Пример #1
Probe::Probe(Options &options, std::ostream &stream) :
  Machine(options), Controller((Machine &)*this), Printer(stream),
  interp(*this), gridSize(5), clearHeight(1), probeDepth(-1), probeFeed(5),
  liftOff(false), liftOffFeed(0.5), minMem(2000), maxMem(5400),
  useLastZExpression(true), pass(0), didOutputProbe(false) {

  options.addTarget("grid-size", gridSize, "Set max probe grid size.");
  options.addTarget("clear-height", clearHeight, "Set probe Z clearance.");
  options.addTarget("probe-depth", probeDepth, "Set probe Z depth.");
  options.addTarget("probe-feed", probeFeed, "Set probe feed rate.");
  options.addTarget("lift-off", liftOff, "Enable lift off probing.");
  options.addTarget("lift-off-feed", liftOffFeed, "Set probe lift off speed.");
  options.addTarget("min-mem", minMem, "Set probe starting memory address.  "
                    "This is where the probed values will be stored in the "
                    "controller's memory.");
  options.addTarget("max-mem", maxMem, "Set probe maximum memory address.");
  options.addTarget("use-last-z-expression", useLastZExpression, "Always use "
                    "the last Z word expression when computing Z heights "
                    "rather than using the current computed value.  This "
                    "option makes it possible to preserve a Z height variable "
  options.addTarget("probe-prefix", probePrefix,
                    "GCode to emit before the probe");
  options.addTarget("probe-suffix", probeSuffix,
                    "GCode to emit after the probe");
Пример #2
void ProxyManager::addOptions(Options &options) {
  options.addTarget("proxy-enable", enable, "Enable proxy configuration");
  options.addTarget("proxy", proxy, "Set proxy for outgoing HTTP connections");
  options.addTarget("proxy-user", user, "Set user name for proxy connections");
  SmartPointer<Option> opt =
    options.addTarget("proxy-pass", pass, "Set password for proxy connections");
Пример #3
void SocketDebugger::addOptions(Options &options) {
  options.addTarget("debug-sockets", enabled,
                    "Enable the socket debugger.  Normal socket operation will "
                    "not be available.");
  options.addTarget("capture-sockets", capture, "Capture incoming and outgoing "
                    "socket data and save to 'capture-directory'.");
  options.addTarget("capture-directory", captureDir, "Directory to store "
                    "captured network data.");
Пример #4
ConnectionManager::ConnectionManager(Options &options) :
  connected(false), programLine(0), machine(false),
  estop(false), synchronize(false) {

  options.pushCategory("EMC2 Remote");
  options.addTarget("connection", connectionStr,
                    "address and port of a remove EMC2 connection");
  options.addTarget("connection-pass", connectionPass,
                    "EMC2 connection password");
  options.addTarget("enable-pass", enablePass, "EMC2 enable password, "
                    "defaults to the connection password");
Пример #5
SessionManager::SessionManager(Options &options) :
  factory(new SessionFactory), sessionLifetime(Time::SEC_PER_DAY),
  sessionTimeout(Time::SEC_PER_HOUR), lastSessionCleanup(0),
  sessionCookie("sid"), dirty(false) {

  options.pushCategory("Web Server Sessions");

  options.addTarget("session-timeout", sessionTimeout, "The max maximum "
                    "amount of time in seconds since the last time a session "
                    "was used before it timesout.  Zero for no session "
  options.addTarget("session-lifetime", sessionLifetime, "The maximum "
                    "session lifetime in seconds.  Zero for unlimited "
                    "session lifetime.");
  options.addTarget("session-cookie", sessionCookie, "The name of the "
                    "session cookie.");

