int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "bhand_node"); ProductManager pm; if (!pm.foundHand()) { printf("ERROR: No Hand found on bus!\n"); return 1; } Hand* hand = pm.getHand(); BHandNode bhand_node(hand); bhand_node.init(); ros::Rate pub_rate(PUBLISH_FREQ); while (bhand_node.n_.ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); bhand_node.publish(); pub_rate.sleep(); } hand->idle(); return 0; }
void AutoTension<DOF>::init(ProductManager& pm, std::vector<int> args) { wam.gravityCompensate(true); // Turning on Gravity Compenstation // Make sure all tangs are released correctly for (size_t m = 0; m < args.size(); m++) { if (args[m] == 6) // Motor 6 tensions using the single tang for 5 & 6 puck[4]->setProperty(Puck::TENSION, false); else puck[args[m] - 1]->setProperty(Puck::TENSION, false); } wam.moveHome(); // Move the WAM to home position // Tell our EM to start managing pm.getExecutionManager()->startManaging(motorRamp); //starting ramp manager pm.getExecutionManager()->startManaging(watchdog); pm.getExecutionManager()->startManaging(exposedGravity); // Some DOF dependent items jpInitial.resize(DOF); jpStart.resize(DOF); jpSlack1.resize(DOF); jpSlack2.resize(DOF); // Initialize hand if present if (pm.foundHand()) { jp_type handBufJT = wam.getJointPositions(); if (DOF == 4) handBufJT[3] -= 0.35; // Lift the elbow to give room for BHand HI else handBufJT[5] = jpStopLow[5]; // Set J6 on its positive stop wam.moveTo(handBufJT); hand = pm.getHand(); hand->initialize(); hand->close(Hand::GRASP); } // Joint 1 Tensioning will be added in and run simultaneously if present. jpInitial[0] = wam.getJointPositions(); // Joint 2 jpInitial[1] = wam.getJointPositions(); jpStart[1] = jpInitial[1]; jpStart[1][1] = jpStopHigh[1] - tangBuffer[1]; jpStart[1][2] = jpStopLow[2] + tangBuffer[2]; jpStart[1][3] = jpStopHigh[3] - stopBuffer[3]; jpSlack1[1] = jpStart[1]; jpSlack1[1][1] = jpStopHigh[1] - stopBuffer[1]; // This is so we dont drive into and wear the joint stops jpSlack1[1][2] = jpStopLow[2] + stopBuffer[2]; jpSlack2[1] = jpSlack1[1]; jpSlack2[1][1] = jpStopLow[1] + stopBuffer[1]; jpSlack2[1][2] = jpStopHigh[2] - stopBuffer[2]; jpSlack2[1][3] = jpStopLow[3] + stopBuffer[3]; // Joint 3 jpInitial[2] = wam.getJointPositions(); jpInitial[2][1] = 0.0; jpStart[2] = jpInitial[2]; jpStart[2][1] = jpStopLow[1] + tangBuffer[1]; jpStart[2][2] = jpStopLow[2] + tangBuffer[2]; jpStart[2][3] = jpStopLow[3] + stopBuffer[3]; jpSlack1[2] = jpStart[2]; jpSlack1[2][1] = jpStopLow[1] + stopBuffer[1]; jpSlack1[2][2] = jpStopLow[2] + stopBuffer[1]; jpSlack2[2] = jpSlack1[2]; jpSlack2[2][1] = jpStopHigh[1] - stopBuffer[1]; jpSlack2[2][2] = jpStopHigh[2] - stopBuffer[2]; jpSlack2[2][3] = jpStopHigh[3] - stopBuffer[3]; // Joint 4 jpInitial[3] = wam.getJointPositions(); jpStart[3] = jpInitial[3]; jpStart[3][1] = 0.0; jpStart[3][3] = jpStopLow[3] + tangBuffer[3]; jpSlack1[3] = jpStart[3]; jpSlack1[3][3] = jpStopLow[3] + stopBuffer[3]; jpSlack2[3] = jpSlack1[3]; jpSlack2[3][3] = jpStopHigh[3] - stopBuffer[3]; if (DOF == 7) { // Joint 5 jpInitial[4] = wam.getJointPositions(); jpStart[4] = jpInitial[4]; jpStart[4][3] = M_PI / 