Пример #1
    /* applies oplog from "now" until endOpTime using the applier threads for initial sync*/
    void SyncTail::_applyOplogUntil(OperationContext* txn, const OpTime& endOpTime) {
        unsigned long long bytesApplied = 0;
        unsigned long long entriesApplied = 0;
        while (true) {
            OpQueue ops;
            OperationContextImpl ctx;

            while (!tryPopAndWaitForMore(&ops, getGlobalReplicationCoordinator())) {
                // nothing came back last time, so go again
                if (ops.empty()) continue;

                // Check if we reached the end
                const BSONObj currentOp = ops.back();
                const OpTime currentOpTime = currentOp["ts"]._opTime();

                // When we reach the end return this batch
                if (currentOpTime == endOpTime) {
                else if (currentOpTime > endOpTime) {
                    severe() << "Applied past expected end " << endOpTime << " to " << currentOpTime
                            << " without seeing it. Rollback?" << rsLog;

                // apply replication batch limits
                if (ops.getSize() > replBatchLimitBytes)
                if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)

            if (ops.empty()) {
                severe() << "got no ops for batch...";

            const BSONObj lastOp = ops.back().getOwned();

            // Tally operation information
            bytesApplied += ops.getSize();
            entriesApplied += ops.getDeque().size();

            OpTime lastOpTime = applyOpsToOplog(&ops.getDeque());

            // if the last op applied was our end, return
            if (lastOpTime == endOpTime) {
                LOG(1) << "SyncTail applied " << entriesApplied
                       << " entries (" << bytesApplied << " bytes)"
                       << " and finished at opTime " << endOpTime.toStringPretty();
        } // end of while (true)
    void run() {
        OperationContextImpl txn;
        auto replCoord = ReplicationCoordinator::get(&txn);

        while (!_inShutdown.load()) {
            Timer batchTimer;

            OpQueue ops;
            // tryPopAndWaitForMore returns true when we need to end a batch early
            while (!_syncTail->tryPopAndWaitForMore(&txn, &ops) &&
                   (ops.getSize() < replBatchLimitBytes) && !_inShutdown.load()) {
                int now = batchTimer.seconds();

                // apply replication batch limits
                if (!ops.empty()) {
                    if (now > replBatchLimitSeconds)
                    if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)

                const int slaveDelaySecs = durationCount<Seconds>(replCoord->getSlaveDelaySecs());
                if (!ops.empty() && slaveDelaySecs > 0) {
                    const BSONObj lastOp = ops.back().raw;
                    const unsigned int opTimestampSecs = lastOp["ts"].timestamp().getSecs();

                    // Stop the batch as the lastOp is too new to be applied. If we continue
                    // on, we can get ops that are way ahead of the delay and this will
                    // make this thread sleep longer when handleSlaveDelay is called
                    // and apply ops much sooner than we like.
                    if (opTimestampSecs > static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0) - slaveDelaySecs)) {

                if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop)) {

                // keep fetching more ops as long as we haven't filled up a full batch yet

            // For pausing replication in tests
            while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop) && !_inShutdown.load()) {

            stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);
            while (!_ops.empty()) {
                // Block until the previous batch has been taken.
                if (_inShutdown.load())
            _ops = std::move(ops);
// Applies a batch of oplog entries, by using a set of threads to apply the operations and then
// writes the oplog entries to the local oplog.
OpTime SyncTail::multiApply(OperationContext* txn, const OpQueue& ops) {

    if (getGlobalServiceContext()->getGlobalStorageEngine()->isMmapV1()) {
        // Use a ThreadPool to prefetch all the operations in a batch.
        prefetchOps(ops.getDeque(), &_prefetcherPool);

    std::vector<std::vector<BSONObj>> writerVectors(replWriterThreadCount);

    fillWriterVectors(txn, ops.getDeque(), &writerVectors);
    LOG(2) << "replication batch size is " << ops.getDeque().size() << endl;
    // We must grab this because we're going to grab write locks later.
    // We hold this mutex the entire time we're writing; it doesn't matter
    // because all readers are blocked anyway.
    stdx::lock_guard<SimpleMutex> fsynclk(filesLockedFsync);

