Пример #1
static PyObject *
meth_get__doc__(PythonQtSlotFunctionObject * m, void * /*closure*/)
  QByteArray doc;
  PythonQtSlotInfo* info = m->m_ml;
  const QByteArray& returnType = info->parameters().at(0).name;
  int returnTypeId = info->parameters().at(0).typeId;

  PythonQtSlotInfo* longestInfo = info;
  PythonQtSlotInfo* infoSearch = info->nextInfo();
  while (infoSearch) {
    if (longestInfo->parameterCount() < infoSearch->parameterCount()) {
      longestInfo = infoSearch;
    infoSearch = infoSearch->nextInfo();
  doc = "X." + info->slotName(true) + "(";
  for (int i = 1;i<longestInfo->parameterCount(); i++) {
    if (i!=1) {
      doc += ", ";
    doc += QString('a' + i-1);
  doc += ")";
  QByteArray pyReturnType;
  if (returnType == "QString" || returnType == "SbName" || returnType == "SbString") {
    pyReturnType = "str";
  } else if (returnType.startsWith("QVector<") || returnType.startsWith("QList<") ||
             returnType == "QStringList" || returnType == "QObjectList" || returnType == "QVariantList") {
    pyReturnType = "tuple";
  } else if (returnType.startsWith("QHash<") || returnType.startsWith("QMap<") ||
    returnType == "QVariantMap" || returnType == "QVariantHash") {
    pyReturnType = "dict";
  } else if (returnTypeId == QVariant::Bool) {
    pyReturnType = "bool";
  } else if (returnTypeId == PythonQtMethodInfo::Variant) {
    pyReturnType = "object";
  } else if (returnTypeId == QMetaType::Char || returnTypeId == QMetaType::UChar ||
    returnTypeId == QMetaType::Short || returnTypeId == QMetaType::UShort ||
    returnTypeId == QMetaType::Int || returnTypeId == QMetaType::UInt ||
    returnTypeId == QMetaType::Long || returnTypeId == QMetaType::ULong ||
    returnTypeId == QMetaType::LongLong || returnTypeId == QMetaType::ULongLong) {
    pyReturnType = "int";
  } else if (returnTypeId == QMetaType::Float || returnTypeId == QMetaType::Double) {
    pyReturnType = "float";
  } else {
    PythonQtClassInfo* returnTypeClassInfo = PythonQt::priv()->getClassInfo(returnType);
    if (returnTypeClassInfo) {
      PyObject* s = PyObject_GetAttrString(returnTypeClassInfo->pythonQtClassWrapper(), "__module__");
      if (s) {
        pyReturnType = QByteArray(PyString_AsString(s)) + "." + returnType;
  if (!pyReturnType.isEmpty()) {
    doc += " -> " + pyReturnType;
  return PyString_FromString(doc.constData());
Пример #2
PyObject *PythonQtSlotFunction_CallImpl(PythonQtClassInfo* classInfo, QObject* objectToCall, PythonQtSlotInfo* info, PyObject *args, PyObject * /*kw*/, void* firstArg, void** directReturnValuePointer)
  int argc = args?PyTuple_Size(args):0;

  std::cout << "called " << info->metaMethod()->typeName() << " " << info->metaMethod()->signature() << std::endl;

  PyObject* r = NULL;
  bool ok = false;
  if (directReturnValuePointer) {
    *directReturnValuePointer = NULL;
  if (info->nextInfo()) {
    // overloaded slot call, try on all slots with strict conversion first
    bool strict = true;
    PythonQtSlotInfo* i = info;
    while (i) {
      bool skipFirst = i->isInstanceDecorator();
      if (i->parameterCount()-1-(skipFirst?1:0) == argc) {
        ok = PythonQtCallSlot(classInfo, objectToCall, args, strict, i, firstArg, &r, directReturnValuePointer);
        if (PyErr_Occurred() || ok) break;
      i = i->nextInfo();
      if (!i) {
        if (strict) {
          // one more run without being strict
          strict = false;
          i = info;
    if (!ok && !PyErr_Occurred()) {
      QString e = QString("Could not find matching overload for given arguments:\n" + PythonQtConv::PyObjGetString(args) + "\n The following slots are available:\n");
      PythonQtSlotInfo* i = info;
      while (i) {
        e += QString(i->fullSignature()) + "\n";
        i = i->nextInfo();
      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.toLatin1().data());
  } else {
    // simple (non-overloaded) slot call
    bool skipFirst = info->isInstanceDecorator();
    if (info->parameterCount()-1-(skipFirst?1:0) == argc) {
      ok = PythonQtCallSlot(classInfo, objectToCall, args, false, info, firstArg, &r, directReturnValuePointer);
      if (!ok && !PyErr_Occurred()) {
        QString e = QString("Called ") + info->fullSignature() + " with wrong arguments: " + PythonQtConv::PyObjGetString(args);
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.toLatin1().data());
    } else {
      QString e = QString("Called ") + info->fullSignature() + " with wrong number of arguments: " + PythonQtConv::PyObjGetString(args);
      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.toLatin1().data());

  return r;