Пример #1
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnUpdateSaveCurrentLib( wxUpdateUIEvent& event )
    PART_LIB* lib = GetCurLib();

    event.Enable( lib && !lib->IsReadOnly()
                  && ( lib->IsModified() || GetScreen()->IsModify() ) );
Пример #2
void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::ReCreateListLib()
    if( !m_libList )


    wxArrayString libs = Prj().SchLibs()->GetLibraryNames();

    // Remove not allowed libs from main list, if the allowed lib list is not empty
    if( m_allowedLibs.GetCount() )
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < libs.GetCount(); )
            if( m_allowedLibs.Index( libs[ii] ) == wxNOT_FOUND )
                libs.RemoveAt( ii );

    // Remove libs which have no power components, if this filter is activated
    if( m_listPowerCmpOnly )
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < libs.GetCount(); )
            PART_LIB* lib = Prj().SchLibs()->FindLibrary( libs[ii] );

            if( lib && !lib->HasPowerParts() )
                libs.RemoveAt( ii );

    m_libList->Append( libs );

    // Search for a previous selection:
    int index = m_libList->FindString( m_libraryName );

    if( index != wxNOT_FOUND )
        m_libList->SetSelection( index, true );
        // If not found, clear current library selection because it can be
        // deleted after a config change.
        m_libraryName = wxEmptyString;
        m_entryName = wxEmptyString;
        m_unit = 1;
        m_convert = 1;

void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::DisplayLibInfos()
    PART_LIB* lib = GetCurLib();
    wxString title = wxString::Format( L"Part Library Editor \u2014 %s%s",
            lib ? lib->GetFullFileName() : _( "no library selected" ),
            lib && lib->IsReadOnly() ? _( " [Read Only] ") : wxString( wxEmptyString ) );

    SetTitle( title );
    wxArrayString all_aliases;

    if( m_filter == CMP_FILTER_POWER )
        aLib.GetEntryTypePowerNames( all_aliases );
        aLib.GetAliasNames( all_aliases );

    AddAliasList( aLib.GetName(), all_aliases, &aLib );

Пример #5
void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::DisplayLibInfos()
    PART_LIBS*  libs = Prj().SchLibs();

    if( libs )
        PART_LIB* lib = libs->FindLibrary( m_libraryName );

        wxString title = wxString::Format( "Library Browser \u2014 %s",
            lib ? lib->GetFullFileName() : "no library selected" );
        SetTitle( title );
/* Add a new name to the alias list box
 *  New name cannot be the root name, and must not exists
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::AddAliasOfPart( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString aliasname;
    LIB_PART*      component = m_Parent->GetCurPart();
    PART_LIB* library = m_Parent->GetCurLib();

    if( component == NULL )

    wxTextEntryDialog dlg( this, _( "New alias:" ), _( "Component Alias" ), aliasname );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return; // cancelled by user

    aliasname = dlg.GetValue( );

    aliasname.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
    if( aliasname.IsEmpty() )

    if( m_PartAliasListCtrl->FindString( aliasname ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Alias or component name <%s> already in use." ),
                    GetChars( aliasname ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    if( library && library->FindEntry( aliasname ) != NULL )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Alias or component name <%s> already exists in library <%s>." ),
                    GetChars( aliasname ),
                    GetChars( library->GetName() ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    m_PartAliasListCtrl->Append( aliasname );

    if( m_Parent->GetAliasName().CmpNoCase( component->GetName() ) == 0 )
        m_ButtonDeleteAllAlias->Enable( true );

    m_ButtonDeleteOneAlias->Enable( true );
Пример #7
double LIB_VIEW_FRAME::BestZoom()
    /* Please, note: wxMSW before version 2.9 seems have
     * problems with zoom values < 1 ( i.e. userscale > 1) and needs to be patched:
     * edit file <wxWidgets>/src/msw/dc.cpp
     * search for line static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 1000;
     * and replace by static const int VIEWPORT_EXTENT = 10000;

    LIB_PART*   part = NULL;
    double      bestzoom = 16.0;      // default value for bestzoom
    PART_LIB*   lib = Prj().SchLibs()->FindLibrary( m_libraryName );

    if( lib  )
        part = lib->FindPart( m_entryName );

    if( !part )
        SetScrollCenterPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
        return bestzoom;

    wxSize size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    EDA_RECT boundingBox = part->GetBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert );

    // Reserve a 10% margin around component bounding box.
    double margin_scale_factor = 0.8;
    double zx =(double) boundingBox.GetWidth() /
               ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.x );
    double zy = (double) boundingBox.GetHeight() /
                ( margin_scale_factor * (double)size.y);

    // Calculates the best zoom
    bestzoom = std::max( zx, zy );

    // keep it >= minimal existing zoom (can happen for very small components
    // like small power symbols
    if( bestzoom  < GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0] )
        bestzoom  = GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[0];

    SetScrollCenterPosition( boundingBox.Centre() );

    return bestzoom;
    XNODE*  xlibs = node( wxT( "libraries" ) );     // auto_ptr

    for( std::set<void*>::iterator it = m_Libraries.begin(); it!=m_Libraries.end();  ++it )
        PART_LIB*    lib = (PART_LIB*) *it;
        XNODE*      xlibrary;

        xlibs->AddChild( xlibrary = node( wxT( "library" ) ) );
        xlibrary->AddAttribute( wxT( "logical" ), lib->GetLogicalName() );
        xlibrary->AddChild( node( wxT( "uri" ),  lib->GetFullFileName() ) );

        // @todo: add more fun stuff here

    return xlibs;
Пример #9
void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::ReCreateListCmp()
    if( m_cmpList == NULL )


    PART_LIB* lib = Prj().SchLibs()->FindLibrary( m_libraryName );

    if( !lib )
        m_libraryName = wxEmptyString;
        m_entryName = wxEmptyString;
        m_convert = 1;
        m_unit    = 1;

    wxArrayString  nameList;

    if( m_listPowerCmpOnly )
        lib->GetEntryTypePowerNames( nameList );
        lib->GetEntryNames( nameList );

    m_cmpList->Append( nameList );

    int index = m_cmpList->FindString( m_entryName );

    if( index == wxNOT_FOUND )
        m_entryName = wxEmptyString;
        m_convert = 1;
        m_unit    = 1;
        m_cmpList->SetSelection( index, true );
Пример #10
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::EditField( LIB_FIELD* aField )
    wxString newFieldValue;
    wxString title;
    wxString caption;
    wxString oldName;

    if( aField == NULL )

    LIB_PART* parent = aField->GetParent();

    wxASSERT( parent );

    // Editing the component value field is equivalent to creating a new component based
    // on the current component.  Set the dialog message to inform the user.
    if( aField->GetId() == VALUE )
        caption = _( "Component Name" );
        title = _( "Enter a name to create a new component based on this one." );
        caption.Printf( _( "Edit Field %s" ), GetChars( aField->GetName() ) );
        title.Printf( _( "Enter a new value for the %s field." ),
                      GetChars( aField->GetName().Lower() ) );

    DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_ONE_FIELD dlg( this, caption, aField );

    // The dialog may invoke a kiway player for footprint fields
    // so we must use a quasimodal dialog.
    if( dlg.ShowQuasiModal() != wxID_OK )

    newFieldValue = dlg.GetText();
    wxString fieldText = aField->GetFullText( m_unit );

    /* If the value field is changed, this is equivalent to creating a new component from
     * the old one.  Rename the component and remove any conflicting aliases to prevent name
     * errors when updating the library.
    if( aField->GetId() == VALUE && newFieldValue != aField->GetText() )
        wxString msg;

        PART_LIB* lib = GetCurLib();

        // Test the current library for name conflicts.
        if( lib && lib->FindAlias( newFieldValue ) )
            msg.Printf( _(
                "The name '%s' conflicts with an existing entry in the component library '%s'.\n\n"
                "Do you wish to replace the current component in the library with this one?" ),
                GetChars( newFieldValue ),
                GetChars( lib->GetName() )

            int rsp = wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Confirm" ),
                                    wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION | wxNO_DEFAULT, this );

            if( rsp == wxNO )

        // Test the current component for name conflicts.
        if( parent->HasAlias( newFieldValue ) )
            msg.Printf( _( "The current component already has an alias named '%s'.\n\n"
                           "Do you wish to remove this alias from the component?" ),
                        GetChars( newFieldValue ) );

            int rsp = wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Confirm" ), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION, this );

            if( rsp == wxNO )

            parent->RemoveAlias( newFieldValue );

        parent->SetName( newFieldValue );

