void mysqlSetup() { Oam oam; string cmd; cmd = installDir + "/bin/post-mysqld-install --installdir=" + installDir; int rtnCode = system(cmd.c_str()); if (WEXITSTATUS(rtnCode) != 0) cout << "Error running post-mysqld-install" << endl; //check for password set //start in the same way that mysqld will be started normally. //start in the same way that mysqld will be started normally. try { oam.actionMysqlCalpont(MYSQL_START); } catch(...) {} sleep(2); string prompt = " *** Enter MySQL password > "; for (;;) { // check if mysql is supported and get info string calpontMysql = installDir + "/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + installDir + "/mysql/my.cnf -u root "; string cmd = calpontMysql + pwprompt + " -e 'status' > /tmp/idbmysql.log 2>&1"; system(cmd.c_str()); if (oam.checkLogStatus("/tmp/idbmysql.log", "ERROR 1045") ) { mysqlpw = getpass(prompt.c_str()); mysqlpw = "'" + mysqlpw + "'"; pwprompt = "--password="******" *** Password incorrect, please re-enter MySQL password > "; } else { if (!oam.checkLogStatus("/tmp/idbmysql.log", "InfiniDB") ) { cout << endl << "ERROR: MySQL runtime error, exit..." << endl << endl; system("cat /tmp/idbmysql.log"); exit (1); } else { try { oam.actionMysqlCalpont(MYSQL_STOP); } catch(...) {} unlink("/tmp/idbmysql.log"); break; } } } cmd = installDir + "/bin/post-mysql-install " + pwprompt + " --installdir=" + installDir; rtnCode = system(cmd.c_str()); if (WEXITSTATUS(rtnCode) != 0) cout << "Error running post-mysql-install" << endl; return; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Oam oam; string installDir(startup::StartUp::installDir()); Config* sysConfig = Config::makeConfig(); string SystemSection = "SystemConfig"; string InstallSection = "Installation"; bool HARDWARE = false; bool SOFTWARE = false; bool CONFIG = false; bool DBMS = false; bool RESOURCE = false; bool LOG = false; bool BULKLOG = false; bool HADOOP = false; //get current time and date time_t now; now = time(NULL); struct tm tm; localtime_r(&now, &tm); char timestamp[200]; strftime (timestamp, 200, "%m:%d:%y-%H:%M:%S", &tm); currentDate = timestamp; char helpArg[3] = "-h"; // Get System Name try{ oam.getSystemConfig("SystemName", systemName); } catch(...) { systemName = "unassigned"; } // get Local Module Name and Server Install Indicator string singleServerInstall; oamModuleInfo_t st; try { st = oam.getModuleInfo(); localModule = boost::get<0>(st); } catch (...) { cout << endl << "**** Failed : Failed to read Local Module Name" << endl; exit(-1); } try{ oam.getSystemConfig("SingleServerInstall", singleServerInstall); } catch(...) { singleServerInstall = "y"; } if (argc == 1) { argv[1] = &helpArg[0]; argc = 2; } string DataFilePlugin; try{ DataFilePlugin = sysConfig->getConfig(SystemSection, "DataFilePlugin"); } catch(...) { cout << "ERROR: Problem accessing InfiniDB configuration file" << endl; exit(-1); } for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if( string("-h") == argv[i] ) { cout << endl; cout << "'calpontSupport' generates a Set of System Support Report Files in a tar file" << endl; cout << "called calpontSupportReport.'system-name'.tar.gz in the local directory." << endl; cout << "It should be run on the server with the DBRM front-end." << endl; cout << "Check the Admin Guide for additional information." << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Usage: calpontSupport [-h][-a][-hw][-s][-c][-db][-r][-l][-bl][-lc][-p 'root-password'][-mp 'mysql-root-password'][-de]"; // if hdfs set up print the hadoop option if (!DataFilePlugin.empty()) cout << "[-hd]"; cout << endl; cout << " -h help" << endl; cout << " -a Output all Reports (excluding Bulk Logs Reports)" << endl; cout << " -hw Output Hardware Reports only" << endl; cout << " -s Output Software Reports only" << endl; cout << " -c Output Configuration/Status Reports only" << endl; cout << " -db Output DBMS Reports only" << endl; cout << " -r Output Resource Reports only" << endl; cout << " -l Output