bool SearchBar::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* e)
    QFocusEvent* focusEvent = 0;

    // HACK This event comes from the ViewContainer when
    // updateViewActions is called. ViewContainer can't
    // check the status of the search box, and so tramples
    // on the QAction we're managing - that is until the
    // ambiguous shortcut dialog box pops up, at which point
    // a focus event is sent to the searchbar and the other
    // stanza in this method is triggered.
    // 414 was the time of day when I named the event.
    bool hack = (object == parent() && e->type() == QEvent::User+414);
    if (hack && hasFocus())
        focusEvent = new QFocusEvent(QEvent::FocusIn);
        focusEvent = dynamic_cast<QFocusEvent*>(e);

    if (focusEvent)
        Application* konvApp = Application::instance();
        QAction * action = static_cast<QAction*>(konvApp->getMainWindow()->actionCollection()->action("focus_input_box"));

        if (action->shortcut().matches(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Escape)))

    if (hack)
        delete focusEvent;

    return hack;
Пример #2
void PWidget::eventFocus(QObject *, QEvent *e)  
  PukeMessage pm;
  widgetId wI;

  //  debug("PWidget: eventFocus");

  QFocusEvent *fe = Q_FOCUS_EVENT(e);
  wI = widgetIden();
  pm.iCommand = - e->type() - 1020; // 1020 offset for events
  pm.iWinId = wI.iWinId;
  pm.iArg = 0;

  pm.cArg = new char[2];
  pm.iTextSize = 2*sizeof(char);
  pm.cArg[0] = fe->gotFocus();
  pm.cArg[1] = fe->lostFocus();

  emit outputMessage(wI.fd, &pm);

  delete[] pm.cArg;