    // stop all readers until we're done
    Lock::ParallelBatchWriterMode pbwm(txn->lockState());

    ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord = getGlobalReplicationCoordinator();
    if (replCoord->getMemberState().primary() && !replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain()) {
        severe() << "attempting to replicate ops while primary";

    applyOps(writerVectors, &_writerPool, _applyFunc, this);

    OpTime lastOpTime;
        ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { _writerPool.join(); });
        std::vector<BSONObj> raws;
        for (auto&& op : ops.getDeque()) {
        lastOpTime = writeOpsToOplog(txn, raws);
        if (inShutdown()) {
            return OpTime();
    // We have now written all database writes and updated the oplog to match.
    return lastOpTime;
Пример #4
    BSONObj SyncTail::oplogApplySegment(const BSONObj& applyGTEObj, const BSONObj& minValidObj,
                                     MultiSyncApplyFunc func) {
        OpTime applyGTE = applyGTEObj["ts"]._opTime();
        OpTime minValid = minValidObj["ts"]._opTime();

        // We have to keep track of the last op applied to the data, because there's no other easy
        // way of getting this data synchronously.  Batches may go past minValidObj, so we need to
        // know to bump minValid past minValidObj.
        BSONObj lastOp = applyGTEObj;
        OpTime ts = applyGTE;

        time_t start = time(0);
        time_t now = start;

        unsigned long long n = 0, lastN = 0;

        while( ts < minValid ) {
            OpQueue ops;

            while (ops.getSize() < replBatchLimitBytes) {
                if (tryPopAndWaitForMore(&ops)) {

                // apply replication batch limits
                now = time(0);
                if (!ops.empty()) {
                    if (now > replBatchLimitSeconds)
                    if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)

            multiApply(ops.getDeque(), func);

            n += ops.getDeque().size();

            if ( n > lastN + 1000 ) {
                if (now - start > 10) {
                    // simple progress metering
                    log() << "replSet initialSyncOplogApplication applied "
                          << n << " operations, synced to "
                          << ts.toStringPretty() << rsLog;
                    start = now;
                    lastN = n;

            // we want to keep a record of the last op applied, to compare with minvalid
            lastOp = ops.getDeque().back();
            OpTime tempTs = lastOp["ts"]._opTime();

            ts = tempTs;

        return lastOp;
Пример #5
/* tail an oplog.  ok to return, will be re-called. */
void SyncTail::oplogApplication() {
    ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord = getGlobalReplicationCoordinator();
    ApplyBatchFinalizer finalizer(replCoord);

    OperationContextImpl txn;
    OpTime originalEndOpTime(getMinValid(&txn).end);

    while (!inShutdown()) {
        OpQueue ops;

        Timer batchTimer;
        int lastTimeChecked = 0;

        do {
            int now = batchTimer.seconds();

            // apply replication batch limits
            if (!ops.empty()) {
                if (now > replBatchLimitSeconds)
                if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)
            // occasionally check some things
            // (always checked in the first iteration of this do-while loop, because
            // ops is empty)
            if (ops.empty() || now > lastTimeChecked) {
                BackgroundSync* bgsync = BackgroundSync::get();
                if (bgsync->getInitialSyncRequestedFlag()) {
                    // got a resync command
                lastTimeChecked = now;
                // can we become secondary?
                // we have to check this before calling mgr, as we must be a secondary to
                // become primary
                tryToGoLiveAsASecondary(&txn, replCoord);

            const int slaveDelaySecs = durationCount<Seconds>(replCoord->getSlaveDelaySecs());
            if (!ops.empty() && slaveDelaySecs > 0) {
                const BSONObj lastOp = ops.back();
                const unsigned int opTimestampSecs = lastOp["ts"].timestamp().getSecs();

                // Stop the batch as the lastOp is too new to be applied. If we continue
                // on, we can get ops that are way ahead of the delay and this will
                // make this thread sleep longer when handleSlaveDelay is called
                // and apply ops much sooner than we like.
                if (opTimestampSecs > static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0) - slaveDelaySecs)) {

            if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop)) {

            // keep fetching more ops as long as we haven't filled up a full batch yet
        } while (!tryPopAndWaitForMore(&txn, &ops, replCoord) &&  // tryPopAndWaitForMore returns
                                                                  // true when we need to end a
                                                                  // batch early
                 (ops.getSize() < replBatchLimitBytes) &&

