void MTPageCreateContract::on_pushButton_clicked() { // Get text from the clipboard, and add it to the plainTextEdit widget // QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); if (NULL != clipboard) { QString qstrClipText = clipboard->text(); if (!qstrClipText.isEmpty()) ui->plainTextEdit->insertPlainText(qstrClipText); } }
// Handle a mouse button press. void QsciScintillaBase::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { setFocus(); QSCI_SCI_NAMESPACE(Point) pt(e->x(), e->y()); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { unsigned clickTime; // It is a triple click if the timer is running and the mouse hasn't // moved too much. if (triple_click.isActive() && (e->globalPos() - triple_click_at).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) clickTime = sci->lastClickTime + QSCI_SCI_NAMESPACE(Platform)::DoubleClickTime() - 1; else clickTime = sci->lastClickTime + QSCI_SCI_NAMESPACE(Platform)::DoubleClickTime() + 1; triple_click.stop(); // Scintilla uses the Alt modifier to initiate rectangular selection. // However the GTK port (under X11, not Windows) uses the Control // modifier (by default, although it is configurable). It does this // because most X11 window managers hijack Alt-drag to move the window. // We do the same, except that (for the moment at least) we don't allow // the modifier to be configured. bool shift = e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton; bool ctrl = e->state() & Qt::ControlButton; #if !defined(Q_WS_X11) bool alt = e->modifiers() & Qt::AltButton; #else bool alt = ctrl; #endif sci->ButtonDown(pt, clickTime, shift, ctrl, alt); } else if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton) { QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); if (cb->supportsSelection()) { int pos = sci->PositionFromLocation(pt); sci->sel.Clear(); sci->SetSelection(pos, pos); sci->pasteFromClipboard(QClipboard::Selection); } } }
void WidgetLeds::actionMenuPaste() { if (isLedFrameInClipboard()) { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); LedFrame lf; if (lf.fromText(clipboard->text())) { setLedFrame(lf); emit ledFrameChanged(); } } }
void CMouseMoveMap::slotCopyPosPixel() { IMap& map = CMapDB::self().getMap(); double u = mousePos.x(); double v = mousePos.y(); map.convertPt2Pixel(u,v); QString position = QString("%1 %2").arg(u, 0,'f',0).arg(v,0,'f',0); QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(position); }
void ScriptContentDialog::on_clipboardButton_clicked() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); switch(mType) { case Read: clipboard->setText(ui->scriptContent->toPlainText()); break; case Write: ui->scriptContent->setPlainText(clipboard->text()); break; } }
void DesignDocumentControllerView::toClipboard() const { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); QMimeData *data = new QMimeData; data->setText(toText()); QStringList imports; foreach (const Import &import, model()->imports()) imports.append(import.toString()); data->setData("QmlDesigner::imports", stringListToArray(imports)); clipboard->setMimeData(data); }
void ccPointListPickingDlg::processPickedPoint(ccPointCloud* cloud, unsigned pointIndex, int x, int y) { if (cloud != m_associatedCloud || !cloud || !MainWindow::TheInstance()) return; cc2DLabel* newLabel = new cc2DLabel(); newLabel->addPoint(cloud,pointIndex); newLabel->setVisible(true); newLabel->setDisplayedIn2D(false); newLabel->setDisplayedIn3D(true); newLabel->setCollapsed(true); ccGenericGLDisplay* display = m_associatedCloud->getDisplay(); if (display) { newLabel->setDisplay(display); int vp[4]; display->getViewportArray(vp); newLabel->setPosition( static_cast<float>(x+20)/static_cast<float>(vp[2]-vp[0]), static_cast<float>(y+20)/static_cast<float>(vp[3]-vp[1]) ); } //add default container if necessary if (!m_orderedLabelsContainer) { m_orderedLabelsContainer = new ccHObject(s_pickedPointContainerName); m_associatedCloud->addChild(m_orderedLabelsContainer); m_orderedLabelsContainer->setDisplay(display); MainWindow::TheInstance()->addToDB(m_orderedLabelsContainer,false,true,false,false); } assert(m_orderedLabelsContainer); m_orderedLabelsContainer->addChild(newLabel); MainWindow::TheInstance()->addToDB(newLabel,false,true,false,false); m_toBeAdded.push_back(newLabel); //automatically