/*! Tries to buy a product with \a iapId. */ void IAPurchase::buyProduct(QString iapId) { if (m_buyProductRequestId) { // Purchase ongoing, reject this request emit busy(); return; } Product *product = productFromCacheByProductId(iapId); if (!product) { // Product does not exist! emit productDoesNotExists(iapId); return; } // Buy the product int requestId = m_iapClient->purchaseProduct(iapId, IAPClient::ForcedAutomaticRestoration); product->setReqId(requestId); if (requestId > 0) { // Request ok m_buyProductRequestId = requestId; } else { // Error m_buyProductRequestId = 0; emit productPurchaseError(); } }
void NewSale::makeNewSale() { bool endOfSale = false; pos->newSale(); while (!endOfSale) { cout << "Enter product code: "; int productCode; cin >> productCode; Product* product = pos->getProductByCode(productCode); if (product == 0) { cout << "Unknown product." << endl; continue; } cout << "Product description: " << product->getDescription() << endl; cout << "Enter quantity: "; double quantity; cin >> quantity; try { pos->enterSaleItem(quantity, product); cout << "Sale total: " << pos->getSaleTotal() << endl; } catch (ValidationError& err) { cout << err.getMessage() << endl; } cout << "0: End sale\n1: Continue adding items"; int command; cin >> command; if (command == 0) { pos->endSale(); endOfSale = true; } } }
void ProductMapping::checkProductInfo(const Product & product) { // check whether the product itself is disabled for new reports, // which usually means that product/application is unmaintained. m_bugzillaProductDisabled = !product.isActive(); // check whether the product on bugzilla contains the expected component if (! product.components().contains(m_bugzillaComponent)) { m_bugzillaComponent = QLatin1String("general"); } // find the appropriate version to use on bugzilla const QString version = m_crashedAppPtr->version(); const QStringList& allVersions = product.allVersions(); if (allVersions.contains(version)) { //The version the crash application provided is a valid bugzilla version: use it ! m_bugzillaVersionString = version; } else if (version.endsWith(QLatin1String(".00"))) { //check if there is a version on bugzilla with just ".0" const QString shorterVersion = version.left(version.size() - 1); if (allVersions.contains(shorterVersion)) { m_bugzillaVersionString = shorterVersion; } } // check whether that verions is disabled for new reports, which // usually means that version is outdated and not supported anymore. const QStringList& inactiveVersions = product.inactiveVersions(); m_bugzillaVersionDisabled = inactiveVersions.contains(m_bugzillaVersionString); }
int main(int argc , char *argv []) { Factory *factoryA = new FactoryA (); Product *productA = factoryA->CreateProduct(); productA->Show(); Factory *factoryB = new FactoryB (); Product *productB = factoryB->CreateProduct(); productB->Show(); if (factoryA != NULL) { delete factoryA; factoryA = NULL; } if (productA != NULL) { delete productA; productA = NULL; } if (factoryB != NULL) { delete factoryB; factoryB = NULL; } if (productB != NULL) { delete productB; productB = NULL; } return 0; }
void process_products(istream& fs) { vector<Product*> products; bool more = true; while (more) { Product* p = new Product; try { if (p->read(fs)) products.push_back(p); else more = false; } catch(runtime_error& r) // runtime_error& r) { cout << "1. " << r.what() << endl; for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); i++) delete products[i]; throw; return; } } /* processing products */ cout << "Print:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); i++) { products[i]->print(); delete products[i]; } }
int main() { Shopper shopper(100); int n; cout << "Enter number of products: "; cin >> n; cin.get(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Product p; p.read(); shopper.addProduct(p); cout << endl; } double maxWeight; cout << "Enter max weight: "; cin >> maxWeight; while(shopper.totalWeight() > maxWeight) { char* nameOfHeaviestProduct = shopper.nameOfHeaviestProduct(); shopper.removeProduct(nameOfHeaviestProduct); } shopper.print(); shopper.buyProducts(); cout << "Now your cash is " << shopper.getCash() << "\n"; return 0; }
