bool KAccel::setKeyDict( QDict<KKeyEntry> nKeyDict ) { kdebug(KDEBUG_INFO, 125, "Disconenct and remove"); // Disconnect and remove all items in pAccel QDictIterator<KKeyEntry> *aKeyIt = new QDictIterator<KKeyEntry>( aKeyDict ); aKeyIt->toFirst(); #define pE aKeyIt->current() while( pE ) { QString s; if ( pE->aAccelId && pE->aCurrentKeyCode ) { pAccel->disconnectItem( pE->aAccelId, pE->receiver, pE->member ); pAccel->removeItem( pE->aAccelId ); } ++*aKeyIt; } #undef pE kdebug(KDEBUG_INFO, 125, "Clear the dictionary"); // Clear the dictionary aKeyDict.clear(); kdebug(KDEBUG_INFO, 125, "Insert new items"); // Insert the new items into the dictionary and reconnect if neccessary // Note also swap config and current key codes !!!!!! delete aKeyIt; // tanghus aKeyIt = new QDictIterator<KKeyEntry>( nKeyDict ); aKeyIt->toFirst(); #define pE aKeyIt->current() KKeyEntry *pEntry; while( pE ) { pEntry = new KKeyEntry; aKeyDict.insert( aKeyIt->currentKey(), pEntry ); pEntry->aDefaultKeyCode = pE->aDefaultKeyCode; // Note we write config key code to current key code !! pEntry->aCurrentKeyCode = pE->aConfigKeyCode; pEntry->aConfigKeyCode = pE->aConfigKeyCode; pEntry->bConfigurable = pE->bConfigurable; pEntry->aAccelId = pE->aAccelId; pEntry->receiver = pE->receiver; pEntry->member = pE->member; pEntry->descr = pE->descr; // tanghus if ( pEntry->aAccelId && pEntry->aCurrentKeyCode ) { pAccel->insertItem( pEntry->aCurrentKeyCode, pEntry->aAccelId ); pAccel->connectItem( pEntry->aAccelId, pEntry->receiver, pEntry->member); } ++*aKeyIt; } #undef pE delete aKeyIt; // tanghus return true; }
bool KGlobalAccel::setKeyDict( QDict<KKeyEntry> nKeyDict ) { // ungrab all connected and enabled keys QDictIterator<KKeyEntry> *aKeyIt = new QDictIterator<KKeyEntry>( aKeyDict ); aKeyIt->toFirst(); #define pE aKeyIt->current() while( pE ) { QString s; if ( pE->bEnabled ) { uint keysym = keyToXSym( pE->aCurrentKeyCode ); uint mod = keyToXMod( pE->aCurrentKeyCode ); ungrabKey( keysym, mod ); } ++*aKeyIt; } #undef pE // Clear the dictionary aKeyDict.clear(); // Insert the new items into the dictionary and reconnect if neccessary // Note also swap config and current key codes !!!!!! aKeyIt = new QDictIterator<KKeyEntry>( nKeyDict ); aKeyIt->toFirst(); #define pE aKeyIt->current() KKeyEntry *pEntry; while( pE ) { pEntry = new KKeyEntry; aKeyDict.insert( aKeyIt->currentKey(), pEntry ); pEntry->aDefaultKeyCode = pE->aDefaultKeyCode; // Not we write config key code to current key code !! pEntry->aCurrentKeyCode = pE->aConfigKeyCode; pEntry->aConfigKeyCode = pE->aConfigKeyCode; pEntry->bConfigurable = pE->bConfigurable; pEntry->aAccelId = pE->aAccelId; pEntry->receiver = pE->receiver; pEntry->member = new QString( pE->member->data() ); pEntry->bEnabled = pE->bEnabled; if ( pEntry->bEnabled ) { uint keysym = keyToXSym( pEntry->aCurrentKeyCode ); uint mod = keyToXMod( pEntry->aCurrentKeyCode ); grabKey( keysym, mod ); } ++*aKeyIt; } #undef pE return true; }
bool KGlobalAccel::x11EventFilter( const XEvent *event_ ) { if ( aKeyDict.isEmpty() ) return false; if ( event_->type != KeyPress ) return false; uint mod=event_->xkey.state & (ControlMask | ShiftMask | Mod1Mask); uint keysym= XKeycodeToKeysym(qt_xdisplay(), event_->xkey.keycode, 0); debug("Key press event :: mod = %d, sym =%d", mod, keysym ); KKeyEntry *pEntry =0; const char *action; QDictIterator<KKeyEntry> *aKeyIt = new QDictIterator<KKeyEntry>( aKeyDict ); aKeyIt->toFirst(); #define pE aKeyIt->current() while( pE ) { //&& //( mod != keyToXMod( pE->aCurrentKeyCode ) // || keysym != keyToXSym( pE->aCurrentKeyCode ) ) ) { int kc = pE->aCurrentKeyCode; if( mod == keyToXMod( kc ) ) debug("That's the right modifier"); if( keysym == keyToXSym( kc ) ) debug("That's the right symbol"); if ( mod == keyToXMod( kc ) && keysym == keyToXSym( kc ) ) { //pEntry = pE; //action = aKeyIt->currentKey(); //break; debug("Found key in dictionary for action %s", aKeyIt->currentKey()); break; } ++*aKeyIt; } if ( !pE ) { debug("Null KeyEntry object"); return false; } if ( !pE ) { debug("KeyEntry object not enabled"); return false; } debug("KGlobalAccel:: event action %s", aKeyIt->currentKey() ); XAllowEvents(qt_xdisplay(), AsyncKeyboard, CurrentTime); connect( this, SIGNAL( activated() ), pE->receiver, pE->member->data() ); emit activated(); disconnect( this, SIGNAL( activated() ), pE->receiver, pE->member->data() ); // warning("Signal has been sent!"); return true; }
