bool SensorManager::registerService() { clearError(); bool ok = bus().isConnected(); if ( !ok ) { QDBusError error = bus().lastError(); setError(SmNotConnected, error.message()); return false; } ok = bus().registerObject( OBJECT_PATH, this ); if ( !ok ) { QDBusError error = bus().lastError(); setError(SmCanNotRegisterObject, error.message()); return false; } ok = bus().registerService ( SERVICE_NAME ); if ( !ok ) { QDBusError error = bus().lastError(); setError(SmCanNotRegisterService, error.message()); return false; } return true; }
QString KWinWaylandTouchpad::valueWriter(const Prop<T> &prop) { if (!prop.changed()) { return QString(); } m_iface->setProperty(prop.dbus, prop.val); QDBusError error = m_iface->lastError(); if (error.isValid()) { qCCritical(KCM_TOUCHPAD) << error.message(); return error.message(); } return QString(); }
bool DBusLauncherImpl::launch(const QUrl& url, const QString& mimeType, QWidget* window) { if (!url.isValid()) return false; if (url.isLocalFile()) return launch(url.path(), mimeType, window); if (mimeType.isEmpty()) return launch(url, window); QDBusError error; QValueList<QVariant> params; params.append(url.toString()); params.append(mimeType); QDBusMessage reply = m_proxy->sendWithReply("LaunchURL", params, &error); if (error.isValid()) { qWarning("Error while launching through D-Bus:\nerror '%s'\nmessage '%s'",, error.message().local8Bit().data()); return false; } if (reply.count() != 1 || reply[0].type() != QVariant::Bool) { qWarning("Unexpected launcher reply"); return false; } return reply[0].toBool(); }
bool DBusLauncherImpl::launch(const QString& fileName, const QString& mimeType, QWidget* window) { QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); if (!fileInfo.exists() || !fileInfo.isReadable()) return false; if (mimeType.isEmpty()) return launch(fileName, window); QDBusError error; QValueList<QVariant> params; params.append(fileInfo.absFilePath()); params.append(mimeType); QDBusMessage reply = m_proxy->sendWithReply("LaunchFile", params, &error); if (error.isValid()) { qWarning("Error while launching through D-Bus:\nerror '%s'\nmessage '%s'",, error.message().local8Bit().data()); return false; } if (reply.count() != 1 || reply[0].type() != QVariant::Bool) { qWarning("Unexpected launcher reply"); return false; } return reply[0].toBool(); }
bool KHotKeys::init() { khotkeys_inited = true; // Check if khotkeys is running QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); khotkeysInterface = new OrgKdeKhotkeysInterface( "org.kde.kded", "/modules/khotkeys", bus, NULL); QDBusError err; if(!khotkeysInterface->isValid()) { err = khotkeysInterface->lastError(); if (err.isValid()) { kError() << << ":" << err.message(); } KMessageBox::error( NULL, "<qt>" + i18n("Unable to contact khotkeys. Your changes are saved, but they could not be activated.") + "</qt>" ); } khotkeys_present = khotkeysInterface->isValid(); return true; }
void CReporterNotificationPrivate::retrieveNotificationId() { if (callWatcher == 0) return; callWatcher->waitForFinished(); QDBusPendingReply<quint32> reply = *callWatcher; callWatcher->deleteLater(); callWatcher = 0; if (reply.isValid()) { id = reply.argumentAt<0>(); if (id == 0) { // Notification didn't exist, create a new one. sendDBusNotify(); retrieveNotificationId(); return; } qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Create notification with id: " << id; } else if (reply.isError()) { QDBusError error = reply.error(); qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Failed to create notification: " << << " - " << error.message(); } }
void QSpiApplicationAdaptor::notifyKeyboardListenerError(const QDBusError& error, const QDBusMessage& /*message*/) { qWarning() << "QSpiApplication::keyEventError " << << error.message(); while (!keyEvents.isEmpty()) { QPair<QObject*, QKeyEvent*> event = keyEvents.dequeue(); QApplication::postEvent(event.first, event.second); } }
QScriptValue qDBusErrorToScriptValue(QScriptEngine *engine, const QDBusError &error) { QScriptValue v = engine->newObject(); v.setProperty(QLatin1String("type"), QScriptValue(engine, error.type()), QScriptValue::ReadOnly); v.setProperty(QLatin1String("name"), QScriptValue(engine,, QScriptValue::ReadOnly); v.setProperty(QLatin1String("message"), QScriptValue(engine, error.message()), QScriptValue::ReadOnly); v.setProperty(QLatin1String("isValid"), QScriptValue(engine, error.isValid()), QScriptValue::ReadOnly); return v; }
bool TimeDateCtl::setTimeZone(QString timeZone, QString& errorMessage) { mIface->call("SetTimezone", timeZone, true); QDBusError err = mIface->lastError(); if(err.isValid()) { errorMessage = err.message(); return false; } return true; }
