int KoReportItemLabel::renderSimpleData(OROPage *page, OROSection *section, const QPointF &offset, const QVariant &data, KRScriptHandler *script) { Q_UNUSED(data) Q_UNUSED(script) OROTextBox * tb = new OROTextBox(); tb->setPosition(m_pos.toScene() + offset); tb->setSize(m_size.toScene()); tb->setFont(font()); tb->setText(text()); tb->setFlags(textFlags()); tb->setTextStyle(textStyle()); tb->setLineStyle(lineStyle()); if (page) { page->addPrimitive(tb); } if (section) { OROPrimitive *clone = tb->clone(); clone->setPosition(m_pos.toScene()); section->addPrimitive(clone); } if (!page) { delete tb; } return 0; //Item doesn't stretch the section height }
bool KoReportKSpreadRenderer::render(const KoReportRendererContext& context, ORODocument* document, int page) { Q_UNUSED(page); KoSimpleOdsDocument *doc = new KoSimpleOdsDocument(); KoSimpleOdsSheet *sht = new KoSimpleOdsSheet(); kDebug() << "Setting name to: " << document->title(); sht->setName(document->title()); bool renderedPageHeader = false; bool renderedPageFooter = false; // Render Each Section for (long s = 0; s < document->sections(); s++) { OROSection *section = document->section(s); section->sortPrimatives(OROSection::SortX); if (section->type() == KRSectionData::GroupHeader || section->type() == KRSectionData::GroupFooter || section->type() == KRSectionData::Detail || section->type() == KRSectionData::ReportHeader || section->type() == KRSectionData::ReportFooter || (section->type() == KRSectionData::PageHeaderAny && !renderedPageHeader) || (section->type() == KRSectionData::PageFooterAny && !renderedPageFooter && s > document->sections() - 2)) { //render the page foot right at the end, it will either be the last or second last section if there is a report footer if (section->type() == KRSectionData::PageHeaderAny) renderedPageHeader = true; if (section->type() == KRSectionData::PageFooterAny) renderedPageFooter = true; //Render the objects in each section for (int i = 0; i < section->primitives(); i++) { OROPrimitive * prim = section->primitive(i); if (prim->type() == OROTextBox::TextBox) { OROTextBox * tb = (OROTextBox*) prim; sht->addCell(s, i, new KoSimpleOdsCell(tb->text())); } /* else if (prim->type() == OROImage::Image) { kDebug() << "Saving an image"; OROImage * im = ( OROImage* ) prim; tr += "<td>" "<img src=\"./" + fi.fileName() + "/object" + QString::number(s) + QString::number(i) + ".png\"></img>" "</td>\n"; im->image().save(saveDir + "/object" + QString::number(s) + QString::number(i) + ".png"); } else if (prim->type() == OROPicture::Picture) { kDebug() << "Saving a picture"; OROPicture * im = ( OROPicture* ) prim; tr += "<td>" "<img src=\"./" + fi.fileName() + "/object" + QString::number(s) + QString::number(i) + ".png\"></img>" "</td>\n"; QImage image(im->size().toSize(), QImage::Format_RGB32); QPainter painter(&image); im->picture()->play(&painter); + "/object" + QString::number(s) + QString::number(i) + ".png"); }*/ else { kDebug() << "unhandled primitive type"; } } } } doc->addSheet(sht); bool status; if (doc->saveDocument(context.destinationUrl.path()) == QFile::NoError) { status = true; } else { status = false; } delete doc; return status; }
void ORPrintRender::renderPage(ORODocument * pDocument, int pageNb, QPainter *painter, qreal xDpi, qreal yDpi, QSize margins, int printResolution) { OROPage * p = pDocument->page(pageNb); if(((!p->backgroundImage().isNull()) && (p->backgroundOpacity() != 0)) || ((!p->watermarkText().isEmpty()) && (p->watermarkOpacity() != 0))) { // Do some simple processing used by both Background and Watermark const int resolution = 100; bool doBgWm = false; int printMarginWidth = margins.width(); int printMarginHeight = margins.height(); QString pageSize = pDocument->pageOptions().getPageSize(); int pageWidth = 0; int pageHeight = 0; if(pageSize == "Custom") { // if this is custom sized sheet of paper we will just use those values pageWidth = (int)(pDocument->pageOptions().getCustomWidth() * resolution); pageHeight = (int)(pDocument->pageOptions().getCustomHeight() * resolution); } else { // lookup the correct size information for the specified size paper PageSizeInfo pi = PageSizeInfo::getByName(pageSize); if(!pi.isNull()) { pageWidth = (int)((pi.width() / 100.0) * resolution); pageHeight = (int)((pi.height() / 100.0) * resolution); } } if(!pDocument->pageOptions().isPortrait()) { int tmp = pageWidth; pageWidth = pageHeight; pageHeight = tmp; } if(pageWidth < 1 || pageHeight < 1) { // whoops we couldn't find it.... we will use the values from the painter // and add in the margins of the printer to get what should be the correct // size of the sheet of paper we are printing to. pageWidth = (int)(((painter->viewport().width() + printMarginWidth + printMarginWidth) / xDpi) * resolution); pageHeight = (int)(((painter->viewport().height() + printMarginHeight + printMarginHeight) / yDpi) * resolution); } QImage image = QImage(pageWidth, pageHeight, QImage::Format_RGB32); QPainter gPainter; if(gPainter.begin(&image)) gPainter.fillRect(gPainter.viewport(), QColor(Qt::white)); // Render Background if((!p->backgroundImage().isNull()) && (p->backgroundOpacity() != 0)) { doBgWm = true; QPointF ps = p->backgroundPosition(); QSizeF sz = p->backgroundSize(); QRectF rc = QRectF(ps.x() * resolution, ps.y() * resolution, sz.width() * resolution, sz.height() * resolution); renderBackground(image, p->backgroundImage(), rc.toRect(), p->backgroundScale(), p->backgroundScaleMode(), p->backgroundAlign(), p->backgroundOpacity()); } // Render Watermark if((!p->watermarkText().isEmpty()) && (p->watermarkOpacity() != 0)) { doBgWm = true; renderWatermark(image, p->watermarkText(), p->watermarkFont(), p->watermarkOpacity(), ((pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginLeft() + pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginRight()) * resolution), ((pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginTop() + pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginBottom()) * resolution), pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginLeft() * resolution, pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginTop() * resolution); } if(doBgWm) { QRectF target(-printMarginWidth, -printMarginHeight, (painter->viewport().width() + printMarginWidth + printMarginWidth), (painter->viewport().height() + printMarginHeight + printMarginHeight)); QRectF source(0, 0, image.width(), image.height()); painter->drawImage(target, image, source); } } // Render Page Objects for(int i = 0; i < p->primitives(); i++) { OROPrimitive * prim = p->primitive(i); QPen pen(prim->pen()); painter->save(); painter->setPen(pen); painter->setBrush(prim->brush()); QPointF ps = prim->position(); if(prim->rotationAxis().isNull()) { painter->translate(ps.x() * xDpi, ps.y() * yDpi); painter->rotate(prim->rotation()); // rotation around the origin of the primitive (not the center) } else { // rotation around the defined axis qreal xRot = prim->rotationAxis().x(); qreal yRot = prim->rotationAxis().y(); painter->translate(xRot * xDpi, yRot * yDpi); painter->rotate(prim->rotation()); painter->translate((ps.x() - xRot) * xDpi, (ps.y() - yRot) * yDpi); } if(prim->type() == OROTextBox::TextBox) { OROTextBox * tb = (OROTextBox*)prim; painter->setFont(tb->font()); QSizeF sz = tb->size(); QRectF rc = QRectF(0, 0, sz.width() * xDpi, sz.height() * yDpi); painter->drawText(rc, tb->flags(), tb->text()); } else if(prim->type() == OROLine::Line) { OROLine * ln = (OROLine*)prim; QPointF s = ln->startPoint(); QPointF e = ln->endPoint(); pen.setWidthF((ln->weight() / 100) * printResolution); painter->setPen(pen); painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, 0, (e.x()-s.x()) * xDpi, (e.y()-s.y()) * yDpi)); } else if(prim->type() == OROImage::Image) { OROImage * im = (OROImage*)prim; QSizeF sz = im->size(); QRectF rc = QRectF(0, 0, sz.width() * xDpi, sz.height() * yDpi); QImage img = im->image(); if(im->scaled()) img = img.scaled(rc.size().toSize(), (Qt::AspectRatioMode)im->aspectRatioMode(), (Qt::TransformationMode)im->transformationMode()); QRectF sr = QRectF(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), rc.size().boundedTo(img.size())); painter->drawImage(rc.topLeft(), img, sr); } else if(prim->type() == ORORect::Rect) { ORORect * re = (ORORect*)prim; QSizeF sz = re->size(); QRectF rc = QRectF(0, 0, sz.width() * xDpi, sz.height() * yDpi); pen.setWidthF((re->weight() / 100) * printResolution); painter->setPen(pen); painter->drawRect(rc); } else { qDebug("unrecognized primitive type"); } painter->restore(); } }
