Пример #1
      void SceneTree::update( dp::sg::ui::ViewStateSharedPtr const& vs )
        ObjectTreeIndexSet dirtyGeoNodes;
        for ( ObjectTreeIndexSet::const_iterator it = dirtyGeoNodes.begin(); it != dirtyGeoNodes.end(); ++it )
          drawableInstanceUpdate( *it );

          dp::util::ProfileEntry p("Update TransformTree");
          updateTransformTree( vs );

          dp::util::ProfileEntry p("Update ObjectTree");
          updateObjectTree( vs );
Пример #2
      void SceneTree::updateObjectTree(dp::sg::core::CameraSharedPtr const& camera, float lodRangeScale)
        // first step: update node-local information

        // update dirty object hints & masks
          ObjectObserver::NewCacheData cd;
          m_objectObserver->popNewCacheData( cd );

          ObjectObserver::NewCacheData::const_iterator it, it_end = cd.end();
          for( it=cd.begin(); it!=it_end; ++it )
            ObjectTreeNode& node = m_objectTree[ it->first ];
            node.m_localHints = it->second.m_hints;
            node.m_localMask = it->second.m_mask;

            m_objectTree.markDirty( it->first, ObjectTreeNode::DEFAULT_DIRTY );

        // update dirty switch information
        ObjectTreeIndexSet dirtySwitches;
        m_switchObserver->popDirtySwitches( dirtySwitches );
        if( !dirtySwitches.empty() )
          ObjectTreeIndexSet::iterator it, it_end = dirtySwitches.end();
          for( it=dirtySwitches.begin(); it!=it_end; ++it )
            ObjectTreeIndex index = *it;

            SwitchSharedPtr ssp = m_objectTree.m_switchNodes[ index ].lock();
            DP_ASSERT( ssp );

            ObjectTreeIndex childIndex = m_objectTree[index].m_firstChild;
            // counter for the i-th child
            size_t i = 0;

            while( childIndex != ~0 )
              ObjectTreeNode& childNode = m_objectTree[childIndex];
              DP_ASSERT( childNode.m_parentIndex == index );

              bool newActive = ssp->isActive( dp::checked_cast<unsigned int>(i) );
              if ( childNode.m_localActive != newActive )
                childNode.m_localActive = newActive;
                m_objectTree.markDirty( childIndex, ObjectTreeNode::DEFAULT_DIRTY );

              childIndex = childNode.m_nextSibling;

        // update all lods
        if( !m_objectTree.m_LODs.empty() )
          const Mat44f& worldToView = camera->getWorldToViewMatrix();

          std::map< ObjectTreeIndex, LODWeakPtr >::iterator it, it_end = m_objectTree.m_LODs.end();
          for( it = m_objectTree.m_LODs.begin(); it != it_end; ++it )
            ObjectTreeIndex index = it->first;
            const ObjectTreeNode& node = m_objectTree[ index ];

            Mat44f const & modelToWorld = m_transformTree.getWorldMatrix(node.m_transform);
            const Mat44f modelToView = modelToWorld * worldToView;
            ObjectTreeIndex activeIndex = it->second.lock()->getLODToUse( modelToView, lodRangeScale );

            ObjectTreeIndex childIndex = m_objectTree[index].m_firstChild;
            // counter for the i-th child
            size_t i = 0;

            while( childIndex != ~0 )
              ObjectTreeNode& childNode = m_objectTree[childIndex];
              DP_ASSERT( childNode.m_parentIndex == index );

              bool newActive = activeIndex == i;
              if ( childNode.m_localActive != newActive )
                childNode.m_localActive = newActive;
                m_objectTree.markDirty( childIndex, ObjectTreeNode::DEFAULT_DIRTY );

              childIndex = childNode.m_nextSibling;

        // second step: update resulting node-world information

        UpdateObjectVisitor objectVisitor( m_objectTree, this );
        PreOrderTreeTraverser<ObjectTree, UpdateObjectVisitor> objectTraverser;

        objectTraverser.processDirtyList( m_objectTree, objectVisitor, ObjectTreeNode::DEFAULT_DIRTY );