Пример #1
void Island::draw()
	float pointsPerMeter = SceneController::getPointsPerMeter();

	auto centerPos = box2d::toCinder( mBody->GetPosition() ) * pointsPerMeter;
	gl::translate( centerPos );

	Path2d path;
	path.moveTo( mOuterVerts[0] );
	for( int i = 1; i < mOuterVerts.size(); ++i )
		path.lineTo( mOuterVerts[i] );

	Color color = Color::gray( 0.34f );
	color.r *= 1 - mVibrationLevel * 0.5;
	color.g *= 1 - mVibrationLevel * 0.2;
	gl::color( color );

	gl::drawSolid( path );

	for( size_t i = 0; i < mBumpers.size(); i++ ) {

		Color color = Color::gray( 0.42f );
		color.r *= 1 + mBumperVibrationLevels[i];

		gl::color( color );
		gl::drawSolid( mBumpers[i] );

Пример #2
bool intersect(const Path2d& path)
    bool closed = false;
    for (int i=0; i<path.size()-2 && !closed; i++)
        for (int j=i+2; j<path.size()-1 && !closed; j++)
            closed = _intersSegmenti(path[i], path[i+1], path[j], path[j+1]) != P2d::none();
    return closed;
void Path2DSamplesApp::update()
	auto bounds = path6.calcBoundingBox();
	for( auto &pt : intersectPts ){
		vec2 &pos = pt.first;
		vec2 &vel = pt.second;
		pos += vel;
		if( pos.x > bounds.x2 || pos.x < bounds.x1 ) {
			pos.x -= vel.x;
			pt.second.x *= -1.0;
		if( pos.y > bounds.y2 || pos.y < bounds.y1 ) {
			pos.y -= vel.y;
			pt.second.y *= -1.0;
//			pt.second *= vec2( -1, 1 );
//		}
		if( pos.y > bounds.y2 || pos.y < bounds.y1 )
			pt.second *= vec2( 1, -1 );
//		Color ptColor = ( path6.contains( pt ) ) ? Color( 0, 1, 0 ) : Color( 1, 0, 0 );
//		gl::color( ptColor );
//		gl::drawSolidCircle( pt, 2.0 );
Пример #4
bool intersect(const Path2d& path1, const Path2d& path2, const bool overlap, const double eps)
    const int len1 = path1.size();
    const int len2 = path2.size();
    P2d p11 = path1[0];
    P2d p12;
    P2d p21 = path2[0];
    P2d p22;
    for (int i = 1; i < len1; ++i)
        p12 = path1[i];
        P2d B = p12-p11;
        for (int j = 1; j < len2; ++j)
            p22 = path2[j];
            P2d D = p22-p21;
            D = P2d(D.y, -D.x);
            double denom = D*B;
            if (fabs(denom) > eps)
                P2d C = p21-p11;
                double numer = D*C;
                double t = numer/denom;
                C = P2d(C.y, -C.x);
                double u = (B*C)/(-denom);
                if (overlap)
                    if ( t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0 && u <= 1.0 && u >= 0.0 )
                        return true;
                    if ( t > 0.0 && t < 1.0 && u < 1.0 && u > 0.0 )
                        return true;
            p21 = p22;
        p11 = p12;
    return false;
Пример #5
std::vector<P2d> _intersections(const Path2d& path1, const Path2d& path2, const bool self_intersect)
    std::vector<P2d> rv;

    if (path1.size() < 2 || path2.size() < 2)
        return rv;

    int i1, i2, i2_start;

    P2d p1a, p1b;
    P2d p2a, p2b;

    for(i1 = 0, p1a = path1[i1]; i1 < (path1.size() - 1); p1a = p1b)
        p1b = path1[i1];

        if (!self_intersect)
            i2_start = 0;
        } else {
            // in casi non degeneri due segmenti consecutivi di una linea non si intersecano
            i2_start = i1 + 1;
            if (i2_start >= (path2.size() - 1))
        for(i2 = i2_start, p2a = path2[i2]; i2 < (path2.size() - 1); p2a = p2b)
            p2b = path2[i2];

