static void align_2nd_to_1st_img(Mat& img1, Mat& img2) { // Calculate descriptors (feature vectors) std::vector<KeyPoint> keyPoints1, keyPoints2; Mat descriptor1, descriptor2; OrbFeatureDetector detector(5000); detector.detect(img1, keyPoints1); detector.detect(img2, keyPoints2); OrbDescriptorExtractor extractor; extractor.compute(img1, keyPoints1, descriptor1); extractor.compute(img2, keyPoints2, descriptor2); // Match descriptor vectors BFMatcher matcher; std::vector<vector< DMatch >> matches; matcher.knnMatch(descriptor2, descriptor1, matches, 2); std::vector< DMatch > good_matches; for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i ++) { float rejectRatio = 0.8; if (matches[i][0].distance / matches[i][1].distance > rejectRatio) continue; good_matches.push_back(matches[i][0]); } std::vector<Point2f> good_keyPoints1, good_keyPoints2; for (int i = 0; i < good_matches.size(); i ++) { good_keyPoints1.push_back(keyPoints1[good_matches[i].trainIdx].pt); good_keyPoints2.push_back(keyPoints2[good_matches[i].queryIdx].pt); } Mat H = findHomography( good_keyPoints2, good_keyPoints1, CV_RANSAC ); warpPerspective(img2, img2, H, img1.size(), INTER_NEAREST); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { if( argc != 3 ) { readme(); return -1; } Mat img_1 = imread( argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE ); Mat img_2 = imread( argv[2], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE ); if( ! || ! ) { std::cout<< " --(!) Error reading images " << std::endl; return -1; } //-- Step 1: Detect the keypoints using ORB Detector ORB detector(1000,1.1f,8,31,0,2,ORB::HARRIS_SCORE,31); std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_1, keypoints_2; detector.detect( img_1, keypoints_1 ); detector.detect( img_2, keypoints_2 ); //-- Step 2: Calculate descriptors OrbDescriptorExtractor extractor; Mat descriptors_1, descriptors_2; extractor.compute( img_1, keypoints_1, descriptors_1 ); extractor.compute( img_2, keypoints_2, descriptors_2 ); //-- Step 3: Matching descriptor vectors using FLANN matcher or BruteForce //FlannBasedMatcher matcher; // BFMatcher matcher(NORM_L2, true); Ptr<DescriptorMatcher> matcher = DescriptorMatcher::create("BruteForce-Hamming"); vector< vector<DMatch> > matches, matches2; matcher->knnMatch( descriptors_1, descriptors_2, matches, 500 ); matcher->knnMatch( descriptors_2, descriptors_1, matches2, 500); cout << "==" << matches.size() << ", "<< matches[0].size() << endl; //-- Draw matches // Mat img_matches, img_matches2; // drawMatches( img_1, keypoints_1, img_2, keypoints_2,matches, img_matches, Scalar::all(-1), Scalar::all(-1), // vector<char>(), DrawMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS ); // drawMatches( img_1, keypoints_1, img_2, keypoints_2,matches2, img_matches2, Scalar::all(-1), Scalar::all(-1), // vector<char>(), DrawMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS ); // cout << "Matches1-2:" << matches.size() << endl; // cout << "Matches2-1:" << matches2.size() <<endl; // imshow("Matches result 1-2",img_matches); // imshow("Matches result 2-1", img_matches2); waitKey(0); return 0; }
void FeatureMatchThread::run() { Mat resultImg; Mat grayImg; cvtColor(cropImg,grayImg,CV_BGR2GRAY); featureDetector.detect(grayImg,keyPoints); featureExtractor.compute(grayImg,keyPoints,descriptors);,flann::LshIndexParams(12,20,2),cvflann::FLANN_DIST_HAMMING); while(true) { Mat captureImage_gray; vector<KeyPoint> captureKeyPoints; Mat captureDescription; vector<DMatch> goodMatches; cap >> captureImage; if(captureImage.empty()) continue; cvtColor(captureImage,captureImage_gray,CV_BGR2GRAY); featureDetector.detect(captureImage_gray,captureKeyPoints); featureExtractor.compute(captureImage_gray,captureKeyPoints,captureDescription); Mat matchIndex(captureDescription.rows,2,CV_32SC1); Mat matchDistance(captureDescription.rows,2,CV_32FC1); flannIndex.knnSearch(captureDescription,matchIndex,matchDistance,2,flann::SearchParams()); for(int i=0;i<matchDistance.rows;i++) { if(<float>(i,0) < 0.6 *<float>(i,1)) { DMatch dmatches(i,<int>(i,0),<float>(i,0)); goodMatches.push_back(dmatches); } } drawMatches(captureImage,captureKeyPoints,cropImg,keyPoints,goodMatches,resultImg); emit NewFeatureMatch(&resultImg); imshow(WindowName,captureImage); cv::setMouseCallback(WindowName,mouse_callback); captureKeyPoints.clear(); goodMatches.clear(); waitKey(30); } return; }