        // Test the library for any conflicts with the any aliases in the current component.
        if( parent->GetAliasCount() > 1 && lib && lib->Conflicts( parent ) )
            msg.Printf( _(
                "The new component contains alias names that conflict with entries in the "
                "component library '%s'.\n\n"
                "Do you wish to remove all of the conflicting aliases from this component?" ),
                GetChars( lib->GetName() )

            int rsp = wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Confirm" ), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION, this );

            if( rsp == wxNO )
                parent->SetName( fieldText );

            wxArrayString aliases = parent->GetAliasNames( false );

            for( size_t i = 0;  i < aliases.GetCount();  i++ )
                if( lib->FindAlias( aliases[ i ] ) != NULL )
                    parent->RemoveAlias( aliases[ i ] );

        if( !parent->HasAlias( m_aliasName ) )
            m_aliasName = newFieldValue;

    dlg.UpdateField( aField );

    if( !aField->InEditMode() )
        SaveCopyInUndoList( parent );


    XNODE*      xlibparts = node( wxT( "libparts" ) );   // auto_ptr
    wxString    sLibpart  = wxT( "libpart" );
    wxString    sLib      = wxT( "lib" );
    wxString    sPart     = wxT( "part" );
    wxString    sAliases  = wxT( "aliases" );
    wxString    sAlias    = wxT( "alias" );
    wxString    sPins     = wxT( "pins" );      // key for library component pins list
    wxString    sPin      = wxT( "pin" );       // key for one library component pin descr
    wxString    sPinNum   = wxT( "num" );       // key for one library component pin num
    wxString    sPinName  = wxT( "name" );      // key for one library component pin name
    wxString    sPinType  = wxT( "type" );      // key for one library component pin electrical type
    wxString    sName     = wxT( "name" );
    wxString    sField    = wxT( "field" );
    wxString    sFields   = wxT( "fields" );
    wxString    sDescr    = wxT( "description" );
    wxString    sDocs     = wxT( "docs" );
    wxString    sFprints  = wxT( "footprints" );
    wxString    sFp       = wxT( "fp" );

    LIB_PINS    pinList;
    LIB_FIELDS  fieldList;


    for( std::set<LIB_PART*>::iterator it = m_LibParts.begin(); it!=m_LibParts.end();  ++it )
        LIB_PART* lcomp = *it;
        PART_LIB* library = lcomp->GetLib();

        m_Libraries.insert( library );  // inserts component's library if unique

        XNODE* xlibpart;
        xlibparts->AddChild( xlibpart = node( sLibpart ) );
        xlibpart->AddAttribute( sLib, library->GetLogicalName() );
        xlibpart->AddAttribute( sPart, lcomp->GetName()  );

        if( lcomp->GetAliasCount() )
            wxArrayString aliases = lcomp->GetAliasNames( false );
            if( aliases.GetCount() )
                XNODE* xaliases = node( sAliases );
                xlibpart->AddChild( xaliases );
                for( unsigned i=0;  i<aliases.GetCount();  ++i )
                    xaliases->AddChild( node( sAlias, aliases[i] ) );

        //----- show the important properties -------------------------
        if( !lcomp->GetAlias( 0 )->GetDescription().IsEmpty() )
            xlibpart->AddChild( node( sDescr, lcomp->GetAlias( 0 )->GetDescription() ) );

        if( !lcomp->GetAlias( 0 )->GetDocFileName().IsEmpty() )
            xlibpart->AddChild( node( sDocs,  lcomp->GetAlias( 0 )->GetDocFileName() ) );

        // Write the footprint list
        if( lcomp->GetFootPrints().GetCount() )
            XNODE*  xfootprints;
            xlibpart->AddChild( xfootprints = node( sFprints ) );

            for( unsigned i=0; i<lcomp->GetFootPrints().GetCount(); ++i )
                xfootprints->AddChild( node( sFp, lcomp->GetFootPrints()[i] ) );

        //----- show the fields here ----------------------------------
        lcomp->GetFields( fieldList );

        XNODE*     xfields;
        xlibpart->AddChild( xfields = node( sFields ) );

        for( unsigned i=0;  i<fieldList.size();  ++i )
            if( !fieldList[i].GetText().IsEmpty() )
                XNODE*     xfield;
                xfields->AddChild( xfield = node( sField, fieldList[i].GetText() ) );
                xfield->AddAttribute( sName, fieldList[i].GetName(false) );

        //----- show the pins here ------------------------------------
        lcomp->GetPins( pinList, 0, 0 );