void KNotification::slotReceivedIdError(const QDBusError& error) { if(d->id == -2) //we are already closed { deleteLater(); return; } kWarning(299) << "Error while contacting notify daemon" << error.message(); d->id = -3; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(deref())); }
bool TimeDateCtl::setUseNtp(bool value, QString& errorMessage) { mIface->call("SetNTP", value, true); QDBusError err = mIface->lastError(); if(err.isValid()) { errorMessage = err.message(); return false; } return true; }
bool ServiceControl::stopService() { QDBusError reply; systemd->call("StopUnit", ROCKPOOLD_SYSTEMD_UNIT, "replace"); systemd->call("DisableUnitFiles", QStringList() << ROCKPOOLD_SYSTEMD_UNIT, false); if (reply.isValid()) { qWarning() << reply.message(); return false; } else { systemd->call("Reload"); return true; } }
bool TimeDateCtl::setDateTime(QDateTime dateTime, QString& errorMessage) { // the timedatectl dbus service accepts "usec" input. // Qt can only get "msec" => convert to usec here. mIface->call("SetTime", dateTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch() * 1000, false, true); QDBusError err = mIface->lastError(); if(err.isValid()) { errorMessage = err.message(); return false; } return true; }
void KCMHotkeysPrivate::save() { if (current) applyCurrentItem(); // Write the settings model->save(); if (!KHotKeys::Daemon::isRunning()) { if (!KHotKeys::Daemon::start()) { // On startup the demon does the updating stuff, therefore reload // the actions. model->load(); } else { KMessageBox::error( q, "<qt>" + i18n("Unable to contact khotkeys. Your changes are saved, but they could not be activated.") + "</qt>" ); } return; } // Inform kdedkhotkeys demon to reload settings QDBusConnection bus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); QPointer<OrgKdeKhotkeysInterface> iface = new OrgKdeKhotkeysInterface( "org.kde.kded", "/modules/khotkeys", bus, q); QDBusError err; if(!iface->isValid()) { err = iface->lastError(); if (err.isValid()) { kError() << << ":" << err.message(); } KMessageBox::error( q, "<qt>" + i18n("Unable to contact khotkeys. Your changes are saved, but they could not be activated.") + "</qt>" ); return; } // Reread the configuration. We have no possibility to check if it worked. iface->reread_configuration(); }
void getProperty(const QString &service, const QString &path, const QString &interfaceAndName) { QString property; QString interface; if (!splitInterfaceAndName(interfaceAndName, "Property", interface, property)) exit(1); QDBusInterfacePtr iface(*connection, service, path, interface); QVariant reply = iface->property(property.toLatin1()); if (reply.isNull()) { QDBusError error = iface->lastError(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not get property '%s' on interface '%s': %s (%s)\n", qPrintable(property), qPrintable(interface), qPrintable(, qPrintable(error.message())); exit(1); } printf("%s\n", qPrintable(reply.toString())); }
AbstractSensorChannel* SensorManager::addSensor(const QString& id) { sensordLogD() << "Adding sensor: " << id; clearError(); QString cleanId = getCleanId(id); QMap<QString, SensorInstanceEntry>::const_iterator entryIt = sensorInstanceMap_.find(cleanId); if (entryIt == sensorInstanceMap_.end()) { sensordLogC() << QString("%1 not present").arg(cleanId); setError( SmIdNotRegistered, QString(tr("instance for sensor type '%1' not registered").arg(cleanId)) ); return NULL; } const QString& typeName = entryIt.value().type_; if ( !sensorFactoryMap_.contains(typeName) ) { setError( SmFactoryNotRegistered, QString(tr("factory for sensor type '%1' not registered").arg(typeName)) ); return NULL; } AbstractSensorChannel* sensorChannel = sensorFactoryMap_[typeName](id); if ( !sensorChannel->isValid() ) { sensordLogC() << QString("%1 instantiation failed").arg(cleanId); delete sensorChannel; return NULL; } bool ok = bus().registerObject(OBJECT_PATH + "/" + sensorChannel->id(), sensorChannel); if ( !ok ) { QDBusError error = bus().lastError(); setError(SmCanNotRegisterObject, error.message()); sensordLogC() << "Failed to register sensor '" << OBJECT_PATH + "/" + sensorChannel->id() << "'"; delete sensorChannel; return NULL; } return sensorChannel; }
bool Notifications::notifyDBus(const QString &text) { Q_ASSERT(m_interface); if (!m_interface->isValid()) return false; QString member = "Notify"; QVariantList params; params << qApp->applicationName() << static_cast<unsigned int>(0); params << "/home/h/Projects/qmpdclient/qmpdclient/icons/qmpdclient22.png"; params << qApp->applicationName() << text; params << QStringList() << QMap<QString, QVariant>() << Config::instance()->notificationsTimeout()*1000; QDBusMessage reply = m_interface->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::Block, member, params); if (reply.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) { QDBusError err = reply; qWarning("Error: %s\n%s", qPrintable(, qPrintable(err.message())); return false; } else if (reply.type() != QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) { qWarning("Invalid reply type %d", int(reply.type())); return false; } return true; }
