int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2){ std::cerr << "Error: you need to specify a test as argument" << std::endl; return 1; // exit 1 means failure } std::string test_name (argv[1]); // ------------------------------------------------------------ if (test_name == "MathVector") { // test constructors Vector3* twos = new Vector3(); Vector3* ones = new Vector3(1,1,1); for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { (*twos)(i) = 2; } // test basic operations Vector3 subtraction = *twos - *ones; Vector3 addition = *twos + *ones; Vector3 multiplication = *twos * 2.; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (subtraction(i), 1.); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (addition(i), 3.); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (multiplication(i), 4.); } // copy constructor Vector3 rotation = *ones; // rotation rotation.rotate_IP (M_PI, 1., 0.1); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (rotation.x(), 1.2750367); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (rotation.y(), (-1.1329513)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (rotation.z(), 0.30116868); // ------------------------------------------------------------ } else if (test_name == "MathPose") { // constructors Pose6D a (1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.0f, 0.1f, (float) M_PI/4. ); Pose6D b; Vector3 trans(1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f); Quaternion rot(0.0f, 0.1f, (float) M_PI/4.); Pose6D c(trans, rot); // comparator EXPECT_TRUE ( a == c); // toEuler EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (c.yaw() , M_PI/4.); // transform Vector3 t = c.transform (trans); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t.x() , 1.6399229); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t.y() , 0.8813442); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t.z() , 0.099667005); // inverse transform Pose6D c_inv = c.inv(); Vector3 t2 = c_inv.transform (t); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t2.x() , trans.x()); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t2.y() , trans.y()); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (t2.z() , trans.z()); // ------------------------------------------------------------ } else if (test_name == "InsertRay") { double p = 0.5; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p, probability(logodds(p))); p = 0.1; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p, probability(logodds(p))); p = 0.99; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p, probability(logodds(p))); float l = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(l, logodds(probability(l))); l = -4; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(l, logodds(probability(l))); l = 2; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(l, logodds(probability(l))); OcTree tree (0.05); tree.setProbHit(0.7); tree.setProbMiss(0.4); point3d origin (0.01f, 0.01f, 0.02f); point3d point_on_surface (2.01f,0.01f,0.01f); for (int i=0; i<360; i++) { for (int j=0; j<360; j++) { EXPECT_TRUE (tree.insertRay(origin, origin+point_on_surface)); point_on_surface.rotate_IP (0,0,DEG2RAD(1.)); } point_on_surface.rotate_IP (0,DEG2RAD(1.),0); } EXPECT_TRUE (tree.writeBinary("")); EXPECT_EQ ((int) tree.size(), 50615); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // ray casting is now in "test_raycasting.cpp" // ------------------------------------------------------------ // insert scan test // insert graph node test // write graph test } else if (test_name == "InsertScan") { Pointcloud* measurement = new Pointcloud(); point3d origin (0.01f, 0.01f, 0.02f); point3d point_on_surface (2.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f); for (int i=0; i<360; i++) { for (int j=0; j<360; j++) { point3d p = origin+point_on_surface; measurement->push_back(p); point_on_surface.rotate_IP (0,0,DEG2RAD(1.)); } point_on_surface.rotate_IP (0,DEG2RAD(1.),0); } OcTree tree (0.05); tree.insertPointCloud(*measurement, origin); EXPECT_EQ (tree.size(), 53959); ScanGraph* graph = new ScanGraph(); Pose6D node_pose (origin.x(), origin.y(), origin.z(),0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); graph->addNode(measurement, node_pose); EXPECT_TRUE (graph->writeBinary("test.graph")); delete graph; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // graph read file test } else if (test_name == "ReadGraph") { // not really meaningful, see better test in "test_scans.cpp" ScanGraph graph; EXPECT_TRUE (graph.readBinary("test.graph")); // ------------------------------------------------------------ } else if (test_name == "StampedTree") { OcTreeStamped stamped_tree (0.05); // fill tree for (int x=-20; x<20; x++) for (int y=-20; y<20; y++) for (int z=-20; z<20; z++) { point3d p ((float) x*0.05f+0.01f, (float) y*0.05f+0.01f, (float) z*0.05f+0.01f); stamped_tree.updateNode(p, true); // integrate 'occupied' measurement } // test if update times set point3d query (0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); OcTreeNodeStamped* result = (query); EXPECT_TRUE (result); unsigned int tree_time = stamped_tree.getLastUpdateTime(); unsigned int node_time = result->getTimestamp(); std::cout << "After 1st update (cube): Tree time " <<tree_time << "; node(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) time " << result->getTimestamp() << std::endl; EXPECT_TRUE (tree_time > 0); #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep(1000); #else sleep(1); #endif stamped_tree.integrateMissNoTime(result); // reduce occupancy, no time update std::cout << "After 2nd update (single miss): Tree time " <<tree_time << "; node(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) time " << node_time << std::endl; EXPECT_EQ (node_time, result->getTimestamp()); // node time updated? point3d query2 = point3d (0.1f, 0.1f, 0.3f); stamped_tree.updateNode(query2, true); // integrate 'occupied' measurement OcTreeNodeStamped* result2 = (query2); EXPECT_TRUE (result2); result = (query); EXPECT_TRUE (result); std::cout << "After 3rd update (single hit at (0.1, 0.1, 0.3): Tree time " << stamped_tree.getLastUpdateTime() << "; node(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) time " << result->getTimestamp() << "; node(0.1, 0.1, 0.3) time " << result2->getTimestamp() << std::endl; EXPECT_TRUE (result->getTimestamp() < result2->getTimestamp()); // result2 has been updated EXPECT_EQ(result2->getTimestamp(), stamped_tree.getLastUpdateTime()); // ------------------------------------------------------------ } else if (test_name == "OcTreeKey") { OcTree tree (0.05); point3d p(0.0,0.0,0.0); OcTreeKey key; tree.coordToKeyChecked(p, key); point3d p_inv = tree.keyToCoord(key); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (0.025, p_inv.x()); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (0.025, p_inv.y()); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (0.025, p_inv.z()); // ------------------------------------------------------------ } else { std::cerr << "Invalid test name specified: " << test_name << std::endl; return 1; } std::cerr << "Test successful.\n"; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // default values: double res = 0.1; string graphFilename = ""; string treeFilename = ""; double maxrange = -1; int max_scan_no = -1; bool detailedLog = false; bool simpleUpdate = false; bool discretize = false; unsigned char compression = 1; // get default sensor model values: OcTree emptyTree(0.1); double clampingMin = emptyTree.getClampingThresMin(); double clampingMax = emptyTree.getClampingThresMax(); double probMiss = emptyTree.getProbMiss(); double probHit = emptyTree.getProbHit(); timeval start; timeval stop; int arg = 0; while (++arg < argc) { if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-i")) graphFilename = std::string(argv[++arg]); else if (!strcmp(argv[arg], "-o")) treeFilename = std::string(argv[++arg]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-res") && argc-arg < 2) printUsage(argv[0]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-res")) res = atof(argv[++arg]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-log")) detailedLog = true; else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-simple")) simpleUpdate = true; else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-discretize")) discretize = true; else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-compress")) OCTOMAP_WARNING("Argument -compress no longer has an effect, incremental pruning is done during each insertion.