bool mitk::PointSetDataInteractor::MoveSet(StateMachineAction*, InteractionEvent* interactionEvent) { InteractionPositionEvent* positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent*>(interactionEvent); if (positionEvent != NULL) { int timeStep = positionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(); // Vector that represents movement relative to last position Point3D movementVector; movementVector[0] = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld()[0] - m_PointSet->GetPoint(m_SelectedPointIndex, timeStep)[0]; movementVector[1] = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld()[1] - m_PointSet->GetPoint(m_SelectedPointIndex, timeStep)[1]; movementVector[2] = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld()[2] - m_PointSet->GetPoint(m_SelectedPointIndex, timeStep)[2]; PointSet* points = dynamic_cast<PointSet*>(GetDataNode()->GetData()); PointSet::PointsContainer* pointsContainer = points->GetPointSet(timeStep)->GetPoints(); // Iterate over point set and update each point Point3D newPoint; for (PointSet::PointsIterator it = pointsContainer->Begin(); it != pointsContainer->End(); it++) { newPoint[0] = m_PointSet->GetPoint(it->Index(), timeStep)[0] + movementVector[0]; newPoint[1] = m_PointSet->GetPoint(it->Index(), timeStep)[1] + movementVector[1]; newPoint[2] = m_PointSet->GetPoint(it->Index(), timeStep)[2] + movementVector[2]; m_PointSet->SetPoint(it->Index(), newPoint, timeStep); } GetDataNode()->SetData(m_PointSet); GetDataNode()->Modified(); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); return true; } else { return false; } }
bool RangeProfilePlotManager::mouseMoveEvent(PlotView* pView, QMouseEvent* pEvent) { bool rval = false; if (!mMouseStart.isNull()) { double dataX, startY, curY; pView->translateScreenToData(0.0, mMouseStart.y(), dataX, startY); pView->translateScreenToData(0.0, pEvent->y(), dataX, curY); double shift = curY - startY; std::list<PlotObject*> selected; pView->getSelectedObjects(selected, true); for (std::list<PlotObject*>::iterator obj = selected.begin(); obj != selected.end(); ++obj) { PointSet* pSet = dynamic_cast<PointSet*>(*obj); if (pSet != NULL) { rval = true; std::vector<Point*> points = pSet->getPoints(); for (std::vector<Point*>::iterator point = points.begin(); point != points.end(); ++point) { LocationType loc = (*point)->getLocation(); loc.mY -= shift; (*point)->setLocation(loc); } } } mMouseStart = pEvent->pos(); pView->refresh(); } return rval; }
int mitk::PointSetDataInteractor::GetPointIndexByPosition(Point3D position, unsigned int time, float accuracy) { // iterate over point set and check if it contains a point close enough to the pointer to be selected PointSet* points = dynamic_cast<PointSet*>(GetDataNode()->GetData()); int index = -1; if (points == NULL) { return index; } if (points->GetPointSet(time) == nullptr) return -1; PointSet::PointsContainer* pointsContainer = points->GetPointSet(time)->GetPoints(); float minDistance = m_SelectionAccuracy; if (accuracy != -1 ) minDistance = accuracy; for (PointSet::PointsIterator it = pointsContainer->Begin(); it != pointsContainer->End(); it++) { float distance = sqrt(position.SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo(points->GetPoint(it->Index(), time))); if (distance < minDistance) // if several points fall within the margin, choose the one with minimal distance to position { index = it->Index(); } } return index; }
