particles::pidt::mappings::MoveParticles::ParticleContainer particles::pidt::mappings::MoveParticles::extractAllParticlesFromDualCellBelongingToOneRank( int sourceHeapIndex, particles::pidt::Vertex& vertex, int rank, const tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS,double>& x, const tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS,double>& h ) { ParticleContainer destinationParticles; ParticleContainer& localVertexParticles = ParticleHeap::getInstance().getData(sourceHeapIndex); for ( ParticleContainer::iterator p = localVertexParticles.begin(); p!=localVertexParticles.end(); ) { const bool particleDoesNotTunnel = Vertex::isContainedInDualCell(x,h,p->_persistentRecords._x); const int whichAdjacentCellHoldsParticle = peano::utils::dLinearised(Vertex::getDualCellOfParticle(x,p->_persistentRecords._x),2); const bool particleBelongsToNeighbouringRank = vertex.getAdjacentRanks()(whichAdjacentCellHoldsParticle)==rank; if (particleDoesNotTunnel && particleBelongsToNeighbouringRank) { destinationParticles.push_back(*p); p = localVertexParticles.erase(p); } else { p++; } } return destinationParticles; }
void GetWeightedMean( const ParticleContainer& particles, const WeightContainer& weights, HeadBodyParticle& mean_particle ) { assert( particles.size() == weights.size() ); int n = static_cast<int>( particles.size() ); double sum_x = 0.0; double sum_y = 0.0; double sum_s = 0.0; double sum_weight = 0.0; std::complex<double> vec_dh(0, 0); std::complex<double> vec_db(0, 0); for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { sum_x += static_cast<double>( particles[i].x() ) * weights[i]; sum_y += static_cast<double>( particles[i].y() ) * weights[i]; sum_s += static_cast<double>( particles[i].s() ) * weights[i]; double dh_phase = static_cast<double>( particles[i].dh() ) * 2 * M_PI / 8.0; vec_dh += std::complex<double>( weights[i]*std::cos(dh_phase), weights[i]*std::sin(dh_phase) ); double db_phase = static_cast<double>( particles[i].db() ) * 2 * M_PI / 8.0; vec_db += std::complex<double>( weights[i]*std::cos(db_phase), weights[i]*std::sin(db_phase) ); sum_weight += weights[i]; } double denominator = 1.0 / sum_weight; mean_particle.set_x<double>( sum_x * denominator ); mean_particle.set_y<double>( sum_y * denominator ); mean_particle.set_s<double>( sum_s * denominator ); if( std::norm(vec_dh) <= 1e-10 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to calculate head direction average." ); } if( std::norm(vec_db) <= 1e-10 ) { throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to calculate body direction average." ); } mean_particle.set_dh<double>( std::arg(vec_dh) * 8.0 / 2.0 / M_PI ); mean_particle.set_db<double>( std::arg(vec_db) * 8.0 / 2.0 / M_PI ); }
void CanonicalEnsembleTest::UpdateNumMoleculesSequential() { // remove the ifndef when canonicalensemble can be tested in parallel #ifndef ENABLE_MPI delete _domainDecomposition; // will be deleted by tearDown() _domainDecomposition = new DomainDecompDummy(); // the halo is cleared for freshly initialized particle containers. ParticleContainer* container = initializeFromFile(ParticleContainerFactory::AdaptiveSubCell, "1clj-regular-12x12x12.inp", 1.0); vector<Component>& components(_domain->getComponents()); CanonicalEnsemble ensemble(container, &components); ensemble.updateGlobalVariable(NUM_PARTICLES); // has the ensemble counted the right number of particles? ASSERT_EQUAL(1728ul, ensemble.N()); // has the ensemble updated the count of particles per component right? ASSERT_EQUAL(1728ul, components[0].getNumMolecules()); Molecule molecule(1729, 0, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., &components); container->addParticle(molecule); ensemble.updateGlobalVariable(NUM_PARTICLES); // has the ensemble counted the right number of particles? ASSERT_EQUAL(1729ul, ensemble.N()); // has the ensemble updated the count of particles per component right? ASSERT_EQUAL(1729ul, components[0].getNumMolecules()); #endif }