void mouse_callback(int event,int x,int y,int flags, void* param) { switch(event) { case EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: { if(drawing_box) { box.width = x-box.x; box.height = y-box.y; Mat tmp = captureImage.clone(); cv::rectangle(tmp,Point(box.x,box.y),Point(box.x + box.width , box.y + box.height) , Scalar(0,255,0) , 3); imshow(WindowName,tmp); } } break; case EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: { drawing_box = true; box = Rect(x,y,0,0); } break; case EVENT_LBUTTONUP: { drawing_box = false; if(box.width < 0) { box.x += box.width; box.width *= -1; } if(box.height < 0) { box.y += box.height; box.height *= -1; } //Â^¨ú¹Ï¹³ Mat copyCapture = captureImage.clone(); Mat tmp(copyCapture,box); Mat grayImg; cropImg = tmp; cvtColor(cropImg,grayImg,CV_BGR2GRAY); featureDetector.detect(grayImg,keyPoints); featureExtractor.compute(grayImg,keyPoints,descriptors);,flann::LshIndexParams(12,20,2),cvflann::FLANN_DIST_HAMMING); } break; } return; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if(argc != 3) { help(); return -1; } Mat img1 = imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); Mat img2 = imread(argv[2], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); if(img1.empty() || img2.empty()) { printf("Can't read one of the images\n"); return -1; } // detecting keypoints OrbFeatureDetector detector(400); vector<KeyPoint> keypoints1, keypoints2; detector.detect(img1, keypoints1); detector.detect(img2, keypoints2); // computing descriptors OrbDescriptorExtractor extractor; Mat descriptors1, descriptors2; extractor.compute(img1, keypoints1, descriptors1); extractor.compute(img2, keypoints2, descriptors2); // matching descriptors BruteForceMatcher<Hamming> matcher; vector<DMatch> matches; matcher.match(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches); // drawing the results namedWindow("matches", 1); Mat img_matches; drawMatches(img1, keypoints1, img2, keypoints2, matches, img_matches); imshow("matches", img_matches); waitKey(0); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if( argc < 2 ) { printPrompt( argv[0] ); return -1; } initModule_nonfree(); // Get Input Data ifstream file(argv[1]); if ( !file.is_open() ) return false; string str; // Image Name getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); string image_name = str; // Cloud Name getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); string cloud_name = str; // width of images to be created. getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); int w = atoi(str.c_str()); // height of images to be created getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); int h = atoi(str.c_str()); // resolution of voxel grids getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); float r = atof(str.c_str()); // f (distance from pinhole) getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); float f = atof(str.c_str()); // thetax (initial rotation about X Axis of map) getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); float thetaX = atof(str.c_str()); // thetay (initial rotation about Y Axis of map) getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); float thetaY = atof(str.c_str()); // number of points to go to getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); float nop = atoi(str.c_str()); // Number of divisions getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); float divs = atoi(str.c_str()); // Number of images to return getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); int numtoreturn = atoi(str.c_str()); // Should we load or create photos? getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); string lorc =str.c_str(); // Directory to look for photos getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); string dir =str.c_str(); // Directory to look for kp and descriptors getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); string kdir =str.c_str(); // save photos? getline( file, str ); getline( file, str ); string savePhotos =str.c_str(); file.close(); // Done Getting Input Data map<vector<float>, Mat> imagemap; map<vector<float>, Mat> surfmap; map<vector<float>, Mat> siftmap; map<vector<float>, Mat> orbmap; map<vector<float>, Mat> fastmap; imagemap.clear(); vector<KeyPoint> SurfKeypoints; vector<KeyPoint> SiftKeypoints; vector<KeyPoint> OrbKeypoints; vector<KeyPoint> FastKeypoints; Mat SurfDescriptors; Mat SiftDescriptors; Mat OrbDescriptors; Mat FastDescriptors; int minHessian = 300; SurfFeatureDetector SurfDetector (minHessian); SiftFeatureDetector