send the new point coordinates to the clipboard QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); if (clipboard) { const CCVector3* P = cloud->getPoint(pointIndex); int precision = m_associatedWin ? m_associatedWin->getDisplayParameters().displayedNumPrecision : 6; int indexInList = startIndexSpinBox->value() + static_cast<int>(m_orderedLabelsContainer->getChildrenNumber()) - 1; clipboard->setText(QString("CC_POINT_#%0(%1;%2;%3)").arg(indexInList).arg(P->x,0,'f',precision).arg(P->y,0,'f',precision).arg(P->z,0,'f',precision)); } updateList(); if (m_associatedWin) m_associatedWin->redraw(); }
QString GlobalActionManager::copyPlaylistToClipboard( const dynplaylist_ptr& playlist ) { QUrl link( QString( "%1/%2/create/" ).arg( hostname() ).arg( playlist->mode() == OnDemand ? "station" : "autoplaylist" ) ); if ( playlist->generator()->type() != "echonest" ) { tLog() << "Only echonest generators are supported"; return QString(); } TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "type", "echonest" ); TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "title", playlist->title() ); QList< dyncontrol_ptr > controls = playlist->generator()->controls(); foreach ( const dyncontrol_ptr& c, controls ) { if ( c->selectedType() == "Artist" ) { if ( c->match().toInt() == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistType ) TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "artist_limitto", c->input() ); else TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "artist", c->input() ); } else if ( c->selectedType() == "Artist Description" ) { TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, "description", c->input() ); } else { QString name = c->selectedType().toLower().replace( " ", "_" ); Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam p = static_cast< Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam >( c->match().toInt() ); // if it is a max, set that too if ( p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxTempo || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxDuration || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxLoudness || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxDanceability || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxEnergy || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxFamiliarity || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxHotttnesss || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::SongMaxHotttnesss || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxLatitude || p == Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxLongitude ) name += "_max"; TomahawkUtils::urlAddQueryItem( link, name, c->input() ); } } QClipboard* cb = QApplication::clipboard(); QByteArray data = percentEncode( link ); cb->setText( data ); return link.toString(); }
void qtDLGDebugStrings::MenuCallback(QAction* pAction) { if(QString().compare(pAction->text(),"Line") == 0) { QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(QString("%1:%2") .arg(tblDebugStrings->item(m_selectedRow,0)->text()) .arg(tblDebugStrings->item(m_selectedRow,1)->text())); } else if(QString().compare(pAction->text(),"Debug String") == 0) { QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(tblDebugStrings->item(m_selectedRow,1)->text()); } }
void VoxCad::Paste(void) { if (CurViewMode == VM_EDITLAYER){ CVXC_Structure Layer; CXML_Rip LocXML; QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); std::string Text = clipboard->text().toStdString(); LocXML.fromXMLText(&Text); Layer.ReadXML(&LocXML); MainObj.ImposeLayerCur(&Layer); ReqGLUpdateAll(); } }
void VoxCad::Copy(void) { if (CurViewMode == VM_EDITLAYER){ CVXC_Structure Layer; MainObj.ExtractCurLayer(&Layer); CXML_Rip LocXML; Layer.WriteXML(&LocXML); std::string Text; LocXML.toXMLText(&Text); QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(Text.c_str()); } }
void TStyleSelection::cutStyles() { if (isEmpty()) return; QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); QMimeData *oldData = cloneData(clipboard->mimeData()); TStyleSelection *selection = new TStyleSelection(this); if (m_pageIndex == 0 && (isSelected(m_palette, 0, 0) || isSelected(m_palette, 0, 1))) { MsgBox(CRITICAL, "Can't delete colors #0 and #1"); return; } cutStylesWithoutUndo(m_palette, m_pageIndex, &m_styleIndicesInPage); TUndoManager::manager()->add(new CutStylesUndo(selection, oldData)); }