virtual void mt_Update(float delta_time_s, ParticleContainer& particles) { auto& l_Life = particles.m_Lifespan; auto& l_MLife = particles.m_Max_Lifespan; auto& l_Col = particles.m_Current_Color; auto& l_SCol = particles.m_Start_Color; auto& l_FCol = particles.m_Final_Color; auto& l_Rot = particles.m_Current_Rotation; auto& l_SRot = particles.m_Start_Rotation; auto& l_FRot = particles.m_Final_Rotation; auto& l_Size = particles.m_Current_Size; auto& l_SSize = particles.m_Start_Size; auto& l_FSize = particles.m_Final_Size; for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < particles.mt_Get_Alive_Count(); ii++) { if (l_SCol[ii].r != l_FCol[ii].r) { l_Col[ii].r = misc::fn_Time_Interpolate<sf::Uint8>(0.0f, l_MLife[ii], l_SCol[ii].r, l_FCol[ii].r, l_Life[ii]); } if (l_SCol[ii].g != l_FCol[ii].g) { l_Col[ii].g = misc::fn_Time_Interpolate<sf::Uint8>(0.0f, l_MLife[ii], l_SCol[ii].g, l_FCol[ii].g, l_Life[ii]); } if (l_SCol[ii].b != l_FCol[ii].b) { l_Col[ii].b = misc::fn_Time_Interpolate<sf::Uint8>(0.0f, l_MLife[ii], l_SCol[ii].b, l_FCol[ii].b, l_Life[ii]); } if (l_SCol[ii].a != l_FCol[ii].a) { l_Col[ii].a = misc::fn_Time_Interpolate<sf::Uint8>(0.0f, l_MLife[ii], l_SCol[ii].a, l_FCol[ii].a, l_Life[ii]); } } for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < particles.mt_Get_Alive_Count(); ii++) { if (l_SRot[ii] != l_FRot[ii]) { l_Rot[ii] = misc::fn_Time_Interpolate<float>(0.0f, l_MLife[ii], l_SRot[ii], l_FRot[ii], l_Life[ii]); } } for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < particles.mt_Get_Alive_Count(); ii++) { if (l_SSize[ii] != l_FSize[ii]) { l_Size[ii].x = misc::fn_Time_Interpolate<float>(0.0f, l_MLife[ii], l_SSize[ii].x, l_FSize[ii].x, l_Life[ii]); l_Size[ii].y = misc::fn_Time_Interpolate<float>(0.0f, l_MLife[ii], l_SSize[ii].y, l_FSize[ii].y, l_Life[ii]); } } }
void CuboidInitializer::initialize(ParticleContainer& container) { double x[] = {0,0,0}; double m = _config.getMaterialConfig().getM(); double epsilon = _config.getMaterialConfig().getEpsilon(); double sigma = _config.getMaterialConfig().getSigma(); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "SphereInitializer material: m=" << m << " epsilon=" << epsilon << " sigma=" << sigma); const utils::Vector<double,3>& v = _config.getV(); const utils::Vector<int, 3>& n = _config.getN(); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Initializing CUBE at " << _config.getX().toString()); for (int i = 0; i < n[0]; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n[1]; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < n[2]; k++) { x[0] = _config.getX()[0] + ((double)i) * _config.getH(); x[1] = _config.getX()[1] + ((double)j) * _config.getH(); x[2] = _config.getX()[2] + ((double)k) * _config.getH(); LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, "creating (x,y,z): (" << x[i] << "," << x[j] << "," << x[k] << ")"); Particle p(x, v, m, epsilon, sigma, _type_id); //MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(p, 0.1, dim); container.addParticle(p); } } } }
void Statistics::calculateStatistics(ParticleContainer& container, int iteration) { int frequency = 2000; // if ((iteration + 50) % frequency == 0) { // _saveX = true; // container.traverseParticles(*this); // LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Saved oldX at iteration "<< iteration); // } if ((iteration + 25) % frequency == 0) { // _saveX = false; // _diffusionFactor = 0; // container.traverseParticles(*this); // LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "calculated diffusion of " << _diffusionFactor << " at iteration " << iteration); _saveX = true; // reset x container.traverseParticles(*this); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Saved oldX at iteration "<< iteration); } //if ((iteration + 1) % frequency == 0) { // // reset counter and count particle pair distances // for (int i = 0; i < _numIntervalls; i++) { // _distanceCount[i] = 0; // } //container.traversePairs(*this); //} if (iteration == 1 || iteration % frequency == 0) { _saveX = false; container.traverseParticles(*this); _diffusionFactor = _diffusionFactor / container.getNumParticles(); // reset counter and count particle pair distances for (int i = 0; i < _numIntervalls; i++) { _distanceCount[i] = 0; } // count particlePairDistances container.traversePairs(*this); writeFile(iteration); } }
void particles::pidt::mappings::MoveParticles::prepareSendToNeighbour( particles::pidt::Vertex& vertex, int toRank, const tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS,double>& x, const tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS,double>& h, int level ) { logTraceInWith5Arguments( "prepareSendToNeighbour(...)", vertex, toRank, x, h, level ); ParticleContainer destinationParticles = extractAllParticlesFromDualCellBelongingToOneRank( vertex.getVertexIndex(), vertex, toRank, x, h ); for ( ParticleContainer::iterator p = destinationParticles.begin(); p != destinationParticles.end(); p++ ) { p->setMovedParticle( particles::pidt::records::Particle::New ); assertion5( Vertex::isContainedInDualCell(x,h,p->_persistentRecords._x), x,h,p->toString(),p->_persistentRecords._x - x,level ); } ParticleHeap::getInstance().sendData( destinationParticles, toRank, x, level, peano::heap::NeighbourCommunication ); logTraceOutWith1Argument( "prepareSendToNeighbour(...)", destinationParticles.size() ); }
