Пример #1
MatrixF PlaneReflector::getFrustumClipProj( MatrixF &modelview )
   static MatrixF rotMat(EulerF( static_cast<F32>(M_PI / 2.f), 0.0, 0.0));
   static MatrixF invRotMat(EulerF( -static_cast<F32>(M_PI / 2.f), 0.0, 0.0));

   MatrixF revModelview = modelview;
   revModelview = rotMat * revModelview;  // add rotation to modelview because it needs to be removed from projection

   // rotate clip plane into modelview space
   Point4F clipPlane;
   Point3F pnt = refplane * -(refplane.d + 0.0 );
   Point3F norm = refplane;

   revModelview.mulP( pnt );
   revModelview.mulV( norm );

   clipPlane.set( norm.x, norm.y, norm.z, -mDot( pnt, norm ) );

   // Manipulate projection matrix
   MatrixF proj = GFX->getProjectionMatrix();
   proj.mul( invRotMat );  // reverse rotation imposed by Torque
   proj.transpose();       // switch to row-major order

   // Calculate the clip-space corner point opposite the clipping plane
   // as (sgn(clipPlane.x), sgn(clipPlane.y), 1, 1) and
   // transform it into camera space by multiplying it
   // by the inverse of the projection matrix
   Vector4F	q;
   q.x = sgn(clipPlane.x) / proj(0,0);
   q.y = sgn(clipPlane.y) / proj(1,1);
   q.z = -1.0F;
   q.w = ( 1.0F - proj(2,2) ) / proj(3,2);

   F32 a = 1.0 / (clipPlane.x * q.x + clipPlane.y * q.y + clipPlane.z * q.z + clipPlane.w * q.w);

   Vector4F c = clipPlane * a;

   // CodeReview [ags 1/23/08] Come up with a better way to deal with this.
   if(GFX->getAdapterType() == OpenGL)
      c.z += 1.0f;

   // Replace the third column of the projection matrix
   proj.setColumn( 2, c );
   proj.transpose(); // convert back to column major order
   proj.mul( rotMat );  // restore Torque rotation

   return proj;
void GFXD3D9Device::setClipRect( const RectI &inRect ) 
	// We transform the incoming rect by the view 
   // matrix first, so that it can be used to pan
   // and scale the clip rect.
   // This is currently used to take tiled screenshots.
	Point3F pos( inRect.point.x, inRect.point.y, 0.0f );
   Point3F extent( inRect.extent.x, inRect.extent.y, 0.0f );
   getViewMatrix().mulP( pos );
   getViewMatrix().mulV( extent );  
   RectI rect( pos.x, pos.y, extent.x, extent.y );

   // Clip the rect against the renderable size.
   Point2I size = mCurrentRT->getSize();

   RectI maxRect(Point2I(0,0), size);

   mClipRect = rect;

   F32 l = F32( mClipRect.point.x );
   F32 r = F32( mClipRect.point.x + mClipRect.extent.x );
   F32 b = F32( mClipRect.point.y + mClipRect.extent.y );
   F32 t = F32( mClipRect.point.y );

   // Set up projection matrix, 
   static Point4F pt;   
   pt.set(2.0f / (r - l), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(0, pt);

   pt.set(0.0f, 2.0f/(t - b), 0.0f, 0.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(1, pt);

   pt.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(2, pt);

   pt.set((l+r)/(l-r), (t+b)/(b-t), 1.0f, 1.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(3, pt);

   setProjectionMatrix( mTempMatrix );

   // Set up world/view matrix
   setWorldMatrix( mTempMatrix );

   setViewport( mClipRect );
Пример #3
void GFXD3D9Device::setClipRect( const RectI &inRect ) 
   // Clip the rect against the renderable size.
   Point2I size = mCurrentRT->getSize();

   RectI maxRect(Point2I(0,0), size);
   RectI rect = inRect;

   mClipRect = rect;

   F32 l = F32( mClipRect.point.x );
   F32 r = F32( mClipRect.point.x + mClipRect.extent.x );
   F32 b = F32( mClipRect.point.y + mClipRect.extent.y );
   F32 t = F32( mClipRect.point.y );

   // Set up projection matrix, 
   static Point4F pt;   
   pt.set(2.0f / (r - l), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(0, pt);

   pt.set(0.0f, 2.0f/(t - b), 0.0f, 0.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(1, pt);

   pt.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(2, pt);

   pt.set((l+r)/(l-r), (t+b)/(b-t), 1.0f, 1.0f);
   mTempMatrix.setColumn(3, pt);

   setProjectionMatrix( mTempMatrix );

   // Set up world/view matrix
   setViewMatrix( mTempMatrix );
   setWorldMatrix( mTempMatrix );

   setViewport( mClipRect );
Пример #4
void GFXGLDevice::setClipRect( const RectI &inRect )
   AssertFatal(mCurrentRT.isValid(), "GFXGLDevice::setClipRect - must have a render target set to do any rendering operations!");

   // Clip the rect against the renderable size.
   Point2I size = mCurrentRT->getSize();
   RectI maxRect(Point2I(0,0), size);
   mClip = inRect;

