Пример #1
  char  *colist, *wql/*, *pw = NULL*/;
  int    len, ncol = 0;
  bool   first = true, noloc = false;
  PCOL   colp;

  // Normal WQL statement to retrieve results
  for (colp = Columns; colp; colp = colp->GetNext())
    if (!colp->IsSpecial() && (colp->GetColUse(U_P | U_J_EXT) || noloc))

  if (ncol) {
    colist = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, (NAM_LEN + 4) * ncol);

    for (colp = Columns; colp; colp = colp->GetNext())
      if (!colp->IsSpecial()) {
        if (colp->GetResultType() == TYPE_DATE)
          ((DTVAL*)colp->GetValue())->SetFormat(g, "YYYYMMDDhhmmss", 19);

        if (colp->GetColUse(U_P | U_J_EXT) || noloc) {
          if (first) {
            strcpy(colist, colp->GetName());
            first = false;
          } else
            strcat(strcat(colist, ", "), colp->GetName());
          } // endif ColUse

        } // endif Special

  } else {
    // ncol == 0 can occur for queries such that sql count(*) from...
    // for which we will count the rows from sql * from...
    colist = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 2);
    strcpy(colist, "*");
  } // endif ncol

  // Below 14 is length of 'select ' + length of ' from ' + 1
  len = (strlen(colist) + strlen(Wclass) + 14);
  len += (To_CondFil ? strlen(To_CondFil->Body) + 7 : 0);
  wql = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, len);
  strcat(strcat(strcpy(wql, "SELECT "), colist), " FROM ");
  strcat(wql, Wclass);

  if (To_CondFil)
    strcat(strcat(wql, " WHERE "), To_CondFil->Body);

  return wql;
  } // end of MakeWQL