Пример #1
		void Netplay::LoadFile()
				//const Path path( Application::Instance::GetExePath(L"netplaylist.xml") );
				const Path path( Application::Instance::GetConfigPath(L"netplaylist.xml") );//bg

				if (path.FileExists())
					typedef Nes::Core::Xml Xml;
					Xml xml;

						Io::Stream::In stream( path );
						xml.Read( stream );

					if (!xml.GetRoot().IsType( L"netplaylist" ))
						throw 1;

					for (Xml::Node node(xml.GetRoot().GetFirstChild()); node; node=node.GetNextSibling())
						if (!node.IsType( L"file" ))
							throw 1;

						Add( node.GetValue() );

					Io::Log() << "Netplay: loaded game list from \"netplaylist.xml\"\r\n";
					Io::Log() << "Netplay: game list file \"netplaylist.xml\" not present..\r\n";
			catch (...)
				games.state = Games::DIRTY;
				Io::Log() << "Netplay: warning, couldn't load game list \"netplaylist.xml\"!\r\n";
Пример #2
		void Netplay::SaveFile() const
			if (games.state == Games::DIRTY)
				//const Path path( Application::Instance::GetExePath(L"netplaylist.xml") );
				const Path path( Application::Instance::GetConfigPath(L"netplaylist.xml") );//bg

				if (!games.paths.empty())
						typedef Nes::Core::Xml Xml;

						Xml xml;
						Xml::Node root( xml.Create( L"netplaylist" ) );
						root.AddAttribute( L"version", L"1.0" );

						for (Games::Paths::const_iterator it(games.paths.begin()), end(games.paths.end()); it != end; ++it)
							root.AddChild( L"file", it->Ptr() );

						Io::Stream::Out stream( path );
						xml.Write( root, stream );

						Io::Log() << "Netplay: saved game list to \"netplaylist.xml\"\r\n";
					catch (...)
						Io::Log() << "Netplay: warning, couldn't save game list to \"netplaylist.xml\"!\r\n";
				else if (path.FileExists())
					if (Io::File::Delete( path.Ptr() ))
						Io::Log() << "Netplay: game list empty, deleted \"netplaylist.xml\"\r\n";
						Io::Log() << "Netplay: warning, couldn't delete \"netplaylist.xml\"!\r\n";