//==================================== // exportData //------------------------------------ bool SCCMonitor::exportData ( void ) { int card = 0; //==================================== // save particular monitor data //------------------------------------ QListIterator<SCCMonitorDisplay> it (mMonitorDisplay); for (; it.current() ; ++it) { //==================================== // remove current layout //------------------------------------ if ( mMonitorArrange ) { QString screenID; QTextOStream (&screenID) << "Screen:Screen[" << card << "]"; mSection["Layout"]->removeEntry( screenID ); } //==================================== // check for monitor display's //------------------------------------ SCCMonitorDisplay* display = (SCCMonitorDisplay*)it.current(); //if (display->isEnabled()) { //==================================== // create manipulators... //------------------------------------ SaXManipulateCard saxCard ( mSection["Card"] ); SaXManipulateDesktop saxDesktop ( mSection["Desktop"],mSection["Card"],mSection["Path"] ); //==================================== // select card and desktop //------------------------------------ saxDesktop.selectDesktop ( card ); saxCard.selectCard ( card ); //==================================== // save resolution list //------------------------------------ int colorDepths[4] = {8,15,16,24}; for (int n=0;n<4;n++) { int color = colorDepths[n]; QString modesKey; QTextOStream (&modesKey) << "Modes:" << color; mSection["Desktop"] -> removeEntry ( modesKey ); QList<QString> resList = display->getResolution(); QListIterator<QString> it ( resList ); for (; it.current(); ++it) { QStringList tokens = QStringList::split ( "x",*it.current() ); int xaxis = tokens.first().toInt(); int yaxis = tokens.last().toInt(); saxDesktop.addResolution ( color,xaxis,yaxis ); } } //==================================== // save monitor settings //------------------------------------ SCCMonitorModel* monitorData = display->getMonitorData(); saxDesktop.setMonitorVendor (monitorData->getVendorName()); saxDesktop.setMonitorName (monitorData->getModelName()); saxDesktop.setHsyncRange ( (double)monitorData->getHSmin(), (double)monitorData->getHSmax() ); saxDesktop.setVsyncRange ( (double)monitorData->getVSmin(), (double)monitorData->getVSmax() ); int sizeX = monitorData->getSizeX(); int sizeY = monitorData->getSizeY(); if ((sizeX > 0) && (sizeY > 0)) { saxDesktop.setDisplaySize ( sizeX,sizeY ); } saxDesktop.disableDPMS(); if (monitorData->isDPMSEnabled()) { saxDesktop.enableDPMS(); } QString algorithm = saxDesktop.getModelineAlgorithm(); if (algorithm != "XServerPool") { saxDesktop.calculateModelines ( true ); } //==================================== // save card options //------------------------------------ SCCMonitorCard* cardData = display->getCardData(); QDict<QString> optList = cardData->getOptions(); mSection["Card"] -> removeEntry ("Option"); mSection["Card"] -> removeEntry ("RawData"); QDictIterator<QString> io (optList); for (; io.current(); ++io) { saxCard.addCardOption ( io.currentKey(),*io.current()); } int rotateID = cardData->getRotate(); mSection["Card"] -> removeEntry ("Rotate"); saxCard.setRotate ( rotateID ); //==================================== // check for dual head mode //------------------------------------ QString profile = saxDesktop.getDualHeadProfile(); if ((! profile.isEmpty()) && (! saxDesktop.isXineramaMode())) { SaXImportProfile* pProfile = SaXWidgetProfile->getProfile (profile); SaXImport* mImport = pProfile -> getImport ( SAX_CARD ); if ( mImport ) { //==================================== // pick up card profile data //------------------------------------ QString driver = saxCard.getCardDriver(); QDict<QString> profileDriverOptions; SaXManipulateCard saxProfileCard ( mImport ); profileDriverOptions = saxProfileCard.getOptions(); QDictIterator<QString> it ( profileDriverOptions ); //==================================== // delete profile data keys //------------------------------------ for (; it.current(); ++it) { saxCard.removeCardOption (it.currentKey()); } #if 1 // to be removed as soon as possible //==================================== // fix broken cards //------------------------------------ fixBrokenCards (saxCard); #endif //==================================== // init special modelines //------------------------------------ //mSection["Desktop"] -> removeEntry ("SpecialModeline"); saxDesktop.setExtraModelineString ( monitorData->getExtraModeline() ); //==================================== // setup profile data //------------------------------------ if (display->isDualModeEnabled()) { it.toFirst(); SCCMonitorDual* dualData; SCCMonitorDualModel* dualModel; dualData = display->getDualData(); dualModel = dualData->getDualModelData(); //==================================== // call ok slot from dualhead setup //------------------------------------ dualData->slotOk(); //==================================== // setup dualhead options //------------------------------------ saxCard.addCardOption ("SaXDualHead",0); for (; it.current(); ++it) { QString key = it.currentKey(); QString val = *it.current(); //==================================== // setup profile "off"-line data //------------------------------------ if (val == "off") { saxCard.addCardOption ( key,val ); continue; } //==================================== // setup profile meta data //------------------------------------ if (key == "SaXDualMonitorVendor") { QString vendor = dualModel ->getVendorName(); saxCard.addCardOption ( key,vendor ); } if (key == "SaXDualMonitorModel") { QString model = dualModel ->getModelName(); saxCard.addCardOption ( key,model ); } if (key == "SaXDualResolution") { QString resolution = dualData->getResolution(); saxCard.addCardOption ( key,resolution ); } if (key == "SaXDualOrientation") { int orientation = dualData->getLayout(); QString position = DUAL_LEFTOF_KEY; switch (orientation) { case DUAL_ABOVEOF: position = DUAL_ABOVEOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_RIGHTOF: position = DUAL_RIGHTOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_BELOWOF: position = DUAL_BELOWOF_KEY; break; default: break; } saxCard.addCardOption ( key,position ); } if (key == "SaXDualMode") { int mode = dualData->getMode(); QString dualMode = DUAL_TRADITIONAL_KEY; switch (mode) { case DUAL_CLONE: dualMode = DUAL_CLONE_KEY; break; case DUAL_XINERAMA: dualMode = DUAL_XINERAMA_KEY; break; default: break; } saxCard.addCardOption ( key,dualMode ); } if (key == "SaXDualHSync") { QString hsync; int hsmax = dualModel->getHSmax(); int hsmin = dualModel->getHSmin(); QTextOStream (&hsync) << hsmin << "-" << hsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,hsync ); } if (key == "SaXDualVSync") { QString vsync; int hsmax = dualModel->getHSmax(); int vsmax = dualModel->getVSmax(); int vsmin = dualModel->getVSmin(); QTextOStream (&vsync) << vsmin << "-" << vsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,vsync ); //==================================== // calculate one modeline for each res //------------------------------------ QString algorithm=saxDesktop.getModelineAlgorithm(); if (algorithm != "XServerPool") { QList<QString> rList; rList=dualData->getResolutionList(); QListIterator<QString> ir (rList); for (; ir.current(); ++ir) { QStringList xy = QStringList::split ( "x",*ir.current() ); int x = xy.first().toInt(); int y = xy.last().toInt(); log (L_INFO, "Add special mode: %dx%d@%d\n",x,y,vsmax ); saxDesktop.addExtraModeline ( x,y,vsmax,hsmax ); } } } //==================================== // setup