Calpont Log/Alarms Reports only" << endl; cout << " -bl Output Calpont Bulk Log Reports only" << endl; cout << " -lc Output Reports for Local Server only" << endl; cout << " -p password (multi-server systems), root-password or 'ssh' to use 'ssh keys'" << endl; cout << " -mp mysql root user password" << endl; cout << " -de Debug Flag" << endl; // if hdfs set up print the hadoop option if (!DataFilePlugin.empty()) cout << " -hd Output hadoop reports only" << endl; exit (0); } else { if( string("-a") == argv[i] ) { HARDWARE = true; SOFTWARE = true; CONFIG = true; DBMS = true; RESOURCE = true; LOG = true; HADOOP = (DataFilePlugin.empty()? false : true); } else if( string("-hw") == argv[i] ) HARDWARE = true; else if( string("-s") == argv[i] ) SOFTWARE = true; else if( string("-c") == argv[i] ) CONFIG = true; else if( string("-db") == argv[i] ) DBMS = true; else if( string("-r") == argv[i] ) RESOURCE = true; else if( string("-l") == argv[i] ) LOG = true; else if( string("-bl") == argv[i] ) BULKLOG = true; else if( string("-lc") == argv[i] ) LOCAL = true; else if( string("-p") == argv[i] ) { i++; if ( argc == i ) { cout << "ERROR: missing root password argument" << endl; exit(-1); } rootPassword = argv[i]; //add single quote for special characters if ( rootPassword != "ssh" ) { rootPassword = "******" + rootPassword + "'"; } } else if( string("-mp") == argv[i] ) { i++; if ( argc == i ) { cout << "ERROR: missing mysql root user password argument" << endl; exit(-1); } mysqlpw = argv[i]; mysqlpw = "'" + mysqlpw + "'"; } else if( string("-de") == argv[i] ) debug_flag = "1"; else if ( string("-hd") == argv[i] ) { HADOOP = (DataFilePlugin.empty()? false : true); } else { cout << "Invalid Option of '" << argv[i] << "', run with '-h' for help" << endl; exit (1); } } } //default to -a if nothing is set if ( !HARDWARE && !SOFTWARE && !CONFIG && !DBMS && !RESOURCE && !LOG && !BULKLOG && !HADOOP) { HARDWARE = true; SOFTWARE = true; CONFIG = true; DBMS = true; RESOURCE = true; LOG = true; HADOOP = (DataFilePlugin.empty()? false : true); } //get Parent OAM Module Name and setup of it's Custom OS files string PrimaryUMModuleName; try{ PrimaryUMModuleName = sysConfig->getConfig(SystemSection, "PrimaryUMModuleName"); } catch(...) { cout << "ERROR: Problem getting Parent OAM Module Name" << endl; exit(-1); } if ( PrimaryUMModuleName == "unassigned" ) PrimaryUMModuleName = localModule; if ( (localModule != PrimaryUMModuleName) && DBMS ) { char* pcommand = 0; char *p; string argument = "n"; while(true) { cout << endl << "You selected to get the DBMS data." << endl; cout << "You need to run the calpontSupport command on module '" << PrimaryUMModuleName << "' to get that information." << endl; cout << "Or you can proceed on to get all data except the DBMS." << endl; pcommand = readline(" Do you want to proceed: (y or n) [n]: "); if (pcommand && *pcommand) { p = strtok(pcommand," "); argument = p; free(pcommand); pcommand = 0; } if (pcommand) { free(pcommand); pcommand = 0; } if( argument == "y") { cout << endl; break; } else if( argument == "n") exit (1); } } //get number of worker-nodes, will tell us if a single server system //get Parent OAM Module Name and setup of it's Custom OS files try{ string NumWorkers = sysConfig->getConfig("DBRM_Controller", "NumWorkers"); if ( NumWorkers == "1" ) singleServerInstall = "y"; } catch(...) {} if ( singleServerInstall == "n" && !LOCAL) if ( HARDWARE || SOFTWARE || CONFIG || RESOURCE || LOG || HADOOP ) if ( rootPassword.empty() ) { cout << "ERROR: Multi-Module System, Password Argument required or use '-lc' option, check help for more information" << endl; exit(-1); } //get Parent OAM Module Name and setup of it's Custom OS files //string parentOAMModuleName; ChildModule parentOAMModule; try{ parentOAMModule.moduleName = sysConfig->getConfig(SystemSection, "ParentOAMModuleName"); } catch(...) { cout << "ERROR: Problem getting Parent OAM Module Name" << endl; exit(-1); } //Get list of