Пример #6
Machine::Machine(Options &options) : time(0), distance(0) {
  add(new MachineUnitAdapter);
  add(new MachineLinearizer);
  add(new MachineMatrix);
  add(new MoveSink(*this, options));
  add(new MachineState);

  options.addTarget("output-moves", outputMoves,
                    "Print moves to file or standard out");
Пример #7
OAuth2::OAuth2(Options &options, const string &provider,
               const string &authURL, const string &tokenURL,
               const string &profileURL, const string &scope) :
  provider(provider), authURL(authURL), tokenURL(tokenURL),
  profileURL(profileURL), scope(scope) {

  options.pushCategory(String::capitalize(provider) + " OAuth2 Login");
  options.addTarget(provider + "-auth-url", this->authURL, "OAuth2 auth URL");
  options.addTarget(provider + "-token-url", this->tokenURL,
                    "OAuth2 token URL");
  options.addTarget(provider + "-scope", this->scope, "OAuth2 API scope");
  options.addTarget(provider + "-redirect-base", redirectBase,
                    "OAuth2 redirect base URL");
  options.addTarget(provider + "-client-id", clientID, "OAuth2 API client ID");
  options.addTarget(provider + "-client-secret", clientSecret,
                    "OAuth2 API client secret")->setObscured();
Пример #8
void Logger::addOptions(Options &options) {
  options.add("log", "Set log file.");
  options.addTarget("verbosity", verbosity, "Set logging level for INFO "
#ifdef DEBUG
                    "and DEBUG "
  options.addTarget("log-crlf", logCRLF, "Print carriage return and line feed "
                    "at end of log lines.");
#ifdef DEBUG
  options.addTarget("log-debug", logDebug, "Disable or enable debugging info.");
  options.addTarget("log-time", logTime,
                    "Print time information with log entries.");
  options.addTarget("log-date", logDate,
                    "Print date information with log entries.");
  options.addTarget("log-date-periodically", logDatePeriodically,
                    "Print date to log before new log entries if so many "
                    "seconds have passed since the last date was printed.");
  options.addTarget("log-short-level", logShortLevel, "Print shortened level "
                    "information with log entries.");
  options.addTarget("log-level", logLevel,
                    "Print level information with log entries.");
  options.addTarget("log-thread-prefix", logThreadPrefix,
                    "Print thread prefixes, if set, with log entries.");
  options.addTarget("log-domain", logDomain,
                    "Print domain information with log entries.");
  options.addTarget("log-simple-domains", logSimpleDomains, "Remove any "
                    "leading directories and trailing file extensions from "
                    "domains so that source code file names can be easily used "
                    "as log domains.");
  options.add("log-domain-levels", 0,
              new OptionAction<Logger>(this, &Logger::domainLevelsAction),
              "Set log levels by domain.  Format is:\n"
              "\t<domain>[:i|d|t]:<level> ...\n"
              "Entries are separated by white-space and or commas.\n"
              "\ti - info\n"
#ifdef DEBUG
              "\td - debug\n"
              "\tt - enable traces\n"
              "For example: server:i:3 module:6\n"
              "Set 'server' domain info messages to level 3 and 'module' info "
#ifdef DEBUG
              "and debug "
              "messages to level 6.  All other domains will follow "
              "the system wide log verbosity level.\n"
              "If <level> is negative it is relative to the system wide "
  options.addTarget("log-thread-id", logThreadID, "Print id with log entries.");
  options.addTarget("log-header", logHeader, "Enable log message headers.");
  options.addTarget("log-no-info-header", logNoInfoHeader,
                    "Don't print 'INFO(#):' in header.");
  options.addTarget("log-color", logColor,
                    "Print log messages with ANSI color coding.");
  options.addTarget("log-to-screen", logToScreen, "Log to screen.");
  options.addTarget("log-truncate", logTrunc, "Truncate log file.");
  options.addTarget("log-redirect", logRedirect, "Redirect all output to log "
                    "file.  Implies !log-to-screen.");
  options.addTarget("log-rotate", logRotate, "Rotate log files on each run.");
  options.addTarget("log-rotate-dir", logRotateDir,
                    "Put rotated logs in this directory.");
  options.addTarget("log-rotate-max", logRotateMax,
                    "Maximum number of rotated logs to keep.");