Пример #1
// NB: ElemTM is assumed to have no scaling in it!
void FKConvexElem::DrawElemWire(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI, const FTransform& ElemTM, const FVector& Scale3D, const FColor Color)

	FTransform LocalToWorld = ElemTM;

	PxConvexMesh* Mesh = ConvexMesh;

		// Draw each triangle that makes up the convex hull
		PxU32 NbVerts = Mesh->getNbVertices();
		const PxVec3* Vertices = Mesh->getVertices();
		TArray<FVector> TransformedVerts;
		for(PxU32 i=0; i<NbVerts; i++)
			TransformedVerts[i] = LocalToWorld.TransformPosition( P2UVector(Vertices[i]) );
		const PxU8* PIndexBuffer = Mesh->getIndexBuffer();
		PxU32 NbPolygons = Mesh->getNbPolygons();

		for(PxU32 i=0;i<NbPolygons;i++)
			PxHullPolygon Data;
			bool bStatus = Mesh->getPolygonData(i, Data);

			const PxU8* PIndices = PIndexBuffer + Data.mIndexBase;
			for(PxU16 j=0;j<Data.mNbVerts;j++)
				// Get the verts that make up this line.
				int32 I0 = PIndices[j];
				int32 I1 = PIndices[j+1];

				// Loop back last and first vertices
				if(j==Data.mNbVerts - 1)
					I1 = PIndices[0];

				PDI->DrawLine( TransformedVerts[I0], TransformedVerts[I1], Color, SDPG_World );
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("FKConvexElem::DrawElemWire : No ConvexMesh, so unable to draw."));
#endif // WITH_PHYSX
Пример #2
Mesh* ConvexHull::newMesh(Array<Vector3> points, VertexDescriptor& descriptor,
		GraphicsSystem& graphicsSystem, PhysicsSystem& physicsSystem) {
	GraphicsAPI& graphicsAPI = graphicsSystem.getAPI();

	PxConvexMesh* pxMesh = compute(points, physicsSystem);

	FDUint vertexCount = pxMesh->getNbVertices();
	FDUint byteSize = vertexCount * descriptor.getVertexSize();
	FDUint polygonCount = pxMesh->getNbPolygons();

	GeometryAuthor author(descriptor, graphicsAPI.getDynamicAllocator());

	const PxU8* indices = pxMesh->getIndexBuffer();
	for (FDUint i = 0; i < polygonCount; i++) {
		PxHullPolygon polygon;
		FDbool success = pxMesh->getPolygonData(i, polygon);
		if (!success) {
			FD_THROW(GenericException("Failed to get polygon data.\n"));

		FDUint firstIndex = 0;
		for (FDUint j = 0; j < polygon.mNbVerts; j++) {

			PxU8 cIndex = *(indices + polygon.mIndexBase + j);
			FDUint myIndex = author.newPoint(pxMesh->getVertices()[cIndex]);
			if (j == 0) {
				firstIndex = myIndex;

		for (FDUint j = 2; j < polygon.mNbVerts; j++) {
			FDUint i1 = firstIndex;
			FDUint i2 = firstIndex + j - 1;
			FDUint i3 = firstIndex + j;

			author.newTriangle(i1, i2, i3);


	Mesh* mesh = graphicsSystem.getAPI().newMesh(author);
	return mesh;