Пример #1
__host__ __device__
ProbabilisticVoxel ProbabilisticVoxel::reduce(const ProbabilisticVoxel voxel, const ProbabilisticVoxel other_voxel)
  ProbabilisticVoxel res = voxel;
  return res;
Пример #2
void kernelInsertSensorData(ProbabilisticVoxel* voxelmap, const uint32_t voxelmap_size,
                            const Vector3ui* dimensions, const float voxel_side_length, Sensor* sensor,
                            const Vector3f* sensor_data, const bool cut_real_robot,
                            BitVoxel<length>* robotmap, const uint32_t bit_index, RayCasting rayCaster)
    const Vector3ui map_dim = (*dimensions);

    for (uint32_t i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; (i < voxelmap_size) && (i < sensor->data_size);
            i += gridDim.x * blockDim.x)
        if (!(isnan(sensor_data[i].x) || isnan(sensor_data[i].y) || isnan(sensor_data[i].z)))
            const Vector3ui integer_coordinates = mapToVoxels(voxel_side_length, sensor_data[i]);
            const Vector3ui sensor_coordinates = mapToVoxels(voxel_side_length, sensor->position);

            /* both data and sensor coordinates must
             be within boundaries for raycasting to work */
            if ((integer_coordinates.x < map_dim.x) && (integer_coordinates.y < map_dim.y)
                    && (integer_coordinates.z < map_dim.z) && (sensor_coordinates.x < map_dim.x)
                    && (sensor_coordinates.y < map_dim.y) && (sensor_coordinates.z < map_dim.z))
                bool update = false;
                if (cut_real_robot)
                    BitVoxel<length>* robot_voxel = getVoxelPtr(robotmap, dimensions, integer_coordinates.x,
                                                    integer_coordinates.y, integer_coordinates.z);

                    //          if (!((robot_voxel->occupancy > 0) && (robot_voxel->voxeltype == eVT_OCCUPIED))) // not occupied by robot
                    //           {
                    update = !robot_voxel->bitVector().getBit(bit_index); // not occupied by robot
                    //          else // else: sensor sees robot, no need to insert data.
                    //          {
                    //            printf("cutting robot from sensor data in kernel %u\n", i);
                    //          }
                    update = true;

                if (update)
                    // sensor does not see robot, so insert data into voxelmap
                    // raycasting
                    rayCaster.rayCast(voxelmap, dimensions, sensor, sensor_coordinates, integer_coordinates);

                    // insert measured data itself:
                    ProbabilisticVoxel* voxel = getVoxelPtr(voxelmap, dimensions, integer_coordinates.x,
                                                            integer_coordinates.y, integer_coordinates.z);
                    //            voxel->voxeltype = eVT_OCCUPIED;
                    //            increaseOccupancy(voxel, cSENSOR_MODEL_OCCUPIED); // todo: replace with "occupied" of sensor model