Пример #1
// processes a GetMapLegendImage request from the Viewer and returns
// an image of the specified maps legend.
MgByteReader* MgHtmlController::GetMapLegendImage(CREFSTRING mapName,
    CREFSTRING format, MgColor* backgroundColor, INT32 width,
    INT32 height)
    // Create a Resource Service instance
    Ptr<MgResourceService> resourceService = (MgResourceService*)GetService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);

    // Create MgMap
    Ptr<MgMap> map = new MgMap();
    map->Open(resourceService, mapName);

    // Make sure we clear any track changes - these are not applicable for AJAX.
    Ptr<MgNamedCollection> changeLists = map->GetChangeLists();
    if (changeLists->GetCount() > 0)

    // Create Proxy Rendering Service instance
    Ptr<MgRenderingService> service = (MgRenderingService*)(GetService(MgServiceType::RenderingService));

    // Call the C++ API
    return service->RenderMapLegend(map, width, height, backgroundColor, format);
Пример #2
// Processes a GetDynamicMapOverlayImage request from the Viewer and returns an image of the specified map.
MgByteReader* c_RestFetchImage::GetDynamicMapOverlayImage_ViewCommands(c_RestMgSiteConnection* MgSiteConn,CREFSTRING mapName, CREFSTRING format, bool bKeepSelection,MgPropertyCollection* mapViewCommands)
	// Create a Resource Service instance
	Ptr<MgResourceService> resourceService = (MgResourceService*)MgSiteConn->CreateService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);

	// Create MgMap
	Ptr<MgMap> map = new MgMap();
	map->Open(resourceService, mapName);

	// Apply map view commands
	ApplyMapViewCommands(map, mapViewCommands);

	// Make sure we clear any track changes - these are not applicable for AJAX.
	Ptr<MgNamedCollection> changeLists = map->GetChangeLists();
	if (changeLists->GetCount() > 0)

	// Get the selection
	Ptr<MgSelection> selection = new MgSelection(map);
	selection->Open(resourceService, mapName);

	// Create Proxy Rendering Service instance
	Ptr<MgRenderingService> service = (MgRenderingService*)(MgSiteConn->CreateService(MgServiceType::RenderingService));

	// Call the C++ API
	return service->RenderDynamicOverlay(map, selection, format, bKeepSelection);
}//end of c_RestFetchImage::GetDynamicMapOverlayImage_ViewCommands
Пример #3
// Processes a GetDynamicMapOverlayImage request from the Viewer and returns an image of the specified map.
MgByteReader* MgHtmlController::GetDynamicMapOverlayImage(CREFSTRING mapName, MgRenderingOptions* options, MgPropertyCollection* mapViewCommands)
    // Create a Resource Service instance
    Ptr<MgResourceService> resourceService = (MgResourceService*)GetService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);

    // Create MgMap
    Ptr<MgMap> map = new MgMap();
    map->Open(resourceService, mapName);

    // Make sure we clear any track changes - these are not applicable for AJAX.
    Ptr<MgNamedCollection> changeLists = map->GetChangeLists();
    if (changeLists->GetCount() > 0)

    // Get the selection
    Ptr<MgSelection> selection = new MgSelection(map);
    selection->Open(resourceService, mapName);

    // Apply map view commands
    ApplyMapViewCommands(map, mapViewCommands);

    // Make sure we clear any track changes - these are not applicable for AJAX.

    // Save the MgMap state

    // Create Proxy Rendering Service instance
    Ptr<MgRenderingService> service = (MgRenderingService*)(GetService(MgServiceType::RenderingService));

    // Call the C++ API
    return service->RenderDynamicOverlay(map, selection, options);
Пример #4
// Processes a QueryMapFeatures request from the Viewer
MgByteReader* MgHtmlController::QueryMapFeatures(
    CREFSTRING mapName,
    MgStringCollection* layerNames,
    MgGeometry* selectionGeometry,
    INT32 selectionVariant,
    CREFSTRING featureFilter,
    INT32 maxFeatures,
    bool persist,
    INT32 layerAttributeFilter)
    // Create a Resource Service instance
    Ptr<MgResourceService> resourceService = (MgResourceService*)GetService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);

    // Create MgMap
    Ptr<MgMap> map = new MgMap();
    map->Open(resourceService, mapName);

    // Make sure we clear any track changes - these are not applicable for AJAX.
    Ptr<MgNamedCollection> changeLists = map->GetChangeLists();
    if (changeLists->GetCount() > 0)

    // Create Proxy Rendering Service instance
    Ptr<MgRenderingService> service = (MgRenderingService*)(GetService(MgServiceType::RenderingService));

    // Call the C++ API
    Ptr<MgFeatureInformation> featureInfo = service->QueryFeatures(map, layerNames, selectionGeometry,
        selectionVariant, featureFilter, maxFeatures, layerAttributeFilter);