void PointSets::serializeRead(QDataStream &s, Q3Canvas* canvas) { axesPointSet.serializeRead(s, canvas); axesPointSet.attachPointsToPointSet(); scalePointSet.serializeRead(s, canvas); scalePointSet.attachPointsToPointSet(); int i; int count; s >> (Q_INT32 &) count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { PointSet pointSet; pointSet.serializeRead(s, canvas); curveList.append(pointSet); curveList.last().attachPointsToPointSet(); } s >> (Q_INT32 &) count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { PointSet pointSet; pointSet.serializeRead(s, canvas); measureList.append(pointSet); measureList.last().attachPointsToPointSet(); } }
int PointSets::pointCountMeasure(QString name) { PointSet* pointSet = findMeasure(name); if (pointSet == 0) return 0; else return pointSet->pointCount(); }
SceneObjectPtr PointSet::copy(DeepCopier& copier) const { PointSet * ptr = new PointSet(*this); copier.copy_attribute(ptr->getPointList()); copier.copy_attribute(ptr->getColorList()); return SceneObjectPtr(ptr); }
void PointSets::addCurve(QString name) { PointSet pointSet; pointSet.setStyle(DefaultSettings::instance().getCurveStyle(curveList.count())); pointSet.setName(name); curveList.append(pointSet); }
void PointSets::addMeasure(QString name) { PointSet pointSet; pointSet.setStyle(DefaultSettings::instance().getMeasureStyle(measureList.count())); pointSet.setName(name); measureList.append(pointSet); }
void affineInterp(const PointSet &src, PointSet &res, const double mat[DIM_MAX][DIM_MAX+1]) { int N = src.dim() ;, src.dim()) ; for (unsigned int i=0; i< src.size(); i++) { for (int j=0; j< N; j++) { res[i][j] = mat[j][N] ; for(int jj=0; jj< N; jj++) res[i][j] += mat[j][jj] * src[i][jj] ; } } }
void BaseMesh::WeldVertices(float Epsilon, Vector<UINT> &OldToNewMapping) { PointSet MyPoints; MyPoints.LoadFromMesh(*this); KDTree3 &Tree = MyPoints.KDTree(); UINT VC = VertexCount(), IC = IndexCount(); MeshVertex *V = Vertices(); DWORD *I = Indices(); OldToNewMapping.ReSize(VC); OldToNewMapping.Clear(VC); Vector<UINT> NNResult; //MeshVertex *VStorage = new MeshVertex[VC]; for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < VC; VertexIndex++) { Vec3f Pos = V[VertexIndex].Pos; Tree.WithinDistance(Pos, Epsilon, NNResult); bool MatchFound = false; //VStorage[VertexIndex] = V[VertexIndex]; for(UINT ResultIndex = 0; ResultIndex < NNResult.Length() && !MatchFound; ResultIndex++) { UINT CurIndex = NNResult[ResultIndex]; if(OldToNewMapping[CurIndex] != VC) { MatchFound = true; OldToNewMapping[VertexIndex] = CurIndex; } } if(!MatchFound) { OldToNewMapping[VertexIndex] = VertexIndex; } } //DWORD *IStorage = new DWORD[IC]; for(UINT IndexIndex = 0; IndexIndex < IC; IndexIndex++) { I[IndexIndex] = OldToNewMapping[UINT(I[IndexIndex])]; } //Allocate( //delete[] VStorage; Vector<UINT> SecondMapping, SplitToUnsplit = OldToNewMapping; CleanVerticesAndTriangles(SecondMapping); for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < VC; VertexIndex++) { OldToNewMapping[VertexIndex] = SecondMapping[SplitToUnsplit[VertexIndex]]; } }
