QString BaseCheckoutWizard::openProject(const QString &path, QString *errorMessage)
    ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin *pe  = ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::instance();
    if (!pe) {
        *errorMessage = tr("The Project Explorer is not available.");
        return QString();

    // Search the directory for project files
    const QDir dir(path);
    if (!dir.exists()) {
        *errorMessage = tr("'%1' does not exist.").
                        arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(path)); // Should not happen
        return QString();
    QFileInfoList projectFiles = findProjectFiles(dir, errorMessage);
    if (projectFiles.empty())
        return QString();
    // Open. Do not use a busy cursor here as additional wizards might pop up
    const QString projectFile = projectFiles.front().absoluteFilePath();
    if (!pe->openProject(projectFile, errorMessage))
        return QString();

    return projectFile;
QString BaseCheckoutWizardFactory::openProject(const Utils::FileName &path, QString *errorMessage)
    // Search the directory for project files
    const QDir dir(path.toString());
    if (!dir.exists()) {
        *errorMessage = tr("\"%1\" does not exist.").
                        arg(path.toUserOutput()); // Should not happen
        return QString();
    QFileInfoList projectFiles = findProjectFiles(dir, errorMessage);
    if (projectFiles.empty())
        return QString();
    // Open. Do not use a busy cursor here as additional wizards might pop up
    const QString projectFile = projectFiles.front().absoluteFilePath();
    if (!ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::instance()->openProject(projectFile, errorMessage))
        return QString();

    return projectFile;
Пример #3
QString findD3dCompiler(Platform platform, const QString &qtBinDir, unsigned wordSize)
    const QString prefix = QStringLiteral("D3Dcompiler_");
    const QString suffix = QLatin1String(windowsSharedLibrarySuffix);
    // Get the DLL from Kit 8.0 onwards
    const QString kitDir = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("WindowsSdkDir"));
    if (!kitDir.isEmpty()) {
        QString redistDirPath = QDir::cleanPath(kitDir) + QStringLiteral("/Redist/D3D/");
        if (platform & ArmBased) {
            redistDirPath += QStringLiteral("arm");
        } else {
            redistDirPath += wordSize == 32 ? QStringLiteral("x86") : QStringLiteral("x64");
        QDir redistDir(redistDirPath);
        if (redistDir.exists()) {
            const QFileInfoList files = redistDir.entryInfoList(QStringList(prefix + QLatin1Char('*') + suffix), QDir::Files);
            if (!files.isEmpty())
                return files.front().absoluteFilePath();
    QStringList candidateVersions;
    for (int i = 47 ; i >= 40 ; --i)
        candidateVersions.append(prefix + QString::number(i) + suffix);
    // Check the bin directory of the Qt SDK (in case it is shadowed by the
    // Windows system directory in PATH).
    foreach (const QString &candidate, candidateVersions) {
        const QFileInfo fi(qtBinDir + QLatin1Char('/') + candidate);
        if (fi.isFile())
            return fi.absoluteFilePath();
    // Find the latest D3D compiler DLL in path (Windows 8.1 has d3dcompiler_47).
    if (platform & IntelBased) {
        QString errorMessage;
        unsigned detectedWordSize;
        foreach (const QString &candidate, candidateVersions) {
            const QString dll = findInPath(candidate);
            if (!dll.isEmpty()
                && readPeExecutable(dll, &errorMessage, 0, &detectedWordSize, 0)
                && detectedWordSize == wordSize) {
                return dll;
// Try to find the project files in a project directory with some smartness
static QFileInfoList findProjectFiles(const QDir &projectDir, QString *errorMessage)
    const QStringList projectFilePatterns = ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::projectFilePatterns();
    // Project directory
    QFileInfoList projectFiles = projectDir.entryInfoList(projectFilePatterns, QDir::Files|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::Readable);
    if (!projectFiles.empty())
        return projectFiles;
    // Try a 'src' directory
    QFileInfoList srcDirs = projectDir.entryInfoList(QStringList(QLatin1String("src")), QDir::Dirs|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::Readable);
    if (srcDirs.empty()) {
        *errorMessage = msgNoProjectFiles(projectDir, projectFilePatterns);
        return QFileInfoList();
    const QDir srcDir = QDir(srcDirs.front().absoluteFilePath());
    projectFiles = srcDir.entryInfoList(projectFilePatterns, QDir::Files|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::Readable);
    if (projectFiles.empty()) {
        *errorMessage = msgNoProjectFiles(srcDir, projectFilePatterns);
        return QFileInfoList();
    return projectFiles;