        // For pausing replication in tests
        while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop)) {
            if (inShutdown())

        if (ops.empty()) {

        const BSONObj lastOp = ops.back();

        // Set minValid to the last OpTime that needs to be applied, in this batch or from the
        // (last) failed batch, whichever is larger.
        // This will cause this node to go into RECOVERING state
        // if we should crash and restart before updating finishing.
        const OpTime start(getLastSetTimestamp(), OpTime::kUninitializedTerm);

        // Take the max of the first endOptime (if we recovered) and the end of our batch.
        const auto lastOpTime = fassertStatusOK(28773, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(lastOp));

        // Setting end to the max of originalEndOpTime and lastOpTime (the end of the batch)
        // ensures that we keep pushing out the point where we can become consistent
        // and allow reads. If we recover and end up doing smaller batches we must pass the
        // originalEndOpTime before we are good.
        // For example:
        // batch apply, 20-40, end = 40
        // batch failure,
        // restart
        // batch apply, 20-25, end = max(25, 40) = 40
        // batch apply, 25-45, end = 45
        const OpTime end(std::max(originalEndOpTime, lastOpTime));

        // This write will not journal/checkpoint.
        setMinValid(&txn, {start, end});

        OpTime finalOpTime = multiApply(&txn, ops);

        setMinValid(&txn, end, DurableRequirement::None);
Пример #6
    /* tail an oplog.  ok to return, will be re-called. */
    void SyncTail::oplogApplication() {
        while( 1 ) {
            OpQueue ops;

            verify( !Lock::isLocked() );

            Timer batchTimer;
            int lastTimeChecked = 0;

            do {
                if (theReplSet->isPrimary()) {
                    massert(16620, "there are ops to sync, but I'm primary", ops.empty());

                int now = batchTimer.seconds();

                // apply replication batch limits
                if (!ops.empty()) {
                    if (now > replBatchLimitSeconds)
                    if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)
                // occasionally check some things
                // (always checked in the first iteration of this do-while loop, because
                // ops is empty)
                if (ops.empty() || now > lastTimeChecked) {
                        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(theReplSet->initialSyncMutex);
                        if (theReplSet->initialSyncRequested) {
                            // got a resync command
                    lastTimeChecked = now;
                    // can we become secondary?
                    // we have to check this before calling mgr, as we must be a secondary to
                    // become primary
                    if (!theReplSet->isSecondary()) {
                        OpTime minvalid;

                        OperationContextImpl txn;
                        theReplSet->tryToGoLiveAsASecondary(&txn, minvalid);

                    // normally msgCheckNewState gets called periodically, but in a single node
                    // replset there are no heartbeat threads, so we do it here to be sure.  this is
                    // relevant if the singleton member has done a stepDown() and needs to come back
                    // up.
                    if (theReplSet->config().members.size() == 1 &&
                        theReplSet->myConfig().potentiallyHot()) {
                        Manager* mgr = theReplSet->mgr;
                        // When would mgr be null?  During replsettest'ing, in which case we should
                        // fall through and actually apply ops as if we were a real secondary.
                        if (mgr) { 
                            mgr->send(stdx::bind(&Manager::msgCheckNewState, theReplSet->mgr));
                            // There should never be ops to sync in a 1-member set, anyway

                const int slaveDelaySecs = theReplSet->myConfig().slaveDelay;
                if (!ops.empty() && slaveDelaySecs > 0) {
                    const BSONObj& lastOp = ops.getDeque().back();
                    const unsigned int opTimestampSecs = lastOp["ts"]._opTime().getSecs();

                    // Stop the batch as the lastOp is too new to be applied. If we continue
                    // on, we can get ops that are way ahead of the delay and this will
                    // make this thread sleep longer when handleSlaveDelay is called
                    // and apply ops much sooner than we like.
                    if (opTimestampSecs > static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0) - slaveDelaySecs)) {
                // keep fetching more ops as long as we haven't filled up a full batch yet
            } while (!tryPopAndWaitForMore(&ops) && // tryPopAndWaitForMore returns true 
                                                    // when we need to end a batch early
                   (ops.getSize() < replBatchLimitBytes));