void GjkContactSolver::penetration(const PointSet & A, const PointSet & B, ClosestTestContext * result) { resetSimplex(result->W); const Vector3F r = result->rayDirection; const Vector3F startP = Vector3F::Zero - result->rayDirection * 99.f; Vector3F hitP = startP; // from origin to startP Vector3F v = hitP; Vector3F w, p, pa, pb, localA, localB; float lamda = 0.f; float vdotw, vdotr; int k = 0; for(; k < 39; k++) { vdotr =; // SA-B(v) pa = A.supportPoint(v, result->transformA, localA, result->margin); pb = B.supportPoint(v.reversed(), result->transformB, localB, result->margin); p = pa - pb;// + v.normal() * MARGIN_DISTANCE; w = hitP - p; vdotw =; if(vdotw > 0.f) { if(vdotr >= 0.f) break; lamda -= vdotw / vdotr; hitP = startP + r * lamda; } addToSimplex(result->W, p, localB); result->hasResult = 0; result->distance = 1e9; result->referencePoint = hitP; closestOnSimplex(result); v = hitP - result->closestPoint; interpolatePointB(result); if(v.length2() < TINY_VALUE) break; result->separateAxis = v; smallestSimplex(result); } result->distance = hitP.length(); result->separateAxis.normalize(); }
bool LabelPosition::pruneCallback( LabelPosition *lp, void *ctx ) { PointSet *feat = (( PruneCtx* ) ctx )->obstacle; if (( feat == lp->feature ) || ( feat->getHoleOf() && feat->getHoleOf() != lp->feature ) ) { return true; } CostCalculator::addObstacleCostPenalty( lp, feat ); return true; }
void KML_Model::parseCoords( xml_node<>* node, KMLContext& cx ) { PointSet* point = new PointSet(); xml_node<>* location = node->first_node("location", 0, false); if (location) { double latitude = as<double>(getValue(location, "latitude"), 0.0); double longitude = as<double>(getValue(location, "longitude"), 0.0); double altitude = as<double>(getValue(location, "altitude"), 0.0); point->push_back( osg::Vec3d(longitude, latitude, altitude)); } _geom = point; }
void KML_Model::parseCoords( const Config& conf, KMLContext& cx ) { PointSet* point = new PointSet(); Config location = conf.child("location"); if (!location.empty()) { double latitude = location.value("latitude", 0.0); double longitude = location.value("longitude", 0.0); double altitude = location.value("altitude", 0.0); point->push_back( osg::Vec3d(longitude, latitude, altitude)); } _geom = point; }
void* native_thread_main(void* data) { CVD::Image<unsigned char> frame_grey = CVD::Image<unsigned char>(CVD::ImageRef(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); pose received_location; received_location.x = 0.0; received_location.y = 0.0; received_location.z = 0.0; received_location.yaw = 0.0; start_time = util_timestamp(); while(true) { //double t1 = util_timestamp(); get_frame_grey(; corners.build_from_image(frame_grey, drone_xy_lookup, true);//use_rhips client_socket.sendto(corners, server_addr, server_addr_len); //fprintf(log_file2,"%f,%d\n", (util_timestamp()-t1), corners.size()); pthread_yield(); if(client_socket.recvfrom(command, server_addr, server_addr_len)) { received_location.x = command.packet.transform[0]; received_location.y = command.packet.transform[1]; received_location.z = command.packet.transform[2]; received_location.yaw = command.packet.transform[4]; if(filter_pose(&received_location)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&the_mutex); last_good_location.x = received_location.x; last_good_location.y = received_location.y; last_good_location.z = received_location.z; last_good_location.yaw = received_location.yaw; time_last_good = util_timestamp(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&the_mutex); fprintf(log_file,"%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n" ,time_last_good // timestamp in sec ,received_location.x // x loction ,received_location.y // y location ,received_location.z // Z location ,received_location.yaw); } } frames_processed++; //printf("found %d corners\n", corners.size()); //printf("estimated pose (x,y,z,yaw): %f, %f, %f, %f\n", received_location.x, received_location.y, received_location.z, received_location.yaw); while(!video_frame_ready()) usleep(50); } }