/** * @if english * This is the destructor method for this class. * @endif * @if spanish * Este es el metodo destructor para esta clase. * @endif */ TupMainWindow::~TupMainWindow() { #ifdef K_DEBUG TEND; #endif QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->clear(QClipboard::Clipboard); delete TupPluginManager::instance(); delete TOsd::self(); delete m_projectManager; delete penView; }
void MainWindow::on_action_CopyPassword_triggered() { int row = ui->listWidget->currentRow(); QListWidgetItem *widgetItem = ui->listWidget->currentItem(); if(row >= 0 && widgetItem && widgetItem->isSelected()) { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); QList<PasswordItem> list = this->accountFile->getPasswordList(); QString password = list.at(row).password; clipboard->setText(password); QTimer::singleShot(60 * 1000, this, SLOT(on_action_ClearClipboard_triggered())); } }
void CObjInfo::on_cb_copy1_clicked() //////////////////////////////////// { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); double ra, dec; ra = m_infoItem.radec.Ra; dec = m_infoItem.radec.Dec; precess(&ra, &dec, JD2000, m_map->m_mapView.jd); QString str = getStrRA(ra) + " " + getStrDeg(dec); clipboard->setText(str); }
// Send response to clipboard or standard error void ImodClipboard::sendResponse(int succeeded) { static int lastResponse = 0; QString str; if (succeeded < 0) succeeded = lastResponse; lastResponse = succeeded; if (mUseStdin) { imodPrintStderr("%s\n", succeeded ? "OK" : "ERROR"); } else { str.sprintf("%u %s", ourWindowID(), succeeded ? "OK" : "ERROR"); QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); //cb->setSelectionMode(false); cb->setText(str); } }
void CMouseMoveMap::slotCopyPosDegree() { IMap& map = CMapDB::self().getMap(); double u = mousePos.x(); double v = mousePos.y(); map.convertPt2Rad(u,v); u *= RAD_TO_DEG; v *= RAD_TO_DEG; QString position; GPS_Math_Deg_To_Str(u, v, position); QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(position); }
void Notifier::onCopyDocument() { QModelIndex selectedInd = _observer->selectedIndex(); if (!selectedInd.isValid()) return; BsonTreeItem *documentItem = QtUtils::item<BsonTreeItem*>(selectedInd); if (!documentItem) return; if (!detail::isSimpleType(documentItem)) return; QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(documentItem->value()); }
void QtLogView::on_SaveToClipboard_clicked() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); QString loggingMessagesAsText = QString(""); for (int i=0; i<ui.tableView->model()->rowCount(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<ui.tableView->model()->columnCount(); j++) { QModelIndex index = ui.tableView->model()->index(i, j); loggingMessagesAsText += ui.tableView->model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString() + " "; } loggingMessagesAsText += "\n"; } clipboard->setText(loggingMessagesAsText); }
int Jovie::sayClipboard() { // Get the clipboard object. QClipboard *cb = qApp->clipboard(); // Copy text from the clipboard. QString text = cb->text(); // Speak it. if (!(text.isNull() || text.isEmpty())) { return Speaker::Instance()->say(callingAppId(), text, 0); } else { return 0; } }
QString GlobalConfigWidget::getClipboard() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); switch( Settings::value( Settings::GlobalClipboardMode ) ) { case 1: case 3: return clipboard->text( QClipboard::Selection ); case 2: case 4: return clipboard->text( QClipboard::Clipboard ); default: return QString(); } }
void MainWindow::copyCurrentUrlToClipboard() { FileInfo * currentItem = _selectionModel->currentItem(); if ( currentItem ) { QClipboard * clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); QString url = currentItem->url(); clipboard->setText( url ); showProgress( tr( "Copied to system clipboard: %1" ).arg( url ) ); } else { showProgress( tr( "No current item" ) ); } }