        /* we must erase redundant Pins references in pinList
         * These redundant pins exist because some pins
         * are found more than one time when a component has
         * multiple parts per package or has 2 representations (DeMorgan conversion)
         * For instance, a 74ls00 has DeMorgan conversion, with different pin shapes,
         * and therefore each pin  appears 2 times in the list.
         * Common pins (VCC, GND) can also be found more than once.
        sort( pinList.begin(), pinList.end(), sortPinsByNumber );
        for( int ii = 0; ii < (int)pinList.size()-1; ii++ )
            if( pinList[ii]->GetNumber() == pinList[ii+1]->GetNumber() )
            {   // 2 pins have the same number, remove the redundant pin at index i+1
                pinList.erase(pinList.begin() + ii + 1);

        if( pinList.size() )
            XNODE*     pins;

            xlibpart->AddChild( pins = node( sPins ) );
            for( unsigned i=0; i<pinList.size();  ++i )
                XNODE*     pin;

                pins->AddChild( pin = node( sPin ) );
                pin->AddAttribute( sPinNum, pinList[i]->GetNumberString() );
                pin->AddAttribute( sPinName, pinList[i]->GetName() );
                pin->AddAttribute( sPinType, pinList[i]->GetCanonicalElectricalTypeName() );

                // caution: construction work site here, drive slowly

    return xlibparts;
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::CreateNewLibraryPart( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString name;

    if( GetCurPart() && GetScreen()->IsModify() && !IsOK( this, _(
        "All changes to the current component will be lost!\n\n"
        "Clear the current component from the screen?" ) ) )

    m_canvas->EndMouseCapture( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor() );

    m_drawItem = NULL;


    dlg.SetMinSize( dlg.GetSize() );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    if( dlg.GetName().IsEmpty() )
        wxMessageBox( _( "This new component has no name and cannot be created. Aborted" ) );

    name = dlg.GetName();
    name.Replace( " ", "_" );

    PART_LIB* lib = GetCurLib();

    // Test if there a component with this name already.
    if( lib && lib->FindAlias( name ) )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
            "Part '%s' already exists in library '%s'" ),
            GetChars( name ),
            GetChars( lib->GetName() )
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    LIB_PART* new_part = new LIB_PART( name );

    SetCurPart( new_part );
    m_aliasName = new_part->GetName();

    new_part->GetReferenceField().SetText( dlg.GetReference() );
    new_part->SetUnitCount( dlg.GetUnitCount() );

    // Initialize new_part->m_TextInside member:
    // if 0, pin text is outside the body (on the pin)
    // if > 0, pin text is inside the body
    new_part->SetConversion( dlg.GetAlternateBodyStyle() );
    SetShowDeMorgan( dlg.GetAlternateBodyStyle() );

    if( dlg.GetPinNameInside() )
        new_part->SetPinNameOffset( dlg.GetPinTextPosition() );

        if( new_part->GetPinNameOffset() == 0 )
            new_part->SetPinNameOffset( 1 );
        new_part->SetPinNameOffset( 0 );

    ( dlg.GetPowerSymbol() ) ? new_part->SetPower() : new_part->SetNormal();
    new_part->SetShowPinNumbers( dlg.GetShowPinNumber() );
    new_part->SetShowPinNames( dlg.GetShowPinName() );
    new_part->LockUnits( dlg.GetLockItems() );

    if( dlg.GetUnitCount() < 2 )
        new_part->LockUnits( false );

    m_unit = 1;
    m_convert  = 1;


    m_editPinsPerPartOrConvert = new_part->UnitsLocked() ? true : false;
    m_lastDrawItem = NULL;


void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteOnePart( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString      cmp_name;
    LIB_ALIAS*    libEntry;
    wxArrayString nameList;
    wxString      msg;

    m_canvas->EndMouseCapture( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor() );

    m_lastDrawItem = NULL;
    m_drawItem = NULL;

    LIB_PART *part = GetCurPart();
    PART_LIB* lib = GetCurLib();

    if( !lib )

        lib = GetCurLib();
        if( !lib )
            DisplayError( this, _( "Please select a component library." ) );

    auto adapter( CMP_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER::Create( Prj().SchLibs() ) );

    wxString name = part ? part->GetName() : wxString( wxEmptyString );
    adapter->SetPreselectNode( name, /* aUnit */ 0 );
    adapter->ShowUnits( false );
    adapter->AddLibrary( *lib );

    wxString dialogTitle;
    dialogTitle.Printf( _( "Delete Component (%u items loaded)" ), adapter->GetComponentsCount() );