bool SimpleReadStrategy::Read(PointSet &pointSet) { if(_isFinish) return false; time_t sT, eT; sT = clock(); std::ifstream infile(_fileName.c_str()); if(!infile) { _log << "Can not open this file in this path"<<endl; return false; } _log<<"Begin to read data."<<endl; SimpleInputor inputor(infile); inputor.ReadHead(); ReadConcept(inputor, pointSet, _recordType); infile.close(); //inputor.infile.close(); _log<<"All "<<pointSet.size()<<" points have been read successfully!"<<endl; eT = clock(); _log << "Read-Time: "<<difftime(eT, sT)<<endl; _isFinish = true; return true; }
double PointSet::get_scaled_dist_with(const PointSet &other,const vector<bool> &mask) const { /** * Sum of the distances where the value of the mask is true */ double dist=0; if (this->size()==other.size() && this->size()==mask.size()) { double mean = 0, sigma = 0; for (unsigned int i=0;i<this->size();i++) { if (mask[i]) mean += (*this)[i].get_dist_with(other[i]); } mean = mean/this->size(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<this->size();i++) { if (mask[i]) dist += (*this)[i].get_dist_with(other[i]); sigma += pow((*this)[i].get_dist_with(other[i])-mean,2); } sigma = sqrt(sigma/this->size()); if (sigma==0) { cout << "FATAL ERROR: division by 0 in PointSet::get_scaled_dist_with" << endl; exit(2); } dist /= sigma; } else { cout << "ERROR in PointSet: point set 1 and 2 and mask must have the same sizes!" <<endl; exit(2); } return dist; }
//make sure everytime the pointSet is cleared at first; bool MemMapStrategy::Read(PointSet &pointSet) { if(_isFinish) return false; unsigned int numLeft; unsigned int thisTimeToRead; if(_numOfPointsToRead>MEM_MAP_THRESHOLD) { numLeft = _numOfPointsToRead - MEM_MAP_THRESHOLD; thisTimeToRead = MEM_MAP_THRESHOLD; } else { numLeft = 0; thisTimeToRead = _numOfPointsToRead; } time_t sT, eT; sT = clock(); inputor->_num = thisTimeToRead; ReadConcept(*inputor, pointSet, _recordType); eT = clock(); _log << "Read "<< pointSet.size() <<" points, Time : "<<difftime(eT, sT)<<endl; _numOfPointsToRead = numLeft; if(_numOfPointsToRead<=0) { _log << "Finish Read!"<<endl; _isFinish = true; } return true; }
/* * Check whether the DataNode contains a pointset, if not create one and add it. */ void mitk::SinglePointDataInteractor::DataNodeChanged() { if (GetDataNode() != nullptr) { PointSet *points = dynamic_cast<PointSet *>(GetDataNode()->GetData()); if (points == NULL) { m_PointSet = PointSet::New(); GetDataNode()->SetData(m_PointSet); } else { points->Clear(); m_PointSet = points; } } }
// Create a randomly generated point // scatter time execution void testScalability(unsigned numpts) { using namespace boost; using namespace std; typedef adjacency_matrix<undirectedS, no_property, property <edge_weight_t, double, property<edge_index_t, int> > > Graph; typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex; typedef property_map<Graph, edge_weight_t>::type WeightMap; typedef set<simple_point<double>, cmpPnt<double> > PointSet; typedef vector< Vertex > Container; boost::mt19937 rng(time(0)); uniform_real<> range(0.01, (numpts * 2)); variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, uniform_real<> > pnt_gen(rng, range); PointSet points; simple_point<double> pnt; while (points.size() < numpts) { pnt.x = pnt_gen(); pnt.y = pnt_gen(); points.insert(pnt); } Graph g(numpts); WeightMap weight_map(get(edge_weight, g)); vector<simple_point<double> > point_vec(points.begin(), points.end()); connectAllEuclidean(g, point_vec, weight_map, get(vertex_index, g), numpts); Container c; timer t; double len = 0.0; // Run the TSP approx, creating the visitor on the fly. metric_tsp_approx(g, make_tsp_tour_len_visitor(g, back_inserter(c), len, weight_map)); cout << "Number of points: " << num_vertices(g) << endl; cout << "Number of edges: " << num_edges(g) << endl; cout << "Length of tour: " << len << endl; cout << "Elapsed: " << t.elapsed() << endl; }
inline void frommxArray(const mxArray *ParamArray) { /* * This function expects the ParamArray to be a MATLAB structure with * at-least the following fields * * a - single - scalar * b - single - scalar * c - single - scalar * d - single - scalar * * GridXSpec - single - vector of length 3 * GridYSpec - single - vector of length 3 * * GridXSpec = [GridXBegin, GridXStep, GridXEnd] * GridYSpec = [GridYBegin, GridYStep, GridYEnd] * * onemsbyTstep - uint32_t - scalar * * InitialPointSet - should be a valid 'PointVector' struct representing * the region of points from which to search ahead. */ getInputfromStruct<float>(ParamArray, "a", this->a, getInputOps(2, "is_required", "required_size", 1)); getInputfromStruct<float>(ParamArray, "b", this->b, getInputOps(2, "is_required", "required_size", 1)); getInputfromStruct<float>(ParamArray, "c", this->c, getInputOps(2, "is_required", "required_size", 1)); getInputfromStruct<float>(ParamArray, "d", this->d, getInputOps(2, "is_required", "required_size", 1)); uint32_t onemsbyTstep; getInputfromStruct<uint32_t>(ParamArray, "onemsbyTstep", onemsbyTstep, getInputOps(2, "is_required", "required_size", 1)); MexVector<float> GridXSpec; MexVector<float> GridYSpec; getInputfromStruct<float>(ParamArray, "GridXSpec", GridXSpec, getInputOps(2, "is_required", "required_size", 3)); getInputfromStruct<float>(ParamArray, "GridYSpec", GridYSpec, getInputOps(2, "is_required", "required_size", 3)); float eps = 1E-10; // epsilon used for floating point comparisons uint32_t XGridMax, YGridMax; XGridMax = uint32_t((GridXSpec[2] - GridXSpec[0])/GridXSpec[1] + 2*eps) + 1;// largest n such that (n-1)*GridXSpec[1] + GridXSpec[0] <= GridXSpec[2] YGridMax = uint32_t((GridYSpec[2] - GridYSpec[0])/GridYSpec[1] + 2*eps) + 1;// largest n such that (n-1)*GridYSpec[1] + GridYSpec[0] <= GridYSpec[2] this->PrivateTransform.scaleX = GridXSpec[1]; this->PrivateTransform.scaleY = GridYSpec[1]; this->PrivateTransform.shiftX = GridXSpec[0]; this->PrivateTransform.shiftY = GridYSpec[0]; this->XRange = {0, XGridMax}; this->YRange = {0, YGridMax}; this->timeStep = 1.0f / onemsbyTstep; // Calculate the Grid Y Coordinate for 30.0V auto GridY30V = this->Transform.toGridCoords(SinglePoint(0, 30.0f)).y; GridY30V = (GridY30V >= YGridMax)? YGridMax : GridY30V; for(uint32_t i=0; i < XGridMax; ++i) { Point gridPoint(i, uint32_t(GridY30V+0.5f)); PrivateInitialPointSet.insert(gridPoint); } }
