[3];
  axis_pen[0] = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255,0,0) );
  axis_pen[1] = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0,255,0) );
  axis_pen[2] = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0,0,255) );
  HGDIOBJ saved_pen = SelectObject( hdc, axis_pen[0] );

  int i, k, x, y, lx, ly;
  for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
    k = indx[i];
    x = (int)scr_coord[k][0];
    y = (int)scr_coord[k][1];
    // use direction of screen vector to determine letter placement
    lx = x-x0; ly = y-y0;
    if (abs(lx) > abs(ly)) {
      // center letter to right/left of axis end
      lx = (x >= x0) ? x + LXSIZE+LOFF : x - LXSIZE-LOFF;
      ly = y;
    else if (abs(ly) > abs(lx)) {
      // center letter above/below axis end
      lx = x;
      ly = (y >= y0) ? y + LYSIZE+LOFF : y - LYSIZE-LOFF;
    else if (lx) {
      // diagonal axis - center letter on axis
      lx = (x >= x0) ? x + LXSIZE+LOFF : x - LXSIZE-LOFF;
      ly = (y >= y0) ? y + LYSIZE+LOFF : y - LYSIZE-LOFF;
    else {
      // axis is perp to screen - center letter at axis end
      lx = x;
      ly = y;
    SelectObject( hdc, axis_pen[k] );

    // draw axis
    MoveToEx( hdc, x0, y0, NULL );
    LineTo( hdc, x, y );

    // draw axis label
    switch (k) {
    case 0: // X
      MoveToEx( hdc, lx-LXSIZE, ly-LYSIZE, NULL );
      LineTo(   hdc, lx+LXSIZE, ly+LYSIZE );
      MoveToEx( hdc, lx-LXSIZE, ly+LYSIZE, NULL );
      LineTo(   hdc, lx+LXSIZE, ly-LYSIZE );
    case 1: // Y
      MoveToEx( hdc, lx-LXSIZE, ly-LYSIZE, NULL );
      LineTo(   hdc, lx,    ly    );
      LineTo(   hdc, lx+LXSIZE, ly-LYSIZE );
      MoveToEx( hdc, lx,    ly, NULL    );
      LineTo(   hdc, lx,    ly+LYSIZE );
    case 2: // Z
      MoveToEx( hdc, lx-LXSIZE, ly-LYSIZE, NULL );
      LineTo(   hdc, lx+LXSIZE, ly-LYSIZE );
      LineTo(   hdc, lx-LXSIZE, ly+LYSIZE );
      LineTo(   hdc, lx+LXSIZE, ly+LYSIZE );

  SelectObject( hdc, saved_pen );
  DeleteObject( axis_pen[0] );
  DeleteObject( axis_pen[1] );
  DeleteObject( axis_pen[2] );

#undef LXSIZE
#undef LYSIZE
#undef LOFF

Пример #9
void SetGLProjectionMatrix( ON_Viewport& viewport )
  int pl, pr, pb, pt;
  viewport.GetScreenPort( &pl, &pr, &pb, &pt, NULL, NULL );
  ON_GL( viewport, pl, pr, pb, pt ); // updates GL projection matrix
bool CCommandSampleZoomRotateWindow::DollyWindow( const CRhinoViewport& vport, CRect pick_rect, ON_3dPoint& target_point, ON_Viewport& vp_out )
  const ON_Viewport& vp_in = vport.VP();
  vp_out = vp_in;

  // screen port values
  int sleft, sright, stop, sbottom;
  if( !vp_in.GetScreenPort(&sleft, &sright, &sbottom, &stop) )
    return false;

  // frustum values
  double fleft, fright, ftop, fbottom, fnear, ffar;
  if( !vp_in.GetFrustum(&fleft, &fright, &fbottom, &ftop, &fnear, &ffar) )
    return false;

  // camera coordinate system
  ON_3dPoint cam_loc = vp_in.CameraLocation();
  ON_3dVector cam_z = vp_in.CameraZ();

  // capture Depth Buffer
  CRect screen_rect( sleft, stop, sright, sbottom );
  // user-specified rectangle
  CRect zoom_rect;             
  zoom_rect.IntersectRect( &pick_rect, screen_rect );
  CRhinoZBuffer zbuffer( vport );
  zbuffer.ShowIsocurves( true );
  zbuffer.ShowMeshWires( true );
  zbuffer.ShowCurves( true );
  zbuffer.ShowPoints( true );
  zbuffer.ShowText( true );
  zbuffer.ShowAnnotations( false );
  bool bSeeThrough = ( vport.XrayShade() || vport.GhostedShade() );
  if( bSeeThrough )
    zbuffer.EnableShading( false );

  bool rc = zbuffer.Capture( zoom_rect );
  if( rc && bSeeThrough && 0 == zbuffer.HitCount() )
    zbuffer.EnableShading( true );
    zbuffer.ShowIsocurves( false );
    zbuffer.ShowMeshWires( false );
    zbuffer.ShowCurves( false );
    zbuffer.ShowPoints( false );
    zbuffer.ShowText( false );
    rc = zbuffer.Capture( zoom_rect );
  ON_Xform s2c;   
  if( rc )
    rc = zbuffer.VP().GetXform( ON::screen_cs, ON::camera_cs, s2c );  

  if( rc )
    // dolly sideways so zoom rectangle is centered
    ON_3dPoint near_rect[4];
    vp_in.GetNearRect( near_rect[0], near_rect[1], near_rect[2], near_rect[3] );

    double port_dx = fabs( double(sright - sleft) );
    double port_dy = fabs( double(stop - sbottom) );

    ON_Interval lr( sleft, sright);
    double nx = lr.NormalizedParameterAt( 0.5 * (pick_rect.left + pick_rect.right) );

    ON_Interval bt( sbottom, stop);
    double ny = bt.NormalizedParameterAt( 0.5 * (pick_rect.bottom + pick_rect.top) );

    ON_3dPoint zoom_center = (1-nx) * (1-ny) * near_rect[0] + 
                             nx * (1-ny) * near_rect[1] + 
                             (1-nx) * ny * near_rect[2] + 
                             nx *ny * near_rect[3];

    ON_3dVector dolly_vec = zoom_center - cam_loc;
    // dolly perpendicular to cam_z
    dolly_vec -= dolly_vec * cam_z * cam_z;
    vp_out.DollyCamera( dolly_vec );

    double pick_rect_dx = fabs(double (pick_rect.right - pick_rect.left));
    double pick_rect_dy = fabs(double(pick_rect.top - pick_rect.bottom));

    // expand pick_rect to have the aspect ratio of the viewport
    double d = 1.0;
    if( pick_rect_dx/port_dx < pick_rect_dy/port_dy)
      d =  pick_rect_dy / port_dy;
      d =  pick_rect_dx / port_dx ;

    fleft *= d;
    fright *= d;
    fbottom *= d;
    ftop *=d ;
    vp_out.SetFrustum( fleft, fright, fbottom, ftop, fnear, ffar );

    // target point on plane perpendicular to cam_z
    cam_loc = vp_out.CameraLocation();
    target_point = cam_loc + (target_point - cam_loc) *cam_z * cam_z;               

  return rc;