profile NVidia data //------------------------------------ if (key == "TwinView") { saxCard.addCardOption ( key,0 ); } if (key == "ConnectedMonitor") { QStringList cs = QStringList::split (",",val); QString channelA = cs.first(); QString channelB = cs.last(); if ((channelA == "AUTO") || (channelB == "AUTO")) { saxCard.removeCardOption ( key ); } else { saxCard.addCardOption ( key,val ); } } if ((key== "MetaModes") && (driver == "nvidia")) { QString channelA = "AUTO:"; QString channelB = "AUTO:"; if (profileDriverOptions["ConnectedMonitor"]) { QStringList cs = QStringList::split (",", *profileDriverOptions["ConnectedMonitor"] ); channelA = cs.first() + ":"; channelB = cs.last() + ":"; } if ((channelA=="AUTO:") || (channelB=="AUTO:")) { channelA = ""; channelB = ""; } QList<QString> rList1=display->getResolution(); QString resolution1 = *; QList<QString> rList2=dualData->getResolutionList(); QString resolution2 = *; //==================================== // add primary meta mode //------------------------------------ QString metaItem; QString resolution; QTextOStream (&metaItem) << channelA << resolution1 << "," << channelB << resolution2; resolution.append (";"+metaItem); //==================================== // add secondary meta modes //------------------------------------ bool startMeta = false; QListIterator<QString> ir (rList1); for (; ir.current(); ++ir) { if (! startMeta) { startMeta = true; continue; } QString metaItem; int cmpr = compareResolution ( *ir.current(),resolution2 ); if (cmpr >= 0) { QTextOStream (&metaItem) << channelA << *ir.current() << "," << channelB << resolution2; } else { QTextOStream (&metaItem) << channelA << *ir.current() << "," << channelB << *ir.current(); } resolution.append (";"+metaItem); } resolution.replace(QRegExp("^;"),""); saxCard.addCardOption ( key,resolution ); } if (key == "SecondMonitorHorizSync") { QString hsync; int hsmax = dualModel->getHSmax(); int hsmin = dualModel->getHSmin(); QTextOStream (&hsync) << hsmin << "-" << hsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,hsync ); } if (key == "SecondMonitorVertRefresh") { QString vsync; int vsmax = dualModel->getVSmax(); int vsmin = dualModel->getVSmin(); QTextOStream (&vsync) << vsmin << "-" << vsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,vsync ); } if (key == "TwinViewOrientation") { int orientation = dualData->getLayout(); QString position = DUAL_LEFTOF_KEY; switch (orientation) { case DUAL_ABOVEOF: position = DUAL_ABOVEOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_RIGHTOF: position = DUAL_RIGHTOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_BELOWOF: position = DUAL_BELOWOF_KEY; break; default: break; } saxCard.addCardOption ( key,position ); int mode = dualData->getMode(); if ( mode == DUAL_CLONE ) { saxCard.removeCardOption (key); saxCard.addCardOption (key,DUAL_CLONE_KEY); } } //==================================== // setup profile Matrox data //------------------------------------ if ((key == "MergedFB") && (driver == "mga")) { saxCard.addCardOption ( key,0 ); } if (key == "Monitor2HSync") { QString hsync; int hsmax = dualModel->getHSmax(); int hsmin = dualModel->getHSmin(); QTextOStream (&hsync) << hsmin << "-" << hsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,hsync ); } if (key == "Monitor2VRefresh") { QString vsync; int vsmax = dualModel->getVSmax(); int vsmin = dualModel->getVSmin(); QTextOStream (&vsync) << vsmin << "-" << vsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,vsync ); } if ((key== "MetaModes") && (driver == "mga")) { QList<QString> rList1=display->getResolution(); QString resolution1 = *; QList<QString> rList2=dualData->getResolutionList(); QString resolution2 = *; //==================================== // add primary meta mode //------------------------------------ QString metaItem; QTextOStream (&metaItem) << resolution1 << "-" << resolution2; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,metaItem ); //==================================== // add