Пример #1
bool FunctionAnalysisManagerCGSCCProxy::Result::invalidate(
    LazyCallGraph::SCC &C, const PreservedAnalyses &PA,
    CGSCCAnalysisManager::Invalidator &Inv) {
  // If literally everything is preserved, we're done.
  if (PA.areAllPreserved())
    return false; // This is still a valid proxy.

  // If this proxy isn't marked as preserved, then even if the result remains
  // valid, the key itself may no longer be valid, so we clear everything.
  // Note that in order to preserve this proxy, a module pass must ensure that
  // the FAM has been completely updated to handle the deletion of functions.
  // Specifically, any FAM-cached results for those functions need to have been
  // forcibly cleared. When preserved, this proxy will only invalidate results
  // cached on functions *still in the module* at the end of the module pass.
  auto PAC = PA.getChecker<FunctionAnalysisManagerCGSCCProxy>();
  if (!PAC.preserved() && !PAC.preservedSet<AllAnalysesOn<LazyCallGraph::SCC>>()) {
    for (LazyCallGraph::Node &N : C)
      FAM->clear(N.getFunction(), N.getFunction().getName());

    return true;

  // Directly check if the relevant set is preserved.
  bool AreFunctionAnalysesPreserved =

  // Now walk all the functions to see if any inner analysis invalidation is
  // necessary.
  for (LazyCallGraph::Node &N : C) {
    Function &F = N.getFunction();
    Optional<PreservedAnalyses> FunctionPA;

    // Check to see whether the preserved set needs to be pruned based on
    // SCC-level analysis invalidation that triggers deferred invalidation
    // registered with the outer analysis manager proxy for this function.
    if (auto *OuterProxy =
      for (const auto &OuterInvalidationPair :
           OuterProxy->getOuterInvalidations()) {
        AnalysisKey *OuterAnalysisID = OuterInvalidationPair.first;
        const auto &InnerAnalysisIDs = OuterInvalidationPair.second;
        if (Inv.invalidate(OuterAnalysisID, C, PA)) {
          if (!FunctionPA)
            FunctionPA = PA;
          for (AnalysisKey *InnerAnalysisID : InnerAnalysisIDs)

    // Check if we needed a custom PA set, and if so we'll need to run the
    // inner invalidation.
    if (FunctionPA) {
      FAM->invalidate(F, *FunctionPA);

    // Otherwise we only need to do invalidation if the original PA set didn't
    // preserve all function analyses.
    if (!AreFunctionAnalysesPreserved)
      FAM->invalidate(F, PA);

  // Return false to indicate that this result is still a valid proxy.
  return false;
Пример #2
bool CGSCCAnalysisManagerModuleProxy::Result::invalidate(
    Module &M, const PreservedAnalyses &PA,
    ModuleAnalysisManager::Invalidator &Inv) {
  // If literally everything is preserved, we're done.
  if (PA.areAllPreserved())
    return false; // This is still a valid proxy.

  // If this proxy or the call graph is going to be invalidated, we also need
  // to clear all the keys coming from that analysis.
  // We also directly invalidate the FAM's module proxy if necessary, and if
  // that proxy isn't preserved we can't preserve this proxy either. We rely on
  // it to handle module -> function analysis invalidation in the face of
  // structural changes and so if it's unavailable we conservatively clear the
  // entire SCC layer as well rather than trying to do invalidation ourselves.
  auto PAC = PA.getChecker<CGSCCAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>();
  if (!(PAC.preserved() || PAC.preservedSet<AllAnalysesOn<Module>>()) ||
      Inv.invalidate<LazyCallGraphAnalysis>(M, PA) ||
      Inv.invalidate<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>(M, PA)) {

    // And the proxy itself should be marked as invalid so that we can observe
    // the new call graph. This isn't strictly necessary because we cheat
    // above, but is still useful.
    return true;

  // Directly check if the relevant set is preserved so we can short circuit
  // invalidating SCCs below.
  bool AreSCCAnalysesPreserved =

  // Ok, we have a graph, so we can propagate the invalidation down into it.
  for (auto &RC : G->postorder_ref_sccs())
    for (auto &C : RC) {
      Optional<PreservedAnalyses> InnerPA;

      // Check to see whether the preserved set needs to be adjusted based on
      // module-level analysis invalidation triggering deferred invalidation
      // for this SCC.
      if (auto *OuterProxy =
        for (const auto &OuterInvalidationPair :
             OuterProxy->getOuterInvalidations()) {
          AnalysisKey *OuterAnalysisID = OuterInvalidationPair.first;
          const auto &InnerAnalysisIDs = OuterInvalidationPair.second;
          if (Inv.invalidate(OuterAnalysisID, M, PA)) {
            if (!InnerPA)
              InnerPA = PA;
            for (AnalysisKey *InnerAnalysisID : InnerAnalysisIDs)

      // Check if we needed a custom PA set. If so we'll need to run the inner
      // invalidation.
      if (InnerPA) {
        InnerAM->invalidate(C, *InnerPA);

      // Otherwise we only need to do invalidation if the original PA set didn't
      // preserve all SCC analyses.
      if (!AreSCCAnalysesPreserved)
        InnerAM->invalidate(C, PA);

  // Return false to indicate that this result is still a valid proxy.
  return false;