bool KoReportODTRenderer::render(const KoReportRendererContext& context, ORODocument* document, int /*page*/) { QTextTableFormat tableFormat; tableFormat.setCellPadding(5); tableFormat.setHeaderRowCount(1); tableFormat.setBorderStyle(QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle_Solid); tableFormat.setWidth(QTextLength(QTextLength::PercentageLength, 100)); QTextTable *table = m_cursor.insertTable(1, 1, tableFormat); long renderedSections = 0; for (long s = 0; s < document->sections(); s++) { OROSection *section = document->section(s); section->sortPrimatives(OROSection::SortX); if (section->type() == KRSectionData::GroupHeader || section->type() == KRSectionData::GroupFooter || section->type() == KRSectionData::ReportHeader || section->type() == KRSectionData::ReportFooter || section->type() == KRSectionData::Detail){ //Add this section to the document //Resize the table to accommodate all the primitives in the section if (table->columns() < section->primitives()) { table->appendColumns(section->primitives() - table->columns()); } if (renderedSections > 0) { //We need to back a row, then forward a row to get at the start cell m_cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousRow); m_cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextRow); } else { //On the first row, ensure we are in the first cell after expanding the table while (m_cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousCell)){} } //Render the objects in each section for (int i = 0; i < section->primitives(); i++) { //Colour the cell using hte section background colour OROPrimitive * prim = section->primitive(i); QTextTableCell cell = table->cellAt(m_cursor); QTextCharFormat format = cell.format(); format.setBackground(section->backgroundColor()); cell.setFormat(format); if (prim->type() == OROTextBox::TextBox) { OROTextBox * tb = (OROTextBox*) prim; m_cursor.insertText(tb->text()); } else if (prim->type() == OROImage::Image) { OROImage * im = (OROImage*) prim; m_cursor.insertImage(im->image().scaled(im->size().width(), im->size().height(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); } else if (prim->type() == OROPicture::Picture) { OROPicture * im = (OROPicture*) prim; QImage image(im->size().toSize(), QImage::Format_RGB32); QPainter painter(&image); im->picture()->play(&painter); m_cursor.insertImage(image); } else { kWarning() << "unhandled primitive type"; } m_cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); } if (s < document->sections() - 1) { table->appendRows(1); } renderedSections++; } } QTextDocumentWriter writer(context.destinationUrl.toLocalFile()); return writer.write(m_document); }
int KReportItemField::renderSimpleData(OROPage *page, OROSection *section, const QPointF &offset, const QVariant &data, KReportScriptHandler *script) { OROTextBox * tb = new OROTextBox(); tb->setPosition(scenePosition(position()) + offset); tb->setSize(sceneSize(size())); tb->setFont(font()); tb->setFlags(textFlags()); tb->setTextStyle(textStyle()); tb->setLineStyle(lineStyle()); tb->setCanGrow(m_canGrow->value().toBool()); tb->setWordWrap(m_wordWrap->value().toBool()); QString str; QString ids = itemDataSource(); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { #ifdef KREPORT_SCRIPTING if (ids.left(1) == QLatin1String("=") && script) { //Everything after = is treated as code if (!ids.contains(QLatin1String("PageTotal()"))) { QVariant v = script->evaluate(ids.mid(1)); str = v.toString(); } else { str = ids.mid(1); tb->setRequiresPostProcessing(true); } } else #else Q_UNUSED(script); #endif if (ids.left(1) == QLatin1String("$")) { //Everything past $ is treated as a string str = ids.mid(1); } else { str = data.toString(); } } else { str = m_itemValue->value().toString(); } tb->setText(str); //Work out the size of the text if (tb->canGrow()) { QRect r; if (tb->wordWrap()) { //Grow vertically QFontMetrics metrics(font()); QRect