configured system modules SystemModuleTypeConfig sysModuleTypeConfig; try{ oam.getSystemConfig(sysModuleTypeConfig); } catch(...) { cout << "ERROR: Problem reading the Calpont System Configuration file" << endl; exit(-1); } string ModuleSection = "SystemModuleConfig"; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < sysModuleTypeConfig.moduletypeconfig.size(); i++) { string moduleType = sysModuleTypeConfig.moduletypeconfig[i].ModuleType; int moduleCount = sysModuleTypeConfig.moduletypeconfig[i].ModuleCount; if ( moduleCount == 0 ) //no modules equipped for this Module Type, skip continue; //get IP addresses and Host Names DeviceNetworkList::iterator listPT = sysModuleTypeConfig.moduletypeconfig[i].ModuleNetworkList.begin(); for( ; listPT != sysModuleTypeConfig.moduletypeconfig[i].ModuleNetworkList.end() ; listPT++) { string moduleName = (*listPT).DeviceName; HostConfigList::iterator pt1 = (*listPT).hostConfigList.begin(); string moduleIPAddr = (*pt1).IPAddr; string moduleHostName = (*pt1).HostName; if ( moduleName == localModule) { localModuleHostName = moduleHostName; } //save Child modules if ( moduleName != localModule && moduleType != "xm") { childmodule.moduleName = moduleName; childmodule.moduleIP = moduleIPAddr; childmodule.hostName = moduleHostName; childmodulelist.push_back(childmodule); } if (moduleName == parentOAMModule.moduleName) { parentOAMModule.moduleIP = moduleIPAddr; parentOAMModule.hostName = moduleHostName; parentOAMModule.moduleName = moduleName; } } } //end of i for loop // create a clean Calpont Support Report system("rm -f *_configReport.txt"); system("rm -f *_dbmsReport.txt"); system("rm -f *_hardwareReport.txt"); system("rm -f *_logReport.txt"); system("rm -f *_bulklogReport.txt"); system("rm -f *_resourceReport.txt"); system("rm -f *_softwareReport.txt"); system("rm -f hadoopReport.txt"); // // Software // if ( SOFTWARE ) { string reportType = "software"; pthread_t reportthread; int status = pthread_create (&reportthread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*)) &reportThread, &reportType); if ( status != 0 ) { cout << "ERROR: reportthread: pthread_create failed, return status = " + oam.itoa(status); } sleep(5); } // // Configuration // if ( CONFIG ) { string reportType = "config"; pthread_t reportthread; int status = pthread_create (&reportthread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*)) &reportThread, &reportType); if ( status != 0 ) { cout << "ERROR: reportthread: pthread_create failed, return status = " + oam.itoa(status); } sleep(5); } // // Alarms and Calpont Logs // if ( LOG ) { string reportType = "log"; pthread_t reportthread; int status = pthread_create (&reportthread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*)) &reportThread, &reportType); if ( status != 0 ) { cout << "ERROR: reportthread: pthread_create failed, return status = " + oam.itoa(status); } sleep(5); } // // Bulk Logs // if ( BULKLOG ) { string reportType = "bulklog"; pthread_t reportthread; int status = pthread_create (&reportthread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*)) &reportThread, &reportType); if ( status != 0 ) { cout << "ERROR: reportthread: pthread_create failed, return status = " + oam.itoa(status); } sleep(5); } // // Hardware // if ( HARDWARE ) { string reportType = "hardware"; pthread_t reportthread; int status = pthread_create (&reportthread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*)) &reportThread, &reportType); if ( status != 0 ) { cout << "ERROR: reportthread: pthread_create failed, return status = " + oam.itoa(status); } sleep(5); } // // Resources // if ( RESOURCE ) { string reportType = "resource"; pthread_t reportthread; int status = pthread_create (&reportthread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*)) &reportThread, &reportType); if ( status != 0 ) { cout << "ERROR: reportthread: pthread_create failed, return status = " + oam.itoa(status); } sleep(5); } // // DBMS // if ( DBMS ) { system("rm -f