template <typename PointInT> double
    CombinedCoherence<PointInT>::computeCoherence (PointInT &source, PointInT &target)
      // convert color space from RGB to HSV
      RGBValue source_rgb, target_rgb;
      source_rgb.int_value = source.rgba;
      target_rgb.int_value = target.rgba;

      float source_h, source_s, source_v, target_h, target_s, target_v;
      RGB2HSV (source_rgb.Red, source_rgb.Blue, source_rgb.Green,
               source_h, source_s, source_v);
      RGB2HSV (target_rgb.Red, target_rgb.Blue, target_rgb.Green,
               target_h, target_s, target_v);
      // hue value is in 0 ~ 2pi, but circulated.
      const float _h_diff = fabsf (source_h - target_h);
      // Also need to compute distance other way around circle - but need to check which is closer to 0
      float _h_diff2;
      if (source_h < target_h)
        _h_diff2 = fabsf (1.0f + source_h - target_h); //Add 2pi to source, subtract target
        _h_diff2 = fabsf (1.0f + target_h - source_h); //Add 2pi to target, subtract source
      float h_diff;
      //Now we need to choose the smaller distance
      if (_h_diff < _h_diff2)
        h_diff = static_cast<float> (h_weight_) * _h_diff * _h_diff;
        h_diff = static_cast<float> (h_weight_) * _h_diff2 * _h_diff2;

      const float s_diff = static_cast<float> (s_weight_) * (source_s - target_s) * (source_s - target_s);
      const float v_diff = static_cast<float> (v_weight_) * (source_v - target_v) * (source_v - target_v);
      //const float color_diff = h_diff + s_diff + v_diff;
      //if (color_diff > 0.1)
      //  return 0;
      Eigen::Vector4f p = source.getVector4fMap ();
      Eigen::Vector4f p_dash = target.getVector4fMap ();
      double d = (p - p_dash).norm () * dist_weight_;
      const float diff2 = h_diff + s_diff + v_diff + d;
      return (1.0 / (1.0 + weight_ * diff2));
Пример #2
template <typename PointInT, typename PointNT, typename PointOutT> bool
pcl::BoundaryEstimation<PointInT, PointNT, PointOutT>::isBoundaryPoint (
      const pcl::PointCloud<PointInT> &cloud, const PointInT &q_point, 
      const std::vector<int> &indices, 
      const Eigen::Vector4f &u, const Eigen::Vector4f &v, 
      const float angle_threshold)
  if (indices.size () < 3)
    return (false);

  if (!pcl_isfinite (q_point.x) || !pcl_isfinite (q_point.y) || !pcl_isfinite (q_point.z))
    return (false);

  // Compute the angles between each neighboring point and the query point itself
  std::vector<float> angles (indices.size ());
  float max_dif = FLT_MIN, dif;
  int cp = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size (); ++i)
    if (!pcl_isfinite (cloud.points[indices[i]].x) || 
        !pcl_isfinite (cloud.points[indices[i]].y) || 
        !pcl_isfinite (cloud.points[indices[i]].z))

    Eigen::Vector4f delta = cloud.points[indices[i]].getVector4fMap () - q_point.getVector4fMap ();
    if (delta == Eigen::Vector4f::Zero())

    angles[cp++] = atan2f (v.dot (delta), u.dot (delta)); // the angles are fine between -PI and PI too
  if (cp == 0)
    return (false);

  angles.resize (cp);
  std::sort (angles.begin (), angles.end ());

  // Compute the maximal angle difference between two consecutive angles
  for (size_t i = 0; i < angles.size () - 1; ++i)
    dif = angles[i + 1] - angles[i];
    if (max_dif < dif)
      max_dif = dif;
  // Get the angle difference between the last and the first
  dif = 2 * static_cast<float> (M_PI) - angles[angles.size () - 1] + angles[0];
  if (max_dif < dif)
    max_dif = dif;

  // Check results
  if (max_dif > angle_threshold)
    return (true);
    return (false);