void initnative() { corners.erase(); the_corners.set_max_size(16); the_corner_scores.set_max_size(16); the_max_corners.set_max_size(16); the_max_corner_descriptors.set_max_size(16); drone_xy_lookup = Image<TooN::Vector<2, float> >(ImageRef(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); std::ifstream is;"dronecamparameters.txt"); drone_camera_model.load(is); is.close(); //TooN::Vector<6> cam_params = drone_camera_model.get_parameters(); //printf("cam params: %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", cam_params[0], cam_params[1], cam_params[2], cam_params[3], cam_params[4], cam_params[5]); generate_xy_lookup(drone_camera_model, drone_xy_lookup); client_socket.create(serverip, serverport); log_file = fopen("udp_logX.csv", "wb"); if(log_file==NULL) { printf("File 2 open failed\n"); } fprintf(log_file,"Time,X (m),Y (m),Z (m),Yaw (rad)\n"); /*log_file2 = fopen("udp_log2.csv", "wb"); if(log_file2==NULL) { printf("File 3 open failed\n"); } fprintf(log_file2,"Time,Corners\n");*/ //init front camera while(video_init((char*) "/dev/video1", WIDTH, HEIGHT, 30)) { printf("Camera initialisation failed. Retry in 2 seconds...\n"); sleep(2); } printf("video_init completed\n"); sleep(2); int rc = pthread_create(&native_thread, NULL, native_thread_main, NULL); if (rc) printf("ctl_Init: Return code from pthread_create(native_thread) is %d\n", rc); last_good_location.x = 0.0; last_good_location.y = 0.0; last_good_location.z = 0.0; last_good_location.yaw = 0.0; printf("native_init completed\n"); }
void RangeProfilePlotManager::signatureRenamed(Subject& subject, const std::string& signal, const boost::any& value) { std::string newName = boost::any_cast<std::string>(value); DataDescriptor& desc = dynamic_cast<DataDescriptor&>(subject); for (std::map<Signature*, std::string>::iterator sig = mSigPointSets.begin(); sig != mSigPointSets.end(); ++sig) { if (sig->first->getDataDescriptor() == &desc) { PointSet* pSet = getPointSet(sig->first); if (pSet != NULL) { pSet->setObjectName(newName); mSigPointSets[sig->first] = newName; return; } } } }
FilterContext CentroidFilter::push(FeatureList& features, FilterContext& context ) { for( FeatureList::iterator i = features.begin(); i != features.end(); ++i ) { Feature* f = i->get(); Geometry* geom = f->getGeometry(); if ( !geom ) continue; PointSet* newGeom = new PointSet(); newGeom->push_back( geom->getBounds().center() ); f->setGeometry( newGeom ); } return context; }
void PointSets::setName(QString oldName, QString newName) { ASSERT_ENGAUGE(oldName != AxesPointSetName); ASSERT_ENGAUGE(oldName != ScalePointSetName); PointSet* pointSet = findCurve(oldName); if (pointSet) { pointSet->setName(newName); return; } pointSet = findMeasure(oldName); if (pointSet) { pointSet->setName(newName); return; } }
/* void SoftmaxPolicyPlayout::initProbabilities(const Go::Board *init_board) { //memset(m_probTableBlack, 0, sizeof(double)*MAX_BOARD_SIZE); //memset(m_probTableWhite, 0, sizeof(double)*MAX_BOARD_SIZE); //SparseVector extractedFeatures; Color turns[] = {BLACK, WHITE}; double *tables[2] = {m_probTableBlack, m_probTableWhite}; SparseVector *featureTables[2] = {m_featureTableBlack, m_featureTableWhite}; for (int i=0; i<2 && tables[i] != NULL; i++) { Color myTurn = turns[i]; initProbabilities(init_board, myTurn, tables[i], featureTables[i]); } } */ void SoftmaxPolicyPlayout::initProbabilities(const Go::Board *init_board, Color myTurn, double *table, SparseVector *featureTable) { Color enemyTurn = Board::flipColor(myTurn); PointSet &updatedMoves = myTurn == BLACK ? m_toResetStaticFeaturesMovesBlack : m_toResetStaticFeaturesMovesWhite; updatedMoves.clear(); for (int y=0; y<init_board->getSize(); y++) { for (int x=0; x<init_board->getSize(); x++) { featureTable[init_board->xyToPoint(x,y)].clear(); } } PointSet legalMovesSet; // update pattern