SiftDetector (minHessian); OrbFeatureDetector OrbDetector (minHessian); FastFeatureDetector FastDetector (minHessian); SurfDescriptorExtractor SurfExtractor; SiftDescriptorExtractor SiftExtractor; OrbDescriptorExtractor OrbExtractor; if ( !fs::exists( dir ) || lorc == "c" ) { // Load Point Cloud and render images PointCloud<PT>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<PT>); io::loadPCDFile<PT>(cloud_name, *cloud); Eigen::Affine3f tf = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity(); tf.rotate (Eigen::AngleAxisf (thetaX, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX())); pcl::transformPointCloud (*cloud, *cloud, tf); tf = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity(); tf.rotate (Eigen::AngleAxisf (thetaY, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY())); pcl::transformPointCloud (*cloud, *cloud, tf); // Create images from point cloud imagemap = render::createImages(cloud, nop, w, h, r, f); if (savePhotos == "y") { for (map<vector<float>, Mat>::iterator i = imagemap.begin(); i != imagemap.end(); ++i) { // Create image name and storagename string imfn = dir + "/"; string kpfn = kdir + "/"; for (int j = 0; j < i->first.size(); j++) { imfn += boost::to_string(i->first[j]) + " "; kpfn += boost::to_string(i->first[j]) + " "; } imfn += ".jpg"; imwrite(imfn, i->second); // Detect keypoints, add to keypoint map. Same with descriptors SurfDetector.detect(i->second, SurfKeypoints); SiftDetector.detect(i->second, SiftKeypoints); OrbDetector.detect(i->second, OrbKeypoints); FastDetector.detect(i->second, FastKeypoints); SurfExtractor.compute(i->second, SurfKeypoints, SurfDescriptors); SiftExtractor.compute(i->second, SiftKeypoints, SiftDescriptors); OrbExtractor.compute(i->second, OrbKeypoints, OrbDescriptors); SiftExtractor.compute(i->second, FastKeypoints, FastDescriptors); // Store KP and Descriptors in yaml file. kpfn += ".yml"; FileStorage store(kpfn, cv::FileStorage::WRITE); write(store,"SurfKeypoints",SurfKeypoints); write(store,"SiftKeypoints",SiftKeypoints); write(store,"OrbKeypoints", OrbKeypoints); write(store,"FastKeypoints",FastKeypoints); write(store,"SurfDescriptors",SurfDescriptors); write(store,"SiftDescriptors",SiftDescriptors); write(store,"OrbDescriptors", OrbDescriptors); write(store,"FastDescriptors",FastDescriptors); store.release(); surfmap[i->first] = SurfDescriptors; siftmap[i->first] = SiftDescriptors; orbmap[i->first] = OrbDescriptors; fastmap[i->first] = FastDescriptors; } } } else { // load images from the folder dir // First look into the folder to get a list of filenames vector<fs::path> ret; const char * pstr = dir.c_str(); fs::path p(pstr); get_all(pstr, ret); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { // Load Image via filename string fn = ret[i].string(); istringstream iss(fn); vector<string> tokens; copy(istream_iterator<string>(iss), istream_iterator<string>(), back_inserter<vector<string> >(tokens)); // Construct ID from filename vector<float> ID; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) // 6 because there are three location floats and three direction floats ID.push_back(::atof(tokens[i].c_str())); string imfn = dir + "/" + fn; // Read image and add to imagemap. Mat m = imread(imfn); imagemap[ID] = m; // Create Filename for loading Keypoints and descriptors string kpfn = kdir + "/"; for (int j = 0; j < ID.size(); j++) { kpfn += boost::to_string(ID[j]) + " "; } kpfn = kpfn+ ".yml"; // Create filestorage item to read from and add to map. FileStorage store(kpfn, cv::FileStorage::READ); FileNode n1 = store["SurfKeypoints"]; read(n1,SurfKeypoints); FileNode n2 = store["SiftKeypoints"]; read(n2,SiftKeypoints); FileNode n3 = store["OrbKeypoints"]; read(n3,OrbKeypoints); FileNode n4 = store["FastKeypoints"]; read(n4,FastKeypoints); FileNode n5 = store["SurfDescriptors"]; read(n5,SurfDescriptors); FileNode n6 = store["SiftDescriptors"]; read(n6,SiftDescriptors); FileNode n7 = store["OrbDescriptors"]; read(n7,OrbDescriptors); FileNode n8 = store["FastDescriptors"]; read(n8,FastDescriptors); store.release(); surfmap[ID] = SurfDescriptors; siftmap[ID] = SiftDescriptors; orbmap[ID] = OrbDescriptors; fastmap[ID] = FastDescriptors; } } TickMeter tm; tm.reset(); cout << "<\n Analyzing Images ..." << endl; // We have a bunch of images, now we compute their grayscale and black and white. map<vector<float>, Mat> gsmap; map<vector<float>, Mat> bwmap; for (map<vector<float>, Mat>::iterator i = imagemap.begin(); i != imagemap.end(); ++i) { vector<float> ID = i->first; Mat Image = i-> second; GaussianBlur( Image, Image, Size(5,5), 0, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT ); gsmap[ID] = averageImage::getPixSumFromImage(Image, divs); bwmap[ID] = averageImage::aboveBelow(gsmap[ID]); } Mat image = imread(image_name); Mat gsimage = averageImage::getPixSumFromImage(image, divs); Mat bwimage = averageImage::aboveBelow(gsimage); // cout << gsimage <<endl; imwrite("GS.png", gsimage); namedWindow("GSIMAGE (Line 319)"); imshow("GSIMAGE (Line 319)", gsimage); waitKey(0); vector<KeyPoint> imgSurfKeypoints; vector<KeyPoint> imgSiftKeypoints; vector<KeyPoint> imgOrbKeypoints; vector<KeyPoint> imgFastKeypoints; Mat imgSurfDescriptors; Mat imgSiftDescriptors; Mat imgOrbDescriptors; Mat imgFastDescriptors; SurfDetector.detect(image, imgSurfKeypoints); SiftDetector.detect(image, imgSiftKeypoints); OrbDetector.detect(image, imgOrbKeypoints); FastDetector.detect(image, imgFastKeypoints); SurfExtractor.compute(image, imgSurfKeypoints, imgSurfDescriptors); SiftExtractor.compute(image, imgSiftKeypoints, imgSiftDescriptors); OrbExtractor.compute(image, imgOrbKeypoints, imgOrbDescriptors); SiftExtractor.compute(image, imgFastKeypoints, imgFastDescriptors); tm.start(); cout << ">\n<\n Comparing Images ..." << endl; // We have their features, now compare them! map<vector<float>, float> gssim; // Gray Scale Similarity map<vector<float>, float> bwsim; // Above Below Similarity map<vector<float>, float> surfsim; map<vector<float>, float> siftsim; map<vector<float>, float> orbsim; map<vector<float>, float> fastsim; for (map<vector<float>, Mat>::iterator i = gsmap.begin(); i != gsmap.end(); ++i) { vector<float> ID = i->first; gssim[ID] = similarities::getSimilarity(i->second, gsimage); bwsim[ID] = similarities::getSimilarity(bwmap[ID], bwimage); surfsim[ID] = similarities::compareDescriptors(surfmap[ID], imgSurfDescriptors); siftsim[ID] = similarities::compareDescriptors(siftmap[ID], imgSiftDescriptors); orbsim[ID] = 0;//similarities::compareDescriptors(orbmap[ID], imgOrbDescriptors); fastsim[ID] = 0;//similarities::compareDescriptors(fastmap[ID], imgFastDescriptors); } map<vector<float>, int> top; bool gotone = false; typedef map<vector<float>, int>::iterator iter; // Choose the best ones! for (map<vector<float>, Mat>::iterator i = imagemap.begin(); i != imagemap.end(); ++i) { vector<float> ID = i->first; int sim = /* gssim[ID] + 0.5*bwsim[ID] + */ 5*surfsim[ID] + 0.3*siftsim[ID] + orbsim[ID] + fastsim[ID]; // cout << surfsim[ID] << "\t"; // cout << siftsim[ID] << "\t"; // cout << orbsim[ID] << "\t"; // cout << fastsim[ID] << endl; if (!gotone) { top[ID] = sim; gotone = true; } iter it = top.begin(); iter end = top.end(); int max_value = it->second; vector<float> max_ID = it->first; for( ; it != end; ++it) { int current = it->second; if(current > max_value) { max_value = it->second; max_ID = it->first; } } // cout << "Sim: " << sim << "\tmax_value: " << max_value << endl; if (top.size() < numtoreturn) top[ID] = sim; else { if (sim < max_value) { top[ID] = sim; top.erase(max_ID); } } } tm.stop(); double s = tm.getTimeSec(); cout << ">\n<\n Writing top " << numtoreturn << " images ..." << endl; int count = 1; namedWindow("Image"); namedWindow("Match"); namedWindow("ImageBW"); namedWindow("MatchBW"); namedWindow("ImageGS"); namedWindow("MatchGS"); imshow("Image", image); imshow("ImageBW", bwimage); imshow("ImageGS", gsimage); vector<KeyPoint> currentPoints; for (iter i = top.begin(); i != top.end(); ++i) { vector<float> ID = i->first; cout << " Score: "<< i->second << "\tGrayScale: " << gssim[ID] << "\tBW: " << bwsim[ID] << " \tSURF: " << surfsim[ID] << "\tSIFT: " << siftsim[ID] << endl; string fn = "Sim_" + boost::to_string(count) + "_" + boost::to_string(i->second) + ".png"; imwrite(fn, imagemap[ID]); count++; normalize(bwmap[ID], bwmap[ID], 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_64F); normalize(gsmap[ID], gsmap[ID], 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_64F); imshow("Match", imagemap[ID]); imshow("MatchBW", bwmap[ID]); imshow("MatchGS", gsmap[ID]); waitKey(0); } cout << ">\nComparisons took " << s << " seconds for " << imagemap.size() << " images (" << (int) imagemap.size()/s << " images per second)." << endl; return 0; }
JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_samples_tutorial2_Tutorial2Activity_MatchFeatures(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj , jlong addrGray, jlong addrRgba, jlong addrObject) { char stringtolog[100]; const char* TAG="JNI"; int detected=0; //load frame data Mat& mGr = *(Mat*)addrGray; Mat& mRgb = *(Mat*)addrRgba; //load image data Mat& mObject = *(Mat*)addrObject; sprintf(stringtolog,"image load size (%d,%d)\n", mObject.rows,mObject.cols); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, stringtolog); //keypoints vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_scene; vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_object; //FastFeatureDetector detector(50); //detector.detect(mGr, v); //ORB detection OrbFeatureDetector detector(200,1.2,8,31,0,2,0,31); //SiftFeatureDetector detector(100,3,0.04,10,1.6); detector.detect(mGr, keypoints_scene); detector.detect(mObject, keypoints_object); sprintf(stringtolog,"SIFT Feature-- Keypoints %d in object, %d in scene\n", keypoints_object.size(),keypoints_scene.size()); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, stringtolog);// JNI log //extraction //SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor; OrbDescriptorExtractor extractor; Mat descriptor_scene; Mat descriptor_object; extractor.compute(mGr,keypoints_scene,descriptor_scene); extractor.compute(mObject,keypoints_scene,descriptor_object); //draw keypoints bool todrawkeypoints=false; if (todrawkeypoints) { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < keypoints_scene.size(); i++ ) { const KeyPoint& kp = keypoints_scene[i]; circle(mRgb, Point(,, 10, Scalar(255,0,0,255)); } } //match std::vector<DMatch> matches; // L2 distance based matching. Brute Force Matching cv::BFMatcher matcher( NORM_HAMMING,false); //cv::FlannBasedMatcher matcher; // display of corresponding points matcher.match( descriptor_object, descriptor_scene, matches ); //quick calculation of max and min distance double max_dist=-1; double min_dist=10000; double sum_dist=0; double sumsqr_dist=0; int dist_count[100]={0}; //vector<double> dist_vector; //quick sort and process distances for (int i=0;i<descriptor_object.rows;i++) { const DMatch& dmatch=matches[i]; double dist = dmatch.distance; min_dist=(min_dist<dist)?min_dist:dist; max_dist=(max_dist>dist)?max_dist:dist; dist_count[int(dist/10)]=dist_count[int(dist/10)]+1; sum_dist+=dist; sumsqr_dist+=(110-dist)*(110-dist); // dist_vector.push_back(dist); } //log sprintf(stringtolog,"SIFT Feature-- Max dist : %.2f \n", max_dist ); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, stringtolog);// JNI log sprintf(stringtolog,"SIFT Feature-- Min dist : %.2f \n", min_dist ); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, stringtolog);// JNI log sprintf(stringtolog,"SIFT Feature-- Mean dist : %.2f \n", sum_dist/(descriptor_object.rows+0.0f)); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, stringtolog);// JNI log sprintf(stringtolog,"SIFT Feature-- RMS dist : %.2f \n", sqrt((sumsqr_dist+0.0f)/(descriptor_object.rows+0.0f))); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, stringtolog);// JNI log //threshold based on empirical double num_std=3.0f; double dist=70.0f/num_std; min_dist=(min_dist<dist)?min_dist:dist; //draw matches std::vector< DMatch > good_matches; bool todrawmatch=true; for (int i=0; i<descriptor_object.rows;i++) { const DMatch& dmatch=matches[i]; const KeyPoint& kp = keypoints_scene[dmatch.trainIdx]; double dist = dmatch.distance; if (dist<min_dist*num_std) { if (todrawmatch) circle(mRgb, Point(,, 10, Scalar(0,255,0,255)); good_matches.push_back(dmatch); } } sprintf(stringtolog,"SIFT Feature-- Good Matches : %d \n", good_matches.size()); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, stringtolog);// JNI log //compute position std::vector<cv::Point2f> points_obj; std::vector<cv::Point2f> points_scene; for (int i=0; i<good_matches.size();i++) { //Get the keypoints from the good matches const DMatch& dmatch=good_matches[i]; const KeyPoint& oKeyPoint=keypoints_object[dmatch.queryIdx]; points_obj.push_back(; const KeyPoint& sKeyPoint=keypoints_scene[dmatch.trainIdx]; points_scene.push_back(; } //clear 1 //clear memory int n_goodmatches=good_matches.size(); if (n_goodmatches<=4) return NULL; while (good_matches.begin()!=good_matches.end()) good_matches.pop_back(); good_matches.clear(); while (matches.begin()!