            P2d intr = _intersSegmenti(p1a, p1b, p2a, p2b);
            if (intr != P2d::none())

    return rv;
void ContinuousPathApp::drawCurves(cairo::Context &ctx, Path2d path, float thickness, Color col)
    int pointIndex = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<path.getNumSegments(); i++) {
        int segType = path.getSegmentType(i);
        // change jumpIndex depending on the type of segment
            case Path2d::CUBICTO:
                if(i==0) ctx.moveTo(path.getPoint(pointIndex));
                // do a curve to using the next 2 points as the curves and the 3rd as the end point
                ctx.curveTo(path.getPoint(pointIndex+1), path.getPoint(pointIndex+2), path.getPoint(pointIndex+3));
                pointIndex += 3;
            case Path2d::MOVETO:
                // don't do anything with this point
                pointIndex += 0;
                pointIndex += 1;
Пример #7
Path2d PathFitter::FitCurve(vector<Vec2f> const &d, int startIndex, int endIndex, double error)
    if(error == 0.0) throw "error value must be greater than 0.0";
    Vec2f                   tHat1, tHat2;	// Unit tangent vectors at endpoints
    vector<BezierCurve>     bezCurves;      // The vector that will store the BezierCurve values to be returned once the curve fitting is complete
    // if startIndex is the beginning of the cur
    tHat1 = computeLeftTangent(d, startIndex);
    // if endIndex is the end of the curve
    tHat2 = computeRightTangent(d, endIndex - 1);
    FitCubic(d, &bezCurves, startIndex, endIndex - 1, tHat1, tHat2, error);
    // convert the vector of BezierCurves to a Path2d object
    Path2d curvePath;
    curvePath.moveTo(bezCurves[0].pt1.x, bezCurves[0].pt1.y);
    for(int i=0; i<bezCurves.size(); i++){
        curvePath.curveTo(bezCurves[i].c1, bezCurves[i].c2, bezCurves[i].pt2);
    return curvePath;
// Draw each path onto the passed cairo context
void PathSimplificationApp::drawPath(cairo::Context &ctx, SmoothPath *smoothPath, int mode)
    // initialize the line settings
    float thickness = 1.0;
    ctx.setLineWidth( 1.0f );

        // draw lines point to point
        vector<Vec2f> pathPoints = smoothPath->getPathPoints();
        for (int i=1; i<pathPoints.size(); i++) {
            drawLine(ctx, pathPoints[i-1], pathPoints[i], 1.0, Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            drawCircle(ctx, pathPoints[i], 2, Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        // draw smooth lines
        Path2d path = smoothPath->getCurrentPath();
        drawCurves(ctx, path, thickness, Color(255.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        int pointIndex = 0;
        // draw circles at the bezier points
        for (int i=0; i<path.getNumSegments(); i++) {
            Vec2f c1 = path.getPoint(pointIndex+1);
            Vec2f c2 = path.getPoint(pointIndex+2);
            Vec2f pt1 = path.getPoint(pointIndex);
            Vec2f pt2 = path.getPoint(pointIndex+3);
            drawCircle(ctx, c1, 1, Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), true);
            drawCircle(ctx, c2, 1, Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
            drawLine(ctx, c1, pt1, 1, Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ));
            drawLine(ctx, c2, pt2, 1, Color(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ));
            pointIndex += 3;
Пример #9
    void CanvasContext::rect(float x, float y, float w, float h)
        Path2d p;
        p.moveTo(x, y);
        p.lineTo(x, y + h);
        p.lineTo(x + w, y + h);
        p.lineTo(x + w, y);

Пример #10
void Wall::draw()
	float pointsPerMeter = SceneController::getPointsPerMeter();
	auto pos = pointsPerMeter * mBody->GetPosition();

	Rectf wallRect( pos.x - mWidth, 0, pos.x + mWidth, app::getWindowHeight() );

	Path2d vibrationPath;
	vibrationPath.moveTo( wallRect.getUpperRight() );