void FileReader::readFile(ParticleContainer& particles, char* filename) { double x[] = {0,0,0}; double v[] = {1,1,1}; double m = 1; int num_particles = 0; std::ifstream input_file(filename); string tmp_string; if (input_file.is_open()) { getline(input_file, tmp_string); cout << "Read line: " << tmp_string << endl; while (tmp_string.size() == 0 || tmp_string[0] == '#') { getline(input_file, tmp_string); cout << "Read line: " << tmp_string << endl; } istringstream numstream(tmp_string); numstream >> num_particles; cout << "Reading " << num_particles << "." << endl; getline(input_file, tmp_string); cout << "Read line: " << tmp_string << endl; for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) { istringstream datastream(tmp_string); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { datastream >> x[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { datastream >> v[j]; } if (datastream.eof()) { cout << "Error reading file: eof reached unexpectedly reading from line " << i << endl; exit(-1); } datastream >> m; Particle p(x, v, m); particles.add(p); getline(input_file, tmp_string); cout << "Read line: " << tmp_string << endl; } } else {
void SphereInitializer::initialize(ParticleContainer& container) { utils::Vector<double,3> x(0.); double m = _config.getMaterialConfig().getM(); double epsilon = _config.getMaterialConfig().getEpsilon(); double sigma = _config.getMaterialConfig().getSigma(); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "SphereInitializer material: m=" << m << " epsilon=" << epsilon << " sigma=" << sigma); int n = _config.getN(); double h = _config.getH(); double radius = ((double)n) * h; const utils::Vector<double, 3>& center = _config.getX(); utils::Vector<double,3> radius_vector = radius; utils::Vector<double,3> lower_left_front = center - radius_vector; int dim = Configuration::getInstance().getDimension(); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "SphereINitializer dimension: " << dim ); bool two_d = (dim == 2); if (two_d) { lower_left_front[2] = center[2]; } const utils::Vector<double, 3>& v = _config.getV(); int innerCount = two_d ? 1 : (2*n); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Initializing SPHERE at " << _config.getX().toString() << " two_d==" << two_d); for (int i = 0; i < n*2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n*2; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < innerCount; k++) { x[0] = lower_left_front[0] + ((double)i) * h; x[1] = lower_left_front[1] + ((double)j) * h; x[2] = lower_left_front[2] + ((double)k) * h; LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, "point at " << x.toString() << "has distance " << (x - center).L2Norm() << " and radius is "<< radius); if ((x - center).L2Norm() < radius) { LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, "creating (x,y,z): (" << x[0] << "," << x[1] << "," << x[2] << ")"); Particle p(x, v, m, epsilon, sigma, _type_id); //MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(p, 0.1, dim); container.addParticle(p); } } } } }
inline ParticleSystemChild::~ParticleSystemChild() { m_Swarm.clear(); }
double EnergyCalculator::calculateEnergy(ParticleContainer& container) { _energy = 0; container.traverseParticles(*this); return _energy; }
ReturnType SendCouplingMDCommand::executeProcessing() { logger->debug() << "starting SendCouplingMDCommand::executeProcessing" << std::endl; CouplingInformationType* couplingInfo = (CouplingInformationType*) this->getData(0); Simulation* theSim = (Simulation*) this->getData(1); ParticleContainer* moleculeContainer = theSim->getMolecules(); if (transferContainer == NULL) { transferContainer = new std::vector<Molecule>[couplingInfo->numberOfBoundaries]; } /* int dim = borderToLook / 2; int dir = borderToLook % 2;*/ int dim, dir; outmin = 0; outmax = 0; double rmin = moleculeContainer->getBoundingBoxMin(dim); double rmax = moleculeContainer->getBoundingBoxMax(dim); logger->debug() << "dim is " << dim << ", dir is " << dir << std::endl; logger->debug() << "halo is " << moleculeContainer->get_halo_L(dim) << std::endl; Molecule* currentMolecule; double low_limit = rmin; // particles below this limit have to be copied or moved to the lower process double high_limit = rmax; // particles above(or equal) this limit have to be copied or moved to the higher process currentMolecule = moleculeContainer->begin(); logger->debug() << "low_limit: " << low_limit << " / high_limit: " << high_limit << std::endl; while(currentMolecule!