    DIALOG_CHOOSE_COMPONENT dlg( this, dialogTitle, adapter, m_convert );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

    libEntry = dlg.GetSelectedAlias( NULL );

    if( !libEntry )
        msg.Printf( _( "Entry '%s' not found in library '%s'." ),
                    GetChars( libEntry->GetName() ),
                    GetChars( lib->GetName() ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    msg.Printf( _( "Delete component '%s' from library '%s' ?" ),
                GetChars( libEntry->GetName() ),
                GetChars( lib->GetName() ) );

    if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )

    part = GetCurPart();

    if( !part || !part->HasAlias( libEntry->GetName() ) )
        lib->RemoveAlias( libEntry );

    // If deleting the current entry or removing one of the aliases for
    // the current entry, sync the changes in the current entry as well.

    if( GetScreen()->IsModify() && !IsOK( this, _(
        "The component being deleted has been modified."
        " All changes will be lost. Discard changes?" ) ) )

    LIB_ALIAS* nextEntry = lib->RemoveAlias( libEntry );

    if( nextEntry != NULL )
        if( LoadOneLibraryPartAux( nextEntry, lib ) )
            Zoom_Automatique( false );
        SetCurPart( NULL );     // delete CurPart

bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::SaveActiveLibrary( bool newFile )
    wxFileName fn;
    wxString   msg;

    m_canvas->EndMouseCapture( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor() );

    PART_LIB* lib = GetCurLib();

    // Just in case the library hasn't been cached yet.

    if( !lib )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No library specified." ) );
        return false;

    wxString oldFileName = lib->GetFullFileName();

    if( GetScreen()->IsModify() )
        if( IsOK( this, _( "Include last component changes?" ) ) )

                SaveOnePart( lib, false );
            catch( ... )
                lib->EnableBuffering( false );
                msg.Printf( _( "Unexpected error occured saving part to '%s' symbol library." ),
                            lib->GetName() );
                DisplayError( this, msg );
                return false;

            lib->EnableBuffering( false );

    if( newFile )
        PROJECT&        prj = Prj();
        SEARCH_STACK*   search = prj.SchSearchS();

        // Get a new name for the library
        wxString default_path = prj.GetRString( PROJECT::SCH_LIB_PATH );

        if( !default_path )
            default_path = search->LastVisitedPath();

        wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Part Library Name:" ), default_path,
                          wxEmptyString, SchematicLibraryFileWildcard,
                          wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT );

        if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
            return false;

        fn = dlg.GetPath();

        // The GTK file chooser doesn't return the file extension added to
        // file name so add it here.
        if( fn.GetExt().IsEmpty() )
            fn.SetExt( SchematicLibraryFileExtension );

        prj.SetRString( PROJECT::SCH_LIB_PATH, fn.GetPath() );
        fn = wxFileName( lib->GetFullFileName() );

        msg.Printf( _( "Modify library file '%s' ?" ), GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );

        if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
            return false;

    // Verify the user has write privileges before attempting to save the library file.
    if( !IsWritable( fn ) )
        return false;


    wxFileName libFileName = fn;
    wxFileName backupFileName = fn;

    // Rename the old .lib file to .bak.
    if( libFileName.FileExists() )
        backupFileName.SetExt( "bak" );

        if( backupFileName.FileExists() )
            wxRemoveFile( backupFileName.GetFullPath() );

        if( !wxRenameFile( libFileName.GetFullPath(), backupFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
            msg = _( "Failed to rename old component library file " ) +
            DisplayError( this, msg );

    wxFileName docFileName = libFileName;

    docFileName.SetExt( DOC_EXT );

    // Rename .doc file to .bck.
    if( docFileName.FileExists() )
        backupFileName.SetExt( "bck" );

        if( backupFileName.FileExists() )
            wxRemoveFile( backupFileName.GetFullPath() );

        if( !wxRenameFile( docFileName.GetFullPath(), backupFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
            msg = _( "Failed to save old library document file " ) + backupFileName.GetFullPath();
            DisplayError( this, msg );

        lib->SetFileName( fn.GetFullPath() );
    catch( ... /* IO_ERROR ioe */ )
        lib->SetFileName( oldFileName );
        msg.Printf( _( "Failed to create symbol library file '%s'" ),
                    GetChars( docFileName.GetFullPath() ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );
        return false;

    lib->SetFileName( oldFileName );
    msg.Printf( _( "Library file '%s' saved" ), GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
    fn.SetExt( DOC_EXT );
    wxString msg1;
    msg1.Printf( _( "Documentation file '%s' saved" ), GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
    AppendMsgPanel( msg, msg1, BLUE );

    return true;
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LoadOneLibraryPart( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString   cmp_name;
    LIB_ALIAS* libEntry = NULL;

    m_canvas->EndMouseCapture( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor() );

    if( GetScreen()->IsModify()
        && !IsOK( this, _( "The current component is not saved.\n\nDiscard current changes?" ) ) )