temp(tb->position().x(), tb->position().y(), tb->size().width(), 5000); // a large vertical height r = metrics.boundingRect(temp, tb->flags(), str); } else { //Grow Horizontally QFontMetrics metrics(font()); QRect temp(tb->position().x(), tb->position().y(), 5000, tb->size().height()); // a large vertical height r = metrics.boundingRect(temp, tb->flags(), str); } tb->setSize(r.size() + QSize(4,4)); } if (page) { page->insertPrimitive(tb); } if (section) { OROPrimitive *clone = tb->clone(); clone->setPosition(scenePosition(position())); section->addPrimitive(clone); } int height = scenePosition(position()).y() + tb->size().height(); //If there is no page to add the item to, delete it now because it wont be deleted later if (!page) { delete tb; } return height; }
void ORPrintRender::renderPage(ORODocument * pDocument, int pageNb, QPainter *painter, qreal xDpi, qreal yDpi, QSize margins, int printResolution) { OROPage * p = pDocument->page(pageNb); if(((!p->backgroundImage().isNull()) && (p->backgroundOpacity() != 0)) || ((!p->watermarkText().isEmpty()) && (p->watermarkOpacity() != 0))) { // Do some simple processing used by both Background and Watermark const int resolution = 100; bool doBgWm = false; int printMarginWidth = margins.width() < 0 ? 0 : margins.width(); int printMarginHeight = margins.height() < 0 ? 0 : margins.height(); QString pageSize = pDocument->pageOptions().getPageSize(); int pageWidth = 0; int pageHeight = 0; if(pageSize == "Custom") { // if this is custom sized sheet of paper we will just use those values pageWidth = (int)(pDocument->pageOptions().getCustomWidth() * resolution); pageHeight = (int)(pDocument->pageOptions().getCustomHeight() * resolution); } else { // lookup the correct size information for the specified size paper PageSizeInfo pi = PageSizeInfo::getByName(pageSize); if(!pi.isNull()) { pageWidth = (int)((pi.width() / 100.0) * resolution); pageHeight = (int)((pi.height() / 100.0) * resolution); } } if(!pDocument->pageOptions().isPortrait()) { int tmp = pageWidth; pageWidth = pageHeight; pageHeight = tmp; } if(pageWidth < 1 || pageHeight < 1) { // whoops we couldn't find it.... we will use the values from the painter // and add in the margins of the printer to get what should be the correct // size of the sheet of paper we are printing to. pageWidth = (int)(((painter->viewport().width() + printMarginWidth + printMarginWidth) / xDpi) * resolution); pageHeight = (int)(((painter->viewport().height() + printMarginHeight + printMarginHeight) / yDpi) * resolution); } QImage image = QImage(pageWidth, pageHeight, QImage::Format_RGB32); QPainter gPainter; if(gPainter.begin(&image)) gPainter.fillRect(gPainter.viewport(), QColor(Qt::white)); // Render Background if((!p->backgroundImage().isNull()) && (p->backgroundOpacity() != 0)) { doBgWm = true; QPointF ps = p->backgroundPosition(); QSizeF sz = p->backgroundSize(); QRectF rc = QRectF(ps.x() * resolution, ps.y() * resolution, sz.width() * resolution, sz.height() * resolution); renderBackground(image, p->backgroundImage(), rc.toRect(), p->backgroundScale(), p->backgroundScaleMode(), p->backgroundAlign(), p->backgroundOpacity()); } // Render Watermark if((!p->watermarkText().isEmpty()) && (p->watermarkOpacity() != 0)) { doBgWm = true; renderWatermark(image, p->watermarkText(), p->watermarkFont(), p->watermarkOpacity(), pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginLeft() * resolution, pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginRight() * resolution, pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginTop() * resolution, pDocument->pageOptions().getMarginBottom() * resolution); } if(doBgWm) { QRectF target(0, 0, pageWidth, pageHeight); painter->save(); painter->scale(xDpi / resolution, yDpi / resolution); QRectF source(0, 0, image.width(), image.height()); painter->drawImage(target, image, source); painter->restore(); } } // Render Page Objects for(int i = 0; i < p->primitives(); i++) { OROPrimitive * prim = p->primitive(i); QPen pen(prim->pen()); painter->save(); painter->setPen(pen); painter->setBrush(prim->brush()); QPointF ps = prim->position(); if(prim->rotationAxis().isNull()) { painter->translate(ps.x() * xDpi, ps.y() * yDpi); painter->rotate(prim->rotation()); // rotation around the origin of the primitive (not the center) } else { // rotation around the defined axis qreal xRot = prim->rotationAxis().x(); qreal yRot = prim->rotationAxis().y(); painter->translate(xRot * xDpi, yRot * yDpi); painter->rotate(prim->rotation()); painter->translate((ps.x() - xRot) * xDpi, (ps.y() - yRot) * yDpi); } if(prim->type() == OROTextBox::TextBox) { OROTextBox * tb = (OROTextBox*)prim; QSizeF sz = tb->size(); QRectF rc = QRectF(0, 0, sz.width() * xDpi, sz.height() * yDpi); prim->drawRect(rc, painter, printResolution); painter->setFont(tb->font()); QString text = tb->text(); QString url; if(tb->text().startsWith("<http")) { int endOfUrl = tb->text().indexOf('>'); if(endOfUrl > 0) { url = tb->text().mid(1, endOfUrl-1); text = tb->text().mid(endOfUrl+1); if(text.isEmpty()) text = url; } } bool toPdf = painter->paintEngine()->type() == QPaintEngine::Pdf; if(toPdf && !url.isEmpty()) { QTextDocument doc; QTextCursor cursor(&doc); QTextCharFormat format; format.setFont(tb->font()); format.setFontPointSize(tb->font().pointSizeF()*printResolution/100.0); format.setAnchor(true); format.setAnchorHref(url); cursor.insertText(text, format); doc.drawContents(painter); } else { painter->drawText(rc, tb->flags(), text); } } else if(prim->type() == OROBarcode::Barcode) { OROBarcode * bc = (OROBarcode*)prim; QSizeF sz = bc->size(); QRectF rc = QRectF(0, 0, sz.width() * xDpi, sz.height() * yDpi); if(painter->paintEngine()->type() == QPaintEngine::User) { // label paint engine: the barcode parameters are encoded in a text item QString encodedData = ReportPrinter::barcodePrefix() + QString("%1;%2;%3;%4").arg(bc->format()).arg(sz.height()).arg(bc->narrowBarWidth()).arg(bc->data()); painter->drawText(rc, 0, encodedData); } else { if(bc->format() == "3of9") render3of9(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format() == "3of9+") renderExtended3of9(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format() == "128") renderCode128(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format() == "i2of5") renderI2of5(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format() == "ean13") renderCodeEAN13(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format() == "ean8") renderCodeEAN8(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format() == "upc-a") renderCodeUPCA(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format() == "upc-e") renderCodeUPCE(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format().contains("datamatrix")) renderCodeDatamatrix(painter, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format().contains("PDF417")) renderPDF417(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else if(bc->format().contains("QR")) renderQR(painter, xDpi, rc, bc->data(), bc); else { painter->drawText(rc, 0, "ERR: [" + bc->format() + "]" + bc->data()); } } } else if(prim->type() == OROLine::Line) { OROLine * ln = (OROLine*)prim; QPointF s = ln->startPoint(); QPointF e = ln->endPoint(); pen.setWidthF((pen.widthF() / 100.0) * printResolution); painter->setPen(pen); painter->drawLine(QLineF(0, 0, (e.x()-s.x()) * xDpi, (e.y()-s.y()) * yDpi)); } else if(prim->type() == OROImage::Image) { OROImage * im = (OROImage*)prim; QSizeF sz = im->size(); QRectF rc = QRectF(0, 0, sz.width() * xDpi, sz.height() * yDpi); prim->drawRect(rc, painter, printResolution); QImage img = im->image(); if(im->scaled()) img = img.scaled(rc.size().toSize(), (Qt::AspectRatioMode)im->aspectRatioMode(), (Qt::TransformationMode)im->transformationMode()); else img = img.scaled(QSize(img.width()*(int)xDpi/150, img.height()*(int)yDpi/150), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); QRectF sr = QRectF(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), rc.size().boundedTo(img.size())); painter->drawImage(rc.topLeft(), img, sr); } else if(prim->type() == ORORect::Rect) { QSizeF sz = ((OROTextBox*)prim)->size(); QRectF rc = QRectF(0, 0, sz.width() * xDpi, sz.height() * yDpi); prim->drawRect(rc, painter, printResolution); } else { qDebug("unrecognized primitive type"); } painter->restore(); } }