calpontSupportReport.txt;touch calpontSupportReport.txt"); title(); system("echo '=======================================================================' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '= DBMS Report =' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '=======================================================================' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); // run DBMS report on local server cout << "Get dbms report data for " << localModule << endl; bool FAILED = false; if ( localModule != PrimaryUMModuleName ) { cout << " FAILED: run calpontSupport on '" << PrimaryUMModuleName << "' to get the dbrm report" << endl; FAILED = true; } else { // check if mysql is supported and get info string calpontMysql = installDir + "/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + installDir + "/mysql/my.cnf -u root "; string cmd = calpontMysql + " -e 'status' > /tmp/idbmysql.log 2>&1"; system(cmd.c_str()); //check for mysql password set string pwprompt = " "; if (oam.checkLogStatus("/tmp/idbmysql.log", "ERROR 1045") ) { cout << "NOTE: MySQL root user password is set" << endl; //needs a password, was password entered on command line if ( mysqlpw == " " ) { //go check my.cnf string file = installDir + "/mysql/my.cnf"; ifstream oldFile (file.c_str()); vector <string> lines; char line[200]; string buf; while (oldFile.getline(line, 200)) { buf = line; string::size_type pos = buf.find("password",0); if (pos != string::npos) { string::size_type pos1 = buf.find("=",0); if (pos1 != string::npos) { pos = buf.find("#",0); if (pos == string::npos) { //password arg in my.cnf, go get password cout << "NOTE: Using password from my.cnf" << endl; mysqlpw = buf.substr(pos1+1,80); cout << mysqlpw << endl; break; } } } } oldFile.close(); if ( mysqlpw == " " ) { cout << "NOTE: No password provide on command line or found uncommented in my.cnf" << endl; cout << endl; string prompt = " *** Enter MySQL password > "; mysqlpw = getpass(prompt.c_str()); } } //check for mysql password set pwprompt = "--password="******" -e 'status' > /tmp/idbmysql.log 2>&1"; system(cmd.c_str()); if (oam.checkLogStatus("/tmp/idbmysql.log", "ERROR 1045") ) { cout << "FAILED: Failed login using MySQL root user password '" << mysqlpw << "'" << endl; FAILED = true; } } if (!FAILED) { // check if mysql is supported and get info string calpontMysql = installDir + "/mysql/bin/mysql --defaults-file=" + installDir + "/mysql/my.cnf -u root " + pwprompt; string cmd = calpontMysql + " -V > /dev/null 2>&1"; int ret = system(cmd.c_str()); if ( WEXITSTATUS(ret) == 0) { // run DBMS report info system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** DBMS InfiniDB Mysql Version ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); cmd = "echo '################# " + calpontMysql + " -e status ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = calpontMysql + " -e 'status' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** DBMS Mysql Calpont System Column ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); cmd = "echo '################# " + calpontMysql + " -e desc calpontsys.syscolumn ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = calpontMysql + " -e 'desc calpontsys.syscolumn;' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** DBMS Mysql Calpont System Table ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); cmd = "echo '################# " + calpontMysql + " -e desc calpontsys.systable ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = calpontMysql + " -e 'desc calpontsys.systable;' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** DBMS Mysql Calpont System Catalog Data ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); cmd = "echo '################# " + calpontMysql + " calpontsys < " + installDir + "/mysql/dumpcat_mysql.sql ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = calpontMysql + " calpontsys < " + installDir + "/mysql/dumpcat_mysql.sql >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** DBMS Mysql Calpont System Table Data ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); cmd = "echo '################# " + calpontMysql + " -e select * from calpontsys.systable ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = calpontMysql + " -e 'select * from calpontsys.systable;' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** DBMS Mysql Calpont Usernames ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); cmd = "echo '################# " + calpontMysql + " -e show databases ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = calpontMysql + " -e 'show databases;' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** DBMS Mysql InfiniDB variables ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); cmd = "echo '################# " + calpontMysql + " show variables ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = calpontMysql + " -e 'show variables;' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); } } } system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** Database Size Report ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); string cmd = "echo '################# /bin/databaseSizeReport ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = installDir + "/bin/databaseSizeReport >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** DBMS Mysql InfiniDB config file ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); cmd = "echo '################# cat /mysql/my.cnf ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "cat " + installDir + "/mysql/my.cnf 2>/dev/null >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo '******************** Active Queries ********************' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"); cmd = "echo '################# mcsadmin getActiveSqlStatement ################# ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "echo ' ' >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = installDir + "/bin/mcsadmin getActiveSqlStatement >> calpontSupportReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); cmd = "cat calpontSupportReport.txt > " + localModule + "_dbmsReport.txt"; system(cmd.c_str()); } // // HADOOP // if (HADOOP) { if (LOCAL || childmodulelist.empty()) { cout << "Get hadoop report data" << endl; string cmd = installDir + "/bin/hadoopReport.sh " + localModule + " " + installDir + "\n"; cmd += " mv -f /tmp/hadoopReport.txt ."; FILE* pipe = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r"); if (!pipe) { cout << "Failed to get a pipe for hadoop health check commands" << endl; exit(-1); } pclose(pipe); } else { // only get hadoop report from parentOAMModule, because it's consistant view. parentmodulelist.push_back(parentOAMModule); threadInfo_t *st = new threadInfo_t; ChildModuleList::iterator iter = parentmodulelist.begin(); *st = boost::make_tuple(iter, "hadoop"); pthread_t hdthread; int status = pthread_create (&hdthread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*)) &childReportThread, st); if ( status != 0 ) { cout << "ERROR: childreportthread: pthread_create failed, return status = " + oam.itoa(status) << endl; } } } //wait for all threads to complete sleep(5); int wait = 0; while (true) { //cout << "check " << runningThreads << endl; if (runningThreads < 1) break; sleep(2); wait++; // give it 60 minutes to complete if ( wait >= 3600 * 5) { cout << "Timed out (60 minutes) waiting for Requests to complete" << endl; } } system("rm -f calpontSupportReport.txt"); system("unix2dos *Report.txt > /dev/null 2>&1"); system("rm -rf calpontSupportReport;mkdir calpontSupportReport;mv *Report.txt calpontSupportReport/. > /dev/null 2>&1;mv *Report.tar.gz calpontSupportReport/. > /dev/null 2>&1"); string cmd = "tar -zcf calpontSupportReport." + systemName + ".tar.gz calpontSupportReport/*"; system(cmd.c_str()); cout << endl << "Calpont Support Script Successfully completed, files located in calpontSupportReport." + systemName + ".tar.gz" << endl; }