virtual size //------------------------------------ for (int color=8;color<=24;color+=8) { saxDesktop.removeVirtualResolution (color); } int mode = dualData->getMode(); if ( mode != DUAL_CLONE ) { QStringList r1 = QStringList::split ( "x",resolution1 ); QStringList r2 = QStringList::split ( "x",resolution2 ); int x1 = r1.first().toInt(); int y1 = r1.last().toInt(); int x2 = r2.first().toInt(); int y2 = r2.last().toInt(); int orientation = dualData->getLayout(); int x = 0; int y = 0; switch (orientation) { case DUAL_ABOVEOF: case DUAL_BELOWOF: y = y1 + y2; if (x1 > x2) x = x1; else x = x2; break; case DUAL_RIGHTOF: case DUAL_LEFTOF: x = x1 + x2; if (y1 > y2) y = y1; else y = y2; break; default: break; } for (int color=8;color<=24;color+=8) { saxDesktop.setVirtualResolution (color,x,y); } } } if (key == "Monitor2Position") { int orientation = dualData->getLayout(); QString position = DUAL_LEFTOF_KEY; switch (orientation) { case DUAL_ABOVEOF: position = DUAL_ABOVEOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_RIGHTOF: position = DUAL_RIGHTOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_BELOWOF: position = DUAL_BELOWOF_KEY; break; default: break; } saxCard.addCardOption ( key,position ); int mode = dualData->getMode(); if ( mode == DUAL_CLONE ) { saxCard.removeCardOption (key); saxCard.addCardOption (key,DUAL_CLONE_KEY); } } //==================================== // setup profile Radeon data //------------------------------------ if (key == "MergedFB") { saxCard.addCardOption ( key,0 ); } if (key == "CRT2HSync") { QString hsync; int hsmax = dualModel->getHSmax(); int hsmin = dualModel->getHSmin(); QTextOStream (&hsync) << hsmin << "-" << hsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,hsync ); } if (key == "CRT2VRefresh") { QString vsync; int vsmax = dualModel->getVSmax(); int vsmin = dualModel->getVSmin(); QTextOStream (&vsync) << vsmin << "-" << vsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,vsync ); } if (key == "IgnoreEDID") { saxCard.addCardOption ( key,0 ); } if ((key== "MetaModes") && (driver == "radeon")) { QList<QString> rList1=display->getResolution(); QString resolution1 = *; QList<QString> rList2=dualData->getResolutionList(); QString resolution2 = *; //==================================== // add primary meta mode //------------------------------------ QString metaItem; QString resolution; QTextOStream (&metaItem) << resolution1 << "," << resolution2; resolution.append (";"+metaItem); //==================================== // add secondary meta modes //------------------------------------ bool startMeta = false; QListIterator<QString> ir (rList1); for (; ir.current(); ++ir) { if (! startMeta) { startMeta = true; continue; } QString metaItem; int cmpr = compareResolution ( *ir.current(),resolution2 ); if (cmpr >= 0) { QTextOStream (&metaItem) << *ir.current() << "," << resolution2; } else { QTextOStream (&metaItem) << *ir.current() << "," << *ir.current(); } resolution.append (";"+metaItem); } resolution.replace(QRegExp("^;"),""); saxCard.addCardOption ( key,resolution ); } if (key == "CRT2Position") { int orientation = dualData->getLayout(); QString position = DUAL_LEFTOF_KEY; switch (orientation) { case DUAL_ABOVEOF: position = DUAL_ABOVEOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_RIGHTOF: position = DUAL_RIGHTOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_BELOWOF: position = DUAL_BELOWOF_KEY; break; default: break; } saxCard.addCardOption ( key,position ); int mode = dualData->getMode(); if ( mode == DUAL_CLONE ) { saxCard.removeCardOption (key); saxCard.addCardOption (key,DUAL_CLONE_KEY); } } //==================================== // setup profile Intel data //------------------------------------ if ((key== "MonitorLayout") && (driver == "i810")) { saxCard.addCardOption ( key,val ); } if (key == "Clone") { saxCard.addCardOption ( key,0 ); } if (key == "CloneRefresh") { QString vsync; int vsmax = dualModel->getVSmax(); int vsmin = dualModel->getVSmin(); QTextOStream (&vsync) << vsmin << "-" << vsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,vsync ); } //==================================== // setup profile FGLRX data //------------------------------------ if (key== "ForceMonitors") { saxCard.addCardOption ( key,val ); } if (key == "DesktopSetup") { int orientation = dualData->getLayout(); QString position = DUAL_FGLRX_LEFTOF_KEY; switch (orientation) { case DUAL_ABOVEOF: position = DUAL_FGLRX_ABOVEOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_RIGHTOF: position = DUAL_FGLRX_RIGHTOF_KEY; break; case DUAL_BELOWOF: position = DUAL_FGLRX_BELOWOF_KEY; break; default: break; } saxCard.addCardOption ( key,position ); int mode = dualData->getMode(); if ( mode == DUAL_CLONE ) { saxCard.removeCardOption (key); saxCard.addCardOption (key,DUAL_CLONE_KEY); } } if (key == "HSync2") { QString hsync; int hsmax = dualModel->getHSmax(); int hsmin = dualModel->getHSmin(); QTextOStream (&hsync) << hsmin << "-" << hsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,hsync ); } if (key == "VRefresh2") { QString vsync; int vsmax = dualModel->getVSmax(); int vsmin = dualModel->getVSmin(); QTextOStream (&vsync) << vsmin << "-" << vsmax; saxCard.addCardOption ( key,vsync ); } if (key == "Mode2") { QString resolution; QList<QString> rList2=dualData->getResolutionList(); QListIterator<QString> ir (rList2); for (; ir.current(); ++ir) { resolution.append(","+*ir.current()); } resolution.replace(QRegExp("^,"),""); saxCard.addCardOption ( key,resolution ); } } } } } //} card++; } //==================================== // save arrangement //------------------------------------ if ( mMonitorArrange ) { //==================================== // create manipulators... //------------------------------------ SaXManipulateLayout saxLayout ( mSection["Layout"],mSection["Card"] ); //==================================== // save multihead state //------------------------------------ int multiheadMode = mMonitorArrange->getMultiheadMode(); switch (multiheadMode) { case 0: saxLayout.setXOrgMultiheadMode ( SAX_TRADITIONAL ); break; case 1: saxLayout.setXOrgMultiheadMode ( SAX_CLONE ); break; case 2: saxLayout.setXOrgMultiheadMode ( SAX_XINERAMA ); break; default: break; }; //==================================== // save XOrg layout //------------------------------------ QDict<QString> arrangeDict = mMonitorArrange->getArrangement(); QDictIterator<QString> it (arrangeDict); for (; it.current(); ++it) { QString item (it.currentKey()); item.replace (QRegExp("Screen:Screen\\["),""); item.replace (QRegExp("\\]"),""); int index = item.toInt(); int count = 0; int left=-1,right=-1,above=-1,below=-1; QStringList tokens = QStringList::split (" ", *it.current()); for (QStringList::Iterator it=tokens.begin();it!=tokens.end();++it){ QString value (*it); int id = -1; if (value != "<none>") { value.replace (QRegExp("Screen\\["),""); value.replace (QRegExp("\\]"),""); id = value.toInt(); } switch (count) { case 0: left = id; break; case 1: right = id; break; case 2: above = id; break; case 3: below = id; break; default: break; } count++; } saxLayout.setXOrgLayout ( index,left,right,above,below ); } } //==================================== // save 3D status //------------------------------------ SaXManipulateDesktop saxDesktop ( mSection["Desktop"],mSection["Card"],mSection["Path"] ); saxDesktop.disable3D(); if (mCheck3D->isChecked()) { saxDesktop.enable3D(); } //==================================== // save default color depth //------------------------------------ it.toFirst(); card = 0; for (; it.current() ; ++it) { SCCMonitorDisplay* display = (SCCMonitorDisplay*)it.current(); SaXManipulateDesktop saxDesktop ( mSection["Desktop"],mSection["Card"],mSection["Path"] ); SaXManipulateCard saxCard ( mSection["Card"] ); saxDesktop.selectDesktop ( card ); saxCard.selectCard ( card ); if (saxCard.getCardDriver() != "fbdev") { saxDesktop.setColorDepth ( display->getColorDepth() ); } card++; } return true; }