\n"); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-compressML")) compression = 2; else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-m")) maxrange = atof(argv[++arg]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-n")) max_scan_no = atoi(argv[++arg]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-clamping") && (argc-arg < 3)) printUsage(argv[0]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-clamping")){ clampingMin = atof(argv[++arg]); clampingMax = atof(argv[++arg]); } else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-sensor") && (argc-arg < 3)) printUsage(argv[0]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-sensor")){ probMiss = atof(argv[++arg]); probHit = atof(argv[++arg]); } else { printUsage(argv[0]); } } if (graphFilename == "" || treeFilename == "") printUsage(argv[0]); // verify input: if (res <= 0.0){ OCTOMAP_ERROR("Resolution must be positive"); exit(1); } if (clampingMin >= clampingMax || clampingMin < 0.0 || clampingMax > 1.0){ OCTOMAP_ERROR("Error in clamping values: 0.0 <= [%f] < [%f] <= 1.0\n", clampingMin, clampingMax); exit(1); } if (probMiss >= probHit || probMiss < 0.0 || probHit > 1.0){ OCTOMAP_ERROR("Error in sensor model (hit/miss prob.): 0.0 <= [%f] < [%f] <= 1.0\n", probMiss, probHit); exit(1); } std::string treeFilenameOT = treeFilename + ".ot"; std::string treeFilenameMLOT = treeFilename + "_ml.ot"; cout << "\nReading Graph file\n===========================\n"; ScanGraph* graph = new ScanGraph(); if (!graph->readBinary(graphFilename)) exit(2); unsigned int num_points_in_graph = 0; if (max_scan_no > 0) { num_points_in_graph = graph->getNumPoints(max_scan_no-1); cout << "\n Data points in graph up to scan " << max_scan_no << ": " << num_points_in_graph << endl; } else { num_points_in_graph = graph->getNumPoints(); cout << "\n Data points in graph: " << num_points_in_graph << endl; } // transform pointclouds first, so we can directly operate on them later for (ScanGraph::iterator scan_it = graph->begin(); scan_it != graph->end(); scan_it++) { pose6d frame_origin = (*scan_it)->pose; point3d sensor_origin = frame_origin.inv().transform((*scan_it)->pose.trans()); (*scan_it)->scan->transform(frame_origin); point3d transformed_sensor_origin = frame_origin.transform(sensor_origin); (*scan_it)->pose = pose6d(transformed_sensor_origin, octomath::Quaternion()); } std::ofstream logfile; if (detailedLog){".log").c_str()); logfile << "# Memory of processing " << graphFilename << " over time\n"; logfile << "# Resolution: "<< res <<"; compression: " << int(compression) << "; scan endpoints: "<< num_points_in_graph << std::endl; logfile << "# [scan number] [bytes octree] [bytes full 3D grid]\n"; } cout << "\nCreating tree\n===========================\n"; OcTree* tree = new OcTree(res); tree->setClampingThresMin(clampingMin); tree->setClampingThresMax(clampingMax); tree->setProbHit(probHit); tree->setProbMiss(probMiss); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); // start timer unsigned int numScans = graph->size(); unsigned int currentScan = 1; for (ScanGraph::iterator scan_it = graph->begin(); scan_it != graph->end(); scan_it++) { if (max_scan_no > 0) cout << "("<<currentScan << "/" << max_scan_no << ") " << flush; else cout << "("<<currentScan << "/" << numScans << ") " << flush; if (simpleUpdate) tree->insertPointCloudRays((*scan_it)->scan, (*scan_it)->pose.trans(), maxrange); else tree->insertPointCloud((*scan_it)->scan, (*scan_it)->pose.trans(), maxrange, false, discretize); if (compression == 2){ tree->toMaxLikelihood(); tree->prune(); } if (detailedLog) logfile << currentScan << " " << tree->memoryUsage() << " " << tree->memoryFullGrid() << "\n"; if ((max_scan_no > 0) && (currentScan == (unsigned int) max_scan_no)) break; currentScan++; } gettimeofday(&stop, NULL); // stop timer double time_to_insert = (stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + 1.0e-6 *(stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec); // get rid of graph in mem before doing anything fancy with tree (=> memory) delete graph; if (logfile.is_open()) logfile.close(); cout << "\nDone building tree.\n\n"; cout << "time to insert scans: " << time_to_insert << " sec" << endl; cout << "time to insert 100.000 points took: " << time_to_insert/ ((double) num_points_in_graph / 100000) << " sec (avg)" << endl << endl; std::cout << "Pruned tree (lossless compression)\n" << "===========================\n"; outputStatistics(tree); tree->write(treeFilenameOT); std::cout << "Pruned max-likelihood tree (lossy compression)\n" << "===========================\n"; tree->toMaxLikelihood(); tree->prune(); outputStatistics(tree); cout << "\nWriting tree files\n===========================\n"; tree->write(treeFilenameMLOT); std::cout << "Full Octree (pruned) written to "<< treeFilenameOT << std::endl; std::cout << "Full Octree (max.likelihood, pruned) written to "<< treeFilenameMLOT << std::endl; tree->writeBinary(treeFilename); std::cout << "Bonsai tree written to "<< treeFilename << std::endl; cout << endl; delete tree; exit(0); }