	// right vibrating wall
		Vec2f controlPoint1( wallRect.x2 + mVibrationLevel, wallRect.y1 + wallRect.getHeight() / 3.0f );
		Vec2f controlPoint2( wallRect.x2 + mVibrationLevel, wallRect.y1 + wallRect.getHeight() * 2.0f / 3.0f );
		vibrationPath.curveTo( controlPoint1, controlPoint2, wallRect.getLowerRight() );

	vibrationPath.lineTo( wallRect.getLowerLeft() );

	// left vibrating wall
		Vec2f controlPoint1( wallRect.x1 - mVibrationLevel, wallRect.y1 + wallRect.getHeight() * 2.0f / 3.0f );
		Vec2f controlPoint2( wallRect.x1 - mVibrationLevel, wallRect.y1 + wallRect.getHeight() / 3.0f );
		vibrationPath.curveTo( controlPoint1, controlPoint2, wallRect.getUpperLeft() );


	ColorA vibrationColor = ColorA::gray( 0.2f, 0.6f );
	vibrationColor.g += mVibrationLevel * 0.01f;
	vibrationColor.b += mVibrationLevel * 0.03f;

	gl::color( vibrationColor );
	gl::drawSolid( vibrationPath );

	ColorA wallColor = ColorA::gray( 0.2f, 1.0f );
	wallColor.g += mVibrationLevel * 0.01f;
	wallColor.b += mVibrationLevel * 0.015f;

	gl::color( wallColor );
	gl::drawSolidRect( wallRect );
Пример #11
void SeaSurface:: draw(){

    float globalOpacityMod = 1.0f;
    globalOpacityMod = -(offset.y + 6000) * 0.002f;
    if( globalOpacityMod >= 1.0f ) globalOpacityMod = 1.0f;
    for(int n = 0; n < rows.size(); n++){
        Path2d path;
        path.moveTo( paths.at(n).at(0) );
        for(int i = 1; i < paths.at(n).size(); i++ )
            path.lineTo( paths.at(n).at(i) );
        path.lineTo( vec2( cinder::app::getWindowWidth(), 0.0 ) );
        path.lineTo( vec2( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
        gl::color(ColorA8u(237,160, 135, rows.at(n)->depth * 20.0f * globalOpacityMod ) );
Пример #12
void SeaFloor:: draw(){
    float globalOpacityMod = 1.0f;
    globalOpacityMod = (offset.y + 1000) * 0.002f;
    if( globalOpacityMod >= 1.0f ) globalOpacityMod = 1.0f;

    for(int n = 0; n < rows.size(); n++){
        Path2d path;
        path.moveTo( paths.at(n).at(0) );
        for(int i = 1; i < paths.at(n).size(); i++ )
            path.lineTo( paths.at(n).at(i) );
        path.lineTo( vec2( cinder::app::getWindowWidth(), cinder::app::getWindowHeight()) );
        path.lineTo( vec2( 0.0, cinder::app::getWindowHeight() ) );
        gl::color(ColorA8u(192,177,139, rows.at(n)->depth * 30.0f * globalOpacityMod ) );
Пример #13
void Island::makeBumpers()
	CI_ASSERT( mOuterVerts.size() == 6 && mInnerVerts.size() == 5 );


	const float padding = 4;
	const float crookedPaddingPercent = 0.036f;
	const float boundingBoxExpansion = 1.1f;

	// left base
		Path2d bumper;
		bumper.moveTo( mOuterVerts[0] );
		bumper.lineTo( mOuterVerts[1].x, mOuterVerts[1].y + padding );
		bumper.lineTo( mInnerVerts[1].x, mInnerVerts[1].y + padding );
		bumper.lineTo( mInnerVerts[0] );
		mBumpers.push_back( bumper );

	// left top
		Vec2f offsetOuter = ( mOuterVerts[2] - mOuterVerts[1] ) * crookedPaddingPercent;
		Vec2f offsetInner = ( Vec2f( mOuterVerts[2].x, mInnerVerts[2].y ) - mInnerVerts[1] ) * crookedPaddingPercent;