2.0; jpStart[4][4] = jpStopHigh[4] - tangBuffer[4]; jpStart[4][5] = jpStopLow[5] + tangBuffer[5]; jpSlack1[4] = jpStart[4]; jpSlack1[4][4] = jpStopHigh[4] - stopBuffer[4]; jpSlack1[4][5] = jpStopLow[5] + stopBuffer[5]; jpSlack2[4] = jpSlack1[4]; jpSlack2[4][4] = jpStopLow[4] + stopBuffer[4]; jpSlack2[4][5] = jpStopHigh[5] - stopBuffer[5]; // Joint 6 jpInitial[5] = wam.getJointPositions(); jpStart[5] = jpInitial[5]; jpStart[5][3] = M_PI / 2.0; jpStart[5][4] = jpStopHigh[4] - tangBuffer[4]; jpStart[5][5] = jpStopHigh[5] - tangBuffer[5]; jpSlack1[5] = jpStart[5]; jpSlack1[5][4] = jpStopHigh[4] - stopBuffer[4]; jpSlack1[5][5] = jpStopHigh[5] - stopBuffer[5]; jpSlack2[5] = jpSlack1[5]; jpSlack2[5][4] = jpStopLow[4] + stopBuffer[4]; jpSlack2[5][5] = jpStopLow[5] + stopBuffer[5]; } // Connect our systems and tell the supervisory control to control jpController in motor space. connectSystems(); }
int wam_main(int argc, char** argv, ProductManager& pm, systems::Wam<DOF>& wam) { BARRETT_UNITS_TEMPLATE_TYPEDEFS(DOF); typedef Hand::jp_type hjp_t; typedef boost::tuple<double, hjp_t> tuple_type; typedef systems::TupleGrouper<double, hjp_t> tg_type; tg_type tg; char tmpFile[] = "btXXXXXX"; if (mkstemp(tmpFile) == -1) { printf("ERROR: Couldn't create temporary file!\n"); return 1; } const double TRANSITION_DURATION = 0.5; wam.gravityCompensate(); // printf("Press [Enter] to go to given position"); // waitForEnter(); // jp_type startpos(0.0); // TODO : change here // wam.moveTo(startpos); // Is an FTS attached? ForceTorqueSensor* fts = NULL; if (pm.foundForceTorqueSensor()) { fts = pm.getForceTorqueSensor(); fts->tare(); } // Is a Hand attached? Hand* hand = NULL; std::vector<TactilePuck*> tps; if (pm.foundHand()) { hand = pm.getHand(); printf( ">>> Press [Enter] to initialize Hand. (Make sure it has room!)"); waitForEnter(); hand->initialize(); hand->trapezoidalMove(Hand::jp_type((1.0 / 3.0) * M_PI), Hand::SPREAD); hand->trapezoidalMove(Hand::jp_type((1.0 / 3.0) * M_PI), Hand::GRASP); hand->trapezoidalMove(Hand::jp_type((0.0) * M_PI), Hand::GRASP); } printf("Error 1 \n"); tps = hand->getTactilePucks(); // TODO write some error statement bool Release_Mode = 0; double delta_step = 0.002; //pm.getExecutionManager()->getPeriod(); std::string input_angle_string; input_angle_string = argv[1]; double input_angle = atoi(input_angle_string.c_str()); double spread_angle = (input_angle / 180.0) * M_PI; // std::string threshold_impulse_str; // std::cout << "Enter the inpulse threshold limit: "; // std::cin >> threshold_impulse_str; // std::cout << "\n" << std::endl; std::string threshold_impulse_string; threshold_impulse_string = argv[2]; double threshold_impulse = atof(threshold_impulse_string.c_str()); printf("Press [Enter] to turn on the system"); waitForEnter(); printf("Error 2 \n"); systems::Ramp time(pm.getExecutionManager(), 1.0); // const size_t PERIOD_MULTIPLIER = 1; const size_t PERIOD_MULTIPLIER = 1; systems::PeriodicDataLogger<tuple_type> logger(pm.getExecutionManager(), new log::RealTimeWriter<tuple_type>(tmpFile, PERIOD_MULTIPLIER * pm.getExecutionManager()->getPeriod()), PERIOD_MULTIPLIER); printf("Error 3 \n"); // Hand_forcetorque_sense<DOF> hand_ft(hand, fts); Hand_tactile_sense hand_tact(hand, tps); main_processor<DOF> brain(hand, delta_step, spread_angle, threshold_impulse, Release_Mode); Hand_full_move