            // For pausing replication in tests
            while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop)) {

            const BSONObj& lastOp = ops.getDeque().back();

            // Set minValid to the last op to be applied in this next batch.
            // This will cause this node to go into RECOVERING state
            // if we should crash and restart before updating the oplog

            if (BackgroundSync::get()->isAssumingPrimary()) {
                LOG(1) << "about to apply batch up to optime: "
                       << ops.getDeque().back()["ts"]._opTime().toStringPretty();
            multiApply(ops.getDeque(), multiSyncApply);

            if (BackgroundSync::get()->isAssumingPrimary()) {
                LOG(1) << "about to update oplog to optime: "
                       << ops.getDeque().back()["ts"]._opTime().toStringPretty();

            // If we're just testing (no manager), don't keep looping if we exhausted the bgqueue
            if (!theReplSet->mgr) {
                BSONObj op;
                if (!peek(&op)) {
Пример #7
/* applies oplog from "now" until endOpTime using the applier threads for initial sync*/
void InitialSync::_applyOplogUntil(OperationContext* txn, const OpTime& endOpTime) {
    unsigned long long bytesApplied = 0;
    unsigned long long entriesApplied = 0;
    while (true) {
        OpQueue ops;

        auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(txn);
        while (!tryPopAndWaitForMore(txn, &ops)) {
            // nothing came back last time, so go again
            if (ops.empty())

            // Check if we reached the end
            const BSONObj currentOp = ops.back().raw;
            const OpTime currentOpTime =
                fassertStatusOK(28772, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(currentOp));

            // When we reach the end return this batch
            if (currentOpTime == endOpTime) {
            } else if (currentOpTime > endOpTime) {
                severe() << "Applied past expected end " << endOpTime << " to " << currentOpTime
                         << " without seeing it. Rollback?";

            // apply replication batch limits
            if (ops.getSize() > replBatchLimitBytes)
            if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)

        if (ops.empty()) {
            severe() << "got no ops for batch...";

        const BSONObj lastOp = ops.back().raw.getOwned();

        // Tally operation information
        bytesApplied += ops.getSize();
        entriesApplied += ops.getDeque().size();

        const OpTime lastOpTime = multiApply(txn, ops);


        if (inShutdown()) {

        // if the last op applied was our end, return
        if (lastOpTime == endOpTime) {
            LOG(1) << "SyncTail applied " << entriesApplied << " entries (" << bytesApplied
                   << " bytes) and finished at opTime " << endOpTime;
    }  // end of while (true)
Пример #8
    /* tail an oplog.  ok to return, will be re-called. */
    void SyncTail::oplogApplication() {
        ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord = getGlobalReplicationCoordinator();

        while(!inShutdown()) {
            OpQueue ops;
            OperationContextImpl txn;

            Timer batchTimer;
            int lastTimeChecked = 0;

            do {
                int now = batchTimer.seconds();

                // apply replication batch limits
                if (!ops.empty()) {
                    if (now > replBatchLimitSeconds)
                    if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)
                // occasionally check some things
                // (always checked in the first iteration of this do-while loop, because
                // ops is empty)
                if (ops.empty() || now > lastTimeChecked) {
                    BackgroundSync* bgsync = BackgroundSync::get();
                    if (bgsync->getInitialSyncRequestedFlag()) {
                        // got a resync command
                        Lock::DBLock lk(txn.lockState(), "local", MODE_X);
                        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(&txn);
                        Client::Context ctx(&txn, "local");

                        ctx.db()->dropCollection(&txn, "local.oplog.rs");

                        // Note: the following order is important.
                        // The bgsync thread uses an empty optime as a sentinel to know to wait
                        // for initial sync (done in this thread after we return); thus, we must
                        // ensure the lastAppliedOptime is empty before pausing the bgsync thread
                        // via stop().
                        // We must clear the sync source blacklist after calling stop()
                        // because the bgsync thread, while running, may update the blacklist.
                        replCoord->setMyLastOptime(&txn, OpTime());


                    lastTimeChecked = now;
                    // can we become secondary?
                    // we have to check this before calling mgr, as we must be a secondary to
                    // become primary
                    tryToGoLiveAsASecondary(&txn, replCoord);