		Path2d bumper;
		bumper.moveTo( mOuterVerts[1] + offsetOuter );
		bumper.lineTo( mOuterVerts[2] );
		bumper.lineTo( mOuterVerts[2].x, mInnerVerts[2].y );
		bumper.lineTo( mInnerVerts[1] + offsetInner );
		mBumpers.push_back( bumper );

	// right top
		Vec2f offsetOuter = ( mOuterVerts[3] - mOuterVerts[4] ) * crookedPaddingPercent;
		Vec2f offsetInner = ( Vec2f( mOuterVerts[3].x, mInnerVerts[2].y ) - mInnerVerts[3] ) * crookedPaddingPercent;

		Path2d bumper;
		bumper.moveTo( mOuterVerts[3] );
		bumper.lineTo( mOuterVerts[4] + offsetOuter );
		bumper.lineTo( mInnerVerts[3] + offsetInner );
		bumper.lineTo( mOuterVerts[3].x, mInnerVerts[2].y );
		mBumpers.push_back( bumper );

	// right base
		Path2d bumper;
		bumper.moveTo( mOuterVerts[4].x, mOuterVerts[4].y + padding );
		bumper.lineTo( mOuterVerts[5] );
		bumper.lineTo( mInnerVerts[4] );
		bumper.lineTo( mInnerVerts[3].x, mInnerVerts[3].y + padding );
		mBumpers.push_back( bumper );

	for( size_t i = 0; i < mBumpers.size(); i++ ) {
		mBumperVibrationLevels.push_back( 0 );

		// calculate an expanded bounding box for each bumper to do hit detection, ensuring that the entire edge is covered.
		Rectf bbox = mBumpers[i].calcBoundingBox();

		Vec2f center = bbox.getCenter();
		bbox -= center;
		bbox *= boundingBoxExpansion;
		bbox += center;

		mBumperBoundingBoxes.push_back( bbox );
Пример #14
void Ribbon::draw()
	Vec2i	normPos1, normPos2;
	normPos1 = Vec2f::zero();
	normPos2 = Vec2f::zero();
	for(list<RibbonParticle *>::iterator p = mParticles.begin(); p != mParticles.end(); ++p){
		int x1 = (*p)->mPos.x - (*p)->mVel.x;
		int x2 = (*p)->mPos.x;
		int y1 = (*p)->mPos.y - (*p)->mVel.y;
		int y2 = (*p)->mPos.y;
		// Capture the previous normal positions
		Vec2i prevNormPos1(normPos1);
		Vec2i prevNormPos2(normPos2);
		// If this is the first segment, make the normals the 
		// same as the position (we want it to taper in)		
		if(prevNormPos1 == Vec2i::zero() &&
		   prevNormPos2 == Vec2i::zero()){
			normPos1 = Vec2i(x1, y1);
			normPos2 = Vec2i(x2, y2);
			prevNormPos1 = normPos1;
			prevNormPos2 = normPos2;
			int normX1 = (*p)->mPos.x - ((*p)->mVelNormal.x * 0.5);
			int normX2 = (*p)->mPos.x + ((*p)->mVelNormal.x * 0.5);
			int normY1 = (*p)->mPos.y - ((*p)->mVelNormal.y * 0.5);
			int normY2 = (*p)->mPos.y + ((*p)->mVelNormal.y * 0.5);
			normPos1 = Vec2i(normX1,normY1);
			normPos2 = Vec2i(normX2,normY2);			
		// Draw the shape between the normals
		Path2d path;		
		path.moveTo(prevNormPos1.x, prevNormPos1.y);
		path.lineTo(normPos1.x, normPos1.y);
		path.lineTo(normPos2.x, normPos2.y);
		path.lineTo(prevNormPos2.x, prevNormPos2.y);
		//		float value = ((*p)->mAge / 200.0);
		// Draw the filled ribbon
        // Defaults to yellow
        float red = 1.0;
        float green = 1.0;
        float blue = 0.5;
        if(mAgeConnectedAt > 0){
            int lastConnected = mAge - mAgeConnectedAt;
            if(lastConnected < 20){
					red = lastConnected * 0.05;
					green = lastConnected * 0.05;
				blue = lastConnected * 0.025;
		 // Draw the surface normal
		 gl::drawLine(normPos1, normPos2);
		 // Draw a line indicating it's position w/ velocity
		 gl::drawLine(Vec2i(x1,y1), Vec2i(x2, y2));		
 void ShapeTesselator::add(const Path2d &path, float approximationScale)
void Path2DSamplesApp::draw()
	gl::clear( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) );
	gl::lineWidth( 1.0 );
		gl::ScopedMatrices mtrx;
		gl::translate( vec2( 50.0, 50.0 ) );
		drawPath( path1 );
		gl::ScopedMatrices mtrx;
		gl::translate( vec2( 50.0, 200.0 ) );
		drawPath( path2 );
		gl::ScopedMatrices mtrx;
		gl::translate( vec2( 50.0, 300.0 ) );
		drawPath( path3 );
		gl::ScopedMatrices mtrx;
		gl::translate( vec2( 200.0, 300.0 ) );
		drawPath( path4 );
		gl::ScopedMatrices mtrx;
		gl::translate( vec2( 350.0, 300.0 ) );
		drawPath( path5 );
		gl::ScopedMatrices mtrx;
		gl::translate( vec2( 50.0, 400.0 ) );
		gl::color( Color( 1, 0 ,0 ) );
		gl::draw( path6 );