hand_move(hand); systems::connect(tg.output, logger.input); systems::connect(time.output, brain.Current_time); // systems::connect(hand_ft.Force_hand, brain.Force_hand); // systems::connect(hand_ft.Torque_hand, brain.Torque_hand); // systems::connect(hand_ft.Acceleration_hand, brain.Acceleration_hand); systems::connect(hand_tact.Finger_Tactile_1, brain.Finger_Tactile_1); systems::connect(hand_tact.Finger_Tactile_2, brain.Finger_Tactile_2); systems::connect(hand_tact.Finger_Tactile_3, brain.Finger_Tactile_3); systems::connect(hand_tact.Finger_Tactile_4, brain.Finger_Tactile_4); systems::connect(brain.Desired_Finger_Angles, hand_move.Finger_Angles); systems::connect(time.output, tg.template getInput<0>()); systems::connect(brain.Desired_Finger_Angles, tg.template getInput<1>()); // systems::connect(hand_ft.Force_hand_cf, tg.template getInput<1>()); printf("Error 4 \n"); time.smoothStart(TRANSITION_DURATION); printf("Press [Enter] to stop."); waitForEnter(); printf("Error 5 \n"); logger.closeLog(); time.smoothStop(TRANSITION_DURATION); wam.idle(); printf("Error 6 \n"); pm.getSafetyModule()->waitForMode(SafetyModule::IDLE); log::Reader<boost::tuple<tuple_type> > lr(tmpFile); lr.exportCSV(argv[3]); printf("Error 7 \n"); printf("Output written to %s.\n", argv[3]); std::remove(tmpFile); return 0; }
int wam_main(int argc, char** argv, ProductManager& pm, systems::Wam<DOF>& wam) { BARRETT_UNITS_TEMPLATE_TYPEDEFS(DOF); typedef Hand::jp_type hjp_t; const char* path = pm.getWamDefaultConfigPath(); std::cout<<"got configuration "<<std::endl; size_t i=0; while(path[i]!='\0'){ std::cout<<path[i]; i++; } jp_type zero(0.0); double O = 0.0; double C = 2.4; double SC = M_PI; hjp_t open(O); hjp_t closed(C); closed[3] = SC; jp_type PickPos, placePos; PickPos<<-0.002, 1.200, 0.002, 1.536, -0.054, -1.262, -1.517; placePos<<0.545, 1.199, 0.532, 1.481, -0.478, -0.917, -1.879; double OR = -0.75; double CR = 0.75; Hand::jv_type opening(OR); Hand::jv_type closing(CR); wam.gravityCompensate(); wam.moveTo(zero); if ( !pm.foundHand() ) { printf("ERROR: No Hand found on bus!\n"); return 1; } Hand& hand = *pm.getHand(); std::cout<<"[Enter] to initialize Hand"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter(); hand.initialize(); std::cout<<"operate on Hand"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter(); { assertPosition(hand, open); std::cout<<"[Enter] to close Hand"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter(); hand.close(); assertPosition(hand, closed); std::cout<<"[Enter] to open Hand"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter();; assertPosition(hand, open); std::cout<<"[Enter] to close spread Hand"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter(); hand.close(Hand::SPREAD); assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(O,O,O,SC)); std::cout<<"[Enter] to close grasp Hand"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter(); hand.close(Hand::GRASP); assertPosition(hand, closed); std::cout<<"[Enter] to open spread Hand"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter();, false); btsleep(0.5); assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(1.6,1.6,1.6,SC)); std::cout<<"[Enter] to open Hand"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter();; assertPosition(hand, open); wam.moveTo(PickPos ); btsleep(0.5); assertPosition(hand, open); std::cout<<"[Enter] to close Hand"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter(); hand.close(); } std::cout<<"[Enter] to move home"<<std::endl; detail::waitForEnter(); wam.moveHome(); std::cout<<"configuration should be printed"<<std::endl; pm.getSafetyModule()->waitForMode(SafetyModule::IDLE); return 0; }