void SearchJobWidget::copyTorrentURLs() { const QModelIndexList rows {m_ui->resultsBrowser->selectionModel()->selectedRows()}; QStringList urls; for (const QModelIndex &rowIndex : rows) { const QString descrLink = m_proxyModel->data( m_proxyModel->index(rowIndex.row(), SearchSortModel::DESC_LINK)).toString(); if (!descrLink.isEmpty()) urls << descrLink; } if (!urls.empty()) { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(urls.join('\n')); } }
void SliceEditView::PasteFromClipboard() { if(supportMode) return; QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); if(clipboard->image().isNull()) return; modified = true; topImg = clipboard->image(); pDrawingContext->SetUpperImg(&topImg); RefreshContext(1);//所以我们可以撤消粘贴... SaveToUndoBuffer();//由于图像被改变,保存到缓冲器。 ReCompress(); }
// The timeout occurred - if count has not expired, resend message with an // added space, otherwise write error message and exit with error void ImodSendEvent::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e) { if (++retryCount < retryLimit) { timeStr += " "; QString qstr = timeStr + cmdStr; QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); //cb->setSelectionMode(false); if (debugOut) fprintf(stderr, "Imodsendevent - resending %s \n", LATIN1(qstr)); cb->setText(qstr); return; } fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: imodsendevent - timeout before response received " "from target 3dmod\n"); QApplication::exit(2); }
Incidence::Ptr DndFactory::pasteIncidence( const KDateTime &newDateTime, const QFlags<PasteFlag> &pasteOptions ) { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); MemoryCalendar::Ptr calendar( createDropCalendar( clipboard->mimeData() ) ); if ( !calendar ) { kDebug() << "Can't parse clipboard"; return Incidence::Ptr(); } Incidence::List incidenceList = calendar->incidences(); Incidence::Ptr incidence = incidenceList.isEmpty() ? Incidence::Ptr() : incidenceList.first(); return d->pasteIncidence( incidence, newDateTime, pasteOptions ); }
void SliceEditView::PasteFromClipboard() { if(supportMode) return; QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); if(clipboard->image().isNull()) return; modified = true; topImg = clipboard->image(); pDrawingContext->SetUpperImg(&topImg); RefreshContext(1);//so we can undo the paste... SaveToUndoBuffer();//since the image is altered, save to the buffer. ReCompress(); }
void TableWidget::copy() { // Get a list of all selected ranges: QList<QTableWidgetSelectionRange> selectedRanges = this->selectedRanges(); if(selectedRanges.isEmpty()) return; // Establish the outer boundary of all selections: int leftColumn = this->columnCount() - 1; int rightColumn = 0; int topRow = this->rowCount() - 1; int bottomRow = 0; for(int i = 0; i < selectedRanges.size(); i++) { QTableWidgetSelectionRange range = selectedRanges.at(i); if(range.leftColumn() < leftColumn) leftColumn = range.leftColumn(); if(range.rightColumn() > rightColumn) rightColumn = range.rightColumn(); if(range.topRow() < topRow) topRow = range.topRow(); if(range.bottomRow() > bottomRow) bottomRow = range.bottomRow(); } if(bottomRow < topRow or rightColumn < leftColumn) return; // Loop through selection range and extract data: QString outputText; for(int i = topRow; i <= bottomRow; i++) { for(int j = leftColumn; j <= rightColumn; j++) { if(this->item(i, j)->isSelected()) { outputText += this->item(i, j)->text(); } if (j < rightColumn) outputText += "\t"; else outputText += "\n"; } } // Copy data to clipboard: QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(outputText); return; }
Incidence *DndFactory::pasteIncidence( const QDate &newDate, const QTime *newTime ) { QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); Calendar *cal = createDropCalendar( cb->mimeData() ); if ( !cal ) { kDebug() << "Can't parse clipboard"; return 0; } Incidence::List incList = cal->incidences(); Incidence *inc = incList.isEmpty() ? 0 : incList.first(); Incidence *newInc = d->pasteIncidence( inc, newDate, newTime ); newInc->setRelatedTo( 0 ); return newInc; }
void HuboInitWidget::handleJointCopy() { QString copyText; for(int i=0; i<HUBO_JOINT_COUNT; i++) { double pos = h_state.joint[i].pos; if( degSelect->isChecked() ) pos = pos*180.0/M_PI; if(i>0) QTextStream(©Text) << "\t"; QTextStream(©Text) << QString::number(pos); } QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(copyText); }