		for( auto &pt : intersectPts ){
			Color ptColor = ( path6.contains( pt.first ) ) ? Color( 0, 1, 0 ) : Color( 1, 0, 0 );
			gl::color( ptColor );
			gl::drawSolidCircle( pt.first, 2.0 );
		gl::color( 1, 1, 1, 0.2);
		gl::drawSolidRect( path6.calcBoundingBox() );
	gl::lineWidth( 2.0 );
		gl::ScopedMatrices mtrx;
		gl::translate( vec2( 600, 400 ) );
		float timePos =  ( getElapsedSeconds() * 10.0f );
		int amt = 10;
		for( int i = 0; i < pathCaches.size()-1; i++ ) {
			auto path1 = pathCaches[i];
			Path2dCalcCache path2 = pathCaches[i + 1];
			float time = timePos;
			for( int j = 0; j < amt; j++ ) {
				time += 20.0;
				float time1 = path1.calcTimeForDistance( time );
				vec2 pt1 = path1.getPosition( time1 );
				float time2 = path2.calcTimeForDistance( time );
				vec2 pt2 = path2.getPosition( time2 );
				gl::color( 1, 1, 1, 1);
				gl::drawLine( pt1, pt2 );

			gl::color( 1, 1, 1, 0.2);
	// draw outlines
	// draw solid
//	console() << " _ " << endl;
	gl::translate( vec2( 600, 50 ) );
	gl::color( 1, 1, 1 );
	vec2 toPt = vec2( 100, 100 );
	vec2 tanPt = vec2( 0, 50 );
	Path2d arcTo1;
	arcTo1.moveTo( 0, 0 );
	arcTo1.arcTo( toPt, tanPt, 100.0 );
	gl::draw( arcTo1 );
	gl::drawSolidCircle( vec2(0, 0), 3 );
	gl::drawSolidCircle( toPt, 3 );
	gl::drawSolidCircle( tanPt, 3 );
	for( int i = 0; i < arcTo1.getPoints().size(); i++ ) {
		auto point = arcTo1.getPoints()[i];
		gl::color( 1, 0, 0 );
		gl::drawSolidCircle( point, 2 );
// Draw each path onto the passed cairo context
void ContinuousPathApp::drawPath(cairo::Context &ctx, SmoothPath *smoothPath, int mode)
    // update the drawing points only if the line hasn't been completed
    Path2d path = smoothPath->getCurrentPath();
    vector<Vec2f> pathPoints = smoothPath->getPathPoints();
    vector<int>   endPoints = smoothPath->getEndPoints();
    if(path.getNumPoints() == 0) return;
    // initialize the line settings
    float thickness = 1.0;
    ctx.setLineWidth( 1.0f );
    Vec2f pt = path.getPoint(0);
    // draw bezier line
    if (mode != 5) {
        // draw the line based on bezier points
        drawCurves(ctx, path, thickness, Color(255.0, 0.0, 0.0));
    // draw circles at each of the original path points
    if(mode != 1 && mode != 5){
        for (int i=0; i<pathPoints.size(); i++) {
            Vec2f pt = pathPoints[i];        
            drawCircle(ctx, pt, 1, Color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ));
    int i;
    int pointIndex = 0;
    // draw circles at the bezier points
    for (i=0; i<path.getNumSegments(); i++) {
        int segType = path.getSegmentType(i);
        // change jumpIndex depending on the type of segment
            case Path2d::CUBICTO:
                Vec2f c1 = path.getPoint(pointIndex+1);
                Vec2f c2 = path.getPoint(pointIndex+2);
                Vec2f pt1 = path.getPoint(pointIndex);
                Vec2f pt2 = path.getPoint(pointIndex+3);
                if (mode == 2 || mode == 3) {
                    if(mode == 2){
                        for(int j=0; j<endPoints.size(); j++){
                            if(endPoints[j] == pointIndex){
                                drawCircle(ctx, pt2, 8, Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), true);
                    if(mode == 3){
                        // draw the control points and tangent lines
                        drawCircle(ctx, c1, 2, Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), true);