/** * Determine the model number, cost, and description of the product * that is associated with a barcode. If the product is on sale, this * check will return the sale price. * * @return SUCCESS on success, else -1 */ static int do_check(void) { Product *p = NULL; char bc[BARCODE_SZ] = {0}; float sale_price = 0.0; unsigned int d_len = 0; // recv barcode RECV(STDIN, bc, BARCODE_SZ); // find product in inventory with matching bar code p = get_product_by_barcode(bc); // if not found, return -1 if (NULL == p) return -1; // if found, send model number, cost, and description SEND(STDOUT, (char *)&p->model_num, sizeof(unsigned int)); sale_price = p->sfn(p->model_num, p->cost); SEND(STDOUT, (char *)&sale_price, sizeof(float)); d_len = strlen(p->desc, '\0'); if (0 < d_len) SEND(STDOUT, p->desc, d_len); // terminate the description string SEND(STDOUT, DESC_TERM, 1); return SUCCESS; }
Product ProductController::FindProductUsingRFIDTag(char* RFIDTag, bool queryShopInventory) { //Log.Info("FindProductUsingRFIDTag Begin"CR); vector<Product> temp; if(queryShopInventory) temp = shopVector; else temp = tempVector; for(int i=0; i<temp.size(); i++) { char* rfidTag = temp[i].GetRFIDTag(); if(strcmp(rfidTag, RFIDTag) == 0) { //Log.Info("Match found."CR); return temp[i]; } } //Log.Info("FindProductUsingRFIDTag End"CR); // A quick work-around as you cannot return a null object only a null pointer. Product product; product.SetRFIDTag("-1"); product.SetDescription("-1"); product.SetPrice(1); return product; }
bool operator<(const Product &prod1, const Product &prod2){ string prod1Name = prod1.getName(); string prod2Name = prod2.getName(); if(prod1Name < prod2Name) return true; return false; }
void ProductOrder::print() { cout << "Name: " << prod.getName() << "\nPrice: " << prod.getPrice() << "\nQuantity: " << quantity << "\nTotal Amount: " << getTotal() << "\n"; }
void AddProductToAShop(StringType productName, int shopIndex) { Product ourProduct; ourProduct.setProductName(productName); ourProduct.setProductPrice((double)rand() / 100); ourProduct.setProductAmount(rand() % kMaxixumAmountOfProducts + 1); if (!retailNetwork[shopIndex].addProduct(ourProduct)) printf("\nToo many products in shop %d!\n\n", shopCounter + 1); }
void Equipment::show() { Product *p = head; while (p) { p->print(); p = p->next; } }
BasketItem::BasketItem(unsigned int _quantity, const Product& p, unsigned int _discount100) { virt = false; pid = p.getPID(); name = p.getName(); price100 = p.getPrice100(); discount100 = _discount100; quantity = _quantity; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Product* pro;//接收产品的指针 //将一个具体的构建者付给指挥者 Director* d = new Director(new ConcreteBuilder()); pro=d->Construct();//调用产生产品 pro->fun(); printf("Hello World!\n"); return 0; }
void ProductsSearchResponse::parseNormalResponse() { parseError(); if (responseParser->hasName("products")) { QList<Parser *> listParser = responseParser->getListObjectParser("products"); Parser *parser; foreach (parser, listParser) { Product tmp; tmp.setParser(parser); tmp.parseResponse(); products.append(tmp); }
int main() { Builder * builder = new ConcreteBuilder(); Director director; director.setBuilder(builder); Product *pd = director.constuct(); pd->show(); delete builder; delete pd; return 0; }
/*! Returns a product from the cache by \a productId or NULL if not found. */ Product *IAPurchase::productFromCacheByProductId(QString productId) { for (int i = 0; i < m_productCache.count(); i++) { Product *p = (Product*)m_productCache[i]; if (p->id() == productId) { return p; } } return 0; }
// Calcular valor total dos produtos do carrinho float getTotalPrice() { Product* sweeper = firstProduct; float sum=0; while(sweeper->getNextProduct() != NULL) sum += sweeper->getPrice(); return sum; }
/*! Returns a product from the cache by \a requestId or NULL if not found. */ Product *IAPurchase::productFromCacheByRequestId(int requestId) { for (int i = 0; i < m_productCache.count(); i++) { Product *p = (Product*)m_productCache[i]; if (p->reqId() == requestId) { return p; } } return 0; }
bool ProductController::AddProduct(char* RFIDTag, char* Description, int Price) { Product product; product.SetRFIDTag(RFIDTag); product.SetDescription(Description); product.SetPrice(Price); it = tempVector.insert(it, product); //Log.Info("List contains %d items."CR, tempVector.size()); return true; }
