Пример #1
QDomNode QDomDocumentProto::removeChild(const QDomNode& oldChild)
    QDomDocument *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomDocument*>(thisObject());
    if (item)
        return item->removeChild(oldChild);
    return QDomNode();
Пример #2
void QgsWFSServer::sendGetFeature( QgsRequestHandler& request, const QString& format, QgsFeature* feat, int featIdx, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs, QMap< int, QgsField > fields, QSet<QString> hiddenAttributes ) /*const*/
  QByteArray result;
  if ( format == "GeoJSON" )
    QString fcString;
    if ( featIdx == 0 )
      fcString += "  ";
      fcString += " ,";
    fcString += createFeatureGeoJSON( feat, crs, fields, hiddenAttributes );
    fcString += "\n";

    result = fcString.toUtf8();
    request.sendGetFeatureResponse( &result );
    fcString = "";
    QDomDocument gmlDoc;
    QDomElement featureElement = createFeatureElem( feat, gmlDoc, crs, fields, hiddenAttributes );
    gmlDoc.appendChild( featureElement );

    result = gmlDoc.toByteArray();
    request.sendGetFeatureResponse( &result );
    gmlDoc.removeChild( featureElement );
Пример #3
void TestQgsOgcUtils::testGeometryToGML()
  QDomDocument doc;
  QgsGeometry* geomPoint = QgsGeometry::fromPoint( QgsPoint( 111, 222 ) );
  QgsGeometry* geomLine = QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "LINESTRING(111 222, 222 222)" );

  // Test GML2
  QDomElement elemInvalid = QgsOgcUtils::geometryToGML( 0, doc );
  QVERIFY( elemInvalid.isNull() );

  QDomElement elemPoint = QgsOgcUtils::geometryToGML( geomPoint, doc );
  QVERIFY( !elemPoint.isNull() );

  doc.appendChild( elemPoint );
  QCOMPARE( doc.toString( -1 ), QString( "<gml:Point><gml:coordinates cs=\",\" ts=\" \">111,222</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>" ) );
  doc.removeChild( elemPoint );

  QDomElement elemLine = QgsOgcUtils::geometryToGML( geomLine, doc );
  QVERIFY( !elemLine.isNull() );

  doc.appendChild( elemLine );
  QCOMPARE( doc.toString( -1 ), QString( "<gml:LineString><gml:coordinates cs=\",\" ts=\" \">111,222 222,222</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString>" ) );
  doc.removeChild( elemLine );

  // Test GML3
  elemInvalid = QgsOgcUtils::geometryToGML( 0, doc, "GML3" );
  QVERIFY( elemInvalid.isNull() );

  elemPoint = QgsOgcUtils::geometryToGML( geomPoint, doc, "GML3" );
  QVERIFY( !elemPoint.isNull() );

  doc.appendChild( elemPoint );
  QCOMPARE( doc.toString( -1 ), QString( "<gml:Point><gml:pos srsDimension=\"2\">111 222</gml:pos></gml:Point>" ) );
  doc.removeChild( elemPoint );

  elemLine = QgsOgcUtils::geometryToGML( geomLine, doc, "GML3" );
  QVERIFY( !elemLine.isNull() );

  doc.appendChild( elemLine );
  QCOMPARE( doc.toString( -1 ), QString( "<gml:LineString><gml:posList srsDimension=\"2\">111 222 222 222</gml:posList></gml:LineString>" ) );
  doc.removeChild( elemLine );

  delete geomPoint;
  delete geomLine;
Пример #4
TestResult::Status TestBaseLine::verify(const QString &serializedInput) const
        case SchemaIsValid:
        /* Fall through. */
        case Text:
            if(serializedInput == details())
                return TestResult::Pass;
                return TestResult::Fail;
        case Fragment:
        /* Fall through. */
        case XML:
            /* Read the baseline and the serialized input into two QDomDocuments, and compare
             * them deeply. We wrap fragments in a root node such that it is well-formed XML.

            QDomDocument output;
                /* The reason we put things into a QByteArray and then parse it through QXmlSimpleReader, is that
                 * QDomDocument does whitespace stripping when calling setContent(QString). In other words,
                 * this workarounds a bug. */

                QXmlInputSource source;
                source.setData((m_type == XML ? serializedInput : QLatin1String("<r>") +
                                                                  serializedInput +

                QString outputReadingError;

                QXmlSimpleReader reader;
                reader.setFeature(QLatin1String("http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes"), true);

                const bool success = output.setContent(&source,

                    return TestResult::Fail;


            QDomDocument baseline;
                QXmlInputSource source;
                source.setData((m_type == XML ? details() : QLatin1String("<r>") +
                                                            details() +
                QString baselineReadingError;

                QXmlSimpleReader reader;
                reader.setFeature(QLatin1String("http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes"), true);

                const bool success = baseline.setContent(&source,

                    return TestResult::Fail;

                /* This piece of code workaround a bug in QDom, which treats XML prologs as processing
                 * instructions and make them available in the tree as so. */
                if(m_type == XML)
                    /* $doc/r/node() */
                    const QDomNodeList children(baseline.childNodes());
                    const int len = children.length();

                    for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                        const QDomNode &child = children.at(i);
                        if(child.isProcessingInstruction() && child.nodeName() == QLatin1String("xml"))

                Q_ASSERT_X(baselineReadingError.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO,
                           qPrintable((QLatin1String("Reading the baseline failed: ") + baselineReadingError)));

            if(isDeepEqual(output, baseline))
                return TestResult::Pass;
                pDebug() << "FAILURE:" << output.toString() << "is NOT IDENTICAL to(baseline):" << baseline.toString();
                return TestResult::Fail;
        case Ignore:
            return TestResult::Pass;
        case Inspect:
            return TestResult::NotTested;
        case ExpectedError:
            /* This function is only called for Text/XML/Fragment tests. */
            return TestResult::Fail;
    return TestResult::Fail;