=moleculeContainer->end()){ for (int i = 0; i < couplingInfo->numberOfBoundaries; i++) { CouplingBoundary currentBoundary = couplingInfo->boundaries[i]; //const double& rd=currentMolecule->r(dim); const double& rd = currentMolecule->r(currentBoundary.outFlowDirection); const double& ro1 = currentMolecule->r(currentBoundary.otherDirection[0]); const double& ro2 = currentMolecule->r(currentBoundary.otherDirection[1]); if ((currentBoundary.lowerHigher == 1) && (rd > high_limit) && isInBounds(ro1,ro2, ¤tBoundary)) { outmax++; transferContainer[i].push_back(*currentMolecule); currentMolecule = moleculeContainer->deleteCurrent (); break; } else if ((currentBoundary.lowerHigher == 0) && (rd < low_limit) && isInBounds(ro1,ro2, ¤tBoundary)) { transferContainer[i].push_back(*currentMolecule); currentMolecule = moleculeContainer->deleteCurrent(); outmin++; break; } else { currentMolecule = moleculeContainer->next(); } } } logger->debug() << "outmin["<< dim << "] = " << outmin << std::endl; logger->debug() << "outmax["<< dim << "] = " << outmax << std::endl; //logger->debug() << "there are now " << transferContainer.size() << " molecules to transfer " << std::endl; if (getStepInterval() > 0) { return REPETITION_REQUESTED; } else { return EXECUTED; } }
inline void ParticleSystemChild::Clear() { m_Swarm.clear(); }
inline void ParticleSystemChild::Reserve(dword n) { m_Swarm.reserve(n); }
inline dword ParticleSystemChild::Capacity() const { return m_Swarm.capacity(); }
inline dword ParticleSystemChild::Size() const { return m_Swarm.size(); }
void FileReader::readFile(ParticleContainer& container, char* filename) { double x[] = {0,0,0}; double v[] = {1,1,1}; double m = 1; int num_particles = 0; std::ifstream input_file(filename); string tmp_string; if (input_file.is_open()) { getline(input_file, tmp_string); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Read line: " << tmp_string); while (tmp_string.size() == 0 || tmp_string[0] == '#') { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Skipped line: " << tmp_string); getline(input_file, tmp_string); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, "Read line: " << tmp_string); } istringstream numstream(tmp_string); numstream >> num_particles; LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Reading " << num_particles << " particles"); getline(input_file, tmp_string); LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, "Read line: " << tmp_string); for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) { istringstream datastream(tmp_string); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { datastream >> x[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { datastream >> v[j]; } if (datastream.eof()) { LOG4CXX_FATAL(logger, "Error reading file: eof reached unexpectedly reading from line " << i << "!"); exit(-1); } datastream >> m; Particle p(x, v, 0); container.add(p); getline(input_file, tmp_string); LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, "Read line: " << tmp_string); } // all fixed particles read //now cuboid functions etc. while(!input_file.eof()) { string keyword; LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, "Read line: " << tmp_string); istringstream lstream(tmp_string); lstream >> keyword; if(!"cuboid")) { utils::Vector<double, 3> bottomLeft, initialVelocity; int nX1, nX2, nX3, type; double h, m, bMean; lstream >> bottomLeft[0]; lstream >> bottomLeft[1]; lstream >> bottomLeft[2]; lstream >> initialVelocity[0]; lstream >> initialVelocity[1]; lstream >> initialVelocity[2]; lstream >> m; lstream >> type; lstream >> bMean; lstream >> nX1; lstream >> nX2; lstream >> nX3; lstream >> h; ParticleGenerator::regularCuboid(container, bottomLeft, nX1, nX2, nX3, h, type, initialVelocity, bMean); } if(!"particle")){ LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, "Generating Particle"); Particle p(tmp_string); container.add(p); } getline(input_file, tmp_string); }
void VTKWriter::writeOutput(ParticleContainer& container, const std::string& filename, int iteration) { initializeOutput(container.getNumParticles()); container.traverseParticles(*this); writeFile(filename, iteration); }