Пример #1
void* ReceiveStateFromParticipant(void* _rcv_thread_arg) {
    ReceiveStateThreadArgument *rcv_thread_arg = (ReceiveStateThreadArgument *)_rcv_thread_arg;
    int pid = rcv_thread_arg->pid;
    int tid = rcv_thread_arg->transaction_id;
    Process *p = rcv_thread_arg->p;
    char buf[kMaxDataSize];
    int num_bytes;
    //TODO: write code to extract multiple messages

    fd_set temp_set;
    FD_SET(p->get_fd(pid), &temp_set);
    int fd_max = p->get_fd(pid);
    int rv;
    rv = select(fd_max + 1, &temp_set, NULL, NULL, (timeval*)&kTimeout);
    if (rv == -1) { //error in select
        // cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": ERROR in select() for P" << pid << strerror(errno)<< endl;
        rcv_thread_arg->st = PROCESSTIMEOUT;
    } else if (rv == 0) {   //timeout
        rcv_thread_arg->st = PROCESSTIMEOUT;
    } else {    // activity happened on the socket
        if ((num_bytes = recv(p->get_fd(pid), buf, kMaxDataSize - 1, 0)) == -1) {
            // cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": ERROR in receiving for P" << pid << endl;
            rcv_thread_arg->st = PROCESSTIMEOUT;
        } else if (num_bytes == 0) {     //connection closed
            // cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": Connection closed by P" << pid << endl;
            // if participant closes connection, it is equivalent to it crashing
            // can treat it as TIMEOUT
            // TODO: verify argument
            rcv_thread_arg->st = PROCESSTIMEOUT;
            //TODO: handle connection close based on different cases
        } else {
            buf[num_bytes] = '\0';
            cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": STATE received from P" << pid << ": " << buf <<  endl;

            string extracted_msg;
            int received_tid;
            // in this case, we don't care about the received_tid,
            // because it will surely be for the transaction under consideration
            p->ExtractMsg(string(buf), extracted_msg, received_tid);

            ProcessState msg = static_cast<ProcessState>(atoi(extracted_msg.c_str()));
            rcv_thread_arg->st = msg;
            //assumes that correct message type is sent by participant

            // if (msg==)  {    // it's a YES
            //     received_msg_type = YES;
            // } else if (extracted_msg == msg2) { // it's a NO
            //     received_msg_type = NO;
            // } else {
            //     //TODO: take actions appropriately, like check log for previous transaction decision.
            //     cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": Unexpected msg received from P" << pid << endl;
            //     received_msg_type = ERROR;
            // }
    // cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": Receive thread exiting for P" << pid << endl;
    return NULL;
Пример #2
// thread for receiving ACK messages from ONE participant
void* ReceiveAckFromParticipant(void* _rcv_thread_arg) {
    ReceiveThreadArgument *rcv_thread_arg = (ReceiveThreadArgument *)_rcv_thread_arg;
    int pid = rcv_thread_arg->pid;
    int tid = rcv_thread_arg->transaction_id;
    string msg1 = rcv_thread_arg->expected_msg1;    //ACK
    string msg2 = rcv_thread_arg->expected_msg2;    //NULL
    Process *p = rcv_thread_arg->p;

    char buf[kMaxDataSize];
    int num_bytes;
    //TODO: write code to extract multiple messages

    fd_set temp_set;
    FD_SET(p->get_fd(pid), &temp_set);
    int fd_max = p->get_fd(pid);
    int rv;
    rv = select(fd_max + 1, &temp_set, NULL, NULL, (timeval*)&kTimeout);
    if (rv == -1) { //error in select
        // cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": ERROR in select() for P" << pid << strerror(errno)<< endl;
        rcv_thread_arg->received_msg_type = TIMEOUT;
    } else if (rv == 0) {   //timeout
        rcv_thread_arg->received_msg_type = TIMEOUT;
    } else {    // activity happened on the socket
        if ((num_bytes = recv(p->get_fd(pid), buf, kMaxDataSize - 1, 0)) == -1) {
            // cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": ERROR in receiving for P" << pid << endl;
            rcv_thread_arg->received_msg_type = TIMEOUT;
        } else if (num_bytes == 0) {     //connection closed
            // cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": Connection closed by P" << pid << endl;
            // if participant closes connection, it is equivalent to it crashing
            // can treat it as TIMEOUT
            // TODO: verify argument
            rcv_thread_arg->received_msg_type = TIMEOUT;
            //TODO: handle connection close based on different cases
        } else {
            buf[num_bytes] = '\0';
            cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": ACK received from P" << pid <<  endl;

            string extracted_msg;
            int received_tid;
            // in this case, we don't care about the received_tid,
            // because it will surely be for the transaction under consideration
            p->ExtractMsg(string(buf), extracted_msg, received_tid);

            if (extracted_msg == msg1) {    // it's an ACK
                rcv_thread_arg->received_msg_type = ACK;
            } else {
                //TODO: take actions appropriately, like check log for previous transaction decision.
                timeval timeofday;
                gettimeofday(&timeofday, NULL);
                cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": Expecting ack. Unexpected msg received from P" << pid << buf<< " at "<<timeofday.tv_sec<<"."<<timeofday.tv_usec<<endl;

                rcv_thread_arg->received_msg_type = ERROR;
    // cout << "P" << p->get_pid() << ": Receive thread exiting for P" << pid << endl;
    return NULL;