                    // TODO(emilkie): This can be removed once we switch over from legacy;
                    // this code is what moves 1-node sets to PRIMARY state.
                    // normally msgCheckNewState gets called periodically, but in a single node
                    // replset there are no heartbeat threads, so we do it here to be sure.  this is
                    // relevant if the singleton member has done a stepDown() and needs to come back
                    // up.
                    if (theReplSet &&
                            theReplSet->config().members.size() == 1 &&
                            theReplSet->myConfig().potentiallyHot()) {
                        Manager* mgr = theReplSet->mgr;
                        // When would mgr be null?  During replsettest'ing, in which case we should
                        // fall through and actually apply ops as if we were a real secondary.
                        if (mgr) { 
                            mgr->send(stdx::bind(&Manager::msgCheckNewState, theReplSet->mgr));
                            // There should never be ops to sync in a 1-member set, anyway

                const int slaveDelaySecs = replCoord->getSlaveDelaySecs().total_seconds();
                if (!ops.empty() && slaveDelaySecs > 0) {
                    const BSONObj& lastOp = ops.getDeque().back();
                    const unsigned int opTimestampSecs = lastOp["ts"]._opTime().getSecs();

                    // Stop the batch as the lastOp is too new to be applied. If we continue
                    // on, we can get ops that are way ahead of the delay and this will
                    // make this thread sleep longer when handleSlaveDelay is called
                    // and apply ops much sooner than we like.
                    if (opTimestampSecs > static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0) - slaveDelaySecs)) {
                // keep fetching more ops as long as we haven't filled up a full batch yet
            } while (!tryPopAndWaitForMore(&ops, replCoord) && // tryPopAndWaitForMore returns true 
                                                               // when we need to end a batch early
                   (ops.getSize() < replBatchLimitBytes) &&

            // For pausing replication in tests
            while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop)) {

            if (ops.empty()) {

            const BSONObj& lastOp = ops.getDeque().back();

            if (replCoord->getCurrentMemberState().primary() && 
                !replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain()) {
                severe() << "attempting to replicate ops while primary";

            // Set minValid to the last op to be applied in this next batch.
            // This will cause this node to go into RECOVERING state
            // if we should crash and restart before updating the oplog
            OpTime minValid = lastOp["ts"]._opTime();
            setMinValid(&txn, minValid);



            // If we're just testing (no manager), don't keep looping if we exhausted the bgqueue
            // TODO(spencer): Remove repltest.cpp dbtest or make this work with the new replication
            // coordinator
            if (theReplSet && !theReplSet->mgr) {
                BSONObj op;
                if (!peek(&op)) {
/* tail an oplog.  ok to return, will be re-called. */
void SyncTail::oplogApplication() {
    OpQueueBatcher batcher(this);

    OperationContextImpl txn;
    auto replCoord = ReplicationCoordinator::get(&txn);
    ApplyBatchFinalizer finalizer(replCoord);

    auto minValidBoundaries = getMinValid(&txn);
    OpTime originalEndOpTime(minValidBoundaries.end);
    OpTime lastWriteOpTime{replCoord->getMyLastOptime()};
    while (!inShutdown()) {
        OpQueue ops;

        do {
            if (BackgroundSync::get()->getInitialSyncRequestedFlag()) {
                // got a resync command

            tryToGoLiveAsASecondary(&txn, replCoord, minValidBoundaries, lastWriteOpTime);

            // Blocks up to a second waiting for a batch to be ready to apply. If one doesn't become
            // ready in time, we'll loop again so we can do the above checks periodically.
            ops = batcher.getNextBatch(Seconds(1));
        } while (!inShutdown() && ops.empty());

        if (inShutdown())


        const BSONObj lastOp = ops.back().raw;

        if (lastOp.isEmpty()) {
            // This means that the network thread has coalesced and we have processed all of its
            // data.
            invariant(ops.getDeque().size() == 1);
            if (replCoord->isWaitingForApplierToDrain()) {
            continue;  // This wasn't a real op. Don't try to apply it.