   // Create projection matrix.  See http://www.opengl.org/documentation/specs/man_pages/hardcopy/GL/html/gl/ortho.html
   const F32 left = mClip.point.x;
   const F32 right = mClip.point.x + mClip.extent.x;
   const F32 bottom = mClip.extent.y;
   const F32 top = 0.0f;
   const F32 nearPlane = 0.0f;
   const F32 farPlane = 1.0f;
   const F32 tx = -(right + left)/(right - left);
   const F32 ty = -(top + bottom)/(top - bottom);
   const F32 tz = -(farPlane + nearPlane)/(farPlane - nearPlane);
   static Point4F pt;
   pt.set(2.0f / (right - left), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
   mProjectionMatrix.setColumn(0, pt);
   pt.set(0.0f, 2.0f/(top - bottom), 0.0f, 0.0f);
   mProjectionMatrix.setColumn(1, pt);
   pt.set(0.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f/(farPlane - nearPlane), 0.0f);
   mProjectionMatrix.setColumn(2, pt);
   pt.set(tx, ty, tz, 1.0f);
   mProjectionMatrix.setColumn(3, pt);
   // Translate projection matrix.
   static MatrixF translate(true);
   pt.set(0.0f, -mClip.point.y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
   translate.setColumn(3, pt);
   mProjectionMatrix *= translate;
   setMatrix(GFXMatrixProjection, mProjectionMatrix);
   MatrixF mTempMatrix(true);
   setViewMatrix( mTempMatrix );
   setWorldMatrix( mTempMatrix );

   // Set the viewport to the clip rect
   RectI viewport(mClip.point.x, mClip.point.y, mClip.extent.x, mClip.extent.y);
void LightManager::_update4LightConsts(   const SceneData &sgData,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightPositionSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightDiffuseSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightAmbientSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightInvRadiusSqSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightSpotDirSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstHandle *lightSpotAngleSC,
										  GFXShaderConstHandle *lightSpotFalloffSC,
                                          GFXShaderConstBuffer *shaderConsts )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( LightManager_Update4LightConsts );

   // Skip over gathering lights if we don't have to!
   if (  lightPositionSC->isValid() || 
         lightDiffuseSC->isValid() ||
         lightInvRadiusSqSC->isValid() ||
         lightSpotDirSC->isValid() ||
         lightSpotAngleSC->isValid() ||
		 lightSpotFalloffSC->isValid() )
      PROFILE_SCOPE( LightManager_Update4LightConsts_setLights );

      static AlignedArray<Point4F> lightPositions( 3, sizeof( Point4F ) );
      static AlignedArray<Point4F> lightSpotDirs( 3, sizeof( Point4F ) );
      static AlignedArray<Point4F> lightColors( 4, sizeof( Point4F ) );
      static Point4F lightInvRadiusSq;
      static Point4F lightSpotAngle;
	  static Point4F lightSpotFalloff;
      F32 range;
      // Need to clear the buffers so that we don't leak
      // lights from previous passes or have NaNs.
      dMemset( lightPositions.getBuffer(), 0, lightPositions.getBufferSize() );
      dMemset( lightSpotDirs.getBuffer(), 0, lightSpotDirs.getBufferSize() );
      dMemset( lightColors.getBuffer(), 0, lightColors.getBufferSize() );
      lightInvRadiusSq = Point4F::Zero;
      lightSpotAngle.set( -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f );
      lightSpotFalloff.set( F32_MAX, F32_MAX, F32_MAX, F32_MAX );

      // Gather the data for the first 4 lights.
      const LightInfo *light;
      for ( U32 i=0; i < 4; i++ )
         light = sgData.lights[i];
         if ( !light )            
            // The light positions and spot directions are 
            // in SoA order to make optimal use of the GPU.
            const Point3F &lightPos = light->getPosition();
            lightPositions[0][i] = lightPos.x;
            lightPositions[1][i] = lightPos.y;
            lightPositions[2][i] = lightPos.z;

            const VectorF &lightDir = light->getDirection();
            lightSpotDirs[0][i] = lightDir.x;
            lightSpotDirs[1][i] = lightDir.y;
            lightSpotDirs[2][i] = lightDir.z;
            if ( light->getType() == LightInfo::Spot )
               lightSpotAngle[i] = mCos( mDegToRad( light->getOuterConeAngle() / 2.0f ) ); 
			   lightSpotFalloff[i] = 1.0f / getMax( F32_MIN, mCos( mDegToRad( light->getInnerConeAngle() / 2.0f ) ) - lightSpotAngle[i] );

         // Prescale the light color by the brightness to 
         // avoid doing this in the shader.
         lightColors[i] = Point4F(light->getColor()) * light->getBrightness();

         // We need 1 over range^2 here.
         range = light->getRange().x;
         lightInvRadiusSq[i] = 1.0f / ( range * range );

      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightPositionSC, lightPositions );   
      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightDiffuseSC, lightColors );
      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightInvRadiusSqSC, lightInvRadiusSq );
      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightSpotDirSC, lightSpotDirs ); 
      shaderConsts->setSafe( lightSpotAngleSC, lightSpotAngle );
		shaderConsts->setSafe( lightSpotFalloffSC, lightSpotFalloff );


   // Setup the ambient lighting from the first 
   // light which is the directional light if 
   // one exists at all in the scene.
   if ( lightAmbientSC->isValid() )
      shaderConsts->set( lightAmbientSC, sgData.ambientLightColor );