                        drawCircle(ctx, c2, 2, Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
                        drawLine(ctx, c1, pt1, 1, Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ));
                        drawLine(ctx, c2, pt2, 1, Color(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ));
                    drawCircle(ctx, pt2, 2, Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
                    drawCircle(ctx, pt1, 2, Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), true);
                if (mode == 4) {
                    drawLine(ctx, pt1, pt2, 1, Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ));
                    drawCircle(ctx, pt1, 5, Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), true);
                    drawCircle(ctx, pt2, 3, Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0));
                pointIndex += 3;
            case Path2d::MOVETO:
                // don't do anything with this point
                pointIndex += 0;
                pointIndex += 1;
    if (mode== 5) {
        // draw a line between the last bezier point and the current point
        for (i=1; i<pathPoints.size(); i++) {
            drawLine(ctx, pathPoints[i-1], pathPoints[i], 1.0, Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
void Path2DSamplesApp::setup()
	// lineTo
	path1.moveTo( vec2( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
	path1.lineTo( vec2( 100.0, 100.0 ) );
	path1.lineTo( vec2( 200.0, 0.0 ) );
	path1.lineTo( vec2( 300.0, 100.0 ) );
	path1.lineTo( vec2( 400.0, 0.0 ) );
	// quadTo - waves
	float waveWidth = 100.0;
	path2.moveTo( vec2( 0.0, 50.0 ) );
	for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
		float startX = i * waveWidth;
		path2.quadTo( vec2( startX, 0.0 ), vec2( startX + waveWidth / 2.0, 0.0 ) );
		path2.quadTo( vec2( startX + waveWidth / 2.0, 50.0 ), vec2( startX + waveWidth, 50.0 ) );
	// curveTo
	path3.moveTo( vec2( 0 ) );
	path3.curveTo( vec2( 25.0, 0.0 ), vec2( 50.0, 25.0 ), vec2( 50.0, 50.0 ) );
	// arc & arcTo
//	path4.moveTo( zero<vec2>() );
//	path4.arc( vec2( 25.0, 25.0 ), 25.0, 0.0, glm::pi<float> );
	path4.arc( vec2( 25.0, 25.0 ), 25.0, 0.0, M_PI );
	path5.moveTo( vec2( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
	// end point, tangent position, radius
	path5.arcTo( vec2( 50.0, 50.0 ), vec2( 50.0, 0.0 ), 25.0 );
	// path for contains
	path6.moveTo( vec2( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
	path6.quadTo( vec2( 80.0, 30.0), vec2( 100, 50) );
	path6.quadTo( vec2( 180.0, 50.0), vec2( 210.0, 20.0) );
	path6.quadTo( vec2( 270.0, 10.0), vec2( 280.0, 100.0) );
	path6.quadTo( vec2( 200.0, 150.0), vec2( 140.0, 100.0) );
	path6.quadTo( vec2( 100.0, 150.0), vec2( 50.0, 80.0) );
	// points to look for intersection
	for( int i = 0; i < 50; i++ ) {
		auto bounds = path6.calcBoundingBox();
		std::pair<vec2, vec2> pair;
		pair.first = vec2( randFloat( bounds.x1 , bounds.x2), randFloat( bounds.y1, bounds.y2 ) );
		pair.second = vec2( randFloat( -1, 1), randFloat( -1, 1) );
		intersectPts.push_back( pair );
	// move over a bit and dot affine matrix copies and rotate
		int amount = 10;
		for( int i = 0; i < amount; i++ ){
			MatrixAffine2<float> affineMtrx;
			affineMtrx.scale( 0.3 );
			affineMtrx.rotate( ( ( M_PI * 2) / 8 ) * i );
			auto pathCopy = path2.transformCopy( affineMtrx );
			pathCaches.emplace_back( pathCopy );