int main() { StandardCreator<ProductA> creatorA; Product* product = creatorA.createProduct(); std::cout << "Product: " << product->getName() << std::endl; delete product; StandardCreator<ProductB> creatorB; product = creatorB.createProduct(); std::cout << "Product: " << product->getName() << std::endl; delete product; return 0; }
void Product::CloneScalars( OperandList& scalarList ) const { for( const OperandList::Node* node = operandList.Head(); node; node = node->Next() ) { const ScaledSymbol* scaledSymbol = dynamic_cast< ScaledSymbol* >( node->data ); if( scaledSymbol && scaledSymbol->scalar ) scalarList.InsertAfter()->data = scaledSymbol->scalar->Clone(); Product* product = dynamic_cast< Product* >( node->data ); if( product ) product->CloneScalars( scalarList ); } }
InvoiceLine InvoiceLine::fromProduct(const Product &p) { InvoiceLine line; line.setName(p.getName()); line.setDescription(p.getDescription()); line.setPrice(p.getPrice()); line.setQte(1); line.setOffPercentage(0); line.setBaseProductId(p.getId()); return line; }
void MenuSupport::addProductToAllStores() { Product* localProduct = getProductWithUserChoise(); const char* const productName = localProduct->getProductName(); StoreCountType storeCount = _shoppingStores->getStoreCount(); for (StoreCountType i = 0; i < storeCount; i++) { Store* store = _shoppingStores->getStoreAtIndex(i); store->addProduct(new Product(*localProduct)); } delete localProduct; }
int main() { Product best; Product secondBest; bool more = true; while (more) { Product next; next.read(); if (next.is_better_than(best)) { secondBest = best; best = next; } else { if(next.is_better_than(secondBest)) { secondBest = next; } } cout << "More data? (y/n) "; string answer; getline(cin, answer); if (answer != "y") more = false; } cout << "The best value is "; best.print(); cout << "The second best value is "; secondBest.print(); return 0; }
void ShowShopCase(unsigned int shopIndex) { retailNetwork[shopIndex].getShopCase(shopCase); printf("\nList of products from the shop case \n\n"); for (productCounter = 0; productCounter < retailNetwork[shopIndex].getProductsAmount(); productCounter++) { Product currectProduct = shopCase[productCounter]; currectProduct.getProductName(productName); printf("\nProduct%d: ", productCounter + 1); printf(" Name: %s\n", productName); printf("\t Price: %4.2f\n", currectProduct.getProductPrice()); printf("\t Amount: %d\n", currectProduct.getProductAmount()); } }
int main() { std::cout << "Factory Method GoF Kata" << std::endl; // we're programming to interfaces here; we know nothing about // ConcreteProduct! Application* application = new ConcreteApplication(); Product* product = application->createProduct(); product->Use(); delete application; delete product; return 0; }
/* ИЗПОЛЗВАНЕ НА КЛАСА */ int main() { Product best; /* дефиниране на обект от класа */ bool more = true; while (more) { Product next; next.read(); /* извикване на член-функция на класа */ if (next.is_better_than(best)) best = next; cout << "More data? (y/n) "; string answer; getline(cin, answer); if (answer != "y") more = false; } cout << "The best bang for the buck is "; best.print(); /* извикване на член-функция на класа */ return 0; }
void MenuSupport::showProdutcsForStoreIndex(StoreCountType index) const { if (_shoppingStores->getStoreCount() <= index) return; Store* store = _shoppingStores->getStoreAtIndex(index); printf(" %s:\n", store->getStoreName()); ProductCountInStoreType productCount = store->getProductCount(); if (0 == productCount) printf(kNoProductsStringMessage); for (ProductCountInStoreType i = 0; i < productCount; i++) { Product* product = store->getProductAtIndex(i); printf(kProductStringFormatMessage, i + 1, product->getProductName(), product->getProductPrice(), product->getProductAmount()); } }
void DisplayCart::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialogEx::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CUST_CART, ce_cart); Product *temp = nullptr; CStringW s = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < pList->size(); i++){ temp = pList->elementAt(i); s += temp->getFullDisplay() + _T("\r\n"); } ce_cart.SetWindowText(LPCTSTR(s)); }