void DesktopNotificationsFactory::error(const QDBusError &error) { qWarning() << "QDBusError:" << error.message(); }
void QOfonoMessageManager::messagesError(const QDBusError &error) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << error.message(); }
void WatchCommands::musicControl(WatchConnector::MusicControl operation) { logger()->debug() << "Operation:" << operation; QString mpris = parent()->property("mpris").toString(); if (mpris.isEmpty()) { logger()->debug() << "No mpris interface active"; return; } QString method; switch(operation) { case WatchConnector::musicPLAY_PAUSE: method = "PlayPause"; break; case WatchConnector::musicPAUSE: method = "Pause"; break; case WatchConnector::musicPLAY: method = "Play"; break; case WatchConnector::musicNEXT: method = "Next"; break; case WatchConnector::musicPREVIOUS: method = "Previous"; break; case WatchConnector::musicVOLUME_UP: case WatchConnector::musicVOLUME_DOWN: { QDBusReply<QDBusVariant> VolumeReply = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call( QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(mpris, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get") << "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player" << "Volume"); if (VolumeReply.isValid()) { double volume = VolumeReply.value().variant().toDouble(); if (operation == WatchConnector::musicVOLUME_UP) { volume += 0.1; } else { volume -= 0.1; } logger()->debug() << "Setting volume" << volume; QDBusError err = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call( QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(mpris, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Set") << "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player" << "Volume" << QVariant::fromValue(QDBusVariant(volume))); if (err.isValid()) { logger()->error() << err.message(); } } else { logger()->error() << VolumeReply.error().message(); } } return; case WatchConnector::musicGET_NOW_PLAYING: onMprisMetadataChanged(parent()->property("mprisMetadata").toMap()); return; case WatchConnector::musicSEND_NOW_PLAYING: logger()->warn() << "Operation" << operation << "not supported"; return; } if (method.isEmpty()) { logger()->error() << "Requested unsupported operation" << operation; return; } logger()->debug() << operation << "->" << method; QDBusError err = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call( QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(mpris, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", method)); if (err.isValid()) { logger()->error() << err.message(); } }
void ReadPasswordJobPrivate::kwalletReadFinished( QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher ) { watcher->deleteLater(); if ( watcher->isError() ) { const QDBusError err = watcher->error(); q->emitFinishedWithError( OtherError, tr("Could not read password: %1; %2").arg( QDBusError::errorString( err.type() ), err.message() ) ); return; } if ( dataType == Binary ) { QDBusPendingReply<QByteArray> reply = *watcher; data = reply.value(); } else { QDBusPendingReply<QString> reply = *watcher; data = reply.value().toUtf8(); } q->emitFinished(); }
void DBusProxy::invalidate(const QDBusError &error) { invalidate(, error.message()); }
void DynamicAddress::errorCallback(const QDBusError &error) { Q_EMIT addressFetchError(error.message()); }
void UDiskMountDevice::dbusError(const QDBusError &err, const QDBusMessage &msg) { qWarning() << "UdisksInfo::mDbus_error" << err.message(); emit error(err.message()); }
void ReadPasswordJobPrivate::kwalletEntryTypeFinished( QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher ) { watcher->deleteLater(); if ( watcher->isError() ) { const QDBusError err = watcher->error(); q->emitFinishedWithError( OtherError, tr("Could not determine data type: %1; %2").arg( QDBusError::errorString( err.type() ), err.message() ) ); return; } const QDBusPendingReply<int> reply = *watcher; dataType = reply.value() == 1/*Password*/ ? Text : Binary; const QDBusPendingCall nextReply = dataType == Text ? QDBusPendingCall( iface->readPassword( walletHandle, q->service(), key, q->service() ) ) : QDBusPendingCall( iface->readEntry( walletHandle, q->service(), key, q->service() ) ); QDBusPendingCallWatcher* nextWatcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher( nextReply, this ); connect( nextWatcher, SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)), this, SLOT(kwalletReadFinished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)) ); }