=matches.end()) matches.pop_back(); matches.clear(); //if enough points do homography Mat myHomo = findHomography(points_obj,points_scene,CV_RANSAC); //check error perspectiveTransform( points_obj, points_scene, myHomo); float HomoError=0.0f; for (int i=0; i<n_goodmatches;i++) { const Point2f p1=points_obj[i]; const Point2f p2=points_scene[i]; float dis=(cv::norm(p1-p2)); HomoError+=dis*dis; } sprintf(stringtolog,"Homography Mean Error %.2f \n", HomoError/(n_goodmatches+0.0f)); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, stringtolog);// JNI log //compute position std::vector<cv::Point2f> obj_corners(5); std::vector<Point2f> scene_corners(5); obj_corners[0] = cvPoint(0,0); obj_corners[1] = cvPoint( mObject.cols, 0 ); obj_corners[2] = cvPoint( mObject.cols, mObject.rows ); obj_corners[3] = cvPoint( 0, mObject.rows ); obj_corners[4] = cvPoint( mObject.cols/2, mObject.rows*4/11); perspectiveTransform( obj_corners, scene_corners, myHomo); Point2f kp=scene_corners[4]; //draw position if (HomoError<20000) { //if error is small circle(mRgb, Point2f(kp.x, kp.y), 50, Scalar(0,0,255,255),10); } circle(mRgb, Point2f(kp.x, kp.y), 50, Scalar(0,0,255,255),10); //output jintArray graphic; jint size = 5; graphic = (env)->NewIntArray(size); if(graphic == NULL) { sprintf(stringtolog,"JNI array not created"); __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, stringtolog);// JNI log return NULL; } jint fill[size]; fill[0]=(jint)1;//image id fill[1]=(jint) kp.x;//x position fill[2]=(jint) kp.y;//y position fill[3]=(jint) HomoError/(n_goodmatches+0.0f); //fitting error fill[4]=(jint) n_goodmatches; // matched feature env->SetIntArrayRegion(graphic,0,size,fill); //clear memory while (obj_corners.begin()!=obj_corners.end()) obj_corners.pop_back(); obj_corners.clear(); while ( scene_corners.begin()!= scene_corners.end()) scene_corners.pop_back(); scene_corners.clear(); while (points_obj.begin()!= points_obj.end()) points_obj.pop_back(); points_obj.clear(); while (points_scene.begin()!= points_scene.end()) points_scene.pop_back(); points_scene.clear(); //return return graphic; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_recg_writehomog_NativeCodeInterface_nativeLoop (JNIEnv * jenv, jclass, jlong hataddr, jlong gray1, jlong gray2) { clock_t t1, t2; t1 = clock(); homogandtimer *hatinloop = (homogandtimer *) hataddr; LOGD("passed just entered nativeloop b4 trying"); try { LOGD("passed just entered the try in nativeloop"); LOGD("passed char jenv getutfchars"); string homogstring;//(jidentitystr); // <--this one LOGD("passed making jidentitystr"); //output the matrices to the Log Mat frame1 = *((Mat *)gray1); Mat frame2 = *((Mat *)gray2); LOGD("passed making mats"); int minHessian = 400; //initial variable declaration OrbFeatureDetector detector(minHessian); LOGD("passed making detector"); std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints1, keypoints2; LOGD("passed making keypoints"); OrbDescriptorExtractor extractor; LOGD("passed making extractor"); Mat descriptors1, descriptors2; LOGD("passed making descriptors"); //process first frame detector.detect(frame1, keypoints1); LOGD("passed detecting1"); extractor.compute(frame1, keypoints1, descriptors1); LOGD("passed computing1"); //process second frame detector.detect(frame2, keypoints2); LOGD("passed detecting2"); extractor.compute(frame2, keypoints2, descriptors2); LOGD("passed computing2"); //in case frame has no features (eg if all-black from finger blocking lens) if (keypoints1.size() == 0){ LOGD("passed keypointssize was zero!!"); frame1 = frame2.clone(); keypoints1 = keypoints2; descriptors1 = descriptors2; //go back to the javacode and continue with the next frame return; } LOGD("passed keypointssize not zero!"); //Now match the points on the successive images //FlannBasedMatcher matcher; BFMatcher matcher; LOGD("passed creating matcher"); std::vector<DMatch> matches; LOGD("passed creating matches"); if(descriptors1.empty()){ LOGD("passed descriptors1 is empty!"); } if(descriptors2.empty()){ LOGD("passed descriptors2 is empty!"); } LOGD("passed key1 size %d", keypoints1.size()); LOGD("passed key2 size %d", keypoints2.size()); matcher.match(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches); LOGD("passed doing the matching"); //eliminate weaker matches double maxdist = 0; double mindist = 100; for (int j = 0; j < descriptors1.rows; j++){ DMatch match = matches[j]; double dist = match.distance; if( dist < mindist ) mindist = dist; if( dist > maxdist ) maxdist = dist; } //build the list of "good" matches std::vector<DMatch> goodmatches; for( int k = 0; k < descriptors1.rows; k++ ){ DMatch amatch = matches[k]; if( amatch.distance <= 3*mindist ){ goodmatches.push_back(amatch); } } //Now compute homography matrix between the stronger matches //-- Localize the object std::vector<Point2f> obj; std::vector<Point2f> scene; if (goodmatches.size() < 4){ frame1 = frame2.clone(); keypoints1 = keypoints2; descriptors1 = descriptors2; return; } for(int l = 0; l < goodmatches.size(); l++){ //-- Get the keypoints from the good matches DMatch gm1 = goodmatches[l]; KeyPoint kp1 = keypoints1[gm1.queryIdx]; obj.push_back(; KeyPoint kp2 = keypoints1[gm1.trainIdx]; scene.push_back(; } Mat hmatrix = findHomography(obj,scene,CV_RANSAC); hatinloop->writehomogm <<<double>(0,0) << " "; LOGD("passed el00 %f",<double>(0,0)); LOGD(" "); hatinloop->writehomogm <<<double>(0,1) << " "; LOGD("passed el01 %f",<double>(0,1)); LOGD(" "); hatinloop->writehomogm <<<double>(0,2) << " "; hatinloop->writehomogm <<<double>(1,0) << " "; hatinloop->writehomogm <<<double>(1,1) << " "; hatinloop->writehomogm <<<double>(1,2) << " "; hatinloop->writehomogm <<<double>(2,0) << " "; hatinloop->writehomogm <<<double>(2,1) << " "; hatinloop->writehomogm <<<double>(2,2) << " endmatrix\n"; t2 = clock(); hatinloop->speedrecord << (float) (t2 - t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n"; LOGD("passed timingstuff %f",(float) (t2 - t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); hatinloop->writehomogm.flush(); hatinloop->speedrecord.flush(); } catch(cv::Exception& e) { LOGD("nativeCreateObject caught cv::Exception: %s", e.what()); jclass je = jenv->FindClass("org/opencv/core/CvException"); if(!je) je = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"); jenv->ThrowNew(je, e.what()); } catch (...) { LOGD("nativeDetect caught unknown exception"); jclass je = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"); jenv->ThrowNew(je, "Unknown exception in JNI nativeloop's code"); } LOGD("Java_org_opencv_samples_facedetect_DetectionBasedTracker_nativeDetect exit"); }
StitchedMap::StitchedMap(Mat &img1, Mat &img2, int max_trans, int max_rotation, float max_pairwise_distance, cv::Mat oldTransform) { // load images, TODO: check that they're grayscale image1 = img1.clone(); image2 = img2.clone(); if(image1.size != image2.size) cv::resize(image2,image2,image1.size()); works = true; // create feature detector set. OrbFeatureDetector detector; OrbDescriptorExtractor dexc; BFMatcher dematc(NORM_HAMMING, false); // 1. extract keypoint s detector.detect(image1, kpv1); detector.detect(image2, kpv2); // 2. extract descriptors dexc.compute(image1, kpv1, dscv1); dexc.compute(image2, kpv2, dscv2); // 3. match keypoints if(kpv1.size() == 0|| kpv2.size() == 0) { ROS_WARN("No KPV"); works = false; return; } // ROS_INFO("Kpv1:%i entries\t Kpv2:%i entries",kpv1.size(),kpv2.size()); dematc.match(dscv1, dscv2, matches); // 4. find matching point pairs with same distance in both images for (size_t i=0; i<matches.size(); i++) { KeyPoint a1 = kpv1[matches[i].queryIdx], b1 = kpv2[matches[i].trainIdx]; if (matches[i].distance > 30) continue; for (size_t j=0; j<matches.size(); j++) { KeyPoint a2 = kpv1[matches[j].queryIdx], b2 = kpv2[matches[j].trainIdx]; if (matches[j].distance > 30) continue; if ( fabs(norm( - norm( > max_pairwise_distance || fabs(norm( - norm( == 0) continue; coord1.push_back(; coord1.push_back(; coord2.push_back(; coord2.push_back(; fil1.push_back(a1); fil1.push_back(a2); fil2.push_back(b1); fil2.push_back(b2); } } // cv::imwrite("img1.pgm",image1); // cv::imwrite("img2.pgm",image2); // 5. find homography // ROS_INFO("Found %i matches",matches.size()); if(coord1.size() < 1) { ROS_WARN("Problem by transforming map,this migth just an start up problem \n Coord1:%lu",coord1.size()); works = false; return; } ROS_DEBUG("Compute estimateRigid"); H = estimateRigidTransform(coord2, coord1,false); if(H.empty()) { ROS_WARN("H contain no data, cannot find valid transformation"); works = false; return; } //ROS_DEBUG("H: size:%lu|empty:%i",H.size,H.empty()); rotation = 180./M_PI*atan2(<double>(0,1),<double>(1,1)); transx =<double>(0,2); transy =<double>(1,2); scalex = sqrt(pow(<double>(0,0),2)+pow(<double>(0,1),2)); scaley = sqrt(pow(<double>(1,0),2)+pow(<double>(1,1),2)); ROS_DEBUG("H: transx:%f|transy%f|scalex:%f,scaley:%f|rotation:%f",transx,transy,scalex,scaley,rotation); //first_x_trans = transx; //first_y_trans = transy; float scale_change = 0.05; if(scalex > 1 + scale_change || scaley > 1 + scale_change) { ROS_WARN("Map should