Пример #1
void IsisMain() {
  ProcessImportPds p;
  Pvl label;
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  QString labelFile = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  FileName inFile = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  QString id;
  Pvl lab(inFile.expanded());

  try {
    id = (QString) lab.findKeyword("DATA_SET_ID");
  catch(IException &e) {
    QString msg = "Unable to read [DATA_SET_ID] from input file [" +
                 inFile.expanded() + "]";
    throw IException(e, IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  id = id.simplified().trimmed();
  if(id != "TC_MAP" && id != "TCO_MAP") {
    QString msg = "Input file [" + inFile.expanded() + "] does not appear to be " +
                  "in Kaguya Terrain Camera level 2 format. " +
                  "DATA_SET_ID is [" + id + "]";
    throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  p.SetPdsFile(labelFile, "", label);
  Cube *outcube = p.SetOutputCube("TO");



  // Get the mapping labels
  Pvl otherLabels;

  // Get the directory where the generic pds2isis level 2 translation tables are.
  PvlGroup dataDir(Preference::Preferences().findGroup("DataDirectory"));
  QString transDir = (QString) dataDir["base"] + "/translations/";

  // Translate the Archive group
  FileName transFile(transDir + "pdsImageArchive.trn");
  PvlTranslationManager archiveXlater(label, transFile.expanded());

  // Write the Archive and Mapping groups to the output cube label

  // Add the BandBin group
  PvlGroup bbin("BandBin");
  bbin += PvlKeyword("FilterName", "BroadBand");
  bbin += PvlKeyword("Center", "640nm");
  bbin += PvlKeyword("Width", "420nm");

Пример #2
void IsisMain ()
  ProcessImportPds p;
  Pvl pdsLabel;
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  FileName inFile = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  QString imageFile("");
  if (ui.WasEntered("IMAGE")) {
    imageFile = ui.GetFileName("IMAGE");

  // Generate the housekeeping filenames
  QString hkLabel("");
  QString hkData("");
  if (ui.WasEntered("HKFROM") ) {
    hkLabel = ui.GetFileName("HKFROM");
  else {
    hkLabel = inFile.originalPath() + "/" + inFile.baseName() + "_HK.LBL";
    // Determine the housekeeping file
    FileName hkFile(hkLabel);
    if (!hkFile.fileExists()) {
      hkFile = hkLabel.replace("_1B_", "_1A_");
      if (hkFile.fileExists()) hkLabel = hkFile.expanded();

  if (ui.WasEntered("HKTABLE")) {
    hkData = ui.GetFileName("HKTABLE");

  QString instid;
  QString missid;

  try {
    Pvl lab(inFile.expanded());
    instid = (QString) lab.findKeyword ("CHANNEL_ID");
    missid = (QString) lab.findKeyword ("INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID");
  catch (IException &e) {
    QString msg = "Unable to read [INSTRUMENT_ID] or [MISSION_ID] from input file [" +
                 inFile.expanded() + "]";
    throw IException(e, IException::Io,msg, _FILEINFO_);

  instid = instid.simplified().trimmed();
  missid = missid.simplified().trimmed();
  if (missid != "DAWN" && instid != "VIS" && instid != "IR") {
    QString msg = "Input file [" + inFile.expanded() + "] does not appear to be a " +
                 "DAWN Visual and InfraRed Mapping Spectrometer (VIR) EDR or RDR file.";
    throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  QString target;
  if (ui.WasEntered("TARGET")) {
    target = ui.GetString("TARGET");

//  p.SetPdsFile (inFile.expanded(),imageFile,pdsLabel);
//  QString labelFile = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  p.SetPdsFile (inFile.expanded(),imageFile,pdsLabel);
  Cube *outcube = p.SetOutputCube ("TO");
//  p.SaveFileHeader();

  Pvl labelPvl (inFile.expanded());

  p.StartProcess ();

  // Get the directory where the DAWN translation tables are.
  PvlGroup dataDir (Preference::Preferences().findGroup("DataDirectory"));
  QString transDir = (QString) dataDir["Dawn"] + "/translations/";

  // Create a PVL to store the translated labels in
  Pvl outLabel;

  // Translate the BandBin group
  FileName transFile (transDir + "dawnvirBandBin.trn");
  PvlTranslationManager bandBinXlater (labelPvl, transFile.expanded());

  // Translate the Archive group
  transFile = transDir + "dawnvirArchive.trn";
  PvlTranslationManager archiveXlater (labelPvl, transFile.expanded());

  // Translate the Instrument group
  transFile = transDir + "dawnvirInstrument.trn";
  PvlTranslationManager instrumentXlater (labelPvl, transFile.expanded());

  //  Update target if user specifies it
  if (!target.isEmpty()) {
    PvlGroup &igrp = outLabel.findGroup("Instrument",Pvl::Traverse);
    igrp["TargetName"] = target;

  // Write the BandBin, Archive, and Instrument groups
  // to the output cube label

