Пример #1
/*! Returns true if this id is less than the \a other id.
    This id will be considered less than the \a other id if the
    manager URI of this id is alphabetically less than the manager
    URI of the \a other id.  If both ids have the same manager URI,
    this id will be considered less than the \a other id if the
    local id of this id is less than the local id of the \a other id.

    The invalid, empty id consists of an empty manager URI and the
    invalid, zero local id, and hence will be less than any non-invalid

    This operator is provided primarily to allow use of a QContactId
    as a key in a QMap.
    \since 1.0
bool QContactId::operator<(const QContactId& other) const
    const int comp = this->managerUri().compare(other.managerUri());
    if (comp != 0)
        return comp < 0;

    return this->localId() < other.localId();
Пример #2
/*! Adds QContactTag details to the \a contacts, based on the \a relationships.

  Tags are created such that if a group contact, B with display label "b", has a HasMember
  relationship with a contact, A, then a QContactTag, "b", is added to A.

  Group contacts can be passed in with the \a contacts list.  If a contact is part of a group which
  is not in \a contacts, the \a manager is queried to find them.
void createTagsFromGroups(QList<QContact>* contacts,
                          const QList<QContactRelationship>& relationships,
                          const QContactManager* manager)
    // Map from QContactIds to group names
    QMap<QContactId, QString> groupMap;

    // Map from QContactIds to indices into the contacts list
    QMap<QContactId, int> indexMap;
    // Build up groupMap and indexMap
    for (int i = 0; i < contacts->size(); ++i) {
        QContact contact = contacts->at(i);
        if (contact.type() == QContactType::TypeGroup) {
            // In practice, you may want to check that there aren't two distinct groups with the
            // same name, and you may want to use a field other than display label.
            groupMap.insert(contact.id(), contact.displayLabel());
        indexMap.insert(contact.id(), i);

    // Now add all the tags specified by the group relationships
    foreach (const QContactRelationship& rel, relationships) {
        if (rel.relationshipType() == QContactRelationship::HasMember
            && indexMap.contains(rel.second())) {
            QString groupName = groupMap.value(rel.first()); // Have we seen the group before?
            if (groupName.isEmpty()) {
                // Try and find the group in the manager
                QContactId groupId = rel.second();
                QContactFetchHint fetchHint;
                QContact contact = manager->contact(groupId.localId(), fetchHint);
                if (!contact.isEmpty()) {
                    groupName = contact.displayLabel();
                    groupMap.insert(groupId, groupName); // Cache the group id/name
            if (!groupName.isEmpty()) {
                // Add the tag
                QContactTag tag;
Пример #3
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QContactId& id)
    dbg.nospace() << "QContactId(" << id.managerUri() << ", " << id.localId() << ")";
    return dbg.maybeSpace();
Пример #4
 * Returns the hash value for \a key.
 * \since 1.0
uint qHash(const QContactId &key)
    return QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qHash)(key.managerUri())
            + QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qHash)(key.localId());