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QDBusError &msg) { dbg.nospace() << "QDBusError(" << << ", " << msg.message() << ')'; return; }
void WritePasswordJobPrivate::kwalletWriteFinished( QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher ) { watcher->deleteLater(); QDBusPendingReply<int> reply = *watcher; if ( reply.isError() ) { const QDBusError err = reply.error(); q->emitFinishedWithError( OtherError, tr("Could not open wallet: %1; %2").arg( QDBusError::errorString( err.type() ), err.message() ) ); return; } q->emitFinished(); }
void WritePasswordJobPrivate::kwalletOpenFinished( QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher ) { watcher->deleteLater(); QDBusPendingReply<int> reply = *watcher; std::auto_ptr<QSettings> local( !q->settings() ? new QSettings( q->service() ) : 0 ); QSettings* actual = q->settings() ? q->settings() : local.get(); if ( reply.isError() ) { if ( q->insecureFallback() ) { if ( mode == Delete ) { actual->remove( key ); actual->sync(); q->emitFinished(); return; } actual->setValue( QString( "%1/type" ).arg( key ), (int)mode ); if ( mode == Text ) actual->setValue( QString( "%1/data" ).arg( key ), textData.toUtf8() ); else if ( mode == Binary ) actual->setValue( QString( "%1/data" ).arg( key ), binaryData ); actual->sync(); q->emitFinished(); } else { const QDBusError err = reply.error(); q->emitFinishedWithError( OtherError, tr("Could not open wallet: %1; %2").arg( QDBusError::errorString( err.type() ), err.message() ) ); } return; } if ( actual->contains( key ) ) { // If we had previously written to QSettings, but we now have a kwallet available, migrate and delete old insecure data actual->remove( key ); actual->sync(); } const int handle = reply.value(); if ( handle < 0 ) { q->emitFinishedWithError( AccessDenied, tr("Access to keychain denied") ); return; } QDBusPendingReply<int> nextReply; if ( !textData.isEmpty() ) nextReply = iface->writePassword( handle, q->service(), key, textData, q->service() ); else if ( !binaryData.isEmpty() ) nextReply = iface->writeEntry( handle, q->service(), key, binaryData, q->service() ); else nextReply = iface->removeEntry( handle, q->service(), key, q->service() ); QDBusPendingCallWatcher* nextWatcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher( nextReply, this ); connect( nextWatcher, SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)), this, SLOT(kwalletWriteFinished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)) ); }
void FdInhibition::slotDBusError(const QDBusError& error) { qDebug() << error.message(); }
void ReadPasswordJobPrivate::kwalletOpenFinished( QDBusPendingCallWatcher* watcher ) { watcher->deleteLater(); const QDBusPendingReply<int> reply = *watcher; std::auto_ptr<QSettings> local( !q->settings() ? new QSettings( q->service() ) : 0 ); QSettings* actual = q->settings() ? q->settings() : local.get(); WritePasswordJobPrivate::Mode mode; const QString typeKey = QString( "%1/type" ).arg( key ); const QString dataKey = QString( "%1/data" ).arg( key ); if ( reply.isError() ) { const QDBusError err = reply.error(); if ( q->insecureFallback() && actual->contains( dataKey ) ) { mode = (WritePasswordJobPrivate::Mode)actual->value( typeKey ).toInt(); data = actual->value( dataKey ).toByteArray(); q->emitFinished(); return; } else { if ( err.type() == QDBusError::ServiceUnknown ) //KWalletd not running q->emitFinishedWithError( NoBackendAvailable, tr("No keychain service available") ); else q->emitFinishedWithError( OtherError, tr("Could not open wallet: %1; %2").arg( QDBusError::errorString( err.type() ), err.message() ) ); return; } } if ( actual->contains( dataKey ) ) { // We previously stored data in the insecure QSettings, but now have KWallet available. // Do the migration data = actual->value( dataKey ).toByteArray(); mode = (WritePasswordJobPrivate::Mode)actual->value( typeKey ).toInt(); actual->remove( key ); q->emitFinished(); WritePasswordJob* j = new WritePasswordJob( q->service(), 0 ); j->setSettings( q->settings() ); j->setKey( key ); j->setAutoDelete( true ); if ( mode == WritePasswordJobPrivate::Binary ) j->setBinaryData( data ); else if ( mode == WritePasswordJobPrivate::Text ) j->setTextData( QString::fromUtf8( data ) ); else Q_ASSERT( false ); j->start(); return; } walletHandle = reply.value(); if ( walletHandle < 0 ) { q->emitFinishedWithError( AccessDenied, tr("Access to keychain denied") ); return; } const QDBusPendingReply<int> nextReply = iface->entryType( walletHandle, q->service(), key, q->service() ); QDBusPendingCallWatcher* nextWatcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher( nextReply, this ); connect( nextWatcher, SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)), this, SLOT(kwalletEntryTypeFinished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)) ); }