Пример #1
bool PCProcess::setMemoryAccessRights(Address start, size_t size,
                                      PCMemPerm rights) {
    mal_printf("setMemoryAccessRights to %s [%lx %lx]\n",
               rights.getPermName().c_str(), start, start+size);
    assert(!"Not implemented yet");
    return false;
Пример #2
void PCProcess::changeMemoryProtections(Address addr, size_t size,
                                        PCMemPerm rights, bool setShadow) {
    PCMemPerm oldRights;
    unsigned pageSize = getMemoryPageSize();

	Address pageBase = addr - (addr % pageSize);
	size += (addr % pageSize);

	// Temporary: set on a page-by-page basis to work around problems
	// with memory deallocation
	for (Address idx = pageBase, idx_e = pageBase + size;
         idx < idx_e; idx += pageSize) {
        mal_printf("setting rights to %s for [%lx %lx)\n",
                   rights.getPermName().c_str(), idx , idx + pageSize);
        if (!pcProc_->setMemoryAccessRights(idx, pageSize,
                                            rights, oldRights)) {
			mal_printf("ERROR: failed to set access rights "
                       "for page %lx, %s[%d]\n", addr, FILE__, __LINE__);
		} else if (isMemoryEmulated() && setShadow) {
			Address shadowAddr = 0;
			PCMemPerm shadowRights;
			bool valid = false;
			boost::tie(valid, shadowAddr) = getMemEm()->translate(idx);
			if (!valid) {
				mal_printf("WARNING: set access rights on page %lx that has "
				           "no shadow %s[%d]\n",addr,FILE__,__LINE__);
			} else {
                if(!pcProc_->setMemoryAccessRights(shadowAddr, pageSize,
                                                   rights, shadowRights)) {
                    mal_printf("ERROR: failed to set access rights "
                               "for page %lx, %s[%d]\n",
                                shadowAddr, FILE__, __LINE__);

				if (shadowRights != oldRights) {
					mal_printf("WARNING: shadow page[%lx] rights %s did not "
                               "match orig-page [%lx] rights %s\n",
                               shadowAddr, shadowRights.getPermName().c_str(),
                               addr, oldRights.getPermName().c_str());