Пример #1
static void DrawProperties(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc)
    PropertiesLayout *layoutData = FindPropertyWindowByHwnd(hwnd);

    ScopedFont fontLeftTxt(GetSimpleFont(hdc, LEFT_TXT_FONT, LEFT_TXT_FONT_SIZE));
    ScopedFont fontRightTxt(GetSimpleFont(hdc, RIGHT_TXT_FONT, RIGHT_TXT_FONT_SIZE));

    HGDIOBJ origFont = SelectObject(hdc, fontLeftTxt); /* Just to remember the orig font */

    SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);

    ClientRect rcClient(hwnd);
    FillRect(hdc, &rcClient.ToRECT(), gBrushAboutBg);

    SetTextColor(hdc, WIN_COL_BLACK);

    /* render text on the left*/
    SelectObject(hdc, fontLeftTxt);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layoutData->Count(); i++) {
        PropertyEl *el = layoutData->At(i);
        DrawText(hdc, el->leftTxt, -1, &el->leftPos.ToRECT(), DT_RIGHT | DT_NOPREFIX);

    /* render text on the right */
    SelectObject(hdc, fontRightTxt);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layoutData->Count(); i++) {
        PropertyEl *el = layoutData->At(i);
        RectI rc = el->rightPos;
        if (rc.x + rc.dx > rcClient.x + rcClient.dx - PROPERTIES_RECT_PADDING)
            rc.dx = rcClient.x + rcClient.dx - PROPERTIES_RECT_PADDING - rc.x;
        DrawText(hdc, el->rightTxt, -1, &rc.ToRECT(), DT_LEFT | DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS | DT_NOPREFIX);

    SelectObject(hdc, origFont);
Пример #2
static void DrawProperties(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc)
    PropertiesLayout *layoutData = FindPropertyWindowByHwnd(hwnd);

    ScopedFont fontLeftTxt(CreateSimpleFont(hdc, LEFT_TXT_FONT, LEFT_TXT_FONT_SIZE));
    ScopedFont fontRightTxt(CreateSimpleFont(hdc, RIGHT_TXT_FONT, RIGHT_TXT_FONT_SIZE));

    HGDIOBJ origFont = SelectObject(hdc, fontLeftTxt); /* Just to remember the orig font */

    SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);

    ClientRect rcClient(hwnd);
    RECT rTmp = rcClient.ToRECT();
    ScopedGdiObj<HBRUSH> brushAboutBg(CreateSolidBrush(GetAboutBgColor()));
    FillRect(hdc, &rTmp, brushAboutBg);

    SetTextColor(hdc, WIN_COL_BLACK);

    /* render text on the left*/
    SelectObject(hdc, fontLeftTxt);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layoutData->Count(); i++) {
        PropertyEl *el = layoutData->At(i);
        const WCHAR *txt = el->leftTxt;
        rTmp = el->leftPos.ToRECT();
        DrawText(hdc, txt, -1, &rTmp, DT_RIGHT | DT_NOPREFIX);

    /* render text on the right */
    SelectObject(hdc, fontRightTxt);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layoutData->Count(); i++) {
        PropertyEl *el = layoutData->At(i);
        const WCHAR *txt = el->rightTxt;
        RectI rc = el->rightPos;
        if (rc.x + rc.dx > rcClient.x + rcClient.dx - PROPERTIES_RECT_PADDING)
            rc.dx = rcClient.x + rcClient.dx - PROPERTIES_RECT_PADDING - rc.x;
        rTmp = rc.ToRECT();
        DrawText(hdc, txt, -1, &rTmp, format);

    SelectObject(hdc, origFont);
Пример #3
// returns true if properties have been copied to the clipboard
static void CopyPropertiesToClipboard(HWND hwnd)
    PropertiesLayout *layoutData = FindPropertyWindowByHwnd(hwnd);
    if (!layoutData)

    // concatenate all the properties into a multi-line string
    str::Str<WCHAR> lines(256);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < layoutData->Count(); i++) {
        PropertyEl *el = layoutData->At(i);
        lines.AppendFmt(L"%s %s\r\n", el->leftTxt, el->rightTxt);