        //save the selection set in the session repository
        Ptr<MgSelection> selection = featureInfo->GetSelection();
            selection = new MgSelection(map);
        selection->Save(resourceService, mapName);

    // Return XML
    return featureInfo->ToXml();
Пример #5
// Processes a GetVisibleMapExtent request from the Viewer and returns info on the specified map.
MgByteReader* MgHtmlController::GetVisibleMapExtent(CREFSTRING mapName,
    MgPropertyCollection* mapViewCommands)
    // Create a Resource Service instance
    Ptr<MgResourceService> resourceService = (MgResourceService*)GetService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);

    // Open the MgMap
    Ptr<MgMap> map = new MgMap();
    map->Open(resourceService, mapName);

    // Apply map view commands
    ApplyMapViewCommands(map, mapViewCommands);

    // Make sure we clear any track changes - these are not applicable for AJAX.

    // Save the MgMap state

    // Calculate mcs width and height
    double metersPerUnit = map->GetMetersPerUnit();
    double mapScale = map->GetViewScale();
    double devW = map->GetDisplayWidth();
    double devH = map->GetDisplayHeight();
    double metersPerPixel = 0.0254 / map->GetDisplayDpi();

    double mcsW = mapScale * devW * metersPerPixel / metersPerUnit;
    double mcsH = mapScale * devH * metersPerPixel / metersPerUnit;

    // Make an envelope
    Ptr<MgPoint> center = map->GetViewCenter();
    Ptr<MgCoordinate> coord = center->GetCoordinate();
    Ptr<MgCoordinateXY> coord0 = new MgCoordinateXY(coord->GetX() - 0.5*mcsW, coord->GetY() - 0.5*mcsH);
    Ptr<MgCoordinateXY> coord1 = new MgCoordinateXY(coord->GetX() + 0.5*mcsW, coord->GetY() + 0.5*mcsH);
    Ptr<MgEnvelope> envelope = new MgEnvelope(coord0, coord1);

    // Return XML
    return envelope->ToXml();
Пример #6
// Processes a QueryMapFeatures request from the Viewer
MgByteReader* MgHtmlController::QueryMapFeatures(
    CREFSTRING mapName,
    MgStringCollection* layerNames,
    MgGeometry* selectionGeometry,
    INT32 selectionVariant,
    CREFSTRING featureFilter,
    INT32 maxFeatures,
    bool persist,
    INT32 layerAttributeFilter,
    INT32 requestData,
    CREFSTRING selectionColor,
    CREFSTRING selectionFormat)
    Ptr<MgByteReader> result;
    Ptr<MgFeatureInformation> featureInfo;
    Ptr<MgBatchPropertyCollection> attributes;
    Ptr<MgByteReader> inlineSelectionImg;
    Ptr<MgSelection> newSelection;

    // Create a Resource Service instance
    Ptr<MgResourceService> resourceService = (MgResourceService*)GetService(MgServiceType::ResourceService);

    // Create MgMap
    Ptr<MgMap> map = new MgMap(m_siteConn);

    // Make sure we clear any track changes - these are not applicable for AJAX.
    Ptr<MgNamedCollection> changeLists = map->GetChangeLists();
    if (changeLists->GetCount() > 0)

    // Create Proxy Rendering Service instance
    Ptr<MgRenderingService> service = (MgRenderingService*)(GetService(MgServiceType::RenderingService));

    // Call the C++ API, regardless of bitmask as any part of the mask will require information from this API
    featureInfo = service->QueryFeatures(map, layerNames, selectionGeometry, selectionVariant, featureFilter, maxFeatures, layerAttributeFilter);

    if (persist)
        //save the selection set in the session repository
        Ptr<MgSelection> selection;
        if (NULL != featureInfo.p)
            selection = featureInfo->GetSelection();
            selection = new MgSelection(map);
        selection->Save(resourceService, mapName);
        newSelection = SAFE_ADDREF(selection.p);

        //Needed for GetLayers() to work below

    // Render an image of this selection if requested
    if (((requestData & REQUEST_INLINE_SELECTION) == REQUEST_INLINE_SELECTION) && NULL != newSelection.p)
        Ptr<MgColor> selColor = new MgColor(selectionColor);
        Ptr<MgRenderingOptions> renderOpts = new MgRenderingOptions(selectionFormat, MgRenderingOptions::RenderSelection | MgRenderingOptions::KeepSelection, selColor);
        inlineSelectionImg = service->RenderDynamicOverlay(map, newSelection, renderOpts);

    // Collect any attributes of selected features
        // This could be chunky for big selections, but client applications can control this via MAXFEATURES, so the onus is on them
        attributes = service->QueryFeatureProperties(map, layerNames, selectionGeometry, selectionVariant, L"", maxFeatures, layerAttributeFilter, true);

    result = CollectQueryMapFeaturesResult(resourceService, requestData, featureInfo, newSelection, attributes, inlineSelectionImg);

    // Return XML
    return result.Detach();