Пример #1
void PluginsManager::dropPlugins(){
	for(QMap<QString, Plugin*>::iterator it = _plugins.begin(); it != _plugins.end(); ++it){
		Plugin* p = it.value();
		QString name = p->Name();
		delete p;
Пример #2
bool Plugin::operator < (const Plugin & rhs) const {
  return boost::ilexicographical_compare(Name(), rhs.Name());;
Пример #3
    void WritePlugin(YAML::Emitter& out, const Plugin& plugin, const Game& game) {
        out << YAML::BeginMap;

        out << YAML::Key << "name"
            << YAML::Value << plugin.Name();

        out << YAML::Key << "isActive";
        if (game.IsActive(plugin.Name()))
            out << YAML::Value << true;
            out << YAML::Value << false;

        if (plugin.Crc() != 0) {
            out << YAML::Key << "crc"
                << YAML::Value << IntToHexString(plugin.Crc());

        if (!plugin.Version().empty()) {
            out << YAML::Key << "version"
                << YAML::Value << boost::locale::translate("Version").str() + ": " + plugin.Version();

        std::set<Tag> tags = plugin.Tags();
        std::set<Tag> tagsAdd, tagsRemove;
        if (!tags.empty()) {
            for (std::set<Tag>::const_iterator it = tags.begin(), endit = tags.end(); it != endit; ++it) {
                if (it->IsAddition())
            if (!tagsAdd.empty()) {
                out << YAML::Key << "tagsAdd"
                    << YAML::Value << tagsAdd;
            if (!tagsRemove.empty()) {
                out << YAML::Key << "tagsRemove"
                    << YAML::Value << tagsRemove;

        std::list<Message> messages = plugin.Messages();
        std::set<PluginDirtyInfo> dirtyInfo = plugin.DirtyInfo();
        for (std::set<PluginDirtyInfo>::const_iterator it = dirtyInfo.begin(), endit = dirtyInfo.end(); it != endit; ++it) {
            boost::format f;
            if (it->ITMs() > 0 && it->UDRs() > 0 && it->DeletedNavmeshes() > 0)
                f = boost::format(boost::locale::translate("Contains %1% ITM records, %2% UDR records and %3% deleted navmeshes. Clean with %4%.")) % it->ITMs() % it->UDRs() % it->DeletedNavmeshes() % it->CleaningUtility();
            else if (it->ITMs() == 0 && it->UDRs() == 0 && it->DeletedNavmeshes() == 0)
                f = boost::format(boost::locale::translate("Clean with %1%.")) % it->CleaningUtility();

            else if (it->ITMs() == 0 && it->UDRs() > 0 && it->DeletedNavmeshes() > 0)
                f = boost::format(boost::locale::translate("Contains %1% UDR records and %2% deleted navmeshes. Clean with %3%.")) % it->UDRs() % it->DeletedNavmeshes() % it->CleaningUtility();
            else if (it->ITMs() == 0 && it->UDRs() == 0 && it->DeletedNavmeshes() > 0)
                f = boost::format(boost::locale::translate("Contains %1% deleted navmeshes. Clean with %2%.")) % it->DeletedNavmeshes() % it->CleaningUtility();
            else if (it->ITMs() == 0 && it->UDRs() > 0 && it->DeletedNavmeshes() == 0)
                f = boost::format(boost::locale::translate("Contains %1% UDR records. Clean with %2%.")) % it->UDRs() % it->CleaningUtility();

            else if (it->ITMs() > 0 && it->UDRs() == 0 && it->DeletedNavmeshes() > 0)
                f = boost::format(boost::locale::translate("Contains %1% ITM records and %2% deleted navmeshes. Clean with %3%.")) % it->ITMs() % it->DeletedNavmeshes() % it->CleaningUtility();
            else if (it->ITMs() > 0 && it->UDRs() == 0 && it->DeletedNavmeshes() == 0)
                f = boost::format(boost::locale::translate("Contains %1% ITM records. Clean with %2%.")) % it->ITMs() % it->CleaningUtility();

            else if (it->ITMs() > 0 && it->UDRs() > 0 && it->DeletedNavmeshes() == 0)
                f = boost::format(boost::locale::translate("Contains %1% ITM records and %2% UDR records. Clean with %3%.")) % it->ITMs() % it->UDRs() % it->CleaningUtility();

            messages.push_back(loot::Message(loot::Message::warn, f.str()));

        if (!messages.empty()) {
            out << YAML::Key << "messages"
                << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginSeq;
            for (std::list<Message>::const_iterator it = messages.begin(), endit = messages.end(); it != endit; ++it) {
                WriteMessage(out, *it);
            out << YAML::EndSeq;

        out << YAML::EndMap;