int main() { typedef Hand::jp_type hjp_t; ProductManager pm; if ( !pm.foundHand() ) { printf("ERROR: No Hand found on bus!\n"); return 1; } Hand& hand = *pm.getHand(); hand.initialize(); double O = 0.0; double C = 2.4; double SC = M_PI; hjp_t open(O); hjp_t closed(C); closed[3] = SC; double OR = -0.75; double CR = 0.75; Hand::jv_type opening(OR); Hand::jv_type closing(CR); { assertPosition(hand, open); hand.close(); assertPosition(hand, closed);; assertPosition(hand, open); hand.close(Hand::SPREAD); assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(O,O,O,SC)); hand.close(Hand::GRASP); assertPosition(hand, closed);, false); btsleep(0.5); assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(1.6,1.6,1.6,SC));; assertPosition(hand, open); } { // Original interface preserved? Should move all 4 motors. hand.trapezoidalMove(closed); assertPosition(hand, closed); hand.trapezoidalMove(open, false); hand.waitUntilDoneMoving(); assertPosition(hand, open); // New interface hand.trapezoidalMove(closed, Hand::SPREAD); assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(O,O,O,SC)); hand.trapezoidalMove(closed, Hand::F1); assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(C,O,O,SC)); hand.trapezoidalMove(closed, Hand::F2); assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(C,C,O,SC)); hand.trapezoidalMove(closed, Hand::F3); assertPosition(hand, closed); hand.trapezoidalMove(open, Hand::GRASP); assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(O,O,O,SC)); hand.trapezoidalMove(open, Hand::SPREAD); assertPosition(hand, open); hand.trapezoidalMove(closed, Hand::F3 | Hand::SPREAD); assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(O,O,C,SC)); hand.trapezoidalMove(open, Hand::WHOLE_HAND); assertPosition(hand, open); } { double t = 0.0; // Original interface preserved? Should move all 4 motors. hand.velocityMove(closing); btsleep(1); t = 1.0; assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(CR*t), 0.2); // New interface hand.velocityMove(opening, Hand::GRASP); btsleep(1); t = 2.0; assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(O,O,O,CR*t), 0.4); hand.velocityMove(opening, Hand::WHOLE_HAND); hand.waitUntilDoneMoving(); assertPosition(hand, open); } { double t = 0.0; // Original interface preserved? Should move all 4 motors. hand.velocityMove(closing); btsleep(1); t = 1.0; assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(CR*t), 0.2); // SPREAD should continue its velocity move hand.trapezoidalMove(open, Hand::F1); // Only blocks for F1 t = 1.6; assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(O,CR*t,CR*t,CR*t), 0.4);; // Only blocks for GRASP t = 2.4; assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(O,O,O,CR*t), 0.4); btsleep(1); t = 3.4; assertPosition(hand, hjp_t(O,O,O,CR*t), 0.6);; assertPosition(hand, open); } hand.idle(); return 0; }