  PvlGroup kerns("Kernels");
  if (instid == "VIS") {
    kerns += PvlKeyword("NaifFrameCode","-203211");
  } else if (instid == "IR") {
    kerns += PvlKeyword("NaifFrameCode","-203213");
  } else {
    QString msg = "Input file [" + inFile.expanded() + "] has an invalid " +
    throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // Now handle generation of housekeeping data
 try {
   ImportPdsTable hktable(hkLabel, hkData);
   hktable.setType("ScetTimeClock", "CHARACTER");
   hktable.setType("ShutterStatus", "CHARACTER");
   hktable.setType("MirrorSin", "DOUBLE");
   hktable.setType("MirrorCos", "DOUBLE");
   Table hktab = hktable.importTable("ScetTimeClock,ShutterStatus,MirrorSin,MirrorCos",
   hktab.Label().addKeyword(PvlKeyword("SourceFile", hkLabel));
 catch (IException &e) {
   QString mess = "Cannot read/open housekeeping data";
   throw IException(e, IException::User, mess, _FILEINFO_);

  p.EndProcess ();
Пример #3
void IsisMain() {
  ProcessImportPds p;
  Pvl pdsLabel;
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  FileName inFile = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  QString instid;
  QString missid;

  try {
    Pvl lab(inFile.expanded());
    instid = (QString) lab.findKeyword("INSTRUMENT_ID");
    missid = (QString) lab.findKeyword("MISSION_ID");
  catch(IException &e) {
    QString msg = "Unable to read [INSTRUMENT_ID] or [MISSION_ID] from input file [" +
                 inFile.expanded() + "]";
    throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  instid = instid.simplified().trimmed();
  missid = missid.simplified().trimmed();
  if(missid != "DAWN" && instid != "FC1" && instid != "FC2") {
    QString msg = "Input file [" + inFile.expanded() + "] does not appear to be " +
                 "a DAWN Framing Camera (FC) EDR or RDR file.";
    throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  QString target;
  if(ui.WasEntered("TARGET")) {
    target = ui.GetString("TARGET");

  p.SetPdsFile(inFile.expanded(), "", pdsLabel);
  QString tmpName = "$TEMPORARY/" + inFile.baseName() + ".tmp.cub";
  FileName tmpFile(tmpName);
  CubeAttributeOutput outatt = CubeAttributeOutput("+Real");
  p.SetOutputCube(tmpFile.expanded(), outatt);

  Pvl labelPvl(inFile.expanded());


  ProcessBySample p2;
  CubeAttributeInput inatt;
  p2.SetInputCube(tmpFile.expanded(), inatt);
  Cube *outcube = p2.SetOutputCube("TO");

  // Get the directory where the DAWN translation tables are.
  PvlGroup dataDir(Preference::Preferences().findGroup("DataDirectory"));
  QString transDir = (QString) dataDir["Dawn"] + "/translations/";

  // Create a PVL to store the translated labels in
  Pvl outLabel;

  // Translate the BandBin group
  FileName transFile(transDir + "dawnfcBandBin.trn");
  PvlTranslationManager bandBinXlater(labelPvl, transFile.expanded());

  // Translate the Archive group
  transFile = transDir + "dawnfcArchive.trn";
  PvlTranslationManager archiveXlater(labelPvl, transFile.expanded());

  // Translate the Instrument group
  transFile = transDir + "dawnfcInstrument.trn";
  PvlTranslationManager instrumentXlater(labelPvl, transFile.expanded());

  //  Update target if user specifies it
  if (!target.isEmpty()) {
    PvlGroup &igrp = outLabel.findGroup("Instrument",Pvl::Traverse);
    igrp["TargetName"] = target;

  // Write the BandBin, Archive, and Instrument groups
  // to the output cube label
  outcube->putGroup(outLabel.findGroup("BandBin", Pvl::Traverse));
  outcube->putGroup(outLabel.findGroup("Archive", Pvl::Traverse));
  outcube->putGroup(outLabel.findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse));

  // Set the BandBin filter name, center, and width values based on the
  // FilterNumber.
  PvlGroup &bbGrp(outLabel.findGroup("BandBin", Pvl::Traverse));
  int filtno = bbGrp["FilterNumber"];
  int center;
  int width;
  QString filtname;
  if(filtno == 1) {
    center = 700;
    width = 700;
    filtname = "Clear_F1";
  else if(filtno == 2) {
    center = 555;
    width = 43;
    filtname = "Green_F2";
  else if(filtno == 3) {
    center = 749;
    width = 44;
    filtname = "Red_F3";
  else if(filtno == 4) {
    center = 917;
    width = 45;
    filtname = "NIR_F4";
  else if(filtno == 5) {
    center = 965;
    width = 85;
    filtname = "NIR_F5";
  else if(filtno == 6) {
    center = 829;
    width = 33;
    filtname = "NIR_F6";
  else if(filtno == 7) {
    center = 653;
    width = 42;
    filtname = "Red_F7";
  else if(filtno == 8) {
    center = 438;
    width = 40;
    filtname = "Blue_F8";
  else {
    QString msg = "Input file [" + inFile.expanded() + "] has an invalid " +
                 "FilterNumber. The FilterNumber must fall in the range 1 to 8.";
    throw IException(IException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_);
  bbGrp.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("Center", toString(center)));
  bbGrp.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("Width", toString(width)));
  bbGrp.addKeyword(PvlKeyword("FilterName", filtname));

  PvlGroup kerns("Kernels");
  if(instid == "FC1") {
    kerns += PvlKeyword("NaifFrameCode", toString(-203110-filtno));
  else if(instid == "FC2") {
    kerns += PvlKeyword("NaifFrameCode", toString(-203120-filtno));
  else {
    QString msg = "Input file [" + inFile.expanded() + "] has an invalid " +
    throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);


  QString tmp(tmpFile.expanded());