    PART_LIB* lib = GetCurLib();

    // No current lib, ask user for the library to use.
    if( !lib )
        lib = GetCurLib();

        if( !lib )

    // Get the name of the current part to preselect it
    LIB_PART* current_part = GetCurPart();
    wxString part_name = current_part ? current_part->GetName() : wxString( wxEmptyString );

    wxArrayString dummyHistoryList;
    int dummyLastUnit;
    SCHLIB_FILTER filter;
    filter.LoadFrom( lib->GetName() );
    cmp_name = SelectComponentFromLibrary( &filter, dummyHistoryList, dummyLastUnit,
                                          true, NULL, NULL, part_name );

    if( cmp_name.IsEmpty() )

    m_lastDrawItem = m_drawItem = NULL;

    // Delete previous library component, if any
    SetCurPart( NULL );

    // Load the new library component
    libEntry = lib->FindAlias( cmp_name );
    PART_LIB* searchLib = lib;

    if( !libEntry )
        // Not found in the active library: search inside the full list
        // (can happen when using Viewlib to load a component)
        libEntry = Prj().SchLibs()->FindLibraryAlias( LIB_ID( wxEmptyString, cmp_name ) );

        if( libEntry )
            searchLib = libEntry->GetLib();

            // The entry to load is not in the active lib
            // Ask for a new active lib
            wxString msg = _( "The selected component is not in the active library." );
            msg += "\n\n";
            msg += _( "Do you want to change the active library?" );

            if( IsOK( this, msg ) )
                SelectActiveLibrary( searchLib );

    if( !libEntry )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Part name '%s' not found in library '%s'" ),
                                         GetChars( cmp_name ),
                                         GetChars( searchLib->GetName() )  );
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    PART_LIB* old = SetCurLib( searchLib );

    LoadComponentFromCurrentLib( libEntry );

    SetCurLib( old );

Пример #16
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteOnePart( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxString      cmp_name;
    LIB_ALIAS*    libEntry;
    wxArrayString nameList;
    wxString      msg;

    m_canvas->EndMouseCapture( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor() );

    m_lastDrawItem = NULL;
    m_drawItem = NULL;

    PART_LIB* lib = GetCurLib();

    if( !lib )

        lib = GetCurLib();
        if( !lib )
            DisplayError( this, _( "Please select a component library." ) );

    lib->GetAliasNames( nameList );

    if( nameList.IsEmpty() )
        msg.Printf( _( "Part library '%s' is empty." ), GetChars( lib->GetName() ) );
        wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Delete Entry Error" ), wxID_OK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this );

    msg.Printf( _( "Select one of %d components to delete\nfrom library '%s'." ),
                int( nameList.GetCount() ),
                GetChars( lib->GetName() ) );

    wxSingleChoiceDialog dlg( this, msg, _( "Delete Part" ), nameList );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL || dlg.GetStringSelection().IsEmpty() )

    libEntry = lib->FindAlias( dlg.GetStringSelection() );

    if( !libEntry )
        msg.Printf( _( "Entry '%s' not found in library '%s'." ),
                    GetChars( dlg.GetStringSelection() ),
                    GetChars( lib->GetName() ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    msg.Printf( _( "Delete component '%s' from library '%s' ?" ),
                GetChars( libEntry->GetName() ),
                GetChars( lib->GetName() ) );

    if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )

    LIB_PART* part = GetCurPart();

    if( !part || !part->HasAlias( libEntry->GetName() ) )
        lib->RemoveAlias( libEntry );

    // If deleting the current entry or removing one of the aliases for
    // the current entry, sync the changes in the current entry as well.

    if( GetScreen()->IsModify() && !IsOK( this, _(
        "The component being deleted has been modified."
        " All changes will be lost. Discard changes?" ) ) )

    LIB_ALIAS* nextEntry = lib->RemoveAlias( libEntry );

    if( nextEntry != NULL )
        if( LoadOneLibraryPartAux( nextEntry, lib ) )
            Zoom_Automatique( false );
        SetCurPart( NULL );     // delete CurPart