not scale change is to lagre"); works = false; return; } if(scalex < 1 - scale_change|| scaley < 1 - scale_change) { ROS_WARN("Map should not scale change is to small"); works = false; return; } if(max_trans != -1) { if(transx > max_trans || transy > max_trans) { ROS_WARN("Map should not trans so strong"); works = false; return; } } if(max_rotation != -1) { if(rotation > max_rotation || rotation < -1 * max_rotation) { ROS_WARN("Map should not rotate so strong"); works = false; return; } } cur_trans = H; ROS_DEBUG("Finished estimateRigid"); //evaluade transformation //evaluate if(works) { Mat tmp (image2.size(),image2.type()); Mat thr; Mat image(image2.size(), image2.type()); warpAffine(image2,image,H,image.size()); addWeighted(image,.5,image1,.5,0.0,image); warpAffine(image2,tmp,H,image2.size()); addWeighted(tmp,.5,image1,.5,0.0,image); //cvtColor(image1,tmp,CV_BGR2GRAY); threshold(tmp,thr,0,255,THRESH_BINARY); Mat K=(Mat_<uchar>(5,5)<< 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,\ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,\ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,\ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,\ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); erode(thr,thr,K,Point(-1,-1),1,BORDER_CONSTANT); vector< vector <Point> > contours; // Vector for storing contour vector< Vec4i > hierarchy; findContours( thr, contours, hierarchy,CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ); for( int i = 0; i< contours.size(); i++ ) { Rect r= boundingRect(contours[i]); rects2.push_back(r); rectangle(tmp,Point(r.x,r.y), Point(r.x+r.width,r.y+r.height), Scalar(0,0,255),2,8,0); }//Opened contour Mat thr1; //cvtColor(image1,tmp,CV_BGR2GRAY); threshold(image1,thr1,0,255,THRESH_BINARY); erode(thr1,thr1,K,Point(-1,-1),1,BORDER_CONSTANT); vector< vector <Point> > contours1; // Vector for storing contour vector< Vec4i > hierarchy1; findContours( thr1, contours1, hierarchy1,CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ); for( int i = 0; i< contours1.size(); i++ ){ Rect r= boundingRect(contours1[i]); rects1.push_back(r); //rectangle(image1,Point(r.x,r.y), Point(r.x+r.width,r.y+r.height), Scalar(0,0,255),2,8,0); }//Opened contour vector<Rect> near1,near2; int offset = 5; for(int i = 0; i < rects1.size(); i++) { Rect ri =; if(ri.x == 1 && ri.y == 1) continue; for(int j = 0; j < rects2.size();j++) { Rect rj =; if(ri.x < rj.x + offset && ri.x > rj.x -offset) { if(ri.y < rj.y + offset && ri.y > rj.y -offset) { near1.push_back(ri); near2.push_back(rj); } } } } double eudis = 0; double disX,disY; for(int i = 0; i < near1.size(); i++) { Rect ri =; Rect rj =; disX = ri.x - rj.x; disY = ri.y - rj.y; if(disX < 0) disX = disX * (-1); if(disY < 0) disY = disY * (-1); eudis += sqrt((disX*disX)+(disY*disY)); } if(near1.size() < 2) eudis = -1; else eudis = eudis / near1.size(); ROS_DEBUG("EudisNew:%f\t near1Size:%lu:\toldTran:%i",eudis,near1.size(),oldTransform.empty()); //calc EudisOld Mat thr3,tmp1; //cvtColor(image1,tmp,CV_BGR2GRAY); if(oldTransform.empty()) return; warpAffine(image2,tmp1,oldTransform,image2.size()); threshold(tmp1,thr3,0,255,THRESH_BINARY); erode(thr3,thr3,K,Point(-1,-1),1,BORDER_CONSTANT); vector< vector <Point> > contours3; // Vector for storing contour vector< Vec4i > hierarchy3; findContours( thr3, contours3, hierarchy3,CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ); for( int i = 0; i< contours3.size(); i++ ){ Rect r= boundingRect(contours3[i]); rects3.push_back(r); }//Opened contour near1.clear(); near2.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < rects1.size(); i++) { Rect ri =; if(ri.x == 1 && ri.y == 1) continue; for(int j = 0; j < rects3.size();j++) { Rect rj =; if(ri.x < rj.x + offset && ri.x > rj.x -offset) { if(ri.y < rj.y + offset && ri.y > rj.y -offset) { near1.push_back(ri); near2.push_back(rj); } } } } double eudisOLD = 0; for(int i = 0; i < near1.size(); i++) { Rect ri =; Rect rj =; disX = ri.x - rj.x; disY = ri.y - rj.y; if(disX < 0) disX = disX * (-1); if(disY < 0) disY = disY * (-1); eudisOLD += sqrt((disX*disX)+(disY*disY)); } if(near1.size() < 2) eudis = -1; else eudisOLD = eudisOLD / near1.size(); //if(eudisOLD < eudis) // works = false; ROS_WARN("EudisOLD:%f\t near1Size:%lu:|works:%i",eudis,near1.size(),works); //calc EudisOld /* for(int i = 0; i < rects1.size(); i++) { Rect r =; rectangle(image1,Point(r.x,r.y), Point(r.x+r.width,r.y+r.height), Scalar(0,0,255),2,8,0); }*/ } return; }