features for (int y=0; y<init_board->getSize(); y++) { for (int x=0; x<init_board->getSize(); x++) { Point p = init_board->xyToPoint(x,y); if (init_board->isColor(p, FREE) && (init_board->getNeighborEmptyCount(p)>=1 || init_board->checkLegalHand(p, myTurn, enemyTurn) == Board::PUT_LEGAL)) { m_featureExtractor.updatePatternFeature(featureTable[p], init_board, p, myTurn); legalMovesSet.insert(p,p); } else { // prob is 0 //featureTable[p].clear(); if (init_board->isColor(p, FREE)) { m_featureExtractor.updatePatternFeature(featureTable[p], init_board, p, myTurn); } table[p] = 0; } } } // update static features m_featureExtractor.updateStaticFeaturesForAllMovesWithoutClearOldFeatures(init_board, myTurn, legalMovesSet, featureTable, updatedMoves); for (size_t i=0; i<legalMovesSet.size(); i++) { //table[legalMovesSet[i]] = m_expFeatureWeights.multiplyAll(featureTable[legalMovesSet[i]]); table[legalMovesSet[i]] = fmath::expd([legalMovesSet[i]])); //table[legalMovesSet[i]] = exp([legalMovesSet[i]])); } }
PointSet *PointSet::get(DOMNode *node) { unsigned int i; // variable to counter DOMNamedNodeMap *attributes; // variable to hold the node attributes PointSet *pointSet; attributes = node->getAttributes(); for (i = 0; i < attributes->getLength(); i++) { if (!strcmp(XMLString::transcode(attributes->item(i)->getNodeName()) , "USE")) { return((PointSet *)getLink(XMLString::transcode(attributes->item(i)->getNodeValue()))); } } pointSet = new PointSet(); pointSet->read(node); return pointSet; }
void GradientDescent<DIM, POS, VAL>::optimize(PointSet<DIM, POS, VAL>& _pts) { PointSet<DIM, POS, POS> data = _pts; int iSz = _pts.size(); for(int d=0; d<DIM; d++) { Vector<DIM, POS> shift; shift[d] += m_shift; for(int i=0; i<iSz; i++) { data.push_back(Point<DIM, POS, POS>(_pts[i].pos() + shift, 0)); } } evalFunction(data); m_max = 0.0; m_mean = 0.0; if(iSz != 0) { for(int i=0; i<iSz; i++) { Vector<DIM, POS> motion; for(int d=0; d<DIM; d++) { POS p = (data[i].val() - data[i+iSz*(d+1)].val()) / m_shift; _pts[i].pos()[d] -= p; motion[d] = p; } POS norm = motion.norm(); m_mean += norm; if(m_max < norm) m_max = norm; } m_mean /= iSz; } }
void ReadConcept(Inputor& in, PointSet &pointSet, unsigned int recordType) { string str; pointSet.reserve(in._num); double x,y,z; double I; double r,g,b; PointRec::Reset_I(); do { switch(recordType){ case XYZ: in.getLine(str, '\n'); sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf %lf %lf", &x, &y, &z); pointSet.push_back(PointRec(x,y,z)); break; case XYZI: in.getLine(str, '\n'); sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x, &y, &z, &I); pointSet.push_back(PointRec(x,y,z,I)); PointRec::Update_I(I); break; case XYZRGB: in.getLine(str, '\n'); sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &x, &y, &z, &r, &g, &b); pointSet.push_back(PointRec(x,y,z,-1, r, g, b)); break; case XYZIRGB: in.getLine(str, '\n'); sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &x, &y, &z, &I, &r, &g, &b); pointSet.push_back(PointRec(x,y,z, I, r, g, b)); PointRec::Update_I(I); break; } in.frame(); }while(!in.isEnd()); }
void savePointSet(const std::string& filename, PointSet& ps) { std::fstream fout(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out); for (size_t i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++ i) { if (Dim == 3) fout << ps[i].x() << " " << ps[i].y() << " " << ps[i].z() << "\n"; else fout << ps[i].x() << " " << ps[i].y() << "\n"; } fout.close(); }