Пример #1
//Body tracking Single Threaded
int mainSingleThread(string path, int cameras, int frames, int particles, int layers, bool OutputBMP)
	cout << endl << "Running Single Threaded" << endl << endl;

	TrackingModel model;
	if(!model.Initialize(path, cameras, layers))										//Initialize model parameters
	{	cout << endl << "Error loading initialization data." << endl;
		return 0;
	model.GetObservation(0);															//load data for first frame
	ParticleFilter<TrackingModel> pf;													//particle filter instantiated with body tracking model type
	pf.SetModel(model);																	//set the particle filter model
	pf.InitializeParticles(particles);													//generate initial set of particles and evaluate the log-likelihoods

	cout << "Using dataset : " << path << endl;
	cout << particles << " particles with " << layers << " annealing layers" << endl << endl;
	ofstream outputFileAvg((path + "poses.txt").c_str());

	vector<float> estimate;																//expected pose from particle distribution

    clock_t start_t1 = clock(); 
    for(int i = 0; i < frames; i++)														//process each set of frames
	{	cout << "Processing frame " << i << endl;
		if(!pf.Update((float)i))														//Run particle filter step
		{	cout << "Error loading observation data" << endl;
			return 0;
		pf.Estimate(estimate);															//get average pose of the particle distribution
		WritePose(outputFileAvg, estimate);
			pf.Model().OutputBMP(estimate, i);											//save output bitmap file
    clock_t end_t2 = clock(); 
    long double diff_ticks = ((long double)end_t2 - (long double)start_t1);
    cout << "ROI It took me " << diff_ticks << " clicks and " << diff_ticks/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds." << endl;

	return 1;
Пример #2
//Body tracking Single Threaded
int mainSingleThread(string path, int cameras, int frames, int particles, int layers, bool OutputBMP)
	cout << endl << "Running Single Threaded" << endl << endl;

	TrackingModel model;
	if(!model.Initialize(path, cameras, layers))										//Initialize model parameters
	{	cout << endl << "Error loading initialization data." << endl;
		return 0;
	model.GetObservation(0);															//load data for first frame
	ParticleFilter<TrackingModel> pf;													//particle filter instantiated with body tracking model type
	pf.SetModel(model);																	//set the particle filter model
	pf.InitializeParticles(particles);													//generate initial set of particles and evaluate the log-likelihoods

	cout << "Using dataset : " << path << endl;
	cout << particles << " particles with " << layers << " annealing layers" << endl << endl;
	ofstream outputFileAvg((path + "poses.txt").c_str());

	vector<float> estimate;																//expected pose from particle distribution

	for(int i = 0; i < frames; i++)														//process each set of frames
	{	cout << "Processing frame " << i << endl;
		if(!pf.Update((float)i))														//Run particle filter step
		{	cout << "Error loading observation data" << endl;
			return 0;
		pf.Estimate(estimate);															//get average pose of the particle distribution
		WritePose(outputFileAvg, estimate);
			pf.Model().OutputBMP(estimate, i);											//save output bitmap file

	return 1;