        // Set minValid to the last OpTime that needs to be applied, in this batch or from the
        // (last) failed batch, whichever is larger.
        // This will cause this node to go into RECOVERING state
        // if we should crash and restart before updating finishing.
        const OpTime start(getLastSetTimestamp(), OpTime::kUninitializedTerm);

        // Take the max of the first endOptime (if we recovered) and the end of our batch.
        const auto lastOpTime = fassertStatusOK(28773, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(lastOp));

        // Setting end to the max of originalEndOpTime and lastOpTime (the end of the batch)
        // ensures that we keep pushing out the point where we can become consistent
        // and allow reads. If we recover and end up doing smaller batches we must pass the
        // originalEndOpTime before we are good.
        // For example:
        // batch apply, 20-40, end = 40
        // batch failure,
        // restart
        // batch apply, 20-25, end = max(25, 40) = 40
        // batch apply, 25-45, end = 45
        const OpTime end(std::max(originalEndOpTime, lastOpTime));

        // This write will not journal/checkpoint.
        setMinValid(&txn, {start, end});

        lastWriteOpTime = multiApply(&txn, ops);

        setMinValid(&txn, end, DurableRequirement::None);
        minValidBoundaries.start = {};
        minValidBoundaries.end = end;
Пример #10
    /* tail an oplog.  ok to return, will be re-called. */
    void SyncTail::oplogApplication() {
        while( 1 ) {
            OpQueue ops;

            verify( !Lock::isLocked() );

            Timer batchTimer;
            int lastTimeChecked = 0;

            // always fetch a few ops first
            // tryPopAndWaitForMore returns true when we need to end a batch early
            while (!tryPopAndWaitForMore(&ops) && 
                   (ops.getSize() < replBatchLimitBytes)) {

                if (theReplSet->isPrimary()) {
                    massert(16620, "there are ops to sync, but I'm primary", ops.empty());

                int now = batchTimer.seconds();

                // apply replication batch limits
                if (!ops.empty()) {
                    if (now > replBatchLimitSeconds)
                    if (ops.getDeque().size() > replBatchLimitOperations)
                // occasionally check some things
                if (ops.empty() || now > lastTimeChecked) {
                    lastTimeChecked = now;
                    // can we become secondary?
                    // we have to check this before calling mgr, as we must be a secondary to
                    // become primary
                    if (!theReplSet->isSecondary()) {
                        OpTime minvalid;

                    // normally msgCheckNewState gets called periodically, but in a single node repl set
                    // there are no heartbeat threads, so we do it here to be sure.  this is relevant if the
                    // singleton member has done a stepDown() and needs to come back up.
                    if (theReplSet->config().members.size() == 1 &&
                        theReplSet->myConfig().potentiallyHot()) {
                        Manager* mgr = theReplSet->mgr;
                        // When would mgr be null?  During replsettest'ing.
                        if (mgr) mgr->send(boost::bind(&Manager::msgCheckNewState, theReplSet->mgr));
                        // There should never be ops to sync in a 1-member set, anyway

                const int slaveDelaySecs = theReplSet->myConfig().slaveDelay;
                if (!ops.empty() && slaveDelaySecs > 0) {
                    const BSONObj& lastOp = ops.getDeque().back();
                    const unsigned int opTimestampSecs = lastOp["ts"]._opTime().getSecs();

                    // Stop the batch as the lastOp is too new to be applied. If we continue
                    // on, we can get ops that are way ahead of the delay and this will
                    // make this thread sleep longer when handleSlaveDelay is called
                    // and apply ops much sooner than we like.
                    if (opTimestampSecs > static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0) - slaveDelaySecs)) {

            // For pausing replication in tests
            while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsSyncApplyStop)) {

            const BSONObj& lastOp = ops.getDeque().back();

            // Set minValid to the last op to be applied in this next batch.
            // This will cause this node to go into RECOVERING state
            // if we should crash and restart before updating the oplog

            multiApply(ops.getDeque(), multiSyncApply);