	// snowflake using 
Пример #19
 void CanvasContext::moveTo(float x, float y)
     Path2d p;
     p.moveTo(x, y);
 Rectf getBounds() const {
   return mPath.calcPreciseBoundingBox();
void GesichtertauschApp::draw() {
    glClearColor( 0, 0, 0, 1.0 );
    if ( ! mCameraTexture ) {
//    gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowSize() ),
    gl::setMatricesWindow(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
    glScalef(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    glTranslatef(-WINDOW_WIDTH, 0, 0);
    /* shader */
    // TODO make this more opt'd
    if (ENABLE_SHADER) {
        const int STEPS = 32;
        float mThresholds[STEPS];// = {0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0};
        for (int i=0; i < STEPS; ++i) {
            mThresholds[i] = float(i) / float(STEPS - 1);
        mShader.uniform("thresholds", mThresholds, STEPS);   
        mShader.uniform( "tex0", 0 );

    /* draw the webcam image */
    gl::color( BACKGROUND_IMAGE_COLOR );
    gl::draw( mCameraTexture, Rectf(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT) );
    /* normalize texture coordinates */
    Vec2f mNormalizeScale = Vec2f(1.0 / float(WINDOW_WIDTH), 1.0 / float(WINDOW_HEIGHT));
    glScalef(mNormalizeScale.x, mNormalizeScale.y, 1.0);
    /* draw orgiginal faces */
    if (mEntities.size() < 2) {
        for( vector<FaceEntity>::const_iterator mIter = mEntities.begin(); mIter != mEntities.end(); ++mIter ) {
            drawEntity(*mIter, FACE_COLOR_UNO);
    /* HACK // swap faces */
    if (mEntities.size() >= 2) {
        const FaceEntity A = mEntities[0];
        const FaceEntity B = mEntities[1];
        if (A.visible && B.visible) {
            FaceEntity mEntityA = FaceEntity();
            FaceEntity mEntityB = FaceEntity();
            mEntityA.border = B.border;
            mEntityB.border = A.border;
            mEntityA.slice = A.slice;
            mEntityB.slice = B.slice;
            mEntityA.visible = A.visible;
            mEntityB.visible = B.visible;
            mEntityA.ID = A.ID;
            mEntityB.ID = B.ID;
            drawEntity(mEntityA, FACE_COLOR_DUO);
            drawEntity(mEntityB, FACE_COLOR_DUO);

    /* restore texture coordinates */


    /* shader */
    if (ENABLE_SHADER) {

    /* mask */
    float MASK_LEFT_TOP = 1;
    float MASK_LEFT_BOTTOM = 1;
    float MASK_RIGHT_TOP = 1;
    float MASK_RIGHT_BOTTOM = 1;
    gl::color(0, 0, 0, 1);

    Path2d mPathLeft;
    mPathLeft.moveTo(0, 0);
    mPathLeft.lineTo(MASK_LEFT_TOP, 0);
    mPathLeft.lineTo(0, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
    Path2d mPathRight;
    mPathRight.moveTo(WINDOW_WIDTH, 0);
    mPathRight.lineTo(WINDOW_WIDTH-MASK_RIGHT_TOP, 0);

    /* draw entity IDs */
    const bool DRAW_ENTITY_ID = false;
    if (DRAW_ENTITY_ID) {
        for( vector<FaceEntity>::const_iterator mIter = mEntities.begin(); mIter != mEntities.end(); ++mIter ) {
            const FaceEntity mEntity = *mIter;
            std::stringstream mStr;
            mStr << mEntity.ID;
            gl::drawStringCentered(mStr.str(), mEntity.border.getCenter(), Color(1, 0, 0), mFont);
    /* gooey */
Пример #22
BlocksInfo blocks(const std::vector<Path2d>& boundaries, double side, bool oddeven)
    std::vector<Path2d> paths;
    std::vector<Path2d> grid;
    int h, w;
    int x0, y0, x1, y1;
    P2d p0, p1, po, pa, pb;

    for (int j=0,m=boundaries.size(); j<m; j++)
        Path2d path = boundaries[j] / side;
        path.boundingBox(p0, p1, j!=0);

    x0 = int(floor(p0.x - side));
    y0 = int(floor(p0.y - side));
    x1 = int(ceil(p1.x + side));
    y1 = int(ceil(p1.y + side));

    po.x = x0;
    po.y = y0;
    for (int j=0,m=paths.size(); j<m; j++)
        paths[j] -= po; /* align to image origin */

    w = x1 - x0;
    h = y1 - y0;
    Image<int> image(w, h);
    image.fastBox(0, 0, w, h, 0); /* zero fill */

    if (oddeven) {
        polyFill(image, 1, paths);
        polyDraw(image, 1, paths);
    } else {
        /* vogliamo solo marcare le aree coperte dai perimetri esterni
         * senza considerare eventuali fori */
        std::vector<Path2d> spath(1);
        for (int j=0,m=paths.size(); j<m; j++)
            spath[0] = paths[j];
            polyFill(image, 1, spath);
            polyDraw(image, 1, spath);


    int num=0;
    for(int x=-1; x<w; ++x) {
        for (int y=-1; y<h; ++y) {
            if (image.pixel(x, y, 0) != 0)
                std::vector<P2d> points;
                pa.x = (x0 + x) * side;
                pa.y = (y0 + y) * side;
                pb.x = pa.x;
                pb.y = pa.y + side;
                pa.x = pb.x + side;
                pa.y = pb.y;
                pb.x = pa.x;
                pb.y = pa.y - side;
                pa.x = pb.x - side;
                pa.y = pb.y;
                Path2d block(points);
            /* due pixel accanto diversi*/
            if (image.pixel(x, y, 0) != image.pixel(x+1, y, 0)) {
                std::vector<P2d> points;
                pa.x = (x0 + x + 1) * side;
                pa.y = (y0 + y) * side;
                pb.x = pa.x;
                pb.y = pa.y + side;
                Path2d block(points);
                /* due pixel uno sopra l'altro diversi*/
            if (image.pixel(x, y, 0) != image.pixel(x, y+1, 0)) {
                std::vector<P2d> points;
                pa.x = (x0 + x) * side;
                pa.y = (y0 + y + 1) * side;
                pb.x = pa.x + side;
                pb.y = pa.y;
                Path2d block(points);
    BlocksInfo iblocks(num, paths, grid);
    return iblocks;
Пример #23
void Triangulator::addPath( const Path2d &path, float approximationScale )
	vector<vec2> subdivided = path.subdivide( approximationScale );
	tessAddContour( mTess.get(), 2, &subdivided[0], sizeof(float) * 2, (int)subdivided.size() );